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55988486 No.55988486 [Reply] [Original]

>Worked at SWIFT and DTCC before joining Chainlink
I'm so tired bros

>> No.55988657

oh anon >>55988582

>> No.55988967

he's listed in the acknowledgements of the swift document

>> No.55988983

That’s cool and all but uh… link is $6 and dumping my negroe. Should I be happy for the chainlink company or something? They’re not even public I can’t invest in stock

>> No.55988985

doesnt mean anything. qnt's chief marketing officer worked at swift and sibos too. they still weren't invited

>> No.55988986

same bro just hope this bald fuck can take us home to valhalla where we can rest...

>> No.55989019

Yeah, Martin Hargreaves Chief Product Officer at Quant also has some solid previous experience

>Steering Committee Member at Digital Pound Foundation
>Pound Foundation

No wonder they’re pounding chainlinks oracussy to oblivion

>> No.55989023

off topic question
but, how many Linkies does Binance hold?

>> No.55989038

54 million link

>> No.55989069

This logic never applies to anything other than Link for some reason.

>> No.55989159

Actually I've come to think of the $LINK token as just that, an investment in Chainlink Labs. It's volatile because it's as if you were trading RSUs for pre-IPO tech companies. It's more than just equity in the company and in the netwro that this company builds, though. CLL has baked in revenue streams into the token. Buying LINK is buying a share of all revenue that the network will create during the time you hold the token.

>> No.55989567


>Buying LINK is buying a share of all revenue that the network will create during the time you hold the token
Buying link is like buying a can of coke and expecting coca colas growth to make you rich because you hold the can of coke. In the meantime, coca cola has millions of cans of coke (links=coca cola cans) they’re selling to the market to make money.

How does holding a can of coke (link) benefit you exactly?

>> No.55989601

It's not a whataboutism, it's a double standard.

>> No.55989628

Look anon, only results matter and so far links performance has been pretty bad. No one cares about link being used by swift, only price matters, keep that in mind. I believe chainlink labs is doing great, the token? Not so much

>> No.55989649
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guess why

>> No.55989828

>More and more people want coke
>There are only 1 billion cans of coke, no more can be made
>Again, more and more people want coke
>You hold 1 can
>"How do you profit off this?"

>> No.55989843

want to talk double standard? So based off of what you're saying then we should treat chainlink and CLL as a tech startup with a shitcoin that has no value?

>> No.55989849

Because Sergey doesn’t actively fight the entities profiting from link dumping, he even helped them at one point (Celsius et al). Eric Schmidt even scolded him publicly during one of the fireside chats because of this.

>> No.55989860

explain link/btc then

>> No.55989865

>Eric Schmidt even scolded Sergey
You've been posting this every single day since last year's smartcon.
You have legit mental issues.

>> No.55989866

>More and more people want coke
Hmmm… yes, everyone wants link that’s why the price is dumping. Makes sense

>> No.55989947

>everyone wants link that’s why the price of Bitcoin is dumping

>> No.55989961

>You've been posting this every single day since last year's smartcon.
Doesn’t make it any less true. Sergey did help companies that were shorting link and when questioned about it he said
>uhh… we’ll let people see that we’re the best option in the future, turn the other cheek n sheit

That’s not how the real world works. In real life if you don’t punish a nigger publicly when he tests you, 100x niggers will learn they can take advantage of you. Companies that shorted link needed to be made an example of. Sergey decided to let it slide and now every company knows they can short link and get away scot-free

Schmidt would’ve probably sent celcius’ CEO to Epstein island to be raped by pigs or something, but Sergey is not hardened enough to do that

Bearish, if you ask me

>> No.55990039

>Doesn’t make it any less true.
Eric Schmidt started shilling Chainlink on his own time, got hired as an advisor, and came to Smartcon to tell Sergey what a fucking genius he is in person in front of a crowd.
But because of a throwaway joke you turn this into Eric Scolding Sergey.

This level of kikery is right up there with "fiery but mostly peaceful protest".

>> No.55990054

That’s cool bro

>dumps below $6 because Sergey didn’t punish shortens


>> No.55990061
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I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed psyops are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over.

>> No.55990118

It dumps because >>55989649

>> No.55990132

Yeah it dumps because Sergey didn’t punish shorters

>> No.55990328
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>Buying link is like buying a can of coke
sorry fuddy but Im just not going to give you a (YOU)

>> No.55990340

no nigger that will never happen and deep down you know it

>> No.55990368

>it’s Sergey’s fault that bitcoin dumps!!

>> No.55990380

sergey has like 800 million dollars he could stop bitcoin from dumping if he wanted to

>> No.55990523

>SWIFT confirmed time and time again
>fudders become more and more deranged and malicious
Yep we are going to make it boys. No matter what they type with their brown claws, they can NEVER outfud what is to come.

Who wants to chip in for a fuddie torture smart contract? I say we flay the skin off their faces first

>> No.55990550

>SWIFT confirmed time and time again
so do you understand why no one cares anymore? you said it yourself, time and time AGAIN, yet the price does nothing
I'm over this shit

>> No.55990612

Not only would that only work maybe a few times, but it guarantees an SEC lawsuit for propping up the price of what is not supposed to be a security.

>> No.55990646

The companies shorting link do so by dumping btc, and thus, link.

They know link has no parties that care about the token price, no VCs, no institutions, not even the CEO cares about the token price. There’s nothing defending links price lmao.

It’s Sergeys fault because he did nothing when the shorting companies showed their true colors, he just rolled over to be shorted to death. Schmidt warned Sergey about this but the chubman just doesn’t care about the price, he’s in it for… le tech!

Who’s gonna stop shorters from shorting? Huh… what you gonna do about it? There’s no one that’s interested in link going up in price except for a bunch of anons that can’t do anything about it because they’re poorfags

Id: kEK


>> No.55990663

Yup, there are no significant parties interested in making the price go up (anons and advocates are not significant parties). That’s the price Sergey paid for not letting VCs in. Was that the right decision? Highly doubt it

>> No.55990683
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hes fucking right
we NEED venture capitalists
they were the unsung heroes all along...

>> No.55990687

>there are no significant parties interested in making the price go up
Sure there are, Link tries to pump all the time.
They had to dump Bitcoin half a dozen times these past 14 months just to keep Link under $9.
The problem is the significant parties trying to make the price go down.

>> No.55990728

Sell you fucking faggot. Go ahead. Oh wait you bought the top right?

That's the price Sergey paid for not letting VCs in. Was that the right decision? Highly doubt it
VCs should be exterminated and their analysts scalped and thrown into boiling oil barrels. Very revealing that you would side with VCs over Chainlink. Really makes one think that a >20pbtid faggot would reveal this much so easily. Still butthurt you didn't get in at bottom floor like WE did you kike rat? Still mad anons could stake their cheaply acquired linkies before YOU had a chance? Your teeth gnashing is amusing and makes me very comfy. Please continue. There is NOTHING you can do to persuade anyone in here to sell.

You will buy our BUILD rewards at the top of the next run. Guaranteed.

>> No.55990751

>not even the CEO cares about the token price
Anon, Sergey is promoting Chainlink every way he possibly can; he's always popping up on mainstream news, doing all the conventions, constantly tweets every single little integration, blogposts all the time, ...
And this year he secured THREE speaking slots at Sibos, including the opening session.

Just sell you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.55990761

>immediately dumps 7%

>> No.55990770

>Sergey didn't let VCs in
Says who?
The minimum buy-in at the ICO was 100 or 50 ETH or something silly like that.

>> No.55990807

sandro salami was a vc, no?
what about framework ventures??

>> No.55990824
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And Underscore, they bought at ICO too.

Took me 5 seconds to google.

>> No.55990869

>we NEED venture capitalists
If you want the price to go up? Yes. Who’s gonna poomp it otherwise? Sergey? HAH!

>The problem is the significant parties trying to make the price go down.
No significant parties want the token price to go up, otherwise link wouldn’t be below $6

>Still mad anons could stake their cheaply acquired linkies before YOU had a chance?
By cheap you mean below $6?

>You will buy our BUILD rewards at the top of the next run
Hmm… let’s see the projects
>Pacific Meta - Web3 consulting firm
>Blue Kraken Online - Play-to-Earn NFT Game
>Konnect - A lifestyle-membership project

ahem… sorry… yeah anon, everyone wants to buy your build rewards

>Sergey is promoting Chainlink every way he possibly can
Yeah, that helps HIS COMPANY, it doesn’t do SHIT for the price of the token. Thoughts?

>> No.55990889

>promoting Chainlink to the point of being the frontrunning for institutional adoption
>"doesn't do shit for the price of the token"

You're looking at the price and drawing all your conclusions from there.
How the fuck haven't you sold ages ago with a spine as mushy as this?

>> No.55990932

>Our Investment in ChainLink by framework ventures

>If successful in implementing the Swift partnership, launching the live network and partnering with other high-quality enterprise service providers, we have a price target of $10–20 per token.

>If successful in implementing the Swift partnership

>we have a price target of $10–20 per token

>date: dec 6 2017


>> No.55990958

>They already dumped on you
And you, don't forget.

Also, the point is VCs did get in on Chainlink.

>> No.55990991

>Also, the point is VCs did get in on Chainlink.
Yeh, they pumped and dumped link holders like cheap hoes. You’re all basically single mothers taking care of little chainlink baby now kek

>> No.55991002

>You’re all basically single mothers taking care of little chainlink baby now kek
You too.
You keep forgetting.

>> No.55991018

>Y-you t-too

Ok now it’s just sad. My apologies anon, please disregard my posts and keep holding link, I’m sure $1000 is near for sure

>> No.55991029

>keep holding link
You personally shouldn't, but you will.

>> No.55991034
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You may think link is a blockchain oracle network token and while that's true, it's primary purpose is mass distributed testicle crusher.

>> No.55991035


>> No.55991050

this kills the shill
how the fuck can any avocado recover from this

>> No.55991066

Keep obsessively watching Link threads and find out!

>> No.55991071

Daily reminder that the LINK token only exists to dump on retail to pay for the 150 CLL HR roasties and for the Swag. Give me 5 (You)s and I'll leak the chainlink swag expenses for the last semester.
t. inside her

>> No.55991081

>how the fuck can any avocado recover from this
They get paid by the chinlink team to “educate” retarded normies on twitter kek. As if any of these people would use chainlink

>> No.55991091

avocados work for free btw, like jannies kek

>> No.55991094

wtf is an avocado

>> No.55991100

>Sergey doesn’t care about tge price!

Also you:
>wtf why is Sergey paying people to spread awareness about Chainlink on social media????

>> No.55991138

Advocates. People paid by the Chainlink team to educate normies on Twitter about the usage of Chainlink

>why is Sergey paying people to spread awareness about Chainlink
Awareness about tech is not the same as marketing. As far as marketing goes, they fired Adelyn the chinkmaster so that’s a step in the right direction I guess. But it’s dumping now so nah. It’s over

>> No.55991151

>Awareness about tech is not the same as marketing
Holy fucking pilpul
Yes it is, and nobody said “tech”.

>> No.55991158

>There are only 1 billion cans of coke, no more can be made
>forgets that those cans of coke can be divisible up to 18 decimal places and still provide the same service
>it's actually more like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tokens
oh no no no

>> No.55991163

once again, advocates do it for free... fucking bagholders iq is reducing at the same rate as the token price kek

>> No.55991213

>Why become a Chainlink community advocate?
>Receive support to grow your local meetup

They get “grants”. Trust me, they get paid.

Don’t think so

>> No.55991233

>it’s actually more like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tokens
ok but then you have to multiply the price of that token by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to get the price per Link token.
Using your incorrect decimals, of course.

>> No.55991243

What’s the point of dividing $6 into 18 decimals lol?

>> No.55991254

lmao what the fuck im literally a cll advocate and i have to beg to Romain Vaucher so CL pays for the pizzas whenever I do a meetup in my third world country.
the link community is extremely demoralized and being heavily filtered. the amounts of copium is leaving behind only the most gullible and ignorant linkies since 2019. misinformation is at ath, but that doesnt surprise anyone as CLL is a shady company that advocates for "truth" but works on a "trust me" basis.

>> No.55991341

It seems most avocados are women or people of color.

Try putting on a wig and claim being a tranny, sergey will eat it up and send you 700k link for pizzas

>> No.55991619

I feel like you are dense. Being divisible up to 18 decimal places is bullish for Link. It means people will be fighting over smaller and smaller scraps while I enjoy being a whole-coiner.

>> No.55991656

Delusion, the post

>> No.55991740

He knows and understands and is trying to ann oy you. He's more or as keen as you for the Link price to rise as his entire future depends upon it. Well, the future he wants. The future we all want.

>> No.55991840

Being infinitely divisible (eg. finite supply crypto) is the opposite of being infinitely inflatable (eg. fiat currency).

>> No.55991862

You can divide the ever decreasing market cap over whatever number of decimals you’d like to. The price is still dumping.

>> No.55992034
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Token status: not needed

>> No.55992306

If there was only 1 billion cans of coke to be made from now until the end of time, i would absolutely buy the shit out of cans of coke.

>> No.55992407

link is not like coke though, it's like sergeys limited edition fart bottles that he only made a billion of

>> No.55992443
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And what can you do with these tokens? Check the price of some shitcoins?
There is not 1 billion people on the planet that need oracles to check the price of dogecoin, so because your shitcoin has a very high supply with very little demand the price will be low and terrible.
Should of had 100k as the supply if you actually wanted it to be valuable

>> No.55992463

The Eldrich outerjews are buying BTC and it can't even stay above $27

God I feel dumb holding this garbage. All of it.

>> No.55992470

>Thomas J. Trepanier
Sounds like a person that does... Trepanning?

>Trepanation is a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull.

linkies really reduced to hiring guys with holes in their heads lmao

>> No.55993207

He drills the hole. As in, he is prepping your skull for link holders to fuck it

>> No.55993366

At some point, long before a can of coke ends up costing $1000, consumers will just settle for RC cola or some other off brand shit. If chainlink becomes too expensive, then companies will becomes more incentivized to simply fork their open source code and run it themselves.

>> No.55993864

>24 PBTID Screaming to make me sell.
Mental illness. Also I'm not going to sell or give you a (You).

>> No.55993930

Doesn't matter what consumers think. If the biggest banks and SWIFT are using Link, than so are you fuddie. Whether you know it or not. HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55994234

>doesn’t know how to quote
Lol, linkies really are retarded. Here you go man https://www.4channel.org/faq#quote

>> No.55994624

>25 pbtid
Talk more about me and my bags

>> No.55994652


>> No.55994681

>Talk more about me and my bags

Ok but say please :]

>> No.55994790

why do eth trannies feel the need to post selfies on 4chins?

>> No.55996550
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this is getting really, really.....really tiring.

>> No.55996962
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>Buying link is like buying a can of coke and expecting coca colas growth to make you rich because you hold the can of coke. In the meantime, coca cola has millions of cans of coke (links=coca cola cans) they’re selling to the market to make money.

Holy fuck, this anon nailed it.

>> No.55996975
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>Buying LINK is buying a share of all revenue that the network will create during the time you hold the token.

Chainlink has no revenue from software services and the token does not pay interest or any sort of dividend, so bagholders are not entitled to anything.

It's literally like buying a Coca Cola can of soda and expecting the profits of the Coca Cola Co.

>> No.55997807

>Chainlink has no revenue from software services and the token does not pay interest or any sort of dividend, so bagholders are not entitled to anything.
The exact same applies to Bitcoin.

>> No.55997863

Perfect analogy. Everyone knows that the Coca Cola company only prints one billion cans and then those cans are used to denominate collateral and gas on a decentralised network of cola nodes.

>> No.55997908

Fuddies breaking their backs with these mental gymnastics, makes you wonder what the fuck is in it for them.

>> No.55998199

You are one dumb mf but that doesn't surprise me as it's clear you didn't sell at $50 kek

>> No.55998212

You realize that the same exact thing could be said for literally any other crypto right?
>OG BTC is too expensive, people are going to pump my bags of BTC diamond PEPE Cash fork

>> No.55998246

>If chainlink becomes too expensive
18 decimals, retard.
It can’t become “too expensive”.
Even when Link reaches a trillion dollars per token, you can still use it to pay someone a cent worth of Link.

>> No.55998344

Nice try fudfuck BTC and ETH have become "too expensive" so its basically over for them like legit like

>> No.55999119
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>26 low iq posts about a token he doesnt hold
lick your left hand for biz, subhuman

>> No.56000811

Nice reading comprehension.
Also checked

>> No.56000895
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>Buying link is like buying a can of coke and expecting coca colas growth to make you rich because you hold the can of coke. In the meantime, coca cola has millions of cans of coke (links=coca cola cans) they’re selling to the market to make money.

>How does holding a can of coke (link) benefit you exactly?

Total LINKnigger Death

>> No.56001230

They have no job (outside of fudding) and are highly egotistical. They are mad they arent rich yet and in truth its the folks who BT asses TFO on a daily basis that keep them coming back like a deranged kohai who is determined to win, just once. They lost by not selling the top and buying back at 5 dollars, lost stacks on defi loans that Sergey endorsed so they see themselves as owed price appreciation. Theyre sad, pitiful NPCs
The screaming background noises heard in hell. They disappear everytime there is positive price action and get excited only to be dashed and made to feel the fool all over again. We all know this will take a decade or so to get where we all know it is going. What separates them from us is we have jobs, lives, wives, kids etc so we dont need to live on here frothing over all things link. They do. And it hurts.

>> No.56001907

>a fucking decade

I am going to kill myself

>> No.56001923
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>> No.56002088
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Shills begone!

>> No.56003851
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>pls do the needful and stop discussing the chenlink or i will call you a shill sirs!