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55937080 No.55937080 [Reply] [Original]


devs started building crosschain token standards ontop of ccip, and these guys are gonna break all of crypto with their protocol, i highly suggest you guys follow these guys closely.

no more needs for wrapped assets here, everything is managed by the token itself and through ccip.

this is poetry

once ccip usage will ramp up, ccip willl propulse chainlink into rank 1, this is what we have been waiting on since 2017, chainlink being used as infrastructure for the internet of crypto

>> No.55937089

Oof linkies I have very bad news for you guys, mr sirgay nazurov died in a massive boat explosion last night

>> No.55937140
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>> No.55937150

Holy fuck thats it im selling right now!

>> No.55937152 [DELETED] 


sage and hide

>> No.55937160

It's nice.
Do you have data on the current income of the existing concurrent bridges and use cases this replaces?

It's sad that we don't get to experience this adoption in a sea of hype and positivity and get mass paid fud instead.

>> No.55937310

implying fud has any impact on adoption, i mean any project that is going crosschain will have no choice but to use this kind of protocol, it removes alot of headaches, especially since crosschain is hard to implement, and thats coming from a dev who tried it before ccip

>> No.55937327

yasss xister this will for sure stop sergey dumps and make our worthless shitcoin pump!

>> No.55937355

patrick collins absolutely seething lmao

>> No.55937384

That guy claims to be the CEO of "retard.finance". Will a project associated with that actually become highly successful?

>> No.55937409

thz only retard i see here is you. those guys actually released code , and it's quality. listen i don't spend my time fantacizing on the shape/color of a logo, or the looks and wits of a crypto ceo like you fags, i look at code and fundamentals, im sorry youre not used to that kind of content of biz, since it has been overren by dimb fucks like you

>> No.55937412

Doesn’t layer zero do the same?

>> No.55937421

This deserves to be celebrated, not shat on by VCs.
How fucked is society when we don't celebrate meaningful difficult achievements which will forever change society?

At least the dark times are going to end sooner rather than later.

I would like to see an asset manager finally use this technology to tokenize a small fraction of their portfolio.
We are getting the test experiments, but banks are incredibly slow.

>> No.55937441

You can relax, anon. Obviously these guys are building something valuable. Now my question is will their project actually become successful, or will we have to wait for a more well-known / professional (ie. not the "CEO of retard.finance") to steal the tech and release their own product?

>> No.55937467
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Then why are we dumping the most right now? This isn’t comfy at all

>> No.55937497

>written by a balkanshit
into the trash it goes, DOA

>> No.55937506

that project was literally made by a chainlink advocate because he wants to get access to chainlink build
t. insider

>> No.55937535

I don't disbelieve it, but the important thing here is that this kind of idea is starting to spread, not specifically that the guy in OP is creating this specific project.

>> No.55937539

Check the price, kek baggies

>> No.55937772

when btc on ccip

>> No.55937784

Got anymore breadcrumbs

>> No.55938570

either larp or jealous
there is a literal nft horse breeding game in the build program https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1692154755647152311
why hate the project that is actually using ccip for something useful?

>> No.55938616

That looks so retarded holy shit

>> No.55939074
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Isn't Sepolia the Ethereum testnet though?
So they still haven't done such a multi-chain transfer "for reals?"

>> No.55939178

Wait till you see their protocol they will be presenting on at smartcon.

>> No.55939378

I wonder if the FUD actually does have an effect on scraper based bots.

>> No.55939450

You just can't stop disappointing yourselves, don't you? This will never amount to anything. CCIP is a failure, no self respecting dev is touching that thing.
Even Chainlink ex dev is surprised >>55937355 Just admit that you will never change the current crypto space because guess what? People love the current system it's just profitable to everyone except retards.

>> No.55939667

I don't have a Twitter-
What does he go on to say are his top five million dollar CCIP ideas?
Also where do you get "seething" out of that? That post says there's a ton of potential for the tech.

>> No.55939706

so if you don't guess the target chain exchange fee correctly, you lost the bridge toll. future of finance

>> No.55939899


>> No.55939990

pay up faggot

>> No.55940081

Holy fuck thank god im buying right now!

>> No.55940194

does this make gloryholes obsolete?

>> No.55940249

>You just can't stop disappointing yourselves, don't you?
Holy ESL fudder batman!

>> No.55940263

Why not reply to me? Too pussy?

>> No.55940358

You get paid with (yous) and Im sorry, we don't give those out for free anymore :)

>> No.55940384 [DELETED] 

We're not but just admit you afraid :)

>> No.55940530
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>too pussy?
verification not required

>> No.55940566

I’ll guess I’ll probably be seeing you all at the yacht party. Not much longer now.

>> No.55940620

fuddies seething
linkies not selling
linkies not giving out (You)'s
all is good
we are rich
we are content
they are losing
they are seething
they are mad

>> No.55940637
File: 399 KB, 945x825, 59947CAB-3CDC-4950-8ADF-547C3A15AE90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuddies seething
>linkies not selling
>linkies not giving out (You)'s
>all is good
>we are rich
>we are content
>they are losing
>they are seething
>they are mad

>> No.55941635

probably exactly 2 more weeks

>> No.55941679

Nice. Just bought more AVAX.

>> No.55941746

The chart

>> No.55941759

Why would you spend billions building something no one wants to use, and not only that, you hire an entire 500 person company before you have a single user. This is the worst business of all time

>> No.55943098

cccip isnt released yet retard

>> No.55943329

Question: Would the tokens have to have permissions to be able to use CCIP? Like what if USDT didn't want people using CCIP to move the token cross chain? Or does it not matter and could CCIP work with any ERC-20 token for example?

>> No.55943516

>what is game theory

If a token contract explicitly bans the use of CCIP. People just don’t use it. Which means to stay relevant to the crypto space the assets/project/protocol must use CCIP IF it becomes the revolutionary technology that it promises itself to be. There will be no point in using a dated project chain that doesn’t implement CCIP as it exponentially increases the risk to hacks. And why wouldn’t you want to keep your chain secure? Unless you want to it to rug for some reason. Which then puts the spotlight on every project - if you’re not using this mechanism you are potential a back actor in the space.