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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55977024 No.55977024 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone on this board obsessed with crypto as their only investment? Where is your business? Where are your properties, your rentals? Where are your fleets?
Where is the your shit that actually brings in real money on a regular basis, instead of the relative pennies you get from staring at your screen all day?

>> No.55977035

Fuck off faggot

>> No.55977036

i don't know anon, i have like 5-10% into crypto depending on the day but i'm mostly a boomer ETF investor
if you only know about the big coins, you underestimate the gains potential for a few thousand dollars thrown into some shitcoin
i'm not saying that's likely to happen for any particular coin, but it's what people are chasing.

>> No.55977053

I know what people are chasing, but they should be working on making more money outside of gambling on shitcoins all day. People should be doing this shit while building passive income, so that even if their shitcoin doesn't balloon, they're STILL making good money.

>> No.55977055

Those are already pumped and won’t change your life so there’s 0 point in getting real world assets. Crypto is the only thing giving hope to people born too late.

>> No.55977065

Also fuck the future, we’ll burn civilization down soon anyway. Maybe we can’t change the world but we can sure destroy it. Fuck your rigged generational ponzi you senile impotent bastards.

>> No.55977069

I'm 29 and I have 20 trucks bringing me in 400k a year. I'm taking every penny and buying more trucks with it. Within the next 4 years, I'll be making 1.4m/yr on that alone.
And yes, I'll buy autonomous trucks if it ends up saving me money over paying someone.

>> No.55977078

Nobody asked.

>> No.55977085

>there’s 0 point in getting real world assets
Well I just proved you wrong retard.

>> No.55977098

A small biz gives you 2x apy guaranteed starting
Dogshit doesn't
Verification not required

>> No.55977128

Shutup stupid nigger
This is a crypto board. You either make it or you don't

>> No.55977143

Because an anonymous business board on a Chinese cartoon forum full of broke wagies is the perfect place to shill a pump and dump scheme

>> No.55977146

Move your pudgy ass out of your seat and earn some money and maybe you'll make it regardless of cryptoscams.

>> No.55977154

FPBP fuck you OP Reddit tourist faggot

>> No.55977168

>20 trucks
what's the service here?

>> No.55977170

Moving freight. One of the easiest industries to get into.

>> No.55977171
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>just start and scale a business as an investment

>> No.55977192

You can get into the freight market without owning a company, you know. You can purchase a truck and rent it to a company for a percentage of the profits generated with that truck. It's what I used to do before starting my own company.

>> No.55977204

I want to grow my own business, be it through consulting, plumbing, farming, etc.
Cryptocurrency would be more interesting if there were more focus on the intended use case.

PS: I should probably sell my safemoon, right? I just held on to it on the off chance it were inversely correlated with the dollar. It looks like a scam...convert safemoon to safemoon v.2....why? Hmmm

>> No.55977208

I should also mention that if you sign a contract with a company to rent your truck to them in exchange for 25% of the generated profit (standard rate for rentals), your investment (the truck) is gauranteed to give you more than 10x your initial investment within just a few years.

>> No.55977227

How did you learn "the business" anon? How did you start off and how did you grow your businesses?
Are you aware of some source (meetup group/book/endeavor/website/etc) with quality insight?
My best guess is that you either need to provide something people want, or convince them that they might want or need it. So sales, in some way.

>> No.55977243

I learned about the business from my time in the industry. There was some old dude that was actually a trucking instructor as his retirement job that had told me all about it while we were hanging out in a bunkroom. Lit a fire under my ass like you wouldn't believe when I found out the job I had could actually be used to fund it.

>> No.55977272

How do you protect your investment. For example, if I buy a freight truck, my first one, my baby, and some dumb dumb drives poorly, and my insurance company goes under...is there an agreement or some form of insurance held by the business you rent it to?

>> No.55977282

That's awesome, keep up the good work, and thanks for your insight.

>> No.55977283

You should always have insurance on it, but you also have to treat it like a rental. If the truck is damaged, they have to pay for it. If the truck is totaled, they pay for it.
Have good insurance, and a good contract.

>> No.55977336

itt: triggered indians

>> No.55977338

Got it, hmm, I've been thinking of renting or leasing out my own vehicle or space in my yard, or my garage, since I barely use any of these...but these seem like a risky propositions by comparison (I assume freight transport businesses have more legal structure and financial safeguards in place than most individuals).

Have you by any chance happened upon good businesses that you can start out of your garage/empty rooms? Microgreens? 3D printing simple items?

>> No.55977340

Cryptoshit is indian central tho

>> No.55977389

>Have you by any chance happened upon good businesses that you can start out of your garage/empty rooms?
ADC has a good program for it if you're just getting started, and they can give you recommendations for other companies if you need them. They have other investment stuff in other fields, but I don't have much experience with them on those ends.

>> No.55977521
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There's no point under fiat, the time for building is after we crash the old system

>> No.55977549

Thanks mate, I'm looking into it now, never heard of this.

>> No.55977598

Nigger are you a fucking bot. Every fucking day you and your god damn microgreens. At this point I want you to start the business so you stop fucking posting about them damn.

>> No.55977645

>fuck crypto start a trucking company anon
This advice will be meme worthy in 6 months as automation makes your trucks worth pennies and crypto is the backbone of the new AI led industry.
Anon neets ARE coming for your job OP.

>> No.55977648
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This gay thread again. Probably because this board was made to talk about crypto on, and has been memeing about it for years.

>> No.55977657

I don't think anyone in america wants to ride on the same roads as a fully loaded self driven semi truck lol
the tech just aint there yet

>> No.55977660

we are not participating because the game is rigged

>> No.55977664

Automated trucks isn't happening within the next decade lol. And if it does, you just buy those instead. No brainer.

>> No.55977665

There is no fucking way house values are even close to accurate. New construction is astronomical and maintaining the current US housing stock is just as expensive, go to any suburb people are having shit fixed with their house constantly. Why should I sink my money or time in a shit show like real estate when I can buy international super money and make a fortune.

>> No.55977675

If you really want to be that guy, you can start gouging trailer homes for rental income and inflate that market to retarded rates as well.

>> No.55977696

What does ADC stand for?

>> No.55977719

I am 33 and earn $50k a year working 60 hours a week in retail with no skillset, how can I even begin to build something like this? I feel like it is just too late for me, so I'm gambling here.

>> No.55977721

All Done Consulting. As the name implies, they're a consulting firm that can help you get your feet wet with a few industries. The only experience I have with them is their trucking automation investments, which also seems to be their bread and butter.

>> No.55977776

So you started with them then started your own trucking company? Interesting. Do you drive or do the dispatch or neither?

>> No.55977790

Everyone here needs a 10-1000x to make it is why and only crypto can make such gains

>> No.55977830

How much did you spend on your first truck? I’m 18 and would like to start my own trucking business eventually, I have 20k saved up already and maybe will try during school but if not after school. I know you can get trucks for 20k but everyone I’ve heard from online says that most cheap trucks will just be a loss and you’ll lose your money. Hopefully I’ll get over the “I will’s” and “eventually’s” and “I’m gonna’s” and actually start it too

>> No.55979348

I can't go in on forex, shit is damn draining, it's crypto all the way, boy my bags and futures trades be getting me money to invest in real estates and farming. Yeah, yesterday Cyber shorts gave sweet ass profits and i moved them all into getting RIDE/EUR on Tradesilvana asides other CEXs.

>> No.55979414

>actually brings in real money on a regular basis
Imagine having actual passive income. Imagine owning actual investments instead of gambling. Imagine being this fucking based.

>> No.55979457
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I invested into a ton of things, stocks included and got burned on all of them besides crypto.

>> No.55979465
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Dollar cost averaging is not "gambling" stop twisting words to fit your dumb fucking narritive.

>> No.55979467

>I'm 29 and I have 20 trucks bringing me in 400k a year.
Sure, whatever.
>Dogshit doesn't
Yeah but dogshit doesnt exist in crypto.
Bought the top and sold the bottom, eh? dumbass.

>> No.55979475

>You can purchase a truck
Ah, so buy an asset and rent it out, nice one, fag.

>> No.55979480

>the tech just aint there yet
It is though.
You guys are stupid and UBI is gonna take over the west.

>> No.55979487

Twisting words, investing is not gambling no matter how much you nerds squeal.

>> No.55979497

There's faster ways to kill oneself, you know.

>> No.55979523

Stonks and crypto is gambling, the whales make it so.