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55946929 No.55946929 [Reply] [Original]

but do you?

>> No.55946950

thats a man
crypto is like money that can only be used to buy other cryptos.

>> No.55946963

Who cares what a whore thinks ?

>> No.55946973

nice strawman faggot

>> No.55946974


>> No.55946978

I dont care about what a woman who exploits weak men thinks.

>> No.55946992

attacking her doesn't make her wrong though

but you do care about the weak men that empower her apparently?

>> No.55946998


>Be American
>Can't pay woman to have sex with you
>Can pay woman to have sex with you IF you also videotape it and sell the videotape

Ooooooh saaaay can you seeeeeeeeee

>> No.55947124
File: 113 KB, 396x385, 1607275727181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he had to make a thread about a sex worker
>he also saved a pic of a only fans whore talking about crypto

>> No.55947178

no I dont care about them either because they enable this behavior. if america legalized prosties, they wouldnt have this hoeflation and outliers that earn more than 100k+ a year on OF. she is simply a lucky parasite feeding off the desperation of weak men due to americas retarded puritan laws.

>> No.55947223

Take your cape off faggot. The fact a dumb slut had the audacity to open her whore mouth to say something negative about crypto automatically confirms to me it’s headed for another bullrun. And this is coming from someone who’s been out the crypto scene for 7 years

>> No.55947232

>attacking her doesn't make her wrong though

waaah waah the government enforces their laws even when i use bitcoins!!

>> No.55947234

Sell when of whores are bullish buy when they are bearish. Whore indicator.

>> No.55947242

Listening to a prostitutes opinion

>> No.55947297

>Take your cape off
>NOOOOOOO you can't give a woman credit even when she is right

she's making $500k a month pretty sure she doesn't need saving. Point is that she's right, here we have someone actually trying to use crypto in the way that people shill it, as some kinda currency or hedge and she's telling everyone that's all bullshit. That crypto is basically completely controlled. Not sure why that would cause another bullrun

>> No.55947305
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>he copes

>> No.55947354

So are we ignoring that exchanges are as bad as banks?

>> No.55947366

>you sit on a lot of useless money
It's true. I can't convert my rose stack to usd because every fucking exchange is banned in NY. I literally can't cash out. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.55947368

That's not a strawman. That's an appeal to the individual

>> No.55947384

completely ignoring it, they're basically the new banks.

>> No.55947407

>Exchange shuts down whores account
>whore continues to throw tantrum because she didn’t get her way for once in her life

Either you’re an incel who’s never been around women or just biased against crypto to pick the lowest of the low to side with, or both.

Women never use logic ever. Her comments about crypto was 100% due to the fact she couldn’t have it her way. According to her very limited knowledge, you can only buy and hold crypto on exchanges and nowhere else. She said nothing about crypto prices being manipulated or anything regarding market sabotage, which means she virtually knows nothing and just outted herself as a raging toddler once again.

The fact that you side with this behavior is really telling in itself…

>> No.55947410

>here we have someone actually trying to use crypto in the way that people shill it
You are supposed to exit the old system completely, newfag

>> No.55947418

Skill issue

>> No.55947429

Actually he's appealing to authority

>> No.55947435

noo i can't launder 500k a month for sex work through it without any effort noo

>> No.55947449

its just a bait thread

>> No.55947458

Crypto preys on the same weak men.

>> No.55947470

Is crypto supposed to replace banks or not

>> No.55947498

Dumb bimbo doesn't realize she can use crypto to: buy groceries, shop online, pad her portfolio, etc.

>> No.55947509

You seem to be missing the part where this whore is trying to pass her dirty money back through the bank. She can accept crypto and send it freely, the problem is she doesn't want crypto, she wants dollars. She has no interest in cryptocurrencies as payment and you are a retarded nigger for listening to her.

>> No.55947519

Reminder that most of these whores that claim to make all of this money are literally just helping drug cartels launder money, and they get a piece of the action.

>> No.55947527

>all the myopic redditor rapefugees ignore the fact that all the big kike exchanges are just as bad as banks just so they can shit on some whore instead
this board, no this whole website, is truly dead

>> No.55947574

What is Bisq / P2P? What a dumb thot.

>> No.55947795

>This change in reward rate calculation was required given that the source of rewards in Chainlink Staking in the future is expected to increasingly shift towards being derived from user fees (which may be a variable amount).
not selling.

>> No.55948368

you can't blame her. She's just a woman after all

>> No.55948400

you can always just trade p2p, you don't need exchanges... they are just for convenience

>> No.55948428

she should have used monero

>> No.55948448
File: 299 KB, 1080x1350, evie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain why men give onlyfan whores money when they can just go see a prostitute? If you are a amerifat and you are paranoid of going to prison for seeing hooker then just go to strip club. Who the fuck pays for porn and why did this trend popup after covid?

or is this just zoomers?

>> No.55948520

Hell it's not prostitution if you don't pay for it. Anymore women are so liberated and free that only a real dumb ass would pay for it. Two adults meeting up. Decided to go somewhere to fuck. Long as money don't change hands in exchange for said fuck the law don't give a damn. Girls/women are everywhere. KR/WMT/the street,etc. Go out and spread your seed wide. (Just make sure you keep a supply of condoms otherwise well.. uh you'll pay for it all right to the tune of 18 years)

>> No.55948537

the secret is that most men don't and 99.9% of women on the platform aren't making any money at all. those that do grossly inflate their earnings (of course the website is eager to take part in the lie) as a marketing trick.

nobody is checking the receipts except the IRS. seriously 4chan and stupid roasties are the last people on earth who aren't wise to how much of a fraud the "OF millionaire" is.

>> No.55948553

>muh highschool debate terms
I see the game tourists still haven't left and this place is still a shithole

>> No.55948569

She’s too stupid to spend it. I have no problem spending crypto. But I’m not a dumb hole.

>> No.55948571

horrible tits

>> No.55948591

I highly doubt these whores earn this much money off of OF. Unless they do niche, fetish shit, they were famous already or are literal 10s, these cunts are most likely prostitutes and use it to launder money and promote themselves to other real clients.

>> No.55949099
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>she thinks permissionless refers to buying it on an exchange

>> No.55949107

Whores entering crypto was a top signal. Whore leaving is a bottom signal.

>> No.55949115

The life of all women needs to become more difficult

>> No.55949122

literally all they need to do is make a corporation, and get corporate accounts
Stop using personal accounts for multi-million dollar earnings you fucking retards

>> No.55949142

I feel like everybody just magically forgot that you can just buy insta and twitter followers. But also, you have to remember that if they have say a thousand real followers and each of them only throw like 5 bucks a month at them then that's enough for them to not have to wagecuck.

>> No.55950010

It matters because one of the big use cases for crypto believe it or not is getting around banking regulations

but the jews have made it beholden to those same regulations so there is no longer any point to it

>> No.55950033

>shifting the goal posts this hard

>> No.55950038

this, average (mean) income of all only fans account is about 180 dollars a month, including the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ earners. the median income was 19 dollars a month. For every 1 person raking in 50k a month there are 500 who are making 10 to 50 bucks.

>> No.55950050

Most of those are fake accounts made by pajeets

Median income of legitimate accounts is like $1.5k a year

>> No.55950540

>You are supposed to exit the old system completely, newfag
bull fucking shit. Nobody in crypto has "completely exited the old system". When you have to pay bills and buy food these places don't accept crypto and people that think they're "living off crypto" with their debit cards don't understand they're actually using VISA and usually give up custody of their crypto to some custodial service is order to do so. Crypto is a failure as a currency, it doesn't work. Try to live off of crypto for a year without using any centralized or custodial service for payments. You can't.

>> No.55950626

BITCOIN literally solves this problem because its P2P and decentralized. Satoshi was a based king who explicitly stated in the OG BITCOIN whitepaper "fuck banks we rely on state and private electricity grids because CONSUMING MORE ENERGY THAN AVERAGE JOE ON MAINSTREET US OF A and PAY MASSIVE TAX BILLS WILL DEFEAT THE CENTRAL BANKING KIKES and STOP BANK BAIL OUTS ummm NOT YET like TWO MORE WEEKS just keep consuming our energy GOY you're REALLY making US KIKES SEETH lol

>> No.55950743

makeup, too much of it

>> No.55950815

99% of OF models are ugly or make shit content. The Belle Delphines are rare and are the ones that make real money

>> No.55950844

Bitcoin doesn't solve jackshit.

>> No.55950907
File: 261 KB, 1280x809, 1688695152868866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb roastie is dumb. "Strangely" male
criminals (drug dealers etc) aren't having this problem, almost like the problem is she's a mindless hole that can't into real crypto

>> No.55950927

Unironically, is there any way for a man to make money doing things like Onlyfans? If a girl can sell her farts in a jar, isn't there SOMETHING I could do to make dumb money on the side? What's the male version of women e-domming Saudi princes?

>> No.55950931

She could use crypto, but she's not interested in using crypto, she just wants to abuse an exchange as a cc processor cut-out, no shit the exchange is going to drop her when they realize she's engaging in gross violations of banking laws.

>> No.55950933

I wish I had a slutty little nymph that would mask up with me a fuck senslessly on cam doing b/g content on OF

>> No.55950955

get a gf/fwb, put her on onlyfans and take a 50% cut

>> No.55951056

I already have a gf and want to do something on the side

>> No.55951230

Alinity is fugly and she still gets flooded with millions. She almost certainly clears $10m annually.

The founder of OF is a billionaire. There’s a ton of money being thrown at these whores for some reason

>> No.55951248

Maybe not $10m actually but still, the guy is a billionaire

>> No.55951266
File: 35 KB, 438x501, future this bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care
didn't ask
plus she's a woman

>> No.55952278

She's wrong because the censorship and permission denying happens on the dollar side, not the crypto side. She can spend her buttcoins however she wishes. If the government prevents her from buying dollars that's a dollar problem.

>> No.55952325

the man who pay for onlyfans are so mentally ill and scared of human interaction that actually interacting with woman gives them mental break, just thinking about going to prostitute probably gives them heart attack.
Big overlap group of men is so whipped by being brought up by toxic mother and none/whipped father that they get horny by spinelless simping, prostitutes and their pimps will not allow that as it is dangerous for bussinness.

>> No.55952624

The whole argument is irrelevant because the purpose of crypto is not to bypass laws or get around government regulations. It's simply a way to transact and store value that is verifiably impossible to counterfeit or arbitrarily create more of, since it's governed by software. All that anarchist shit is tangential. Are guns useless because you can't kill whoever you want without getting arrested? No, because that's not the reason they exist.

>> No.55952722

No retard, she needs exchanges to cash out

>> No.55952742

she's right retard. crypto is useless if you can't easily convert to/from fiat or pay directly in stores without all the kyc bs

>> No.55953194

>The whole argument is irrelevant because the purpose of crypto is not to bypass laws or get around government regulations.
She's an OF girl, not a drug dealer, what law is she breaking? The point of crypto is supposed to a currency that's decentralized, permissionless, borderless, censorship resistant, all that. But not a single crypto can scale without sacrificing security or decentralization so none of them can be used as actual currency. So she found she had to turn her crypto into real money (US Dollars) to spend it. In doing so she found that crypto is pretty much the same as the traditional system, or even worse since she's getting banned from every crypto exchange which just leaves her with a bunch of useless "money" she can't do anything with. If they can do it to her then they can do it to any of us and that's why crypto is a bunch of shit.

>> No.55953815

>dirty money
why is it dirty money? it's not like she's selling drugs

>> No.55953908

It's dirty money because the bank said so. What more is there to understand? She got banned by the bank. Bitcoin didn't ban her. She can still freely transact cryptocurrencies all day long. But she doesn't want that. I don't know why you glowniggers think this is some sort of gotcha for crypto.

>> No.55953921

>So she found she had to turn her crypto into real money (US Dollars) to spend it.
it has nothing to do with a lack of security or decentralization but with laws and regulations. public chains are already decentralized enough to be censorship resistant and scalable.

>> No.55953928

I want to spray cum all over her bald pussy and use her like the fucking dirty whore she is.
Cry about it

>> No.55954034

If she's an "OF girl" why does she need an external payment system? She's a whore crying that regulated financial institutions are closing her accounts for funneling prostitution proceeds through them

>> No.55954103

fuck off this board bootlicker

>> No.55954185

Literally a buy signal

>> No.55954380

>So she found she had to turn her crypto into real money (US Dollars) to spend it.
You're supposed to wait until after the halving, idiot. Bitcoin is for storing excess money that you want to hide from the government for years before you spend it. If you don't see the appeal of holding money that the government can't print INSIDE YOUR BRAIN, then you're not the target customer. Just stick with government currency that you can easily trade for crack with other poor people.

A woman has no concept of saving. What does she care about spending less than she earns if she doesn't have earnings? She just wants a payment processor to buy stuff with. The value of a dollar going down over time makes no difference to her. That's fine. She's allowed to have different priorities. But don't act like an uncensorable asset that goes from $17k to $27k in a matter of months isn't useful to a MAN who has a JOB.

>> No.55954631

monero doesn't have this problem.

>> No.55955287

The only bootlicker is you statist, the whore can use crypto, but the whore doesn't want to use crypto, she just wants to abuse exchanges as a cc processor for her prostitution

>> No.55955348

If she's banned with banks and payment processors of course she can't cash out from exchanges you stupid fuck. And $500k per month p2p is going to end with murder and/or jail especially when she doesn't appear smart to begin with.

>> No.55956587
File: 88 KB, 1406x641, its over for Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh halving meme
you and everyone else thinks this is some guaranteed thing to make money, even CNBC is talking about muh halving now. You're all gonna be in for a big surprise this time around when Bitcoin doesn't even break ATH

>She just wants a payment processor to buy stuff with
yeah that's supposed to be the entire point of this crap-to shit, didn't you know? It's supposed to be currency for payments, that was the whole point, buying and selling things in everyday life. That's the only way it ever threatens to change anything that matters or becomes actually useful to society. (spoiler: it fails as currency)

>don't act like an uncensorable asset that goes from $17k to $27k in a matter of months isn't useful to a MAN who has a JOB.
Don't forget that same "asset" drops -80% in a year. So yeah, it's useful for gambling, might as well just got to a casino. It's not censorship proof because you can't do jackshit with it without going through some custodial or centralized entity. Try living off just Bitcoin to pay bills, buy food etc. Nobody accepts the shit because the transactions are expensive and complicated. You'll have to use some custodial VISA debit card service to spend it and lie to yourself that you're using the Bitcoin network. If exchanges, banks and government block you like they're doing with her then you're stuck with useless money you can't even spend. It's a pain in the ass and a hassle to deal with. That is what she complaining about.

>> No.55956652
File: 29 KB, 749x408, WTFisAmatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day of the rope won't come soon enough