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55963972 No.55963972 [Reply] [Original]

If everyone just did this we could break the system

>> No.55964006
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Don't fear the repo, come and take my haaaand

>> No.55964049

more like come and take my car

>> No.55964055

This is why Ford invested in self-driving tech that repos itself if the victim stops paying.

>> No.55964090

>if we all became niggers we could break the system

>> No.55964722

Many cars already have GPS embedded in them, making them trivial to repo. Some even have engine kill switches set to drigger on delinquency. Self driving cars will repo themselves.

>> No.55964745

not a nigger

i always pay back my debt

>> No.55964782

Good goy

>> No.55964811
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that is actually true. Look at Africa: Broken systems everywhere.
Or look at the west, the blackest countries (USofA, Sweden, Germany, France, Small India (GB)) are the most brocken systems.

>> No.55964829

I don’t have a car payment. I pay cash for my cars. Why would I pay extra to the Jews for something less than $50k?

>> No.55964834

this but unironically

>> No.55964839

Too small time, do it with mortgages.

>> No.55964850

Jep, credit deliquency is going bonkers. The consequences are obvious. RIP world economy

>> No.55964884


It's even worst than that, you're paying interest on something that rapidly depreciates in value lmao. After 60 months (or 72 months is becoming the norm these days) by the end of the loan term you've paid $65k total for a vehicle that cost $50k new but is now only worth $20k lol. Absolutely the most ridiculous kind of debt.

>> No.55964888

Nigger repo enjoyers rise up!

>> No.55964922

(We can have a new car)
Come on, baby
(Don't fear the repo)

>> No.55964928


>> No.55964939

Lmao if you actually did this, Indians living in the west will just get rich even more.
You cannot break the system, becuae there is always one person who is not going to follow you off the cliff.
Didn't you morons try with not being office wagies, the corpos flooded enterprise with educated foreigners.
Didn't we have a big flow of healthcare workers from rural cities to mega cities in 2000s, these health districts started filling these positions with educated experienced foreigners. They started to do the same playbook after covid, you don't even waived the english requirement in florida.
Didn't you tards shun of real estate after 2010's, and lot of people with capital bought out entire neighbourhoods.
Don't want to hold on local businesses such as gas stations(in shitty nieghbourhoods), hotels and restaurants.
If you morons want to ruin your lives go ahead, GUESS what there is always people fill in these gaps.
US is the final level of capitlism, there is always people willing to immigrate here and take your place.
>>Lets follow niggerman into oblivion lmao

>> No.55965009

based west speedrunning the collapse of the roman empire

>> No.55965037

>Indians in charge of understanding gallows humor

>> No.55965058

Or just buy cash you fucking poorfag nigger.
> bu-but I can’t afford my 2024 BMW
Then buy a car that you can afford you fucking nigger, stop trying to impress your nigger friends by going into debt and larping as a rich motherfucker while being a broke nigger working at wendys and living in his mom’s basement

>> No.55965197

All you have to do is put traffic cones around the car

>> No.55965209

I think all you need is one on the hood
Or just pull the modem fuse

>> No.55965231

I said this but with mortgages, you wanna bring these RMNOR to their knees, stop propping up the system.

>> No.55965326

any good resources on thwarting repo? turning off gps etc?

>> No.55965328

But you've used it all along likely to make money. It's really not as stupid as you guys make it seem if somebody's not breaking the bank. It's cool to have nicer stuff sometimes, especially if it's something you have to drive every day. Enjoy your worn out wheel bearing noises.

>> No.55965345

no shit
a functional system requires everyone have at least something to lose if it were to fail
being this high-minded and naive is the one thing i don't miss about being in my 20's

>> No.55965360

I knew something was up when i listed my 20yo sedan on marketplace for $600 and got over a thousand replies in a single week. i kept the car. put a little money into it and now im using it as a backup for my primary car. fuck this market. if you have anything that works keep it. hard times are coming.

>> No.55965381

How do you escape car insurance though i have to pay $100 a month for mine

>> No.55965393

He's saying if EVERYONE does it we win.

>The government just takes everyones cars and houses away

Nope. No. If everyone just takes out fat loans and never fucking pays them ever, we all win. Nobody is going to claw back shit, the whole system falls to pieces. The banks get caught holding the bags and we get to keep all our shinies.

Same with taxes. If we all just stopped paying taxes who the fuck comes to collect them, really? Nobody. The government barely has the resources to collect from multi million dollar delinquencies, if it even attempted to try to hunt down every American it would just implode instantly, every IRS worker would quit their job, even if they didn't it would take them thousands of years to get down that list. Most people would get a letter and that would be the end of it.

tl;dr if we could all somehow work together, take out huge loans, take all cash out of banks, and then stop paying debt and taxes, we completely dismantle the overlords.

>> No.55965414


A $5-10k car will get you to and from work 99% as good I promise.

But I agree, if someone has the income and net worth to lose $10k a year in depreciation and not have it phase them, you should be able to enjoy nice things. It's the people with $23 in checking throwing away 1/4th of their annual salary to interest and depreciation that are retards.

>> No.55965484

net worth is a made up number. your house is 90% of it. maybe for others it's stocks. but either way the market could take a shit one day and you wake up with the only net worth you have left being whatever is in your pockets. It can happen quick too. just imagine going from worrying about what height the landscapper cut your grass at to contemplating making a $20 purchase at a grocery store.

>> No.55965551
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you can't win unless you get everyone to be a lazy conniving bitch. the lenders will just sue you for what you owe and then that will get taken out of your paycheck every two weeks. at that point you're paying it back anyway and also your credit is fucked. so what's the point? To stick it to the man? The vast majority of people are not going to want to deal with that bullshit. and you don't really want to deal with that either.

>just everyone stop paying!
>just stop working and having your wages garnished


>> No.55965696

Everyone did kind of do this in 2008, they just printed a bunch of money and gave it to the other jews to keep them liquid. Can't break a system with infinite money hack without blood, but most revolutions happen over food so were not quite there

>> No.55965707

the system will try to break you first before you break it.
just keep that in mind.
when the system has to flex becuase it is threatened you should beware.

>> No.55965728

They dont need to go after everyone just make an example out of a couple of people and the rest will fall in line

>> No.55965897

movements that depend on unaninimity often fail or are easily countered.
1 issue parties were solved by political science in the 1800s.
even now on 4chan theres filthynamefags muckin about.
these are all ultimatly failing ideologies.
it is suprisingly easy to turn an in environment into a competition ,even if banal, from cooperation.
its so easy to set the prole against itself.

>> No.55965911


>> No.55966101
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Imagine an entire continent of these people exist, how have they not gone extinct.

>> No.55966236

The whole point is that enough people did it then it would only take one cycle to cripple them.

>> No.55966272

You know what op? Everyone will do that. But not because they choose to, they're just all gonna run out of money at the same time.

>> No.55966328

I know in older GM cars, OnStar/GPS are ridiculously easy to find the module box and physically disable the location services. Newer GM cars after around 2016-2018 have the modules embedded so far in the dash attached to the wifi card that you would need to spend days tearing that shit apart and putting it back together only to leave a permanent check engine light on

>> No.55966363

This. I'm a total poor fag but every vehicle I've purchased cash. I never understood putting yourself in debt intentionally

>> No.55966370

Because they're not cucks like Europeans. They know when to tell the Jews to fuck off.

>> No.55966374

the jew fears the indoor negro car loan denier.

>> No.55966380
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>> No.55966390

>if you don't give all your money to the jew you go extinct
there is a reason why the black population is rapidly increasing and the white population is rapidly dying out.

>> No.55966436

>72 months is becoming the norm these days
typo in 84

>> No.55966469
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this. even worst in 2020+. if you remove it car will not start. Car OS will talk with the location device to make sure it s up before it start. "just fake it"...they challenge themself...just hack crypto it will be easier....people saying "remove the chip" have no idea how real life system works

>> No.55966500
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>modules embedded so far in the dash
where is the fuse for it?

>> No.55968201

Why pay cash when you could just not pay anything?

>> No.55968474
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>The whole point of the thread is about IF EVERYONE does it

>> No.55968494


>> No.55969249

>an early-mid 2010s tumblr phrase
The only person I know who ever used this phrase was a young, short haired blonde chick from 2012 that was really into me, and I treated her like shit. She wasn't particularly attractive, but not too fat and she actively pursued me. She was a virgin too, and gave me a bj. Her jaw dislocated during the bj and I told her best friend about it who I really wanted to fuck. I hope she's doing alright and found someone nice.

>> No.55969291

>he doesn't buy cars that appreciate in value

>> No.55969347

Good Golem. You deserve a cookie.