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File: 624 KB, 1892x1061, cryptocurrency[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5598251 No.5598251 [Reply] [Original]

Ripple has a supply of 38,739,144,847 | compare that to that coin you are talking shit about

Each one of those is worth about 1.80 USD right now

The cryptocurrency market is probably at 10% popularity in the world right now

Can you imagine how much money you will make in 5 years if you don't sell coins like a retard?

Once this market stabilizes you will increase your net worth by 5000% at the least

Note: BTC is going to crash hard and if you have lost money this early in the game get the fuck out now unless you want to make the rest of us rich

>> No.5598292

We here at Ripple headquarters assure you, your funds are safe

>> No.5598322

also if your main decentralized store of value crashes what's going to happen to the rest ya retard

>> No.5598342

Thats the point you normie fuck

The entire crypto market has to triple for you to 3x your money on ripple which will take a couple years

It's a safe long term investment but you aren't going to make money

>> No.5598368

Yes goyim, trade your eth and BTC for bankcoin.

The moment the jews are heavily invested enough in BTC and Eth they will dump this XRP shitcoin and then claim victory.

>> No.5598374

what happen if someone nuke ripple headquarters

>> No.5598417
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. The company is always working on creating new partnerships and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (like Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.5598498

enjoy your x5 return in a few years

>> No.5598501

>-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin.

>> No.5598562

bitcoin isn't decentralized you fucking normie

>> No.5598575


-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and use his own list of validators

>> No.5598596


-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)