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55966628 No.55966628 [Reply] [Original]

After releasing staking and ccip in the last year, people are shocked that Chainlink is outside the top 10. There are a couple easy factors, starting with the state of the market. A "whale" recently bought enough Chainlink to pump the price 20%. The problem is, he was the only one swimming in these waters. Had he set off a chain of whales grabbing tokens, the thing would've blasted past $10 easily. He ripped through order books but he was all alone. Hype died off post-CCIP and it fell from $8.xx to $5.xx in the span of a week or two. That's simply pointing to a lack of demand

>> No.55966640
File: 1009 KB, 1847x1399, nasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat fuck will drain every dollar he can from anyone stupid enough to buy in
literally a greedy pig

>> No.55966642

Second reason is the sketchy team. ccip.chain.link isn't a real explorer, it's a glimpse into a few transactions, almost all are testnet and most are for a fraction of what banks would send. They need to provide an etherscan style explorer that allows comprehensive navigation of the entire view, anything less is "look don't touch" and feels like a half assed way to show everyone the action

Third is the wild tokenomics. Sergey wants to be taken seriously but shoots himself in the balls way too much. Matic and Bnb are up 25x and 10x in the last few years, because these teams knew how to play the game. Sergey thought he was being "transparent" but he's actually come off as scammier because half the dumps head to binance

>> No.55966657

Fourth is actually... this. Sergey's image is completely off putting and mascot-like. Look at the size of his stomach. You cannot make it in the business world shaped like Dr. Robotnik, and his "same shirt everyday" is coming off more like Elizabeth Holmes than Steve Jobs.

Image rehab is needed for this entire project. Web2 largely stayed away, except for AWS and Google which offered cloud services because who doesn't like money? None are paying customers, and as much as he likes to hide behind banks, they work on 20 year timelines.

>> No.55966660

yup :}
guess we can now safely assume that that whale was a retard whale :} IQ around 50. just got lucky, maybe he found a wallet full of 5000 bitcoins when it was used for silk road. certainly not an intelligent investor

>> No.55966681 [DELETED] 

that whale sold every single back to eth
try again, low iq loser :}

>> No.55966693

that whale sold every single link back to eth when chainlink went to $7.7 :}
try again, low iq loser :}

>> No.55966697

he bought the top of the retard CCIP speculation pump
if he sold back to eth it was at a loss :}

>> No.55966704

he was the retard CCIP speculation pump :}
he made money off you :}
you are really low iq :}

>> No.55966711

I don't buy chainlink, silly goose :}
and show proof this whale sold every link for profit or kys :}

>> No.55966717

lol found the dumbass whale

>> No.55966720

is certainly not an intelligent investor, can't even use etherscan :}
typical link loser :}

>> No.55966722

Hello fellow whites- I mean, linkies :}

>> No.55966723

lol i'm beginning to think you are literally the coping low IQ whale as well :} how much money did you lose

>> No.55966725

I end by saying it was incredibly on brand for Chainlink to botch a chance to get the message out to build on top of their new platform. There are at least 100-150 web2 companies with a market cap 10 times the size of Chainlink Labs, in other words, plenty of liquidity and potential partnerships to be had. They should've had a household name to accompany the CCIP launch. Governance on defi platforms is an incredibly poor launch demo, as we've all seen the market simply did not care about these use cases

>> No.55966729

YVIijqGC is literally about to punch a hole in his inbred mommy's trailer wall :}

>> No.55966737

lol if you say so :}
i'm actually quite relaxed, unlike, say, you :}
my financials are currently excellent, thanks to owning zero link :}

>> No.55966743
File: 515 KB, 1125x1162, 1690935007984087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 'utility' tokens are shitcoins, if you have a valuable service you can just -- wait for it -- wait for it -- sell that service! For, you know, money! Crazy I know, but just crazy enough to work!

>> No.55966753

came back to more quick (you)s from a raging poorfag paypig YVIijqGC :}
kek baggie :}

>> No.55966781

can't believe I triggered you so much :}
i'm gonna stop replying now tho :}
have a good night

>> No.55966835

This is mainly the straw that breaks because everything else is fully fixable except for the image portion. CCIP is a 20 year long project but the industry needs to keep up. Projects like Amazon, Google, Apple were all started up in sketchy apartments or garages. But there is no way if CCIP is needed itself because Amazon and Apple sold commidites like books and phones which actually generate revenue. The most notable exception being google because they took advantage of a space that was so obviously needed in innovation.

If LINK does survive in 10 years it will no doubt be a 100x from this price point.

>> No.55966837

Yeah okay, but what about, what if I took that exact service, made it waaay shittier, and then added a blockchain. Have you considered that?

>> No.55966868

Yes, but in the meantime, when people expect market cap 3 and are market cap 25 and dropping, things like this matter. The image that Sergey rushes to his multisig wallet every time Link goes up a couple dollars is burned into people's memories.

The weight is another thing. At the Blockchain Singapore talk, he looks like he is honing in on 300+ easily. It's dangerously unhealthy and off putting for elites in suits to be gazing at this livestock in a flannel shirt. He oozes gluttony which explains the token problems. Steve Ellis should've been the one to be the public facing founder, but he tends to hide behind the bush, so to speak

>> No.55966879

The main reason is because the company dumps into price action. It can't pump because every time it does a huge sell wall is erected and the price can never go anywhere.

>> No.55966954

its gonna hit about 2 bucks then crab. I DCA 40USD a week no matter the price. No skin off my back when it's CCIP. There's just too much money invested in this space for it to fail. If BTC goes to zero then the whole world falls into a deeper depression. Not especially when BIS and BRICS and FedNow mentions Chainlink whether directly or indirectly.

>> No.55966959

100% it’s Sergey. Don’t ask me how I know but he once let it slip that this is a 10 year wait on twitter. He told me privately he has directives from up above, so the money they’ve supplied is 100% going into market suppression, which they in turn buy cheap

>> No.55967386
File: 485 KB, 2456x2063, notsurprisingatall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"s-sirs are you feeling the fear and uncertainty and the uh doubt now? this is official messaging from my manager please consider the selling of the tokens sirs, please trust this information on my honor as sam a representative of fudsoft"

>> No.55967536

10 year wait starting from when

>> No.55967933

The walls of text fud are perhaps the least effective and leap out a mile. Never know why they bother

>> No.55967973

You’ve got to wait until 2030

>> No.55967978

Pump shib

>> No.55968315

Don’t ask me how I know but Sergey told me that he gets turned on by seething baggies and every time he dumps 500k he take a steaming dump on one of his roastie HR hire’s faces. He literally pays a team of “HR” roasties to do nothing but be available for weekly victory dumps. I for one respect the hussle

>> No.55968348
File: 360 KB, 1721x1293, 1684396960336640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hype died off post-CCIP
More like Bitcoin died off post-CCIP

Stop spinning these elaborate theories when the actual reason is so incredibly obvious.

>> No.55968916

>Sergey's image is completely off putting
this didnt stop sammy boy one bit and he wasnt just offputting he was downright repulsive
but i'll grant you for his own health and productiveness big serg should do something about his weight

>> No.55969064

Anon you are a faggot and liar
> https://debank.com/profile/0x790c9422839fd93a3a4e31e531f96cc87f397c00/history
>tfw it’s all so tiresome

>> No.55969120

Thank you OP for caring about my financial well being. You are an angel. No, dare I say it? A saint for giving me fear, uncertainty, and doubt during these hard fought times, there's no doubt in my mind that you have no other ulterior motive but to care about my personal anonymous financial well-being. A gentleman and a scholar.

Truly, I thank you and I will be promptly heading to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange to market sell all my cold storage ICO bought never traded Top1000 wallet Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens as soon as possible. I've held for so long, but this thread was the last straw. To my fellow OG ICO Chainlinkers, let's sell together! And don't forget to do the needful and thank anon for helping us all out, what a nice guy. Thank you sir and have a good day.

>> No.55969161

Then what’s the point of buying link over Btc or eth you retarded faggot?

>> No.55969638

Sammy boy actually pumped up dog shit like Solana and made people rich. Check solana’s price during “Defi summer” and look now.

Sergey actively aided and abetted people losing the majority of their holdings either through suppression, outright theft (linkpool, bancor, celsius associations) or lying (ccip announcement in 2021)

>> No.55971214

bump cause why not

>> No.55971234

you shouldn't have

>> No.55971263

why not?

>> No.55971389
File: 1.41 MB, 1399x1622, 1692546567639990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell some dirty Tunisians in this thread.

Can anyone else?

>> No.55973003

Whales are the ones who want to dumping, not get dumped on by sergey and his 65% premine, chainlinks tokenomics are so garbage that whales stay far away from it.