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55932094 No.55932094 [Reply] [Original]

>Media and big banks are gaslighting the public into believing the U.S dodged a recession
>Yield curve that predicted every recession since 1955 says its going to happen in the next few months

Is this the first time we don't enter a recession just because they tell us we're not in one?

>> No.55932141

sorry, just like 'vaccine' - the definition of 'recession' was changed. problem solved

>> No.55932178

vaccines are a specific outcome
recession is a gradient from depression to slowdown.

>> No.55932422

no, everyone knows the economy is in a recession the jews can't stop people from noticing even with all their propaganda and media control

>> No.55932454

seek help

>> No.55932469

eat a bagel

>> No.55932480

This. Shape the language, shape the reality even if it's starting right at people's eyes.

>> No.55932506

I dont think its "predicting"
The short term rates go up, because the FED is raising rates and that causes the recession
It's the FED that hikes the rates and that shows up as inversion

>> No.55932511

kek reminds me of that time when they changed the definition of ‘herd immunity’

>> No.55932514

oy vey

>> No.55932544

No shit.
>Credit Debt at all-time high
>Repo all-time high
>US Debt Interest all-time high
>US Treasury statistics all-time high/lows
>US Treasury funds run out Oct. 2nd

>> No.55932688

You have to be a blithering idiot to not realize we have been in a recession for the entirety of 2022 and 2023.
They 4x'd the money supply and growth was barely over zero.

With any reasonable measure we'd be miles below 0% growth.

>> No.55932706

I wager around late September, maybe October.

>> No.55932717

You could have said the exact same thing 6 months ago, I think it was in winter 2022 that it first inverted.
Here we are, the economy seems to be holding up somewhat decent.

I don't know why it's holding up, It doesn't seem as the conditions are deteriorating, maybe it is a soft landing? or maybe we will get a "new Margot Robbie" in a bathtub to explain the economy to us..

>> No.55932741

I just had 2700 of credit card bills come at me in one month at the start of August. Already all paid off.

>> No.55932745

>money supply goes up 4x
>growth is 2%
>not a recession
Does anyone care at all about real terms? Or get tired of pretending things didn't happen?

>> No.55932821

trusting what the media says when they are owned by billionaires who's number one goal is to make as much money possible. Who is going to hold the bags, if a recession is called early by the media

>> No.55933029

Look closer. It's the yield curve reversal AFTER it has hit negative that leads to recessions.

>> No.55933111
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It's over
Welcome to deflation and Anarchy. Stop paying taxes, get ready to kill mercenaries

>> No.55933527

>>Media and big banks are gaslighting the public into believing the U.S dodged a recession
Source? I haven't heard anyone say that.

>> No.55933534


>> No.55933538

You missed the everything is fine, after buying tech at the top now please buy our bank ponzi bags. Kek. My theory about the non existence of shared reality is getting confirmed more and more every day

>> No.55933571

I think television created a strong illusion of that. Now that everyone is in their little web silo it's gone.

>> No.55933894

Not just tv. The earliest was the direct natural environment in a small tribal group. After that Religion was the most early Creator of shared reality over space and time, then ideas of city states, nations, culture, and now thanks to crude jewish marketing magick to sell shit, identities that went so far into atomization, that not one shared identity exists but only atomized individual identity. The jews, Levantine mutts, managed even to fuck up their own artificial identity. Collectivs don't exist anymore, we are at pure individual sovereignty of the ghost (soul)

It's over, super cycle done, next stage direct natural environment of tribalist groups. Back to the mean

>> No.55933974

We have been in a deep recession since 2020 dummy

>> No.55934121

Sorry incel, seems it's already priced in. On the other hand pathetic Chuds are (rightly) priced out of buying a home.

>> No.55934174

>that shows up as inversion

>> No.55934189

He is a historicistic mouth breather, somebody whose worthless brain works that works according to past performances and outcomes are indicators for future performance and outcomes
That's not how the world works

>> No.55934245

When the FED hikes, the shortterm rates go up. Thats when you get an inversion.
Then the FED hikes as long as is needed to crash the economy.
Thats why an inversion "predicts" an economic crash
In reality, its just the FED crashing the economy every few years.

>> No.55934328

are you saying we will return to pre-industrial, hunter-gatherer tier conditions soon? i don't see how direct natural environment shared realities are possible while things like the internet remain in the picture.

>> No.55934340

There are a bunch of other factors than just rates, but you are going to learn that the hard way. "Discounted cashflow" is a meme

>> No.55934365

No, that is not what I'm saying. The world is here, communication technology that exists is not going to go away same as aqueducts or papyrus didn't go away when the west Roman empire got sacked and collapsed. But the identifying collective of humans cooperating according to some unifying idea that was big enough to maintain an empire like western Rome, that's out the door.

>> No.55934459

i think i understand what you're getting at. we've arrived at home base in that there is no final cause organizing us, but it seems to me that we're one layer of abstraction removed from "direct" reality; that is, we are once again split into disconnected tribes, but we are not informed by the immediate environment. if that is the case, i'm not sure we could say that the "super cycle" is truly done. i'd think the super cycle can only be completed when we truly arrive at our initial position as opposed to what seems a reflection of our initial position.

>> No.55934500

Humans are no ants. There is nothing like a common consciousness. The pronouns of "we", plural "you" and "they' are not natural pronounces, the only natural pronounce is I and you and the indirect derivative of you, he/she. To create a "we" is basically just manipulation of the you by an I for the interests usually of the I. The highest form of magick that was practically able to be reached is the nation state, a global "we" is basically as we seen empirically not achievable, not even with manipulation technology like the internet, it funnily accelerated the reverse of the "we" magick

>> No.55934517


>> No.55934533
File: 129 KB, 1080x1039, DreadPleasureApathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to explain why you live in the most powerful country on earth.

What is the primary US export?
>Our debt

Why would anyone want our debt?
>US treasury bonds generate US dollars

But why would a country want to buy US dollars?
>The US dollar is the most stable, strongest global currency ever invented. Backed by the strongest military to ever exist.

Okay but what does this have to do with why we aren't in a recession?
>It's complicated... But our dollar is the cleanest piece of ass in what turns out is a GLOBALLY rotten whorehouse of financial leverage.

>The US risk-free rate is well below that seen in nearly all of the major European economies, South American countries

But what about the Asian countries?
>Yes the Yuan and Yen are not inflating at the rate seen elsewhere but these are very weak currencies regardless, since the countries that back them are either on the verge of demographic collapse (China) or the most levered developed nation to ever exist... that is also already in the middle of demographic collapse (Japan)

So you're saying there won't be a recession?
>No. We are in one right now, remember? They just changed the definition last winter.

>What does it mean for an entire financial market system built on growth to now face the certainty of terminal population growth within 1 or 2 generations?

WTF part deux
>How can you financially engineer a market to grow while also having fewer people to buy and sell within the market

We're fucked, aren't we
>Absolutely. It's all a game. But don't worry, eventually you die and a few years after than nobody even knows you ever existed. So play the game and have fun.

Good luck anon.

>> No.55934548


>> No.55934563

what you say interests me, but i don't want to derail/shit up the thread with questions.
are your thoughts here informed by any particular reading materials or did you come to your conclusions on your own? specifically regarding the "we" magick, the "super cycle" or anything about these "shared realities"

>> No.55934601

its anuda SHOAH!!!!

>> No.55934608

I read a lot over my life, mostly interested in history, politics, economic and philosophy with a focus on ontology and epistemology and some esoteric readings. Read practically everything relevant of the western canon since the greeks, lately finally got to Heideggers fundamental ontology, after having basically skipped him after Hegel and went straight to the French post structuralists and deconstructivist and now get, what I missed, and the above is my current status on the understanding of human being

>> No.55934621

>China is on the verge of demographic collapse
>But luckily I can just learn spanish and lock my doors and we are just fine :)

>> No.55934663
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Your business model, may I remind you, is selling your debt.

Your #1 client in this business has for years been... Chinese people

There number of Chinese people in need of your future debt appears to be rapidly declining

You can imagine how this development is inauspicious

>> No.55934670

i see. well i'm probably 25% of the way the way there before i'm able to understand kant (still on aristotle), so i've got work to do. thanks for the roadmap

>> No.55934743

>a global "we" is basically as we seen empirically not achievable, not even with manipulation technology like the internet, it funnily accelerated the reverse of the "we" magick
Checked, but not so sure about that

>> No.55934761

I don't say don't read Kant, but same as the Greeks, the Romans, the Christians and the old French, Kant repeated a fundamental "mistake", taking the nature of being as given leading to the subject object issue never really being resolved satisfiable. As soon as you get through Hegel and Husserl you are going to start to feel that something with the previous authors was missing and Heidegger is going to resolve it, opening a whole can of worms, that in retrospective hasn't really been solved yet. The cartesian room is a lie.

>> No.55934776

Are you a materialist marxist? Try the authoritarian brain chip, your head is likely going to be chopped off

>> No.55934809

that's good to know. i'll screencap the post to serve as a reminder to my future self to look at after i've finally moved on from the greeks

>> No.55934832

We have been in recession for over a decade if they had adjusted gdp for actual inflation instead of the rigged CPI.

>> No.55934858

come back when you're older

>> No.55934895
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What the fuck are you talking about?! WE ARE in a recession FOR MONTHS YOU IDIOT:
>Mass layoffs
>Shortage of job offers
>Credit rate reduced
You denied because:
A- You are a retard
B-It was not show on television, then it corroborates with alternative A
NOW! We are actually healing! Without passing the fucking dump! Now how retarded do you feel anon? Answer this question, please.

>> No.55935015

If you are trying to allude to biological reproduction and the relationship between two Is and the offspring of the Is as a "we", it's also just manipulation. The offspring has no notion and way to recognize the world beyond the "we" and is like all mammals dependent on the "we" of the "family" but it's certainly not a natural "we". It's honorable if the Is take care for the being of the offspring, but there are enough examples among humans throughout history that show that it is not necessarily natural. Just think about niggers selling their offspring as capital to bush militias

>> No.55935031

Hot take: we are in a post-receesion age.

They have shifted the Overton window so far that the masses will believe anything. They will always print, prune, and distract just enough to prevent a full blown crisis. The financial entities and major corps will go along with it because a recessionless environment benefits them too.

Do with this what you will and invest accordingly. The permabear is heading for extinction.

>> No.55935035

>>The US dollar is the most stable, strongest global currency ever invented
wrong. just because it's less shit than every other national currency at the moment doesn't mean it's good. it's still shit. the entire global debt market is shit.

>> No.55935492

Shut up dumbass

>> No.55935518
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Your shame tactics have no power here, JIDF. Make like a mujahadin and kys.