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55954783 No.55954783 [Reply] [Original]

>My wife “jokes” about divorcing me and getting alimony and half my assets even though we have a good relationship

What did she mean by this?

>> No.55954795

cheeks. spread em

>> No.55954809


Some of you guys will sign any contract for pussy lol

>> No.55954811

joke about tying her to a tree deep in the woods and watching her die of dehydration

>> No.55954842


>> No.55954855

how the fuck will she get half of youor (((unknown amount))) of XMR? how will she get half of all the things you have hidden over the years? Oh you never hide anything? SHE KNOWS about your unknown amount ofxmr??

>> No.55954858

Start digging a hole in your backyard and make sure she sees you doing it.

>> No.55954869

You should "joke" about how you definitely wouldn't kill her with a rusty machete lmao

>> No.55954873

>he doesn’t know about putting everything in his moms name


>> No.55955078

She is letting you know she has power over you probably because she is insecure of you leaving her or she just wants to keep you in line. Regardless the reason she is a toxic bitch and you need to take this as a serious threat and make the necessary steps to minimize the damage she can do to you

>> No.55955141

Better start hiding assets little faggot.

>> No.55955147

>She is letting you know she has power over you
All women have power over us.
>He hit me.
And now you're in jail.

>> No.55955513

you're the (((bread winner))) and shes keeping you in line buddy

>> No.55955531

Real talk, without using crypto, how do I hide assets from a spouse? If I just open an account at a different bank and transfer money there, would a lawyer find out? Like if I transfer money from an account that's only in my name to another account that's only in my name? I guess they could demand to see bank records to look for transactions like that?

>> No.55955568

offshore accounts or buy physical gold and bury it somewhere

>> No.55955602

Where's a good place that's easy to create an offshore account that won't raise red flags to lawyers? Or even the IRS? Won't really work if the government starts sending mail about an offshore account I created.

>> No.55955604

I joke about funneling all our assets into Monero, claiming I lost it all gambling, then taking off with a golden visa to the other side of the world.

>> No.55955635

She’s warning you. Put everything in a trust broski.

>> No.55955671

Couple options

>Put everything in your moms name
>Buy gold to preserve wealth and bury it (only you know where its buried
>Buy btc, same as above
>Buy monero, same as above
>Get a lawyer just in case (no dont tell her about the lawyer).
>Set up offshore back accounts

Live life normally and dont open your mouth about investments or other financial shit other that mortgage and car payments.

>> No.55955682
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That's not really information people are willing to just give away.

>> No.55955737

Doesn't hurt to ask, so I know what kind of places to start looking at. Clearly I'm retarded about this kind of stuff.

>> No.55957589

Go to an accountant and ask this sort of shit. Sure its expensive but better 200 bucks gone on getting that help then getting divorce raped.

>> No.55957603

She desperately needs a beating. Convert to Islam.

>> No.55957610


>> No.55957621
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just hide all your money in pepefork2

>> No.55957698

Probably a retort to you "joking" about something that pissed her off.
Tell the whole story, nigger

>> No.55957769

Just use Monero.
Why bother with offshore, lawyers and glowies
You can spend hundreds, thousands on lawyer fees
Or you can spend pennies on Monero fees.

>> No.55957822


>not getting a pre-nup


>> No.55958389

>thinks a pre-nup will save him

>> No.55958428

>>Buy gold to preserve wealth and bury it (only you know where its buried
>>Buy btc, same as above
>>Buy monero, same as above
are you watching me?

>> No.55958452


Women have 2 sides:

> the side they show when they have no leverage over you at all (this is usually the beginning)

> the side they show when they have significant leverage over you (this is usually after marriage or kids)

The trick is to get them to show you side 2 without first giving them leverage. Side 2 is who they really are.

>> No.55958536

predictive programming

>> No.55958552


>> No.55958595

Lel it’s going to be a lot more than $200 more like $2,000.

>> No.55958730

are you retarded? there are internet forums dedicated to that shit lmao

>> No.55958740

I just want my kids to be winners
>Inb4 don't have to get married for that
Nobody will take your family seriously if you're a 50 year old saying "my girlfriend"

>> No.55958769

>Sure it’s expensive but better 200 bucks gone on getting that help than getting divorce raped.
>then getting divorce raped
I see what you did there ;)

>> No.55958773

This is true. She’s figuring out your weakness and settling into the feeling

>> No.55958831

Tire iron.

>> No.55958849

My ex gf joked about stealing my BTC

Keyword being "ex"

>> No.55958879

I would start joking about domestic violence and females that get their faces caved in for saying stupid shit once she said the divorce jokes.

>> No.55960033
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You need to start going to the Drs for a gambling addiction, let them know its really getting you down. Tell them all about the shame and guilt from hiding it from your wife. Make sure he writes all this down. Keep doing this, atleast 3 times a year. Up the ante each time you go.

When your wife makes good on her threat. You are gonna have the biggest loss of your life on paper, just not to her. Whoever you trust the most in your life is going to win it all from you in a game of poker. Then you quit your job and delare bankruptcy. Seek out the lowest paying job you can find, to fuck the alimony. You are gonna have a tough few years and everyone will talk about what a terrible person you are. Just grin and bare it the jokes on them.

Once the divorce has gone though the courts, you're gonna win it all back from your trusted person. She wont be able to do shit about any of it.

God bless anon, best of luck to you!

>> No.55960559

this is right op, just completely ignore her and if after a bit she asks what is wrong, try to have sexytime

>> No.55960683

start stacking monero and keep your mouth shut

>> No.55960948

Why dont men get half of womens shit? Why is it always women get mens shit?

>> No.55960956
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Basically the female version of this dominance display.

>> No.55960997

>all my assets are intentionally in my parents’ names for this very reason
Good luck getting them

>> No.55961011

Then call her "wife" but you're not actually married, what's the difference? Also caring about what others think. Lol, lmao.

>> No.55961021

The virgin husband vs the Chad wife, I hope she continues to bully you.

>> No.55961049 [DELETED] 

Having a bad marriage is a skill issue, its the single biggest boon a man can have.
OP is just a pussy who wont tell his wife to cut that shit

>> No.55961058

Having a bad marriage is a skill issue, its the single biggest boon a man can have.
OP is just a pussy who wont tell his wife to cut that shit.
If you feel more comfortable talking to 4fags than your wife you have some serious issues

>> No.55961077

you should do some shit tests on her too

she is testing you

>> No.55961092

The answer to a shit test is not to play the same game but to put her in her place.
Literally nobody in this thread seems to fucking get that. Am I the only one here over the age of 25 in this thread? Wtf?

>> No.55961129

The only reason the shit tests are possible is because women know the state has taken away men's ability to walk away.

>> No.55961144

kek this
>caring what others think

>> No.55961160 [DELETED] 

she is texting your reaction because she wants to do it seems you must have failed that test by letting her know that she shouldnt fix her fking lips to say something like that to you even in a joking manner

>> No.55961172

she is testing your reaction because she wants to do it seems you must have failed that test by letting her know that she shouldnt fix her fking lips to say something like that to you even in a joking manner

>> No.55961181

It’s about family not pussy you coombrained retard. It’s also about God’s way, which is marriage and family.

>> No.55961280

If she jokes about that it's already over anon and she's been fucking some other dude quite a while now. Friend went through the same. Roastie wife was just teasing and joking first, then he caught her cheating. Was going on for 6 months by that time. The end result was an ugly divorce and his kids brainwashed and turned completely against him by that roastie.
Time to lawyer up.

>> No.55962542

How would one do this?

>> No.55962677

You should “joke” about murdering her if she ever tries anything

>> No.55962699

>imagine letting a whore roastie turn your kids against you
I mean accidents are so common

>> No.55962772

Woman hate absolute loyalty. Pay some whores some money to message you on socials or hit you and leave you notes on street. Show her these messages so she knows you are still a high value man. Create competition and fomo without going overboard. Look wifey this girl messaged me on insta. Guess i still got it eh ? Should i leave you for her. She got a nice ass. Tease her playfully. While not going over the line. Woman love competing with other woman. She will fuck you like a maniac she will ride that dick like a pornstar so you dont leave.

>> No.55962793
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That's gotta be the worst deal in the history of deals. I have a colleague who has 2 kids with his gf, all living together happily. He has 0 intention of ever getting married. Smart guy.

>> No.55962801

she is teasing you with your insecurities. joke back that it's not a problem, because you'll get a thinner wife that spends less on food. women love that friendly banter

>> No.55962832


>> No.55963120

this. and if you can go to a casino and pull out cash from their ATMs a few times a week/month to create a document trail, can make it more convincing that you're "addicted" to gambling.

>> No.55963318

was thinking based until you said 'grin and bare it'. It's 'bear' anon, as in to bear a burden.

>> No.55963874

Now by she did you mean narcissistic personality disorder possessing gaslighting sadist she devil who's main hobbies include witchcraft, domesticabuse, and internet chatrooms? Yaaaa I'd prob file for the d asap

>> No.55965084

Make jokes about getting a mortar and pestle and grinding a lightbulb until it's very fine then putting it in her food.
>and then do it.