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File: 67 KB, 288x233, xrp sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5598453 No.5598453 [Reply] [Original]

> Ripple is not even on Coinbase
> Normie money has not even flowed into this yet
> Q4 XRP partnerships likely to be announced before 31st of December
> Speculation/hints are Amazon/Uber/Alipay or McDonalds.

This is going to be 5$ per Ripple within the near future. I suggest getting in before the normies if you want to make it.

>> No.5598549
File: 229 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. The company is always working on creating new partnerships and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (like Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.5598550

If this shit goes to $50 I will get the fidget spinner tattooed on my ass

>> No.5598582
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>> No.5598607

>Normie money has not even flowed into this yet
Even as a whole, normies don't have very much money. They brag about $50 gains. They definitely don't have enough money to make XRP move with a supply this big, only big investors do. But don't worry, the big boys are already interested. $5 is realistic.

>> No.5598669

>The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.
>The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

i know that it's gonna need earth-wide adaption for small transactions, but isn't that putting a timer on ripple?

>> No.5598699
File: 145 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171229-084647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibs free money

>> No.5598719

Yeah but it's a heat death of the universe time scale

>> No.5598769

Normies are what supports apple.

>> No.5598825

>Even as a whole, normies don't have very much money. They brag about $50 gains.
But there's lots of them

>> No.5599219

That's 31M in 100 Years out of a total supply of almost 100B

>> No.5599229

there's so much normies. if even just the top 10 financial institutions would adopt ripple the value would triple.

>> No.5599478

id never get in ripple i don't care how much adoption it gets

>> No.5599560

im seriously considering trading all my BCH for this. bitcoin seems to be in decline and it looks like it might take BCH down with it.

>> No.5599621

your an idiot. don't let your ideology keep you poor. you think normies give a shit if the banks own ripple? well they don't. all they care about is speed speed speed.

>> No.5599686

That's only at the current pace of bot trading.

It wouldn't even work for an entire year if just the US adopted it as a currency.

>> No.5599725

>speed speed speed
Gains gains gains.

Ripple can censor anyone off their platform. Decentralized alternatives will never go away.

>> No.5599755
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1513967575462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie money has not even flowed into this yet
Normies are all over this coin pajeet

>> No.5599798

Xlm is better investment now than ripple, bigger potential return and just as safe as ripple

>> No.5599827

Stop spreading FUD.

So many people with criticisms of Ripple Labs, but they do not have one sweet clue about how the system works or how their architecture is laid out.

Anyone not buying XRP is an autistic crypto-ideologist like money skeleton.

>> No.5599833

not saying they will. all im saying is don't let your ideological stance cause you to miss the moon rocket. Ripple is already being used by banks now. It has utility and a real use case. It's not going anywhere. Even if it just ends up a way for banks to tranfer money between themselves.

>> No.5599904


Pajeet my son

>> No.5599927

>bought at 245 ETH
Fucking end me

>> No.5599958

I don't have to convince you retards to buy XRP.

I've already made my 10x and still going... gl with shitcoins reeeeetard

>> No.5599967
File: 156 KB, 901x901, 1498265647957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pushing towards $10.


>> No.5599981

Go back to /pol/ and kill yourself

>> No.5599982

not until it hits coinbase. then the normie influx starts.

>> No.5600025



>> No.5600101

what makes you so sure it will be on Coinbase? They released their framework for adding new coins and Ripple does not meet the criteria.

not say that it will definitely not be added cause idk shit

>> No.5600310
File: 15 KB, 384x384, 1458634738149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally i can dump the fucking bags
it's a great feeling lads

>> No.5600533

iPhone is 600$ that is stretched to 2 years by financing

>> No.5600672

>poo poo pee pee ripple will triple
It will only make you a financial cripple