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File: 3.51 MB, 480x360, buy-gold-on-base-and-stake-on-balancer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55951523 No.55951523 [Reply] [Original]

Buy $GOLD on Base and stake it on Balancer. Ride the whale’s back. Some of you took my advice when I posted this thread yesterday. The rest of you are fucking retarded and gay and will never make it if you don’t see how fucking easy this is. You will literally never get another chance like this. Buy $GOLD on Base, stake it on Balancer, and trust Humpy the whale. He has literally $60M+ verifiably on chain and put his reputation on the line. It's free real estate.

This is a link to a news article about Humpy throwing his weight around on Balancer. He is literally unstoppable:


Read the Golden Boys Bible immediately after you've bought $GOLD on Base and staked it on Balancer:


Buy $GOLD, stake it on Balancer, join the tg, and trust Humpy. Do not blow this one.

>> No.55951629

Gather round plebs, and I will read to you from the GoldenBoys Bible:

1. tons of noobs here need to realize this isn’t a fucking binance or even nu gen eth shitcoin that is just lying to you selling you some reskined github shit

>> No.55951637

2. its a defi related coin

>> No.55951641

3. it has the richest dev in ALL OF MEMECOINS AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN TIME

>> No.55951649

4. the guy has 7+ years of experience in crypto point 3 means he wasn’t born yesterday this means that he knows exactly what to do, from when to go hard from when to let jeets panic into dumping big positions for cheap

>> No.55951669

5. you really want gold to 1000? are you really even capable of holding a 20x? let alone a 200x? some of yall sell half at 2x to recoup your investment then watch as you miss out on 5x in the next days

>> No.55951695

6. humpy knows what hes doing

>> No.55951703

7. garbage coins need to do THE MOST : socials, website , nfts etc, - because they got nothing else but hype; DONT BRING THIS ENERGY HERE YOU’RE ONLY GOING TO ANNOY HUMPY, doing this YOU BECOME the risk. the biggest risk is humpy believing you’re all fucking hopeless and getting bored. SHOW CONFIDENCE. HUMPY IS THE UTILITY.

>> No.55951714

I can see this having value just having the ticker $gold on base, but other than that and regurgitating the Bible do you have anything else to say about this token? Obviously your involved or bought in at a price where you feel the need to shill it. Twitter is dead and TG is boring so how and when is this going to moon?

>> No.55951715

8. you dont need to be a whale. YOU JUST NEED TO RIDE ONE’S BACK.

>> No.55951723

It won’t. Please return to your hbar and icp threads.

9. whales mastered the art of timing.

>> No.55951748

10. humpy could’ve done this on any chain since forever. yet, he picked $BASE . aren’t you curious why?

>> No.55951765

11. the market cap is NOT what is listed; it’s mcap = price * circ supply circ supply is 1/4. and 1/4 is burned. humpy holds 50% for rewards ONLY. current cap rn is 1.5m

>> No.55951784

12. humpy has minimum 40x this on chain.

>> No.55951803

13. stop telling humpy what he needs to do for gauges or balancer; you look like a fucking idiot. EVEN IF HUMPY MISSED A MARKER OR A DEADLINE HE COULD USE HIS INFLUENCE TO INFLICT WRATH ON THE PROTOCOL SO THEY REMOVE SAID MARKERS OR DEADLINES.

>> No.55951834

14. stop being a fucking idiot. going forward i will screenshot every single noob who whines and i will put it in my phone in a rekt gold plebs” folder. once we hit 1000/gold, i will build a montage and it will look so good humpy will post it on the gold twitter and i promise you you will be aware we pumped and i promise you you will see your name on the collage and you will need to tell your wife and family you papered generational wealth. you will need to explain how you knew you were in the richest whale’s coin and you sold on day 2 because he didn’t run it like an indian shitcoin.

>> No.55951873

This is one of those "you see it twice a year" type shitcoin opportunities that gets posted to biz early enough that it matters.

I've bought a few hundred $GOLD and will look for a new buying opportunity soon.

>> No.55951922

15. humpy has put up 28 eth in rewards just for fun. that’s more than everyone complaining here’s entire net worth

>> No.55951935


16. humpy HAS NEVER SHILLED shitcoins before, yet puts his name behind this.

>> No.55951941

17. humpy is legendary in the defi world. you think he’s going to ruin this for a fucking 1.5m cap coin? are you dumb? you realize doing this could hurt his future governance moves? you know he has enough money to moon shitcoins anonymously if that was his goal?

>> No.55951943

Honored to have the generational opportunity to BUY and HOLD real GOLD on BASE chain. Thank you HUMPY and TEAM for the work you have done in preparation and will continue doing to let me ride your back to on-chain glory.

>> No.55951945

18. humpy has told you about 20 times so far to be patient and to trust the process. he said he’s gonna give back. let him do his thing and stop being little cringelords. you’re literally a meme. go do this in other telegrams. go launch your own coin. just realize you’re the biggest pain in the ass. imagine if humpy is laughing knowing he’ll make all you bums rich, is having a great day, knows things are moving per his timeline, then he shows up here and he sees you guys whining about shit that is literally at the bottom of his priority list. you’re a noob. act like it and let the masters do what they do.

>> No.55952004

Marketcap is total supply of X * price of X. You can argue about circulating vs total supply all you want, but you are misconstruing any value that marketcap has to begin with. Can you trade on the marketcap of a thing? No, you can trade on the price of the thing. Why? Because the liquidity you have available is never the total liquidity of the thing. The total liquidity of the thing, for example houses, is all of the houses that could be bought or sold. The available liquidity of houses is the amount of houses that are actually listed for sale and ones which people actually would buy. Marketcap doesn't restrict price movement, it doesn't price in price movement, it doesn't orchestrate price movement. The only thing that does that is the intrinsic value of the thing, not price, the value of the thing and the available (circulating) liquidity of the thing.

>> No.55952009

Thanks Ranjeet

>> No.55952063

Also, I like the Gold mematics, but who is to say this Whale fag isn't just one of the perpetual scammers with a side project (semi-legit) and that's how they have 60-someting million dollars?

>> No.55952069

Did anyone chain analyze "Humpy"?

>> No.55953007

He doesn't, he's a newbie with only 7 years of experience.
I'm based OG been here since 2012.
Who would you listen to a newbie with 7 years of experience or an OG with 11! Years of experience.

Don't buy this rugpull

>> No.55953099
File: 10 KB, 300x168, spongebored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, jumped into the ALB pool.
>but you're down this morning
Yep, with a yield of $50 a day.
Wonder how long it will take before I'm back up.
A week?
>what if it dumps
It's $0.04. It's a governance/site token. They're all five cents. velodrome is $0.05 constantly. $0.04 now. $0.04 next month. $0.04 next year.

>> No.55953136

I think the tactic of buying BASE Dex native tokens is dead desu. There's just too many of them, and there's been zero decent price action on any of them relative to TVL and volume. I don't think a single one has gone over 10 milloin MC.

BaseSwap is doing terribly and ALB team have a history of dumping projects which is why they have 0 decent partnerships. There will be decent plays on BASE in time, but now isn't the time, maybe Aerodrome will inject some life back into the chain (for the sake of my TAROT bags I hope it does), but idk.

>> No.55953206
File: 22 KB, 480x639, 1670254274236619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a small bag of this the day it launched at sub-$1 and cashed everything out for around 1eth of profit in the $14 range.
I don't trust the eggman, but I'll buy another tiny bag in case it moons again. ty OP.

>> No.55953708
File: 191 KB, 1024x651, 1664214187110010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poojeet rugpull scam

>> No.55954555

Honored to have the generational opportunity to BUY and HOLD real GOLD on BASE chain. Thank you HUMPY and TEAM for the work you have done in preparation and will continue doing to let me ride your back to on-chain glory.

>> No.55955241

Ser. I’ve never seen a project in web3 thrive and do well off of fake fud and creating lies about another project in order to try and absorb their market share. Your project looks cool, but your strategy is counter productive and in the long run it’ll be really bad for you guys

>> No.55955769
File: 516 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_4425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you guys buying. Some of you get it.

>> No.55956154

I've bought a new shitcoin called $gold on the BASE block chain network deployed by the egg man whale known as Humpy who signed a peace treaty in the Balancer wars

>> No.55956605

Lemme just throw this out there. I know a lot of the people who have been getting involved behind the scenes with Gold. If you look at the Discord, there is clearly a team forming.

There are real product ideas being discussed, and people with the experience and talent to realize them.

The relationship between Balancer and Humpy is improving, and it seems very unlikely that a deal around gauges will not be sorted out.

I have a better overview of this than just about anyone right now DESU, and I'm telling you, this ain't nothing yet. There's not even anything to talk about.

When there is, would be cool if the community could figure out how to get it out there and build the legend of Humpy and the Golden Boys.

Next few weeks should be exciting :)