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File: 169 KB, 1280x1280, australia-flag-lge__07077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55945432 No.55945432 [Reply] [Original]

What you gonna do ausbros? The medicine wasn't strong enough, the RBA isn't gonna raise anymore and we are all going to hell to save retards that overlevered on housing. Personally thinking of fleeing to Thailand or Europe.

>> No.55945439

Make as much money in other currencies as you can. I do surveys and focus groups for USD and of course crypto stuff, hopefully one of the big airdrops comes through before the end of the year. Once i've got a good chunk i'm thinking Thailand or Europe, probably the later because I fucking hate the heat.

>> No.55945441

where do you find these surveys and focus groups? are you making a good amount?

>> No.55945452

I’ve saved 14oz of gold and 500oz of silver over the last 5yrs. Will I make it ausbois

>> No.55945465

lol gold has been my best performing asset since 2 years

>> No.55945497

Yeah Ikr it’s kinda surprised me too. It’s depressing to think coins sitting on my shelf are more productive than my super is being

>> No.55945504
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For a laugh check out the Mexican peso vs AUD.

>> No.55945506
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>> No.55945510

we're a banana republic, that still pays its dues to the crown. all our shit is exported. the low dollar is great for that.

>> No.55945564

Is it too late to get into negative gearing a house to rent out yet? Like is there a realistic scenario where the government could even take it away - seems like boomers hold the sway in voting for at least another 1-2 decades, even though arguably more people might be against it than for it by now. Although most politicians seem to have property portfolios themselves, and even ins with construction companies. The only way out seems like everything crashes to the point everyone loses their jobs (so there's no tax incentive) and/or starts lynching landlords.

>> No.55945575

it'll be around for fucking ages m8. if they touch it they'll just wind it back say only allowed to do it for two houses, then one house. they'll have to reform taxation eventually but it is political suicide now and for a long time yet.

>> No.55945583

Ay carumba.
>Is it too late to get into negative gearing a house to rent out yet?
you do understand that a negatively geared house is losing money, right?

>> No.55945588

>Bro who cares if your standard of living is continually going down! Can't you see how GREAT the economy is?

>> No.55945603

mines not. i'm fkn loaded and work in the banana republic export industry, so life is fucking great for me. but yeh, most people are going backwards.

>> No.55945631

You have the wrong idea. Australia is not supposed to be a great place for you to live. You may have this idea from shitty fake news articles about how Melbourne and Brisbane are the world's most liveable vibrant affordable cities and Australia is a free land of opportunity but the principal purpose of this country is to extract as much economic value out of the landscape and inhabitants as possible. Our politicians export the country's mineral resources for cheap while maintaining next to no domestic reserves of gas, while somehow funding most of the government through personal tax despite our world class natural resources and mining, Australians work long hours and pay more than a shithole Californian for basic necessities while being poorer than Americans and getting poorer, energy, food, telecommunications and other services are controlled by a cartel of government-affiliated companies which fix prices and give board positions to corrupt ex-premiers Australians pay an absurd amount for joke services with retarded middle-men even for healthcare and education so those with political leverage can wring even more value out of them. If you don't like it they will bring in stinky boot-licking Indians to slave 60, 70 hours a week for pennies and give 90% of their wages to a landlord living 15 to our house. When pretty much all of our big politicians and PMs who retire once they've done milking the people and land as much as possible they try to get a gig in another country that isn't a corrupt dead-end economic extraction zone at the ends of the Earth, like Rudd in Asia and Abbott in the UK. Australia is an economic zone and if you don't like it you're not a real "aussie" (read: brainwashed cultureless convict human livestock retard) and should leave ASAP

>> No.55945647

dangerously based

>> No.55945653

Every now and again I seethe because journalists and politicians have bullied the RBA into not doing their job. Making the AUD such trash and not even attempting to fix inflation after the media declared the inflation peak. They just hope trend line continues down for inflation while doing fuck all. All to save overleveraged boomer landlords.

>> No.55945668

Thank you. Life here is hopeless almost. The only upside is that for the time being our dollar is powerful compared to some asian countries. I'm saving up enough to GTFO from here. I don't even have yellow fever I just want to leave this dystopia.

>> No.55945674

Mate you're a fucking dickhead, you sound like a fuckwit mate. Firstly, take your meds cooker. Secondly, think about the ANZACs who died as cannon fodder for a British aristocrat in the Dardanelles so he could disgrace himself with a failed campaign against another oligarchical multinational empire before you disrespect this country again dickhead. If you don't love this country leave it fuckwit, oi, fuck off dickhead, you sound like a retarded dog. I bet you vote liberals. REAL OCKER AUSSIES who follow real aussie values like my mate ahn do ching chong patel the southeast asian faggot paedophile rapist with a fake degree who leaves shitty toilet paper in the workplace in will happily take your place. Now get some VB in ya and cheer on the Matildas mate. Fuck those fuckwits in Victoria though ay coming to our state and making our rents go up, plus they're shit at footie. My suburb's better than your suburb too mate, 4207 for life. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE the realest country in the world, fuck you softcock, go live in America where they get shot in schools if you want a bill of rights and a currency with real purchasing power, this is AUSSIE country

>> No.55945696

yeh, inflation has 'moderated' at 6%. only 6% goy, it is over. don't worry about it.

>> No.55945706

You won't be allowed to leave the country when the esafety commissioner orders a subpoena of this shithole website's entire userbase and the AFP breaks down your door with a warrant from a lesbian judge to find the 10000 images on your computer that Mark Dreyfus, Mark Leibler and Dvir Abramovic reasonably deem to be encouraging horrific terrorist acts against the peaceful Australian population mate.

It's closer to 60% than 6%. According to the pindicked lying accountants working at the RBA, a 50 gram pie that's 90% textured onions protein and corn starch and 10% pulverised beef sphincter, sinew and bone fragments is the same as a pie three times its size from 2020 filled with actual meat because of how they defined the "inflation basket". Also, the importance of this pie in determining the CPI clearly pales in comparison to home contents insurance which only old geriatric boomers pay for so they can be arbitrarily refused payment when Deng from Dandenong marauds their house with a machete and fucks off with all their jewelry boomer bought for his nagging wife.

>> No.55945732

>price of a new tv makes up the cpi
>me out on my weekly tv shopping trip

>> No.55945752

that's what real AUSSIES are doing because the economy is so good mate.

>> No.55945786

I use Usertesting, make about $200USD from that each month which is mostly unmoderated tests for $10 each and maybe 1 interview each month for $60. The unmoderated tests are mostly trying out new features on sites, some only take a few minutes, at worst it's like 15 minutes. Realtime research you might get some through but I haven't gotten any for a while, and its in AUD.
Surveys I use SuperPay.

>> No.55945813

Where the fuck can we go though? UK is fucked unless you're already rich. US is decent if you can get in somehow.

>> No.55945959

fucken city slicker. back in my day we only had one class in school, and that was footy. school dont teach ya shit except how to be a fucken city slicker. my great grand dad had his legs blown off at gallipoli and came over here and found a deserted patch of arid scrubland and he thought to himself 'fucken perfect spot for a farm' and then proceeded to build his house with own two hands. asbestos walls and all. bet you dont learn to do that in school do ya ya fucken poof. i dunno how cities get built considering no one learns anything about sheepshearing in school these days. in my days sheep were a unit of accountancy and if you didnt build your fence they would get away. do they teach you how to build a fence in school? no they dont. no wonder you have no sheep in the suburbs. city SLICKER cunt fuck. lets have a burn

>> No.55945962
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give me one reason why would you want to be a 18-45 year old man in australia in the current year? its a horrible place to do business, see reasons below

>>ATO tax kikes up your arse
>>crypto taxed horribly each trade
>>can't even make a business without being raked over red tape
>>insane cost of living
>>good luck making a lemonade stall , you'll need a permit that costs $500 plus insurance and a tip kek
>>property is a massive rip off and unattainable if your under 35
>>pathetic low gdp growth
>>cenno gibs draining your youth and ambition

why live here when the best u can be is a wagie driving in rush hour in the mornings to pay your mortgage and feed your fat wife and bastard kids til you die at 60

just go to asia and enjoy your fuking youth
its a different world
don't waste your youth in aussie cunts..

come on up and enjoy
>> $1000 a month 2 bedroom CBD apartments
>> $10 all you can eat feasts
>> 7 days a week night life, dining and entertainment
>> easy pleasant and feminine women

alot more business opportunites
since you can pay fuck all wages you can scale up profits
there is a need for aussie premium goods and services
eg. aussie themed cafe/bar/juice shop
aussie meat, fruits and veges are in demand and there isn't enough supply for locals

the fat boomers with SEAmonkey wives learnt the truth the hard way after 50+ years, a lifetime of waging and a divorce rape

lads skip the shit sandwich australia in 2023 makes you eat and learn from their mistakes while you are still young

>> No.55945969

fucks sake mate. you talk like youre educated above 9th grade. you must be a poof. anymore than 3 syllables and I just cant stop thinking of cocks. liberals have ruined this country

>> No.55945974

Moving my aud to YEN

>> No.55946051
File: 24 KB, 554x554, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet that faggot reads books and shit, kind of soft cock who won't even have a cheeky cone in the morning and after work with a 6 pack of VB followed by putting half of your wages in the local pokies.

Reminds of this english cunt at work, he uses big words like "Aesthetics" that make all me mates heads hurt and goes on about this thing called "compound interest" fucken faggot.

Leave culture to the hipster leftists at the abc all REAL aussies need in their life is beer cones and a good ironbark fence.

>> No.55946063

I'm changing it to yen for my big holiday next week then going to be a poor uni student for the foreseeable future so I won't have to worry about holding much gayud

>> No.55946069

was out visiting me mate barry down the road and he had his city slicker nephew out with him. i saw he had no shit under his nails so i assumed hes a talentless hack and a girl and proceeded to treat him that way like the top bloke i am. poof acts like ive insulted him. ME. who can single handedly fence my whole property. this soft cock has the nerve to come on to MY neighbours property and talk to me like i could keep up. so disrespectful. we speak english in this country, not GAY

>> No.55946073

Also anyone know a good degree to gtfo out of this shithole? I was thinking geology or something

>> No.55946120

I'm going for comp sci then moving to India and working in the slums for a couple bucks an hour

>> No.55946123

I could live the same experience from smelbourne

>> No.55946136

Yep, these young people are all the same mate.

Me nephew came down for christmas last year, didn't want to get a trade because "it causes problems with your body" apparently he does something with computers, idk.

Anyway, told him how I always put me pokey winnings in an account in the bank, only pay 20 bucks a month in bank fees. little cunt had the nerve to tell me ON MY PROPERTY that the money inflated, I told him it looks the same it's not a fucken balloon. Said I should "Invest" it in the stock market, poof gambles 70% of his lay check on that shit.

I've driven trucks for 40 years, been all over this country I know how ot works. Meanwhile he can't even service his own car.

Personally I blame the greens.

>> No.55946137

Dios mio..

>> No.55946159

I’ve met a nice girl from the Netherlands lads. She’s really into me and is 10x more beautiful than fat Aussie chicks (in b4 scam) do you reckon that’s a better place for me to pack up and move to? For reference I’m 19 and pretty much have a blank slate. No debt, no worries etc.

>> No.55946182

anon, just don't go expecting it to be a white paradise. netherlands is full of turks and morrocons.
and probably africans too by this point
that said, you're 19, fucking go, it'll be easier than going when you're 30 and we're dragged into some gay war with china

>> No.55946188

I had a mate leave this country for Germany to be with an backpacker he met here and he makes bank teaching germans how to English. He doesn't even speak german, he gets paid to have conversations with them and pick up mistakes.

everywhere is fucked though, you'll be trading issues with Australia for issues with Netherlands/EU

>> No.55946223

Maybe a retarded strategy but what do anons think of just switching 90% of my paycheck to foreign currencies? If I'm planning to leave eventually. The other 10% will be for surviving here in the meantime while living with parents.

>> No.55946356

why would you want to be a 18-45 year old man in australia in the current year? its a horrible place to do business, see reasons below

>>ATO tax kikes up your arse
>>crypto taxed horribly each trade
>>can't even make a business without being raked over red tape
>>insane cost of living
>>good luck making a lemonade stall , you'll need a permit that costs $500 plus insurance and a tip kek
>>property is a massive rip off and unattainable if your under 35
>>pathetic low gdp growth
>>cenno gibs draining your youth and ambition

why live here when the best u can be is a wagie driving in rush hour in the mornings to pay your mortgage and feed your fat wife and bastard kids til you die at 60

just go to asia and enjoy your fuking youth
its a different world
don't waste your youth in aussie cunts..

>> No.55946384

>10x more beautiful than fat Aussie chicks
Why does every Aussie girl look exactly the same now? All of them are 20-30kgs overweight with cellulite up the wazoo, dyed blonde hair and wear those black crop tops with short jeans.

>> No.55946386

Geology? Ya must be jokin mate

>> No.55946400

this is the real problem with australia, theres just not enough hot chicks for all the other bullshit to be worth it. real carryover from britain, lots of ugly, overweight, alcohol and ciggy damaged girls with an extra dose of hardcore UV skin damage.

>> No.55946403

I would just buy etfs that hold foriegn assets. Easy diversification and better then lazy money in a foreign currency unless you have a short term need for the cash.

>> No.55946405

go to asia
>> 2 dates a night
>> nicer girls everywhere
youll come back a changed man

>> No.55946431

yeah and aussie girls are some of the most outspoken westernised obnoxious egocentric women worldwide. gotta start a biz in asia ur right anon. at least the economies have a ton of room for growth over there.

>> No.55946435

Prison colony for a reason.
Ruled by a foreign entity.
Don't think you'll find it much better in EU or USA.
The squeeze is real everywhere. Maybe Asia suits.

>> No.55946448

We as a nation have one of the worst cases of hoeflation in the world. The 4’s think they’re 8’s, and the 6’s think they’re 10’s

>> No.55946459

All ofnour universities technology, art and culture is considered second rate to US/UK and we're told to just accept that.

Never aspire to greatness, it's unaustralian! just sit back and relax with a beer and watch the footy.

Also I hope you guys are ready to biy the btc dip in September.

>> No.55946470

nation of sheep. the country that created tall poppy syndrome. what a great and beautiful culture we have!

just chill out mate, go for a surf or something, head down to bunnings grab a snag shell be right cobber

>> No.55946504

Our art and culture is mostly derivative of the US/UK and feel disingenuous and cringe.

>> No.55946572

Idk what else makes geo money with a undergrad?

>> No.55946582 [DELETED] 

Good point. I don't know any ETF's for that though that we can get on ASX.

>> No.55947981
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>> No.55949235

>the country that created tall poppy syndrome
New Zealand is way worse at this than Australia.

>> No.55949863

Shameful lack of digits on this post. Kek has abandoned us. Everything you said is spot on, but I live in a beautiful area, mostly free from brownoid imports. Could be worse.

>> No.55950166
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>> No.55950751

>EU or USA
The success ceiling is higher in both though. If you're motivated and skilled you can earn more and achieve more.

>> No.55951910

save as much as you can and be ready at a moments notice to GTFO

dont forget to debtmaxxx on the way out
take out as many lines of credit as you can kek

bali is a good place to sit down for a few months while you figure shit out

>> No.55951930

Buy shares in companies that pay dividends in USD eg BHP

>> No.55951950

AUD is a shitcoin until the FRED starts cutting rates and you'll see AUD go back to 1-1 with USD

>> No.55952310

I don't get why you Brit countries have your own currency. Why don't you use an Imperial Pound Sterling all between you? It'd be strong as fuck. UK Canada aus new Zealand etc?

>> No.55952824
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Those colonial scum decided to make their own dollar shitcoin forks, let them suffer the consequences.
>Post the in-store prices and put an end to the horror

>> No.55952952

You clearly don't live in any of these countries. It would be printed to death over year-long COVID lockdowns, the NSH cutting off tranny cocks and servicing obese jamaicans while white people die of cancer on a waiting list and so Justin Trudeau can bribe Canada's news stations to portray him in a positive light. And then as the currency depreciates all of these anglo shitters sitting in their government offices with no idea of how to do anything would squabble over the decaying corpse of our common currency. Historically even British settler colonies had their own money issued and that's a good thing.

>> No.55953718


>> No.55954199

Been asking myself the same thing, im genuinely thinking asia. With the way brics heading and natos decline it's only a matter of time before asia rises. My biggest issue is making a buck over there, thats the real head scratcher!

>> No.55954246

Asia is the place to head, the west is toast it's just a matter of time!

>> No.55954426

you have no idea what you have lost since 82.

total freedom. to go do be and say what you want.
only whites
not crowded
dad works - house paid for.

now its printed fucky you money taxation lgtbqirjrffhf, woke, mass invasion by people that want to kill you

for what reason would you want a a muslim to migrate to australia?

there are plenty of whites.

there should have been no greeks, lebs or the rest.

>> No.55956604

Do non asian girls live in SEA? i don't have yellow fever. guess i could hook up with travellers.

>> No.55957345

Powell has already said higher for longer, and his term doesn't end until 2026.