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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 718x479, photo_2023-08-25_13-14-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55940160 No.55940160 [Reply] [Original]

"And so, while the stock price was going the wrong way, everything inside the company was going the right way."

>> No.55940177

>fundamental investing

>> No.55940270
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>> No.55940314

Sorry fuddy, no (you)s today. How are you ever going to pay your credit card bill without them?!

>> No.55940320

MEGABLOAT NO PAYING CUSTOMERS 14% INFLATION CHARITY UNIVERSITY SCAM. All that ‘revenue’ is gas for the underlying chain you linkstreetshitting scamshiller

>> No.55940353

How is revenue calculated? Don't tell me they actually count the whole fees as revenue? You do realize 99% of the fees goes to source and destination chains, right? God, you folks are pathetic.

>> No.55940557
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>God, you folks are pathetic.

>> No.55940565 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.55940591
File: 439 KB, 2667x4000, SN1049-Do-NOT-Feed-the-Wildlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you quoting?
sorry anon but you're not getting a single (you) out of me

>> No.55940623 [DELETED] 

Are you for real? You're either new here or holding LINK really messed you up. Lurk more and learn the culture of this website before posting again.

>> No.55940626

Nice to see, especially in this gay market

Bullrun soon

>> No.55940633

we're going to be so fucking rich its unreal

>remember, no (You)'s

>> No.55940642
File: 51 KB, 312x322, 1670978944390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that pic
fuck fud trannies

>> No.55940653

This but unironically. Roasties can laugh at me all they want for now, they won't be laughing anymore when I'm fucking their assholes raw for 0.01 LINK.

>> No.55940664


>> No.55940675

Why have anal sex? Did you know women have vaginas that were literally made by God Himself to pleasure a penis?

>> No.55940676
File: 6 KB, 248x250, 3AB86AA1-0809-49DA-A4AC-4A3F4D3B4470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This but unironically. Roasties can laugh at me all they want for now, they won't be laughing anymore when I'm fucking their assholes raw for 0.01 LINK.

>> No.55940683
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>Are you for real? learn the culture of this website
thanks fuddy, I'm adding this one to my compilation.

>> No.55940714
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>> No.55940845
File: 20 KB, 631x379, Screenshot 2023-08-25 143235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the cumulative chart unironically.

part of me thinks u did this on purpose so someone posts the daily fee charts

>> No.55940940

So do they basically use ccip as bridge to eth from all those cheap chains? There is almost no revenue on ethereum

>> No.55941702

"early access" was not organic.
It will be interesting to watch it's trend post-public access. It do look good right now.

>> No.55941772

some of you anons are true unironic morons lmao

>> No.55941875

What fundamentals?

Revenue: maybe $40k, maybe
Operating costs: $10M annually, at least


>> No.55941888

This, fundamentals DON'T matter. Only hype, FOMO and brand image now

>> No.55941923
File: 121 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_20230809-081954_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your 0.01 transaction was declined because of jeet fe- I mean gas fee. Please add more money to complete this transaction :)

>> No.55941927

What are the fundamentals? Why do people keep saying that word. There are none

>> No.55941931

Can something give me a quick rundown on what the word cumulative means?
Has there been zero CCIP revenue generated from the Ethereum network over the last 1½ month? is that what cumulative means?

Also does "K" stand for Kilo? 1000? so 2 months and the cumulative revenue is sub $60K?

>> No.55941935

poorfags/jeets use polygon, not ETH

>> No.55941968

Holy COW... $50,000 US DOLLARINOS... PER MONTH?!!!!

And ONLY 500 employees and BILLIONS of dollars spent? That's INCREDIBLE!!!

So how do we fairly value a company losing $50MM+ annually, OP? Not even the company but their little tokens that you need about .1 of per use.

>> No.55942073
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I dont think youre making the point you think youre making. According to this board, anyone making less than a million dollars a year is poor. When the whole world switches to crypto currencies, people will need to be able to do regular transactions with it without getting fleeced for an extra 2 or 3 dollars for every transaction. Your market cap isnt going anywhere without normal (poor) money. You know this. ETH is dead in the water and youre too retarded to admit it.

>> No.55942118

>When the whole world switches to crypto currencies
>people will need to be able to do regular transactions with it without getting fleeced for an extra 2 or 3 dollars for every transaction
that's where CBDCs come in
>Your market cap isnt going anywhere without normal (poor) money.
poorfags will buy safemoon 3.0 at the top who gives a fuck about them, go throw your pocket change at some BSC shartcoin no one gives a shit

>> No.55942132

Lol exactly. I think they all started repeating “fundamentals” without anyone ever looking up what it means in business context. I dont think theres even any value here in a bankruptcy outside of the net loss carryforwards for US taxes.

>> No.55942230

>thats where cbdc's come in
Lmfao I knew you were going to say it but I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you werent actually that retarded. Let me ask you a question, if Im not okay with being fleeced over these bullshit little fees, what makes you think any first-world nation is going to be okay with it? No. Just, no.

Lmfao what the fuck is "safemoon 3.0"? Is that another one of those ethereum shitcoins that Im LITERALLY warning you about as we speak?
>go throw your pocket change at some bsc shartcoin
Lol there you go talking out your ass again. Im an xrp maxi and Im heavily invested in it. Lol, pocket change. I threw some "pocket change" at toad just to see what it would do, and the whole experience was so inconvenient Ill never buy eth again as long as I live. That being said, I am up 2.5x on the toad.

>> No.55942244

At the risk of miscommunication, wanted to clear up I dont think youre an idiot because cbdcs are going to be a thing (they will), I think youre an idiot because you actually think anyone with a brain is going to use the ethereum blockchain for cbdcs

>> No.55942254

>what makes you think any first-world nation is going to be okay with it?
they won't, anyone who thinks they will use any public chain for CBDCs is a moron
>Im an xrp maxi
makes perfect sense lmao

>> No.55942263

lets see... $250 a day works out to $91,000 per annum. You can almost hire a single useless HR roastie for for this amount.

>> No.55942264

>you actually think anyone with a brain is going to use the ethereum blockchain for cbdcs
where did I say that you dummy dum

>> No.55942314

It's consistently averaged over $1000/day since the tracker went up. Even if you include the days where the tracker obviously wasn't working. $365k+/year off of early business testing alone. You can continue to fud now. Just use the right numbers at least.

>> No.55942345

>nodes get ddos'd
>network goes down

>> No.55942395

>isn't anywhere close to profitable
>dumps $500 million worth of chainshit tokens
kek you lost

>> No.55942434

What's the market cap again? Some 4th rate NFT marketplace on a dying shitchain makes more than this on a fraction of the capital.

lol lmao even

>> No.55942492

How am I wrong? There is no revenue on eth, so nothing is going out of eth to sidechains bur rather to ethereum - whatever this is (messages, tokens, NFTs)

>> No.55942509

CCIP isn't "just a bridge". and all this retail public chain shit is kiddy shit compared to bank chains

>> No.55942514

Hey So basically I'm just gonna not give you a (you)
I Know.....
UGH I know...
It's just that I'm not gonna reply is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH

>> No.55944201
File: 152 KB, 372x286, WMLSG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're helping train the AIs to engage with stupidity if you do reply

>> No.55944272
File: 30 KB, 726x482, PEAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open CMC front page in Q4 2025 OP

>> No.55944431

>subtle roach shill

>> No.55944504

Bezos published EOY letters addressing investors though, the quote you posted was actually found in one of these letters. Sergey is a fat faggot that doesn’t provide updates and hates linkmarines. Bezos also drove a Honda, he was frugal, compared to Sergey who bought a Lamborghini for his dad, wasteful.

Kinda not the same. Nigger.

>> No.55944536

Well, being realistic, it looks like now revenue is actually growing, and the cumulative chart has a parabola forming... so idk, if things keep up like this shit will get pretty spicy within just a few months. I get what you're saying, but you can't name 5 cryptos even with the kind of success LINK has had in terms of actual usage outside of stablecoins.

>> No.55944548

It's not about the sex, it's about sending a message

>> No.55944573

Curious, what's the message?

>> No.55944647

fucking kek
imagine still holding another exposed defi token

>> No.55944935

of course the cumulative chart is going up you dickweed, they never go down.

>> No.55944964


>> No.55944973

You did not understand what I’m saying and it wasn’t a difficult concept.

>> No.55945043

when you run the numbers its no surprise sergey is willing to sell his 60% premined stack of link at literally any price.

people are paying him $100 for a $5 bill

>> No.55945107

60k in 2 months
Dude there is literally food trucks that get that kind of revenue.

>> No.55945252


>> No.55945397
File: 122 KB, 857x217, ABC0C9B0-93BF-4D9F-B43F-573814C96463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a few months

>> No.55945422

> cumulative

>> No.55945532

I have a different picture in mind.
ethereum will be ranked first, second bitcoin and third chainlink.

This will mark the end of the bitcoin manipulation and valuable projects will progressively get closer to the top market cap replacing the dog meme coins and other shitcoins.
This move will progressively bring Chainlink to the second rank in market cap over time and it will do what eth did to btc with its own flipening later.

>> No.55945555

i remember all the fuddies doing a victory lap during those 2 flat periods
and now just look at this thread and how they are freaking out
protip to all you retards you can see the daily chart in the cum chart if you have an ounce of skill

in any case weird to see eth doing nothing, people dont seem to realise yet that eths dominance and ridiculous high gas make it the most risky bet of all the blue chip cryptos
the one thing that stopped usage of other chains was bad bridging thats now all gone so i feel sorry for the methheads that got fudded out of all of this

>> No.55945573

Ccip is short term bad news for eth

>> No.55945649

Avalanche bros this is our time to shine.

>> No.55946478


Unfortunately people are even more stupid than previously thought possible.
They invest in the "safe" things in crypto which means those with the biggest market cap.
Not because it's valuable, but because of confirmation bias.

If others think it's valuable then they have an excuse if they lose their money later because others did it too.
In the end most don't look for wealth but for an excuse to pretend to invest.

>> No.55946491
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>> No.55947267

they'll still be laughing, anon

>> No.55947279

That how fucking revenue is calculated you dumb fucking retard, this isn’t gross or net profit.

>> No.55947306

>bro I just made $40k on a $6b investment!!!!!!
Retard this is shit

>> No.55947799
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Wow 50k in "cumulative revenue" surely this will help offset the 500 million per year needed to run this scam zombie company.
Also posting a cumulative chart like its a big deal is a 80 iq brainlet move. A cumulative chart can only go up by definition lmao. Its actually not an achievement in any way

>> No.55947811 [DELETED] 

>outs himself as a retard in 3 brief sentences

>> No.55949059

Is basically the message, it's a dominance thing.

>> No.55949181

>sold 500 million tokens, and worked for 6 years with multimillion dollar payroll, to generate $10k per month, 99% of which flows right back out to pay for eth gas.
Wow! I'm so excited for you crazy kids!

>> No.55949282

Source? Also I wouldnt brag about that after billion in stolen funding. Thats horrible

What data are you looking at? You realize a cumulative chart can never go down right? Hahahaha fuckin retard.

Remember when Link holders used to be smart?

>> No.55949290

I dont see anyone freaking out. Seems like insecure projection. Usually what someone uses when their argument is going south

>> No.55949303

>dont include the metrics that actually count / represent actual net cash flow or else youre an ebil fudder


>> No.55949329

Were Amazon holders also an unhinged cult who tried to dox people who were bearish or does Link only share other characteristics with them?

>> No.55949389

“Parabola forming” implies the anon thinks day over day daily revenue will grow. In turn, the cumulative revenue chart will exhibit exponential growth. Go back where you came from you ESL faggot. I’d garrote you and your next of kin with some piano wire if I had the chance

>> No.55949400 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 581x596, 1674380887627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends all his time calling the asshole of the internet stupid
>gets shat on and doxxed
I mean that's not really a chainlink / amazon thing, that's more of an ESL lolcow retard stacklet fudder vs biz thing:

Adem Kayser -Voorburg, Zuid-Holland - third world import leeching off of Netherlands taxpayer dollars when he isn't working for actual MLM scam companies doing paid stock bashing on here along with a small collection of other parasites with similar backgrounds also living in the Netherlands.

He immediately shut down his twitter @chainlinkthomas when a pic from his facebook was posted along with his name. His twitter used to be @geoxadem (literally had his first name in it) when his porn addiction posts were initially discovered and he shut his account down and scrubbed it the first time to change it over to @chainlinkthomas. Now it's back up and he's trying to pretend nothing happened even though he still stupidly referenced deleting his account when he said he was "back" and going to war with an equally retarded faggot, CLG. Also has a linkedin with a netherlands location in the same city that he lives in, listed as a "crypto investor" at a very shady looking netherlands company (The Success Factory) that apparently tried to run a failed DAG ponzi / MLM pyramid scheme style grift and was busted.

>> No.55949760

Fudders itt going absolutely HAM

>> No.55949865 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 1125x1314, D92DFB3D-2838-4F47-BF81-E4C776ECD33C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhh linkieeeeee. You are getting roasted so hard over on twitter, loser. Here as well…linkies need a new safe space for cult meetings

>> No.55951198


>> No.55952043

Says a lot about you reading thomas' twitter

>> No.55952042

Fudders have reached peak cringe

>> No.55952052

shills are completely mindbroken

>> No.55952066

they twitter fags are now directly quoting posts from here with postnumber and everything in text form rather than a attached picture
this is probing new depths of cringe and looking by his engagement he isnt even reaching anyone anymore

this is just sad, someone should report the success factor to the dutch authorities cause new eu rules make it illegal to shill crypto without disclosing you are a shill

>> No.55952160

>why yes I am a chudchad, thank you for noticing

>> No.55953467

Seems like he reached inside your head though. Ever wonder how your life came to you writing psych 101 writeups about random online characters you allegedly dont care about. This is rock bottom (for you)

>> No.55953495

>ESL projection

>> No.55953994

>blue chip cryptos
Whenever I read this I immediately think you're a spastic