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55971606 No.55971606 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, why the FUCK would you want to even become a doctor?

>spend a decade of your young adult life pulling out hair about tests
>have to deal with prima donna faggots
>spend the first 4 years cleaning bed pans under and being ordered by some asshole know-it-all
>get eaten by almost 500k dollars in debt if not more
>have to deal with either hypochondriac patients who just complain about what you're doing or with completely fucked up druggies or expectants geriatrics that aren't even worth it
>cancerous hours and shifts that are slave-tier at best,
>eat-what-you-kill work style but you don't even get to eat lmao
>private practice is being raped and sucked up by major hospitals

Are these people out of their minds? If you gave a shit about 'helping others' why not just take a few EMT classes and call it day?

>> No.55971634

Job security since theres a huge barrier of entry, and high pay obviously if you specialize. Specialists can make 500k-7 figures a year

>> No.55971655

Your ID is pink for a reason. It's the only "surefire" way to make 400k in the US today and it's how the well-off ensure their kids live a top 1% income life. In their case, it's stress free college years.

You also forgot where if you are poor and drop out halfway, your life really is ruined forever by student loans.

>> No.55971686

Yeah I’m in tech and “only” make 300k and now I’m worried about layoffs and if I lose this job I’ll be lucky to make 150k unless I can get back into FAGMAN. The benefit is I was able to make 6 figures starting age 22 which has allowed me to amass a decent NW by 30, but I have much worse job security than a doctor

>> No.55971697

Look it's about being a normie and following an easy path. Women do well at schools because women need to be micromanaged all the fucking time and the way to have a good grade is jsut too dump preformed answers to preformed questions.

Women do well at school because it is a strong structure, where the answers are already given about what to do and what not to do. Women do not have to think for themselves.

Once women are out of school, their life are awful and they just ride the cock carousel because they listen to anybody chad telling them it is okay to be sluts. In other words, women have no concept of right and wrong, so they need to hear morality from men...Then women would like to have a meaningful life and stop feeling being slut princesses so they get pregnant and care for a child for a few years, only to realize that they miss the golden days of having a comfy life from lots of orbiters free of charge, so they go back to this, but in secret since they got an official provider during their settling down period.

This also applies to medicine.
medicine is for drone Normies who want to feel scientific and all doctors are technicians, not even engineers and even less scientists.

all nurses are gigawhores, full of herpes and they give handjobs to the patients who have the biggest cocks

no joke

so it is normal for coomers and whores to idolize other coomers and whores.

Same thing for women and law schools.

>> No.55971711

Many doctors are socio and/or psychopaths. Petty tyrants in gay little coats.

>> No.55971720

maybe they just like helping people

>> No.55971724

You can't have job security if you burn out of the job within the first few years. You pretty slaved through a decade or so of bureaucracy and wagie-tier labor not making anything and finally reach the end of the line to realize you could've made that money doing something else with less suicidal tendencies.

>> No.55971730

Doctor reporting in. Student loan pause made the finances easy mode, I'll be debt free in a couple more years. Conversely, I'll actually kill myself if I work in a hospital more.

Now if you really want to laugh, vets make 80k but pay just as much in tuition

>> No.55971748

How is or was your work life? Would you say it was worth it?

>> No.55971943

Because a year I and you're making $250k+, a few years in you're making $500k+. Only dumb thing is how they're scheduled for 24 hrs at a time

>> No.55971973


"If I become a doctor I'll finally show them" - ever weird looking guy in high school

There was a time when the profession was noble. End of the day they still have an extremely respectable job but it's a god damn shame how they corrupted the industry.

>> No.55972063

i actually dropped out of a US MD school because of how suicidal it made me. yeah, it's pretty gay. however i am considering going back to become a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant. they make okay money and they have reasonable work life balance.

>> No.55972076

Lmao good one

>> No.55972154

many doctors have a doctor in the family. often times it's just thought of as "the family business" and they grew up rich so getting into the program is no problem. many of the rest are foreigners making a massive US salary who send it back to their home country. the rest want to help people.

>> No.55972203

I've thought about it. If I went back to school I might have been a Physician Assistant since their schooling is significantly less and they can make six figures. Being a doctor means you give your life to medicine.

>> No.55972369

Because they’re brainwashed, esp so if you’re a shitworlder. They’re brainwashed to worship doctors esp in the media. Look at all the dr shows like dr oz, Dr mike, and whatever. They act like they know so much, but all they do is regurgitate the gossip/official narrative with no real incite. You show me a doctor, and I’ll show you a retard. They have a little money, but that’s the only difference between a doctor and a homeless person. That’s why when covid hit they were scared shitless. They were literally in shock because big daddy pharma couldn’t send a salesperson over with some freebie merch to tell them what drugs to give. That’s why so many people died in the hospital rooms alone. Doctors were huddled in their break room biting their nails in fear the world was ending. They’re really fucking cowards, and if you even showed facts against their brainwashing like how the ocr test was fake, they’d literally get Stockholm syndrome and fight for their kidnapper.

>> No.55972475

damn what an incel post. first 2 lines kinda made sense (for certain majors) then you just went full salt

>Once women are out of school, their life are awful
you sound pretty miserable yourself

>> No.55972485

Medical education requires rote memorization of large amounts of information. Medical practice requires years of tolerating abusive work conditions, a complete lack of critical thinking, and an unflinching willingness to follow insurance mandated treatment plans. There's a reason it's mainly Asians, they excel at all of these things.

>> No.55972519

If you really want to become a doctor to help people, just go to Cuba for MD training. There are more Cuban doctors around the world healing people and preventing disease than all the G8 countries combined.

>> No.55972524


>Learning requires memorization of material.

Quite possibly the most retarded argument ever.

>> No.55972641

FAGMAN? Sounds pretty GHEY to me, desu...

>> No.55972715

yea i fell for the hot chick magnet meme. all i am attracting is just boomer-cucks with pain.

>> No.55972721

>he doesn’t know
Vets are making $160k/yr even in red states. In blue states they make over $200k/yr. My buddy is a vet and he is pulling over $300k/yr doing relief work. Don’t trust the government numbers, they have been accurate in decades.

>> No.55972766

The word 'doctor' implies some degree of status and that's all that matters to most people

>> No.55972815

I don't see a problem with a doctor. A lot of people otherwise waste the years a doctor would have spent in school. So instead of being in your 30s making 250k a year, you're in your 30s making 50k

>> No.55972884

Yeah you just have to spend 15 years in hell.

>> No.55972936

Not hell for the kids whose parents pay for everything, which is a large % of doctors.

>> No.55972943

college: 4 years of studying your ass off to get 3.7+ GPA and 80th percentile+ MCAT
first 2 years of med school: studying your ass off 60 hours a week to pass exams
last 2 years of med school: studying your ass off 60 hours a week to pass clinical and board exams
3-7 years of residency: working your ass off 80 hours a week on average to finish training
the rest of your career: working 50-60 hours a week unless you're exceptionally hard working and intelligent and match into dermatology or one of the other comfy specialties

you can't take a break until you're done with residency. want to have kids? tough shit. parents sick or die and need your help? tough shit. having a mental breakdown due to feeling overwhelmed and overworked? tough shit.

you dont even choose where or how you do residency. it's called "the match" because you're literally matched (if you're lucky) to a residency program by a computer algorithm. if you fail to match you might "scramble" into whatever scraps are left. if you fail to scramble, your life is over. residency sucks and is abusive? you can't quit or your life is over.

>> No.55972973

I'm not talking about the debts, I'm just talking in general conditions and what is being asked. Competitive tests, extensive studying, getting whipped around after by some pajeet after you finally decide which bullshit specialty you want.

>> No.55973010

Kekus Maximus. Right out of high scool and I'm making $400k a year wfh at Amazon. You wagies are so pathetic.

>> No.55973014

Yeah you're pretty much going to federal prison for your young adult life.

>> No.55973055

I'm a nurse. Wish I did a bit more.
I only make 80k a year.

I need crypto to make it

>> No.55973067

do a part time NP program. PMHNPs make like $150k/year.

>> No.55973116

I regret it

>> No.55973134

This. That's why I've said many times before, it's the ultimate wagie job. You really have to love what you want to do. The schooling and residency are borderline slavery because you don't have any time to yourself. With everyone trying to be a doctor these days, it is getting more competitive. You won't be living a typical social college life because you'll be crammed in your books. If you are doing it for the paycheck, don't. There are many other methods to be making a doctor's salary these days. Not to mention, the money they make is due to the overtime they have to do. Also, it's a field where if you aren't rich enough to begin with, you are shit out of luck. Some people saying they make 500k a year are right, but inflating it. Those are specialists, and they take more time to learn their craft. This means they will work more hours compared to others in the field, once again inflating their salary.

>> No.55973202

I started a Family NP program because I felt like I needed to do something but desu Im not sure if I want to. I've only done like 2 or 3 semesters so I guess I can change but I have 0 psychiatric experience will that matter? I also have 0 guidance on what to do for a job for PMHNP

Other options I thought about are hospital hopping and local traveling.

Most of my money goes into Bitcoin anyway

>> No.55973216

I was hoping my investments would help me in the next 2 to 4 years

>> No.55973251
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Not forever and you have to take into account insurance costs rising every year with inflation eating your purchasing power in the future. Also, there are only so many specialists that have to fend off diversity quotas too.

>> No.55973285

i think most PMHNP programs want prior psych nurse experience, but im just an outsider looking in -- currently researching accelerated BSN programs for career changers.

family NP seems pretty comfy provided you have adequate supervision for the first 3-5 years of your career. going independent or practicing with minimal supervision seems very scary -- family medicine can be a lot more complex than many people think, considering the ticking time bomb that is the average obese boomer retard on 35 different medications.

>> No.55973379


>> No.55973528
File: 108 KB, 108x90, coom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they give handjobs to the patients who have the biggest cocks
can you expand on that insider knowledge? when i was hospitalized a nurse from african descent came to see me very early in the morning when the curtains were still pulled (for privacy) and asked me twice (almost whispering) if i needed anything. "are you sure you dont need anything?" it felt quite sexual in nature but i thought i was just misinterpreting, but i also felt like i could have asked for a handjob and she would have done it. i was the only young guy in the room of 6 people.

>> No.55973826

>getting whipped around after by some pajeet
cant imagine a worse hell than that

got any idea of what % fails to match and what % fails to scramble?
seems pretty sadistic to fuck them over at this stage, when all the debt papers are already irrevocable

>> No.55973867

like 7% of US MD fail to match, and half of those scramble through supplemental match (SOAP.) https://financialresidency.com/what-happens-if-you-dont-match-into-residency/

for US DO it's closer to 10% fail to match, and 1/4 of those 10% match through SOAP scramble.

>> No.55974484

thats still a lot to get fuck at that stage tho
you passed everything so what bullshit are they using to kill your life then

>> No.55974510
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But socialism isnt supposed to work!

>> No.55974614


>> No.55975428

they got memed into it

>> No.55975441

If you think that's bad take all of that then look at UK doctor salaries LMAO.

>> No.55975488
File: 32 KB, 680x606, 06a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.55975532

What if someone became a family doctor and refused to accept insurance? Just charge like $250 cash for a 10 minute visit. I’d go to that doctor.

>> No.55975544

I lived the same lifestyle as a retail manager except instead of patients dying the District Manager would fire me because the icecream cooler failed and I didn’t get up to respond. I’ve done over 24 hour shifts many times during power outages and emergencies.

All for sub 100k

>> No.55975547

Cuba got three things right: education, healthcare and social security.

But Cuba got three things wrong: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

>> No.55975569

Vets make way more than that

>> No.55975675

They exist, but they are being wiped away by bigger organizations. By the late 2030s, they'll probably be outlawed.

>> No.55977199

It will get better after the collapse.
Right now you have to be a doctor just to earn 2x what John Factory Worker earns.
But when shit goes to Hell, doctors are going to be some of the ones that can afford a proper villa.

>> No.55977943

ok faggot

>> No.55977945


>> No.55977952

why are commies shilling on /biz/ of all places?

>> No.55978027
File: 64 KB, 506x539, Please do not bend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no financial reason to become a Dr today. People do it for social reasons and the lifestyle. It's one of the few professions that give you Godlike powers over mortals; giving and taking life as you see fit and it's 100% legal since patients sign away all their rights in the hospital. There is no greater high than delivering twins one minute and prescribing MAID the next.

>> No.55978039

I’ve got slightly elevated AST levels. And mild liver pain anytime I drink alcohol. I also can’t process fats without pancreas enzyme supplements. My doctor doesn’t care at all and says I’m normal. What’s the next step? Ordering my own blood work now since I’m on my own. Will check for hepatitis I guess. No more alcohol and taking milk thistle

>> No.55978046

>and all doctors are technicians
this is correct. They're basically troubleshooters for people.

>> No.55978082

I’ve never had a doctor try to troubleshoot shit. Listen to them humm and ha and type away. I break the silence by suggesting what test they should order. Every fucking time.

>> No.55978099

Do you have any idea how much psychs have been making since covid began?

>> No.55978149


Live next to two young doctors at a very prestigious national clinic and their lives look pretty comfy to me.

>Millionaire wealth, debt literally doesn't matter.
>Dude is a literal Ivy League Chad psychiatrist and looks like Prince Harry.
>Wife is also highly educated, brilliant researcher, tight Asian body.
>Two kids and well trained dog.
>5000 square foot custom built house.
>Live in nanny, lawn service, cleaning, they do not do chores or shop like normies.
>Travel frequently, spent over a month in Europe this past summer.
>Three new cars, at least two fully electric.
>Published articles and conferences constantly, they are featured experts in their fields.
>Name drop their next travel plans constantly or the big Senator they had dinner with, both in good with powerful Democrats.

>> No.55978236

In the UK doctors literally start on £26k and if they're lucky after decades of expensive exams (~£6k per sitting) and avoiding GMC police by acting according to NHS guidelines every waking second, they have the opportunity to earn £80k a year as a consultant with only the occasional night shift left.

In the UK basically everyone earns £25k. It's exponentially harder to earn more and anyone who tries is a fool who ends up an alcoholic to cope with the tension.

>> No.55978422

It sounds terrible in the US, but I graduated, and work, in Europe and it's not that bad. 6yr course, and because I now work as a contractor my pay is 2-3x what it would be working for the health service and I make my own hours. Pretty sweet. Only problem is I hate the work and the medical field, but because I mostly work nights I get to avoid the majority of the bullshit that involves interacting with other people.
Still not getting the vaxx though HAHAHAHA

>> No.55978454

>>pulling out hair about tests
Sounds like a low IQ problem.

>> No.55978477
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> looks like Prince Harry.
>tight Asian body.

LMAO? I can already feel some kike rubbing his hands at that thought

>> No.55978480

That's another thing, most doctors have low IQ but a very good memory. Glorified USB sticks

>> No.55978559

unfortunately this anon is correct. high iq is a detriment in medicine and most of my high iq colleagues were pushed out of the field early in their training. if you have a strong moral framework it's doubly over (e.g. refusing to publish faulty research, being anti-abortion). half of the dropouts went into finance and all they miss is the prestige (instant favourable opinion from majority of normies)

>> No.55979212

2 years ago I mightve agreed with you, but 25k is minimum wage now so you're either coping or out of touch.

Junior docs earn ~7k more every year before wage rises until they're consultants. They can also supplement their income massively with well paid overtime.

As students they get discounts everywhere, and as NHS staff they get further discounts everywhere too.

Don't get me wrong, it's rough work - but it isn't shit like you describe.

>> No.55979247

the difference is that you could have quit at any time -- no job, a new retail job, a new job outside of retail. medicine leaves you with $300-400k+ of non-dischargeable student loan debt at 8% interest. if you quit medical school or residency you will basically never get another position again, so you're barred from practicing medicine.

>> No.55979266

i have a 135 IQ and scored 95th percentile on the one section of the MCAT that requires brainpower (physical sciences.) i struggled with med school because it's absurd amounts of brute force memorization. i remember one exam being ~3000 powerpoint slides which we covered in ~5 weeks.

>> No.55979344

this is the answer
see also: asian parents forced you to do it

>> No.55979399

You’re not wrong, but peak incel vibes.

>> No.55979464

That's why women will start dominating the field. They already have the brains to memorize shit and are drawn to healthcare. Not to mention, men are not attending college as much as females.
Tbh there are other fields like law and engineering that are as prestigious
Why lie?
So if you don't believe in trannies or killing babies, you're telling me you can't become a doctor? What about for religious reasons? What if I fake supporting it and someone comes to me looking for my help with those two heinous acts? Can they report me?

>> No.55979517
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Here's the pay scale for junior doctors. It's not terrible money (relative to the UK anyway), but the problem is the amount of effort you have to go through to get there, not to mention unpaid overtime. A first year Junior doctor earns £32000 first year, probably takes home about £2100 a month, I know because that's about what my wife earns. For her job, she needed a 3-year BSc, to be a junior doctor, most do a Bsc and then med school, that's 8 years of study in one of the most highly competitive and stressful degree programs that only the absolute top academic achievers can get into. Assuming you started uni at 18, you'd finish at 26 with no breaks and a minimum of £72000 in student loans. At this point, you haven't even started your career whereas most young professionals have been working for 4+ years, have probably had promotions, have bought a house and are thinking of having kids. Student/NHS discounts are a joke and aren't even a consideration. Trust me mate, doctors don't earn shit, especially compared to the effort they put in and what they could earn in almost any other field.

>> No.55979781

>allowed me to amass a decent NW by 30
You did the right thing. The money you earn early in your career is much more valuable than money you earn later. If you look at your social security statement you can see the early money has the greatest multiplier due to all the cumulative cost of living adjustments. Your stock investments also benefit by investing larger sums much earlier. If I had the opportunity to earn more than six figures at a tradie job I would do that immediately after high school and delay college to my mid-twenties just so I have more money to invest earlier and let it work for me longer.

>> No.55979832

This is going to change, esp when they wear their shitty scrubs in public. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.55981443

My wife is literally an F1 and is on £26k.

>> No.55981469

That depends on banding and location. London deaneries might see £30k+ as a foundation but most are £26-27k.

Most hospitals even fail monitoring regarding banding. They routinely pay lower banding scales than the actual hours on rota.

>> No.55982171

>Son goes on shooting rampage
>Daughter fucks anything with a cock
Many such cases!

>> No.55982178

>In the UK basically everyone earns £25k
so is it easy to get an 18 year old gf if you make 100k in america. Does making 100k make you rich there?

>> No.55982310

Why You’ll Never Get Rich In Medicine

Non-Clinical Opportunities After Medical School

Fuck Your Health Care Reform

Socialized Medicine From One That Has Experienced It


>> No.55982649

Eat a shitton of apples every day. The pectins will fix your liver up. Doctors are useless cunts.

>> No.55982970

Yes, very much so. Don't know why you'd want a british girl though.

Not a doctor but even I can accurately diagnose you as a hysterical feminine minded bitch who has nothing wrong with them outside their brain.