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55952030 No.55952030 [Reply] [Original]

working is slavery

>> No.55952034
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slavery is working, 98% demoralization.....

>> No.55952036
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>> No.55952041

Money is slavery. Working is ok when you are well paid

>> No.55952094

If you get a "real" job it takes like 4 years to save up enough to escape if you're careful. Minimum wage labor is practically slavery though yeah.

>> No.55952111

Daily reminder that Jesus was brown and he came to save his oppressed people (brown) from the evil oppressors (white). So to anyone using the phrase "God-given right" make sure you aren't white.

>> No.55952139
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We wuz jesus and sheeeiiit...

>> No.55952168

Daily reminder Ancient Mediterranean civilization was White before it was overrun by Arabs and Niggers the way Europe is being overrun today.

>> No.55952176


>> No.55952191

if whitoids were smart they wouldn’t have let it happen kek, checkmate

>> No.55952321

Do what you love and you'll never have to work another day in your life.

>> No.55952332

born to slave

>> No.55952346
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What do I love?

>> No.55952379

>The fact that Whites haven't genocided all the brown people that harass them shows that they're inferior and should tolerate them.
Quite the idea there.

>> No.55952392

You love video games, masturbating to japanese cartoons, wikipedia philosophy, gambling on cryptocurrencies nobody actually uses for anything.

>> No.55953176

if working is slavery
wait until u figured out what taxation is

>> No.55953262

I don't mind working, I just fucking hate getting paid garbage and not being able to make enough money to do the things i want in life.

>> No.55953268

Maybe you could have just stayed in Europe to yourselves, no need to genocide anyone.

>> No.55953271

I mean yeah. You either kill that other tribe or you'll end up breeding with them. That's what happened with early humans and neanderthals.

>> No.55953274

>you'll never have to work another day in your life.
yes that the rest of that life will be short as you starve to death realizing nobody is just going to pay you to do what you love.

>> No.55953288

Maybe you could just have stayed in your ghetto, kike.

>> No.55953335
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I mean let's look at what happened, basically whitey went all around the planet interfering with native people that were minding their own business, stealing their land, raping their women, "colonizing", exploiting and enslaving them.

Now let's look at what the more intelligent Japanese did, they took one look at the Zoo called Earth and said "fuck that" they isolated themselves, for over 200 years with the goal of keeping everyone foreign out. Who interfered with them again? Whitey. They'd have still been isolated today if whitey would just fuck off. Nut no, whitey has to try to colonize and exploit because that's what whitey does. But now white supremacy is over and whitey cries "we need a homeland too!" hahahaha, if there's anyone that doesn't deserve a homeland it's whitey, fuck off retards, it's your own fault.

>> No.55953351
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>> No.55953402

good thing I don't work

>> No.55953464

i would only work in a natsoc state, this system just feeds shitskins, globohomo and kikes

>> No.55954086

I'll take it, when do I start?

>> No.55954117

Being this fucking stupid. There is 0 hope for you dumbfuck but out of the goodness in my heart I'll clue you in to the fact that its human nature to conquer, and it was a trait shared by every single civilization ever, across all skin colors. "Whitey" just happened to be the best at it in the period of history most recent to us.

>> No.55955795

okay then now you're getting conquered so quit your bitching.

>> No.55956005

Lol if we hadn't "colonized" the planet most places would still be trading slaves, castrating boys, and have nearly zero "women's rights." Fuck off.

>> No.55956017

So there's no good reason not segregate/kill other races then? Great! Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.55956030

>most places would still be trading slaves, castrating boys, and have nearly zero "women's rights

Boys still get castrated .
Slavery still exists in the Middle East, Africa, and India.
Women's rights have destroyed western civilization.

>> No.55956033

you won't do shit, bitch. it's over for you

>> No.55956035

More news at 11 a.m

>> No.55957273


>> No.55957310

But unironically.

>> No.55957325
File: 2.05 MB, 1406x1334, pepefork17ultracropped2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working for another man is the ultimate form of cuckery.

>> No.55957386

then dont lol