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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 1200x800, WHOliver-Anthony-Photo-Courtesy-of-radiowv_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55963787 No.55963787 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /biz/ verdict on Oliver Anthony?

>> No.55963811

I don't know anything about this person other than he made a song that I have never listened to.

>> No.55963814

>poorfags south of poorsville

>> No.55963815

>both sides bad
>everyone just needs to get along

*plop* *flush*

>> No.55963824

this is a good metathread

>> No.55963844

Let me check

>> No.55963888

Stupid whiny hillbilly faggot.
Bad song.
Deserves no attention.

>> No.55963896

It's a good song. Who gives a shit otherwise?

>> No.55963899

Poorfags are always quick to point out flaws, but always fail offer solutions.

>> No.55963916

Btw my opinion is he's got a good take that corporate america is dragging politicians by the balls, and lobbying is the problem

pretty accurate tbqh

>> No.55963923


>> No.55963929
File: 535 KB, 850x975, 058babc92aa506416d1b197068ba9b32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK groomer.

>> No.55963949

Im gonna cloooooom

>> No.55963953

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.55963952

>"diversity is our strength"
>t. Oliver Anthony ~2023

>> No.55963956

I'm in ur skool grooman ur kidz

>> No.55963966
File: 63 KB, 598x566, Oliver Anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oliver Anthony is based

>> No.55963980

Actually based. Southern Democrats and Joe Biden are the heros we need, but not the heroes we deserve.

>> No.55963994

We already know, Schlomo.

>> No.55963996

His song is goid
He complains about rich people taking from working people which is true

>> No.55964027
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, brownsseethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you reject the natural order of things? There are workers, managers, planners, and rulers. Always has been. Always will be.

>> No.55964035


>> No.55964053
File: 758 KB, 500x893, Worker's-Rebellion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem now is that his 15 minutes of fame are up and he pissed off both sides, so he's basically Dylan Mulvaney.
The left hates him because they have a fiery hatred for working class laborers and believe his song is a Nazi dogwhistle.
The right hates him because he's an industry plant and grifter who's actually a woketard.
But watching shitlibs meltdown on X because of his viral song is still kinda funny, because champagne socialist romanticize the imagery of the hammer & sickle, but hate the working class and unironically believe our food supply magically appears on store shelves via African voodoo rituals.

>> No.55964065

Post hands.

>> No.55964126

Nick has the right take on him
All of it is is good but 14:15 is when he talks about oliver specifically

>> No.55964295

No hands, but rest assured I'm a 1:1 D10. You can't change human nature. There will always be people willing to give up their labor in exchange for safety and comfort.

>> No.55964532

gonna put y'all BACK in chains

>> No.55964631

A guy who didn't realize that his views on working class populism was a propaganda tool until he watched himself being used as a propaganda tool by people he claims to despise. He won't nut up to the realization though. That would be hard and require introspection and critically examining closely held beliefs. So he'll double down and continue to play his role even harder, all the while being very upset about it.

>> No.55964719

>we are all poor but diversity is good
>I'm too stupid to understand that supporting anti worker globohomo policies make me poorer

>> No.55964723

Artists have always been arrogant and it makes them the right tool

>> No.55964757
File: 85 KB, 840x472, 1683490791969305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty then:
Post nose.

>> No.55964827

Post sharpie in pooper with timestamp and social security card first.

>> No.55964914

Whole thing was pretty funny, the song is great and makes many good points but anyone that thought an outlaw country artist would be a republican is retarded. They're historically pretty left leaning with a few things from the right side of the aisle like not being fags about guns. They were pro-union, pro-labor, pro-choice, and anti-establishment to the core. As soon as I saw the right start riding his dick I knew it would end the way it did, it's up there with rand paul saying he listens to rage against the machine to get psyched up before senate hearings completely oblivious he's part of the machine that song is raging against.

>> No.55964920

nice voice

>> No.55964921

Dont mix your retarded thinking with race awareness
The natural order is small tribes in forests
Or small meadowns they made

>> No.55964932

Is he retarded? Genuine question

>> No.55964956

Is that the bar that he sets for a president? That he is “hardworking” doesn’t “take handouts”?

>> No.55964964

People who say Both sides are bad never started a genocide. Yet people who pick sides are responsible for the atrocities humans have ever committed

>> No.55964968

Same. And I’m sure there’s a person with a small hat behind his rise to fame.

>> No.55964972

this cant be real?

>> No.55964973

t. savage

>> No.55964982

People who say both sides are bad are almost always, inadvertently or not, running cover for the worst side by falsely equivocating them. They might not personally start a genocide, but they sure as fuck enable the people who do.

>> No.55964985


>> No.55964986

Isnt that just another one of the sites where you rightoid roaches circlejerk each other ? Don‘t you feel embarrassed posting a link to that lol.

>> No.55965003

Hello rabbi

>> No.55965013

he's based. only seething, self-loathing poorfags hate it. don't @ me if you make less than $100k a year.

>> No.55965015
File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, 1693243744518472[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55965034

self-loathing poorfags that think of themselves as temporarily inconvenienced millionaires at that.

>> No.55965495

Checked. You should listen. It's a bad song but it's highly representative of a large group of disenfranchised people, this board included. If nothing else, it's historically/contextually interesting to think about a song this bad getting to be such a big deal simply because its message resonates with such a large group of people.

>> No.55965984

He wrote a song and got millions in ad-revenue from youtube. Then he rugpulled his income by saying rightwingers suck as much as cultural marxists.

>> No.55965996

Kind of chad of him

>> No.55965998

So he was just trolling

>> No.55966006

saying both sides are kikes isn't trolling

>> No.55966025

i don't think that's an accurate summary of his outlook

>> No.55966313

>scat fetish

>> No.55966357

lurk moar

>> No.55966398

Honestly based. Fuck right wingers and fuck left wingers.

When someone tells me their right wing I tell them I'm left wing and vise versa

>> No.55966586

giga based working class chad who fooled a bunch of chuds

>> No.55966787

It’s not real, I checked his fb page and first post is on 21 sept 2022

>> No.55966797

I came to this conclusion when he first started saying hurrr sure why are republicans liking me?
Guy is actually just a fucking 95iq moron with a banjo.

>> No.55966815

Yes it is, check his recent insta post with a lot of text