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5595707 No.5595707 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw Coinbase announces that XRP does not meet its criteria for adding coins and will not be traded on Coinbase or GDAX.

>> No.5595725

This would make sense - if they add XRP it would violate their criteria completely.

>> No.5595730

>iota however does meet our requirements and we will be listing it within one business day
>praise allah

>> No.5595771

What criteria does it violate? The "fair distribution" criteria? Anything else?

>> No.5595774
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>> No.5595810

>wanting to get back into ripple
>not wanting to buy at ATH
>waiting for dip
>just keeps going up
>anons are waking up this morning and fomo
>goes up even more
>what if it never dips
>what if this is different than all the other moons
>what if it goes to 5 and I missed out because fear of ATH
>it’s against the commandments of crypto investing to ever buy the ATH.

>> No.5595814
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>> No.5595845

Coinbase is a bunch of technically incompetent lazy brainlets so I don't really understand why what they do or say matters.

>> No.5595858

>tfw thought aboutbuying ripple at $20 before it mooned
>decided not to

>> No.5595864
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With jews you lose.

>> No.5595894

>commandments of crypto
The only commandment of /biz/ is buy high, sell low.
The only commandment of /bizpol/ is with Jews you lose.
A lot of normies are going to get raped.

>> No.5596004
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It's gonna feel so good watching the normie money go down the drain.

>> No.5596057
File: 319 KB, 1600x900, the big dick jew baby pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With jews, you lose!

>> No.5596233

It's dipped now. If it goes to 1.50, it should be an instant buy for you. 1.55 isn't bad either. This will unironically hit $2 either tonight or tomorrow.

>I've stopped measuring in sats since BTC is being dethroned before our eyes.

>> No.5596313

Honest question: why don’t exchanges just add a USD or USDT trading pair for every currency and call it a day.

It’s not like they’re incapable of doing so. Bittrex has a dozen USD pairs. Why not just do all of them? Save me the step of transferring to BTC then selling for USD.

>or do they collect more fees if you have to convert a currency twice...

>> No.5596991

They will add DAI.

Can’t be USD, because the regulations protect Jew bankers from competition. For your safety, goy. You don’t want to accidentally launder your own money.

>> No.5597008


The "the currency must be decentralized" criteria is a pretty strong contender, but don't let facts get in the way of delusion.

Do you really think Coinbase is going to add a coin that could willynilly print billions of coins? They'd be up to their arse in kike lawsuits from normies overnight.

There is no chance Coinbase will ever add Ripple.

>> No.5597065

>down the drain
It’s going into Shlomo’s pocket. Sad.

>> No.5597070

>The "the currency must be decentralized" criteria is a pretty strong contender, but don't let facts get in the way of delusion.
XRP isn't centralized, anon. I'm not the biggest fan, but saying it's centralized is just plain wrong.

XRP at this point is likely gonna get introduced, but so are tons of other coins. If that ever happens.

>> No.5597170

Not centralized ≠ decentralized.

How long will normies wait for Coinbase, especially as more moon missions take off before their eyes?

>> No.5597241

Nothing centralized about XRP mate. I hear they let anybody run a validator node these days and the company gave up most their nodes.

I agree that the cuckbase obsession is retarded