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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 955x424, rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55961322 No.55961322 [Reply] [Original]

discuss the bitcoin rainbow chart
are you buying or selling?

>> No.55961336

Those delineations don't really matter as 15k is half of 30k

>> No.55961341

That sort of growth is not remotely logical when accounting for market cap. Where does all that money come from lmao

>> No.55961535

The is determined by supply and demand on the exchanges.
Not ALL of the BTC in existence is traded, in fact, most of it is off exchange, lost, in long term storage, seized by the FBI etc.

>> No.55961553

Don't forget boating accidents.

>> No.55961583

Buy blue sell yellow-orange

>> No.55961587

I will buy anything under 23825,13 but i seriously doubt it will reach that, maybe lower 24k it is game for me

>> No.55961597

>le line always goes up forever chart

>> No.55961625

Yes. There is no limits to US printing money, but there is a hard limit to BTC's supply. It's mathematically a fact that it will continue to be less scarce than the USD.

>> No.55961636

There is no limit to US money printing, but there is no guarantee of demand for Bitcoin

>> No.55961682
File: 755 KB, 646x466, a33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask friend who became millionaire with crypto what he thinks
"It's a huge sale"
>Ask a business advisor friend
"It's a huge sale"
>Ask financial analyst father
"It's a huge sale"
>Ask shitcoin expert who told me to get in dawae before biz made it cool
"It's a huge sale"
>Ask incel brother
"It's a huge sale"
>Check /biz
>"MuH bLaCk sWaN"
>"cRyPto Is DeAaD"
>"It'S so FucKing OveR"

Guys i think you're all larping, bots, or voices inside of my head. I don't believe anything you say anymore

>> No.55961728

Fun fact: Literally no one knows and we all make up shit as we go along. This includes whales.

>> No.55961739

kek, yeah, just HODLing is ofc a good idea since there will almost be no real price action, I am HODLing BCH, KAS, SEI and some others, but I tethered LTC bc it was going to deep more and it did and now I can go back in BTC and since I am going back in, why not buy cheaper, right? But it really is cheap, you shouldn't sell if you got on this range price.

>> No.55961773


>> No.55961915

market cap ## amount of money coming in dumbass

>> No.55961939

Buying, but not btc

>> No.55962008

this place has been taken over by paid shills a while ago
since the disappointing results of last cycle there are also a lot of organic very demoralized people

but yes your sentiment is correct this is a huge sale as dollar printing will ensure line gongo up
just dont use leverage and you can hold till it does so

>> No.55962056

>There is no limit to US money printing, but there is no guarantee of demand for Bitcoin

Except it's entire history?

>> No.55962306
File: 3.47 MB, 1920x1080, samepeople.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55962373

>scarcity means increased value
mathematically you are retarded. a currency or store of wealth with a "hard limit" to its supply is by definition useless and worthless unless your goal is to collapse the economy.

bitcoin is mostly running on the crypto meme which will most likely get nationalized. greater fool theory will cover most of you hard limit bros.

>> No.55963061

what if your friend, business advisor friend, banker dad, shitcoin expert, and incel brother...
are all NPC's?

>> No.55963071

We crashed from 70k and have been crabbing at 30k for a year. How long is this "sale" supposed to last?

>> No.55963117

Rainbow chart is wrong. It doesn’t properly scale logarithmically, literally it just keeps going up exponentially which is retarded.

There is another TA that takes into account the diminishing returns of each cycle, but I do not have it. The key thing to notice here is the 2021 tops are in the orange range, while previous cycle was in red range so we went down 2 full bars so that means we can still go two full bars under blue range

>> No.55963188
File: 102 KB, 603x174, TerryOnPlanB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55965130

> what is gold

>> No.55965597
File: 3.90 MB, 2545x3600, 1631829166702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every AVAX bought rn is a nobrainer x20
Also picrel, they say you get pegged by this qt once you get to 2k vaxxies

>> No.55965920

The rainbow chart is the most embarrassing thing in crypto and that is a list that includes Saylor, Bitboy, ICP/Moonman, and Hudson Jameson.

>> No.55966066

out of dollars. I bought at yellow.

>> No.55966073

I made the mistake of believing it 2 years ago.
We will never get back the old /biz/

>> No.55966095
File: 188 KB, 1080x1343, 284121510542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. Hodl and do not regret it.

>> No.55966116

Does the rainbow chart programmatically fix itself when it gets broken or does the creator need to hand fix it?

>> No.55966618

You're taking the concept of "hard limit" to mean an indivisible number that when reached renders all previous quantity unusable. Bitcoin can be divided each by a million. There is no working limit to its divisibility, transaction and use. It's just that fiat will always be debased and a finite supply of a hard asset in demand because of wealth storage, easy to move etc... will always appreciate in value.

>> No.55966625
File: 29 KB, 680x384, FdIVew8WAAAga_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the updated rainbow chart

>> No.55966699

Nothing isn't scarce. There's an infinite amount of nothing out there in the universe and zero demand for it.

>> No.55966777

i will double my dca when they add another color below the current one

>> No.55966784

>You're taking the concept of "hard limit" to mean an indivisible number
it's insane how many anti-bitcoin guys don't get this, including plenty of post-grad econ niggers, there's a shitload of good criticism but this has never been any good much less true

>> No.55966788

What kind of cope will they call it?

>> No.55966799

This chart is so gay.

>> No.55966806

>bitcoin rainbow chart
Completely braindead.

>> No.55966807

>line goes left
seems legit

>> No.55966823

>Where does all that money come from lmao
Every fucking cycle this sagebait of a question is asked.

>> No.55966939

There are over 50 million millionaires in the world, less than half of millionaires can own 1 BTC

>> No.55966956
File: 96 KB, 1024x800, 1690877844300143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to be constantly stolen from or
the economy will collapse!
You need to stop mainlining the koolaid

>> No.55967017

Another year give or take

>> No.55967036

Fuxking graphics can be so misleading, I learnt data in elermantreez by denial and error str8^ tho

>> No.55967075

It's a function of time. The price is relative to time so as time goes on the floor price gets higher but it's still the floor.

>> No.55967190

"It's a huge scam"

>> No.55967211

Are you really this retarded? Gold is inflationary.

>> No.55967268

And they can print us into Weimar (everyone's preference, elite or serf)
They can guarantee politicians and bankers get dragged out of their homes and killed in the street by crushing the economy and shrinking money supply.

>> No.55967328

Definitely buying chad, the asset is a steal at the current price level and I'd be doing it on Tap which lets me build a portfolio from as low as $10 during accumulation.

>> No.55967540

Where's the demand going to suddenly vanish?

>> No.55967564

Well you promised us it wasn’t a problem in late 2021 and look where we are now

>> No.55967784
File: 89 KB, 710x444, thumb2-reimu-hakurei-4k-protagonist-touhou-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trusting XOR's floor for now, when Sora Card launches, it will reach $5 and then $50 just like the gay old times

>> No.55969706

/biz/ is the most blackpilled place on the internet and full of unironic poorfags who spam "shill me you best 1000x gem" threads everyday because they are too lazy or retarded to get a job or make their own research
Never listed to /biz/ and i don't mean it as a meme the same way that r/wallstreetbets says to always do the opposite of what they do, i mean it in a serious way, ALWAYS do the opposite of what /biz/ tells you

>> No.55969708

And every cycle pumps gets smaller and smaller, curious

>> No.55969775

havent seen the real bottom of this cycle yet