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55939495 No.55939495 [Reply] [Original]

>Student loan repayments starting again
>COVID 2 Electric Boogaloo
>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
You have been warned. There won't be a second warning.

>> No.55939528
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>> No.55939716

One specific characteristic of black swan events is that they are unexpected. You making this thread means that there's no black swan.

>> No.55939739

i was going to post this. why not read the book next time OP

>> No.55939783

>growing middle class in the ROTW
>declining middle class in the former “developed” world
>0.0000000000000001% very nice can go and bribe the ROTW
>Buffet shifting to homogeneous societies.

Crab world. Fuck off with the Swan bs.

>> No.55939860
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Because you think expecting it means it won't happen, that means it's now unexpected again. The Swan expects you to expect him, so now he's unexpected. Bet you never expected that, kiddo. Nothing personelle.

>> No.55939896

covid has been the most bullish event over the past decades

>> No.55939908

>Because you think
I don't "think" anything. It's the literal definition of the term.
It's not about it not happening is about it not being unexpected.

>> No.55939911

>There won't be a second warning.
seems like this was the forth warning.

>> No.55939914

Fucking die of cancer already and get a booster boomer/mong.

>> No.55939920


>> No.55939937

It still a black sawn for 99% of people who dont talk about it, you dumbfuck

>> No.55940005

>It still a black sawn
No its not because it's not unexpected. Not a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.55940026
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>ukriane defeat
They're about to obliterate 1/3 of the vatnik army. It's over

>> No.55940187

>>COVID 2 Electric Boogaloo
>>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
So you're saying they'll issue more t-bills ie more spending ie more inflation?

>> No.55940201
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>black swan
>something that has never happened and that you cannot see coming
>names things everyone knows will happen and sees coming

>> No.55940239

>Student loan repayments starting again
Priced in.
>COVID 2 Electric Boogaloo
Priced in.
Priced in.
>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
Priced in.

>> No.55940251

Black Swans aren't real.
Markets are strong-form efficient.

>> No.55940257

>>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
What the fuck are you talking about? Its a total stalemate. This shit will last untill 2026.

>> No.55940267
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>Covid 2

>> No.55940316
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>Student loan repayments starting again
Loan fags never had money to begin with who cares.
>COVID 2 Electric Boogaloo
Fake News
Literally who
>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
Yay the US will save money because they keep giving Jewkraine billions and won't have to anymore.
Black Swan imminent my ass

>> No.55940339
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>> No.55940482
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>> No.55940489

Based (also priced in)

>> No.55941016

Not a chance. Its election season. They won't let it happen

>> No.55941281

Go up to any random Boomer in your life and ask when student loan repayments are starting. I guarantee you they didn't even know payments were paused. Ask what they think about the FAA bringing back COVID restrictions and Eris. They'll give you a deer in headlights look.


>> No.55941411
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(((They))) don't care about elections because voting is fake and questioning the legitimacy of an election is illegal, regardless of how blatant the fraud is

>> No.55941474

Ah yes, the Ukraine war. Nobody talks about that. I'm scared now.

>> No.55941621

>>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
You obviously don't spend any time in /K/.

>> No.55941633
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>> No.55941640
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>> No.55941650

What do you of the fact entities are spending billions of dollars to keep the poor from becoming rich.

Who's going to work if everyone wins the crypto game?

>> No.55941660

hoholniggers and nato are shitting and farding as we speak, this is good for btc price action you double nigger

>> No.55941724

Tokmak is already being hit by artillery. There's two rail bridges there that when they get dropped, it's all over but the shouting for anything Russian to the west/southwest.

>> No.55942747

The sheer notion that an army of 20,000 homosexual Nazis following a Jewish shill comedian was going to win anything besides dragqueen bingo is beyond retarded. It's a concept so stupid only a NATO academic could believe it.

>> No.55942814

Am I the only doomer praying for a black swan?

>> No.55942872

The butcher knows the turkey will get slaughtered but the turkey is unaware. It’s a black swan for the turkey

>> No.55942920
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That's the most brilliant post I've read today, and I've been here all day.

>> No.55943294

Novoprokopivka is going to be overrun real soon. If the Russians can't stop the Ukies at Solodka Balka before the rasputitsa, they are fucked.

>> No.55943328

Yeah sure any day now the Ukies are going to raise their pride flag over the Kremlin you fucking tard

>> No.55943335

KYS Ivan, before the Ukrainians do it for you, bitch.

>> No.55943436

Reality is a motherfucker, isn't it? Here's a tidbit for you sweetheart...Supplies run through Tokmak, the rail line being the absolute key. Once that line is zeroed for convenient tube artillery fire, the Russian positions to the west/southwest are fucked even worse than those at Kherson were.

>> No.55943948

Cope. Two more weeks.

>> No.55943957

you missed proxy wars in africa.

>> No.55943990
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The UFO thing and the mysterious giant fires are also ominous. It's like the world is rapidly entering a disintegration phase

>> No.55943999
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>>COVID 2 Electric Boogaloo


>>Ukraine defeat a near certainty at this point
kill yourself faggot ruskie subhuman

>> No.55944003

Is there any chance that this black swan hits next week? I have my net worth tied up in some underwater puts that expire Friday

>> No.55944034


>> No.55944062
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>> No.55944068

Neat, already went all in on Blackswan while its still under 1m

>> No.55944076

you deserve to lose it all
learn to read a 10-k and stop gambling like a tard

>> No.55944207

"Two more weeks" is an old phrase directed at Vatniks over shit from last year, you absolute moron. Two more weeks from now is what Russians have to be thinking hard about.

>> No.55944216

"two more weeks to flatten the curve". not vatnik related at all.

>> No.55944380

By that logic, everything that happens all the time is a black swan. Not like it matters because what you described still doesn't follow the characteristic of a black swan anyways.
You are a massive retard.

>> No.55944607

There’s no point in trying to be a better computer than a bank. I will just focus on being luckier than the bank I think

>> No.55944619

Two more weeks originally refers to Q-anon retards who said Hillary would be arrested in two weeks

>> No.55944623

Don't forget the collapse of another Chinese developer

>> No.55944726
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Since COVID all news is bullish fucking chud.
Also you will be locked in your home AGAIN, have your vote stolen AGAIN and blacks and probably alphabet agencies will burn your cities down AGAIN but only this time your leader will be incarcerated for complaining about it.
Now tick tock get to work rent is due.
Goyim I swear to fucking goodness.

>> No.55944808

"Two more weeks" was a cultural catchphrase in the 80s because of the film Amadeus.


>> No.55945005

That’s cap

>> No.55945108
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Heard you talkin shit mumu.

>> No.55945660
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Total zigger death