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55936614 No.55936614 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers actually think this is a treat lmao

>> No.55936619


>> No.55936634

what are they gonna do? if you don't want to pay up, someone else will.

>> No.55936640

yea you know a ton of investment properties aren't even being rented they're just held by chinese and the like who are afraid of renties trashing them

>> No.55936646

stuff is a trash news org. stay off it.

>> No.55936660


>> No.55936662

yeah totally, my landlords house is fully paid off and rent is going from 680 to 850 a week. Just because she needs to keep up with market conditions. Lol.. jokes on her tho as im
not going to pay the last 3 months rent as waiting for the house contract to settle and i feel like I would like to reno my place when i move in.

>> No.55936676

Who are they gonna sell it up? Lol line always go up right

>> No.55936686

>Cashed up first home buyers!
That's unironically who they're pinning their hopes on here.

>> No.55936697

None can afford to buy a house atm, especially for prices these retards that bought the top want to sell "up"

>> No.55936713

These Boomers bought 20 years ago but somehow still can't turn a profit


>> No.55936877

None of the rentcucks ever managed to give a proper answer to the question:
How do you expect real estate prices to down down in a sustained manner when underlying fiat in every country is programmed to devalue over time.

Please only (you) if you’re above 3 digit IQ.

>> No.55936922

Prices will crash in real terms, brainlet

It's already happening

>> No.55936933

Most likely they'll be back in the black when National wins and brings back interest deductibility.

>> No.55936963

>well if you're not gonna rent it at this price, i'll just sell it
>nobody buys because nobody will rent
wow boomers really got the upper hand

>> No.55937120

Yeah they all refinanced on interest only and ate the mortgage fund instead of investing it into a higher return investment

Fucking degenerates

>> No.55937262
File: 30 KB, 321x320, 1596568944134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are truly the dumbest generation in American history by far. Not even an exaggeration. I'm glad that this is how they'll be remembered

>> No.55937272

we should ban them so blackrock can have cheapies

>> No.55937285

>so blackrock can have cheapies
They already do

>> No.55937288

It's what they should be doing. The real estate market getting gigapumped was the sell signal, eventually things will settle back down to earth when the bubble pops. I've already seen a ton of homes in my area go up for sale now that it's been about half a year after the big companies came through willing to pay 50% over what anything was actually worth, they renovated all the shit they bought and are selling it now for enough to turn a profit because they know what's coming. Real estate is a tremendous investment to make but the trick is you have to have the money to hold onto it through the lean years and you have to have the wherewithal to sell it when it's high and you're ready to retire. Or just keep holding it and give it to family or whatever.

>> No.55937302

Driving around my neighborhood there are open home signs everywhere now

In the covid pump it was unheard of, nobody wanted to sell

>> No.55937336

You can always tell when a crash is on the horizon for real estate when the big companies go on a buying spree. They're what cause the massive pump in prices and should be the exit signal for anyone looking to sell real estate holdings at a profit and use the money for retirement or whatever the fuck. They can take the hit on some of their shit not selling at the market peak and recoup their losses renting that property out for a few decades, the average landlord that isn't a holding company but an individual is going to have a much harder time weathering that storm unless they're extremely fiscally responsible. What's worse is people get all degenerate and buy up a bunch of property on loans and then get totally fucked when the market takes a downturn, so they have to keep cranking rent to keep up with their mortgages. Those people are fucked and should be selling at least some property.

>> No.55937426

Unrelated, but can you post any webm of wagies being force into dancing?

>> No.55937792

>town builds low income housing units
oops, sorry anon!

>> No.55938065

say goodbye to your security deposit lol. also enjoy ending up on a tenant blacklist.

>> No.55938099

do you have a learning disability? he just said he's settling on a house.

>> No.55938150

>town reserves them for new "migrants" and affirmative action beneficiaries

>> No.55938178

>These Boomers bought 20 years ago but somehow still can't turn a profit

yeah cause the bank and city made the profit

>> No.55938198

This is an excellent way to wreck your credit and never be able to rent again.

>> No.55938372

are you rubbing your hands together rn

>> No.55938393

> Boomers actually think this is a TREAT

This is a sign bros. We've made it shibbaggies.

>> No.55938413

>muh "boomers" this, muh "boomers" that
>implying any other generation has super secret powers of insight into this clown world shit show
the average person of any generation has no fuckign control of wtf is going on and is completely at the mercy of the whims of the insidious power brokers who or flipping the switches behind the curtain

stop parroting that identity politics bullshit

>> No.55938887


Sell to whom? Credit is hard to come by.

>> No.55939789

Retarded ideas. Boomers ruined society

>> No.55939807

Most apartments in my town are empty.
I'm even thinking of leaving my town.

>> No.55939817

I can't wait to leave the west.

>> No.55939824

All boomers get the creamed carrots.

>> No.55939838

>and never be able to rent again.
I rent and I hate it.
I'm saving money to leave the west and NEVER renting again.

>> No.55939912

global birth rates and marriage rates are collapsing, exp in developed countries. all the demand is artificial and the bubble will pop

>> No.55939940

just wait until layoffs start, when renters lose jobs, landlords wont get paid and they will have to sell at a loss

>> No.55940012

Is that some boomer saying? No idea what that means

>> No.55940038
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>> No.55940113
File: 37 KB, 576x532, House prices vs family income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's the TAXES on property that is making the housing market go sky high. Fucking retard you know nothing about the very basics of supply and demand, economics 101. This is why I never use /biz/ anymore

>> No.55940167

unironically its the securitization of mortgages with its inception in 86'
read one of the various books that talk about salomon brothers if interested, should bits and pieces about mortgage bonds and PO & IO's CMOs and the rest

>> No.55940183

Good point, thank you for the info

>> No.55940218

Not if Western governments have their way. Already importing million every year with the goal of importing of hundreds of millions over a couple decades

>> No.55940233


>> No.55940240
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>We will sell up
What the fuck does this mean? Is this some bong slang?

>> No.55940338

>securitization of mortgages
what does this mean

>> No.55940376

The bank finances your mortgage and other people's mortgages. The bank then bundles them and sells them to someone else.

>> No.55940386

Crazy how easily zoomers were turned against their own kind, love refugees, worship niggers, but hate their own parents

>> No.55940396

I am a milli not a boomer
I own condos that I rent out to you zoomies
And, no, I am not selling

>> No.55940405

>Crazy how easily zoomers were turned against their own kind, love refugees, worship niggers
I wasn't, and many aren't. This is much more of a millennial/boomer/gen X problem from what I've seen. Many zoomer men have woken up to the JQ and others
>but hate their own parents
Can you blame us though? Gen Z were raised by millennials and gex X

>> No.55940418

Why haven't the people being imported found a way to turn their own countries in to the same economic powerhouses the western world countries are?

>> No.55940428

Not every country is like the US? Some countries are bombed out, you fucking idiot.

>> No.55940431
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I'm just not gonna rent
I KNOW I know, van living used to be seen as SOOO unacceptable
But it's just not like that anymore
I'm gonna live in a van down by the river unironically and my GF will come with me
I'm gonna have lots of sex and save so much money I'll own a home before any of you CHUDS ever do
The stories I'll tell my kids of my days in the van will be inspiring and adventurous
>Dad u mean u never paid landwhale a single dime??
U bet ur sweet ass I never did

>> No.55940443

>but hate their own parents
Most of you people are foul mouthed drunks and drug users.
Egotistical and stuck up.
I'd rather Africans than cry baby whites WHO FUCKING VOTE for this.

>> No.55940485

mortgage market was big so investment banks created a way to trade pools of mortgages as if they were bonds without the need to inspect each and every loan in the pool individually

>> No.55940522

Doesn't that mean there is even more potential for growth there?

>> No.55940582

Let's take another step. If the loan they've given out was actually useful to the bank.... why would they ever need to sell off the loan? Okay but by bundling the mortgage and selling it off it means they have more room to make more loans. More mortgages can come in if they aren't carrying the loan anymore. They can make more mortgages (inflation) and thus more securities and thus sell more securites. So what happens to a bank if they can't more mortgages and thus more securities?

>> No.55940595


>> No.55940616

Good, more low income housing is great.

>> No.55940627

>global birth rates and marriage rates are collapsing, exp in developed countries
>Already importing million every year with the goal of importing of hundreds of millions over a couple decades
Good, I hope they bring all of Africa over here.

>> No.55940640

>zoomers were turned against their own kind,
Everyone in my town is a drunk or drug user, my coworkers are assholes.
>love refugees, worship niggers,
Immigrants and negros dont talk to me all day and they sure as shit dont cry to me about shit.
>but hate their own parents
I dont have parents.

>> No.55940655
File: 310 KB, 935x783, Toph wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immigrants and negros dont talk to me all day and they sure as shit dont cry to me about shit.
Where do you live?

>> No.55940720

This is the answer. Prices can't drop because it would crash everything. So eventually they will and it will crash everything. They're just trying really, really hard to keep it from happening.
It's not even a supply issue. There are enough homes for people to live in, they're just warehoused by investors. The "build more to reduce prices" crowd are wrong; investors will just snap them up with the money the government prints when they whine that housing values are falling.

It's a zero-sum game. Literally the only way out is for current property owners to lose. Full stop.

>> No.55940735

Btw this means that immigrants etc. have nothing to do with it. They're just scapegoats. If you locked the borders down tomorrow, the only thing that would change is the excuse for why prices keep climbing.

>> No.55940856

That is fair increase to keep up with market conditions. Shit is rough right now

>> No.55940902

>That is fair increase to keep up with market conditions.
No, it isn't. Fair would be related to income.

>> No.55940912

most immigrants are poor and cannot afford houses, they are rentcucks just like other poor people.

>> No.55940939

obvious samefag, pay docked for terrible gaffe

>> No.55941000

Rent went hyperbolic in the last three years and they’re bitching they want to increase it more, leaches.

>> No.55941009

The difference between immigrants and white natives is that immigrants will gladly live 20+ to a single house and pool resources. Seen it first hand, a family like that moved next door to me and I have to hear them getting drunk and yelling at their tv in the garage on weeknights. Also they take up 80% of the street parking on my block.

>> No.55941038

You understand that that helps my argument, right?

>> No.55941058

>come of age in a time when wages can easily buy houses
>become landlord
>price of land skyrockets
>can't shake down your children and grandchildren's generation for more money fast enough
>probably because they leveraged up to their eyeballs when prices were at their height
>thinking that they can just dump their houses on the market all at once when they can't collect extortionary enough rent
>because a bunch of people being forced into liquidating real estate all at once definitely didn't spell disaster 15 years ago

Wow, I sure love the idea of boomers in the real estate market with debt up to their eyeballs crashing the economy again for the second time in my adult life out of short term greed.

>> No.55941250
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Hey wouldn't it be funny if some magic internet coins absorbed all the fiat and banks all collapsed so people can't leverage anything anymore and all of civilization collapses cause housing market collapses too and we are all nomads trading internet funny money from old laptops?

>> No.55941265



>> No.55941275

they will get your wagies garnish, super ez in small claims court. if no wagies, they can get your taxes. you will pay

>> No.55941295

>anyways guys why price so high?? :DDD

>> No.55941367

Okay, why are you guys always so upset all the time?
See what I mean, pure cry baby energy "Ill hurt you if you dont do what I say".

>> No.55941429


Well yeah they're all leveraged up to their eyeballs and expect peak bubble prices. And if they don't get their way they will ride it all the way to zero. Again.

>> No.55941851

>tfw you realize that booms and busts are driven by everyone's collective greed and stupidity
>we all suffer even though most of us did nothing wrong
>hostage to greedy, stupid boomers with enough money between them to collectively crash the economy

>> No.55942283

>implying anyone but blackrock is going to slurp up boomer homes at inflated priced

>> No.55942300
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Total boomer execution day when?

>> No.55942367
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The only buyers right now are old single women with divorce or life insurance payouts paying all cash. Women are notoriously retarded with large financial decisions and are the best top signal for real estate.

>> No.55942410
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Rentoïds waiting for 'the crash', pathetic but kinda funny to see.

>> No.55942488

>I'd rather Africans than cry baby whites
Of course you would moishe

>> No.55942562
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Well, sucks to suck.

>> No.55942576

Then the ponzi collapses.

>> No.55942604

He said Africans, not African-Americans. Another Boomer boondoggle: not paying attention to detail and flying by the seat of their pants instead.

>> No.55942617

>bla bla bla
Boomer moment

>> No.55942640
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They dance to cope, or they work for lizzo

>> No.55942674


>>tfw you realize that booms and busts are driven by everyone's collective greed and stupidity

Yes that's why I have hope because eventually people will get so fucking dumb or so fucking greedy that opportunity arises.

>> No.55942689

He said that his rent is 850 a week so 3400 a month times 3 is over 10k so no it would not go through small claims court. As a result, they would wind up spending that much on the lawyer to get the money back so they would lose the money anyway. The trick is to run up a bill that's too high for small claims court yet too low to make it worth suing for. Lol

>> No.55943108

another anon here who had to move because parents split so we sold big house in nice neighborhood at peak market 2022. for a whole year or two prior a mexican family of at least 6 moved in next door, completely let the property go, parked massive truck blocking our main street etc etc. this country is fucked

>> No.55943118

kek, i own it. no debt. i am never selling. i will let it to the rentoids until it falls apart and then i will let it to the rentoids some more.

>> No.55943471

>sell to chinese
>they raise rent
>don't pay
>they don't know how to evict you
>free housing
And yet the boomers still want to hurt you...
Tsk tsk tsk. The poor fuckers just want to cause pain to their kids. If they knew for sure that what I just laid out would come to pass, they wouldn't do it.

>> No.55943520

this is why america is a shithole.
land leeches. the opposite of what made america great.

>> No.55943523
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Lmao, I owe 50k in backrent and even went to court and they didn't do shit

I don't even have to pay any of it back
Landlords have absolutely zero power

>> No.55943633

>land leeches. the opposite of what made america great.
Bud, look up Indian Removal.

>> No.55943671

I dream that I would be able to make a living as an executioner.
I would be the most proper, have the cleanest tools, never miss, spend my own money on a better looking executioners garb, pray for every victim, and let the crowd cheer for the appropriate amount of time before the next one.

>> No.55944001

Based. When I get executed one day, i hope it's by you.

>> No.55944183

Boomers and zoomers are tied for first place in the biggest retard contest

>> No.55944392
File: 245 KB, 1080x1349, 178979822_152503020210487_7432281258570747663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trick the goy into putting all their money into an overbought overpriced asset
>inflation so everyone's wages are become fucking worthless whilst cost of everything else skyrockets
>buy your pizza on loan filthy goy
>goyim boomers find it increasingly difficult to sell their shit shacks even with 1% down mortgages now being offered
>boomers can't eke more out of butt blasted rentoids already paying 50% of wages and now cannot meet mortgage payments
>thanks for playing goyim.
Another case of mass fucking hypnosis. We will look back in a couple of years and recognise how obvious the top was.

>> No.55944420
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this is normal and sustainable
>Noooo it's a new new paradigm. Line up only, Priced out chud.

>> No.55944428

nasty feet, nasty woman

>> No.55944456

Sweet autist at heart.

>> No.55944635

>we will sell up
>"selling up" into a buyers market

>> No.55944682
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Housing won't crash this time because...BECAUSE IT JUST WON'T OK

>> No.55946308

>tiny single bedroom apartment in my town is €1600 a month
>most other properties that are a couple of hundred yurobux cheaper are too offensive to consider, eg the renovated shed in some boomer faggot's back yard

>> No.55946429

Boomers are unironically not even cleaning the houses anymore or even trying to make them look presentable. It's insane how brazen they've gotten. A few in my area and have even started to tell buyers that clean up and removing shit is up to them. Fucking soulless cock sucker realors and greedy boomers need to fucking swing.