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55986612 No.55986612 [Reply] [Original]

With Chainlink Staking v0.2 comes an increase in the pool allocation from 25M to 45M LINK. For the first time, stake.link will be directing LINK collateral into the community staking allocation resulting in stLINK receiving a blended reward rate from both the community and node operator allocations.

SDL is going to the moon!

>> No.55986617


>> No.55986853

it's a shitcoin
fuck you jonny, you will never be able to remove that stain from your name

>> No.55986860


>> No.55986877

Link threads are 90% fud/demoralization, anyone left actually bullish remembers what linkpool did, why do you faggots think you can just pretend it didn’t happen and scam more suckers?

>> No.55986918

what happened? I almost bought that shit years ago

>> No.55986939

explain this to me like I am retarded?

>> No.55986948

some sdl whale trying to cash out. keeps making threads hoping some anons take the bait and become exit liquidity

>> No.55986958

did you read it you brainless fuck, SDL controls the community pools access, when it opens up to the general public

>> No.55986966

Chainlink owns 7.7% of SDL...

>> No.55986971

>ITT: deeply underwater linkpool cucks begging for a second chance
I'll just move my v0.1 stake across in the priority, red carpet, first class staking lane Powered by Chainlink, thanks. SDL not needed.

>> No.55986974

Chainlink used to own a lot more LPL before Jonny rugged Sergey during the Migration. Token migrations are classic scams used by rugpullers like Jonny

>> No.55987070

SDL powers the Chainlink network and Chainlink owns 7.7% of SDL

this is wrong information

>> No.55987080

no u

>> No.55987090

if I ever see jonny i'm going to break his face

>> No.55987098

make sure you pen an awesome book length incel manifesto before you do it freak!

>> No.55987112

Community yield is inferior to node yield so basically what you are saying is they're reducing the already very small add value they had? Also now that Sergey allows withdrawals there's no point in liquid staking. And Chainlink still hasn't communicated on this. It's going to zero, rug pullers never learn

>> No.55987198

Wrong, its node yield and whatever is left in the community pool after early holder access, goes to to stSDL(now its reSDL) holders.

Secondly you can unstake and get your LINK straight away with stake.link, with the community pool theres a multi week cool off period, could take a month until you get access to your LINK

>> No.55987210

>Wrong, its node yield and whatever is left in the community pool after early holder access, goes to to stSDL(now its reSDL) holders.

Doesn't make any sense, explain it clearly

>> No.55987237

What's the eta on Slurp 9 getting passed?

>> No.55987264

stake.link platform gets the access to the community pool after the 'early holder access ends' all thats left over goes to staked SDL holders to stake their LINK

>> No.55987273
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>> No.55987302
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>> No.55987314

im not autistic enough to understand this shit, can you explain what Wolfspeed is doing with Chainlink and JP morgan

>> No.55987322

I’m still working on it

>> No.55987334

for years you faggots bragged nobody but lpl'ers would get to stake, "pools closed" blah blah
then you get rugged on the eve of real actual staking
now its "haha well they're going to close the community pool, see, c-c-community p-p-pool's c-c-closed, you have to buy sdl now!"
just fuck off from this board, if there were any blatant bull case for sdl you wouldn't have to waste time with shill threads, you'd make fud threads to accumulate for yourself.

>> No.55987342
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We follow Apollo

>> No.55987347

>lol oops sorry accidentally rug pulled ya
Fuck of linkpool team you fucking faggots.
The entire reasoning behind the token supply issue has been replicated with the new token.
Guaranteed they do it again.

>> No.55987350

pools closed. only LPL holders will get to stake. they closed the community pool anon you should have just bought LPL SEETHE

>> No.55987372

bullish for LPL

>> No.55987376

this so much this I just remortgaged my home to go all in on LPL

>> No.55987382

Based and pools closed pilled $LPL

>> No.55987387

my baseterds this $LPL

>> No.55987391

wait a minute are all these LPL shills just one fag??? this is so reverse bullish bros!

>> No.55987395


>> No.55987399

i already have a comfy stack and are trying to let others know of the potential this has

if this is what SDL is doing for V0.2, think what its going to be fo V1 of staking..

>> No.55987416

I hope you linkpool niggers get slashed Kek

>> No.55987441

> first class red carpet
> 4.75% no build rewards in sight

>> No.55987443

you're the one thats going to get rekt for not holding SDL, in the future you'll be crying over your decision

>> No.55987446

So yeah, if they get access to the community pool it's still delegation to the community nodes and there's still a fee so this decreases the yield on link staked

>> No.55987460
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Staking my link in the first place was one of my larger financial mistakes, why would i buy a shitcoin just to allow me to stake more lmao.

>> No.55987504

no you don't
this is what it looks like when people actually buy crypto
notice shitcoins never have proof they are being bought, they're just shilled. because people are trying to dump them.
>oh those are just fake screenshots
ok then where are all the fake buy orders for all the other shitcoins shilled here.

>> No.55987513

you niggers are so goddamned stupid you can't help yourself but to fud link in your shill threads. you are trying to fud the thing people need to buy to even begin to have interest in the thing you are shilling. this is the laziest stupidest strategy of all time, very definition of cutting your nose to spite your face.

>> No.55987517

im not sure what the yield % will be, most likely around 5%, give or take.. better than earning no yield on your LINK.. like it or not, this is very bullish news for SDL

you can unstake and get access to your LINK straight away with stake.link, the community pool has a multi week cool of period before you can access your LINK

>> No.55987527

you'll be on suicide watch around end of year when SDL moons

>> No.55987532

>stay poor stay poor
anything else from the jeet handbook?

>> No.55987580

You son of a bitch I don’t think you realize what you just discovered.

>> No.55987586
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Sdl not needed

>> No.55987643


if you are so retarded maybe you should just kys???

>> No.55987704


gay and retarded the lot of you

>> No.55987710


gay and retarded the lot of you

>> No.55987884
File: 54 KB, 1006x860, sdlreturns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's some really retarded takes in here
the pool is currently 25m link with nops getting allocated 2.5m and the community 22.5m
sdl got access to 750,000 of the 2.5m nop pool by onboarding 15 node operators
in v0.2 the 20m expansion is all going to the community which is bearish for sdl. even a moderate expansion to the nop pool would have given them more of the nice high rewards (5.1% to stlink holders vs 4.75% to community stakers)

so they've been forced out of the nop pool are instead going for the community pool but only after v0.1 stakers get priority to shift and other priority wallets are able to join. (it is possible but highly unlikely that 20m is filled by these stakers alone)

sdl will then immediately fill whatever the amount of link that people have put in their new priority staking pool, so if people deposit 2m LINK then they will rush to immediately fill this. it DOES NOT mean that sdl has a monopoly over the community pool, they can only fill what they get deposited on their site

why would people use SDL?


- they don't have to worry about rushing to get into the pool themselves
- they get stLINK so have a liquid token they can immediately cash out or use as in defi whereas other staking will have a multi-week cooldown period to get their link out of staking


- with the cut that sdl holders take (15%) and the team take (3%) the rewards will be lower than in the community pool (see attached)
- smart contract risk (has sdl fucked anything up in their code)


>> No.55987887

I’m not buying ur coin, Johnny the horse scammer

>> No.55987942

also another important negative:
- in many countries a token to token conversion is a taxable event, staking in the community is a token deposit into a contract so there is no tax liability
with sdl, you are going link -> stlink which triggers a taxable event
>so they've been forced out of the nop pool
i don't mean this literally, they will keep the 750,000 in there, just that their initial focus on the node operator pool has been taken away

>> No.55988069

Yes it is. The co-founder Matt dumped Linkpool token on their DEX because he didn’t aggree with Johnny Rim Horse (JRH) about their strategy (LPL), then JRH tried to cash out and minted more supply when migration to SDL. Chainlink owns 7.7% because they donated it to Sergey.

>> No.55988097

>The co-founder Matt dumped Linkpool token on their DEX because he didn’t aggree with Johnny Rim Horse
This should have been the end for me too, yet here I am

>> No.55988771
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the reason you're still in SDL and all others on this thread that have wasted their energy posting is because you know there might be something that comes out from stake.link that changes the game... otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your energy on it...

>> No.55988780

you really don't need to make up fud about lpl/sdl...
he was going to get fired for an operational screw up and tired to make off with some of the supply first....
this team is so incompetent and yet manage to have first mover with no competition... is crazy

>> No.55988837

LP/SDL was initially marketed as a noobie-friendly way to stake. Staking would have been this extremely convoluted process (according to them), and in exchange for 25% of your staking gains and buying LP tokens you would be given an easy and automated way to stake
As time went on LP shills made increasingly outrageous claims, such as LP being the only way for retail LINK holders to ever stake to make people FOMO

Eventually it was revealed that Chainlink team made staking retard-proof and universally accessible +took extra measures to ensure retail holders had priority over whales
This made LP utterly worthless and obsolete as a project. Following this development LP team also experienced several issues, such as a disgruntled dev having a mental breakdown and selling his stack (that was supposed to be perma-locked) and eventually LPL becoming SDL, diluting the value of LPL tokens

Now the few remaining bagholders are making semi-regular threads here in vain hopes of getting to dump their bags on people even more retarded than them (impossible)
It is a sad tale, but I have 0 sympathy for them because they were always parasites trying to leech off LINK

>> No.55988857

this is a lie, Chainlink wouldn't except being
eco-system partners if what you're saying is true

>> No.55988900

Got my main stack staking with the official community pool with Chainlink and got my spare LINK with stake.link so I earn rewards until I dump it peak bull

>> No.55988923

Fire bro, i think that will swap over at some point in the future though..

>> No.55988991

this isn't quite right
initially it looked like all staking would be directly with nodes
so the thinking was that teams would build staking systems like SDL has to stake (or use one of the built systems) or just stake from their own holdings
however when the staking announcement came it introduced this community staking pool which people didn't see coming and desu, still doesn't really make much sense

>> No.55989215

>with the cut that sdl holders take (15%) and the team take (3%) the rewards will be lower than in the community pool (see attached
Does the reward rate include rewards for staking sdl? I.e the new slurp 8 Tokenomics

>> No.55989871

If that's the case I'll put my LINK in the priority pool until it opens again to expand.