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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55942162

tl dr; v0.1 stakers and early access Chads win, nostakers POOLS CLOSED

>> No.55942174

Adem here, just finished cranking one out. AMA

>> No.55942196

Wrong. There is a General Access. And to think...baggies unironically thought the pool would be closed to retail forever....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55942227

> multi-week cooldown period for unstaking
lamo lmao almo

>> No.55942238
File: 144 KB, 1536x542, POOL = CLOSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a General Access
yeah have fun fighting against bots insta sniping whatever small amount of the pool is left after all of us early acces Chads and OG whales already load up our bags, if anything will even be left for GA lmao

>> No.55942246

General access was open for hours for v0.1 retard

>> No.55942249

Thats what you said for v0.1 tho...and it took almost half a day to fill up General Access.

>> No.55942258

Checked wagmi stake bros

>> No.55942266
File: 325 KB, 1080x1699, v0.2rewards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rewards rate is a little bit confusing. There is supposed to be a total amount of staking rewards divided equally amongst everyone in the v0.2 pool. But nowhere do they mention what that total amount is.

>> No.55942271

it took 3 hours
that was also at bottom of bear and some were skeptical of staking as was first release
it will be fast

>> No.55942273

Chainlink Labs MUST be stopped.
This is *not* okay.

>> No.55942303

What was the eligibility requirements for early access last time?

>> No.55942321

Hold at least 7 LINK in an ETH wallet for a year or something like that.

>> No.55942349

Are we not still at the bottom of a bear? Some nulinkers will likely get in if they're quick. It's all good, we are frens here. Be glad they have seen the light and will join us.

>> No.55942350

do you remember what was the market sentiment during the release of v0.1? do you understand how much of a difference is to any LINK whale to now know they can withdraw when they want, not to wait for 12-24 months as originally said for v0.1?

all uncertainty is gone, anyone who was on the sidelines can now easily go balls deep without any worry. and you'll fight against the big boys in GA too, so be fast with your fingers if you want to dip even just your pinky toe into the pool kek

>> No.55942389

LINK whales had no problem waiting 1 year. This is evidenced by on-chain metrics showing several whales making 20+ wallets each staking the 7k limit. If the projected demand was so high, the pool would have been expanded to 75 million as was originally stated that they would do
>in the coming months

>> No.55942416

What percentage of your LINK holdings are you all putting in this thing?

>> No.55942454

How much will the allowed staking amount be per wallet? Still 7k or higher?

>> No.55942461

i'm saying back then was the bottom of the bear, late 2022
btc is up a lot since then
we're currently in the boring sideways phase of market before going into proper bull phase

>> No.55942474

what effect will this have on the token price?

>> No.55942501
File: 4 KB, 250x146, 1692743552697172s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0%. You think Im going to trust Sergay after he lied to us all about staking?

>Oh look at me I'm such a nice guy and I'm totally based like you guys. Look I even pressed the 7 button in my promo video. Fellow nazis, I like numbers too. I promise that I will give you back your linkies this time.

Not falling for that shit.

>> No.55942543

Seems like 7K + rewards from v0.1, if you already staked in v0.1 of course.

>> No.55942563

I need to know how many more stinkies to buy.

>> No.55942580


>> No.55942625

what if something goes wrong

>> No.55942634

Yea, given that the pool will 100% be full this either means rewards will be shit or rewards will be god tier. If they're shit I assume people will exit the pool and room will open up and it'll basically adjust itself based on the market, but 4.75% is already pretty bad so I'm guessing most stinkies just aren't going to sell and even if it's 1% they'll stake vs. not. So my money is on rewards actually get worse. No reason for them to pay out more. But it is totally possible they start linking in stuff like the GMX fees and other revenue they're collecting, especially with CCIP. Then if shit goes parabolic in terms of usage stakers will get very rich very fast. I would expect at first it's pretty bad though.

>> No.55942641

what if it goes right you dumb nigger?

>> No.55942646

then something bad will happen

>> No.55942663

then unironically chainlink is over anyways

>> No.55943097

Am at 40%, will attempt to go to 70% this time.

>> No.55943433

>something goes wrong
> +6.8%

Fuck you

>> No.55943565
File: 1.41 MB, 1399x1622, AEB01115-BC0F-40A9-9EC1-B305548F177F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third world FUDdies extra upset and desperate today, especially in this thread.
Looks like they're basically just making up whatever shit they think will get them (you)s
Very bizarre and very sad - maybe reincarnate as something other than cockroaches next time (idk what poor brownoids believe I figured it was something retarded like reincarnation.)

>> No.55943604


>> No.55943653

>This change in reward rate calculation was required given that the source of rewards in Chainlink Staking in the future is expected to increasingly shift towards being derived from user fees (which may be a variable amount).

>> No.55943698
File: 101 KB, 750x563, 03-akagi-anime-guy-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its unfortunate that I won't be able to stake my link but at least the capital gains on my linkies will be enough alone for me to make it. I can always steak 5 or 10 years from now for future passive income.

>> No.55944266

Does anybody have any idea about how tax will be calculated from this? Assuming you're in a country where staking gains will be taxed as income.
Are they taxable from the point they become attributed rewards, from the point they become claimable rewards, or when you actually claim them?