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55979963 No.55979963 [Reply] [Original]

i make $80k/yr and ill never be able to afford a house

>> No.55979972

anchoring bias. you recognize inflation as being 25% over the past few years but you still think of $80k/year as this impressive sum of money. discount it by 25% -- you make $60k/year. is that impressive? no, you're a poorfag. i just barely make """"six figures."""" that's $75k/year. is that impressive? no, i'm a poorfag.

>> No.55979980

My wife and I combined income 140-150k and we would barely be able to afford it. $3500-$4000 month payment minimum and that is with a nice 40-60k down payment.

Current rent for a house is $1900 for the same area. Shit is getting wild.

>> No.55980027

80k/yr is borderline poverty level, you likely can't even afford to replace your car.

>> No.55980414

Invest in a small flat first. At least you'll build some equity.

>> No.55980432

Poorfag here, bought my house in 2013, it's almost tripled in price since then. Mortgage is around 25% of my income.

>> No.55980559

Are you a retard? A house is 5k down with good credit in America.

>> No.55980582

do you have a learning disability? what color is your skin?

>> No.55980585


if you're a coddled minority maybe

>> No.55980597

Me and my wife make 150k (115k after your math) collectively, and even that is not enough for a good house. I live in Chicago land area, so obviously prices are gonna be insane for a simple 2 bedroom/2 bathroom

>> No.55980626

im not even memeing when i say $130-150k/year income for the main breadwinner and $180-200k/year household income is the new "middle class" in most MCOL urban areas. it's just enough to buy a shitty cramped starter home in a mostly nigger free neighborhood, put a reasonable amount of money into retirement accounts, and just barely break even on absurd daycare costs or your wife dropping out of the workforce to take care of the kids until theyre old enough to start school.

>> No.55980674

Women in the workforce was a mistake. Plain and simple, and now we are dealing with working more for half.

>> No.55980799

i know it's not impressive to make $80k in 2023. But I'm basically capped relatively speaking. maybe at some point I can make 6 figures, but even then everything else will have gone up more anyway. so basically I will never be able to afford a house. feels badman. my only hope is to gamble on the market when it comes alive. then maybe i can afford a big down payment to make the monthly cost low. but chances of that are pretty low. i wish my boomer parents werent morons and had property.

>> No.55980825

>paying 7.74% interest on a 395k loan

>> No.55980865

the problem is that real estate has the most baggies, it's literally the best ponzi out there

>> No.55980911

also, i'm not even looking at real estate as an investment vehicle. i just want a decent sized yard and a ok sized house so i can do projects and garden and have animals, etc.

>> No.55980929

You live in a shithole

>> No.55981016

Anchoring bias again.
Anyone making anything over $36k in America is still rich materially speaking (if not any other way and even despite being spiritually poor) [except in HCOL areas of course, then you're just a peasant with no upside]
Compared to almost any other time they have big houses, nearly unlimited goyfeed, and entertainment and distractions
It's just that their weak wills churn through all of these so inefficiently like a truck's engine from 1965 churns through gasoline

>> No.55981333
File: 304 KB, 1716x1245, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My partner and I are 250k combined and that's not enough for a decent house.

>> No.55981368
File: 523 KB, 1932x1332, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you could move to a shitty flyover metro area and probably do okay but if you want a modest house in a decent area it's over 1 million.

>> No.55981378

>I don’t need a decent place to live

Momma won’t live forever

>> No.55981418

I've been thinking about this. I currently make $80k as a data analyst and I'm barely saving $1k a month. I'm finishing up my data science certificate and those jobs are in the low to mid $100s. Looking at the current rates I'd be paying $3500-$5000 a month on mortgage for a decent house in my area with good schools. That's before taxes, 401k, etc

>> No.55981534

You can afford a house you just don't want to be paying the $3000 a month for it. So clearly goy don't want it bad enough.

>> No.55981584

No one wants to talk about this though. Someone has to hold the boomers bags.

>> No.55981598

Can you start saving up your money and buy a house through mortgage. Also use CryptMi gateway to replenish your funds via cashbacks.

>> No.55981619

yea if after other expenses i'd want to essentially live paycheck to paycheck and be stressed i'll lose everything

>> No.55981915
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I'm earning $90k at 25. Plenty of room for income growth, and plenty of time to save up. Yet I'm always feel like I'm being pressured into buying a house right now:
Yet I'm not comfortable with buying because I'm still pretty mobile and the Florida home insurance market is mega fucked right now
>just don't live in Florida, bro
Not happening. I've spent a year outside of the state and I have to move back if I don't want to be miserable for the rest of my life.