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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55978028 No.55978028 [Reply] [Original]

>Currently on worker's comp
>Only get 67% of my pay
>Been out for the last month and for another month at least

Any jobs I can take that pays under the table?

>> No.55978032


>> No.55978073

I make 210k. How do I injure myself to get 65% of my pay? That’s Ez retirement right there.

>> No.55978097
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construction, brougham. made $40/hr like 10+ years ago installing insulation and drywall. Pretty easy work, just have to deal with retarded banter with alcoholics but shouldn’t be a problem if you’ve browsed /ck/.
Just know literally one person in construction and they’ll probably know someone who could hook you up

>> No.55978136

I worked with a small time contractor who did that shit and he had been in jail for 2 years on cocaine trafficking charges. Dude was reformed but always said 90% of guys he met in rehab were drywallers. Just saying...

>> No.55978196

kek i fuckin believe it. the painters too.