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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55930882 No.55930882 [Reply] [Original]

Good news inflation is going to come down
Bad news it might never go up again no matter how many treasury bonds central banks buy
The age of deflationary deathspiral began
Get ready for the last peasant realizing anarchy started
And buy rope, we are going to hang the traitors, first international, then national and then it's time to hunt niggers spics, towel heads, jews and chinks

>> No.55933214
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No slide shills
Your shit is ignored

>> No.55934008

200 threads hidden

>> No.55934086


>> No.55934105

>deflationary deathspiral
zero-debt chads own the next century

>> No.55934108

And what does brrrrr do if their is nothing to invest in?
Also brrrr, is not a word not a phenomena, its a loud, that stands for an extreme reductionism at absurdum of a complex mechanism that can currently be observed in China. China does (((brrrrr))) and yet China is in a deflationary deathspiral. How does that work troglodyte?

>> No.55934118

What are you going to buy? Ponzis? Lol

>> No.55934180

Your house for $1,000.
And we'll come out the other side with a based currency.

>> No.55934181

What does this mean?

>> No.55934205

Not selling. I live in it
That there is nobody investing because everyone with two braincells sees that there is no growth to be expected which makes it irrational to invest

>> No.55934216

Investing in durable goods? Is this another way to say luxury?

>> No.55934237

No. Stuff like planes, machinery, electronics. Stuff investors, real investors that produce invest in expecting to generate profits. But well they don't expect to generate profits from investing and producing, so they don't invest. Leads to real economic deflation, the same thing that can currently be observed in China and certain European nations. It's now in the US

>> No.55934241

Oh, got it. Thank you for simplifying it for me.

>> No.55934243

Lmao bruh we can just print whatever we need chill fr fr

>> No.55934248 [DELETED] 
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But how can we call it a depression if my DaWAE token is POOOOOMPING to the MUUUUN?
No, for real, any of you smart guys, more versed in the science of economics can tell me why, even when every sign points to a depression, there are still tokens, stocks and projects that keep pumping nonetheless? Does this all affect only the macro?

>> No.55934251

And if nobody expects to make profits from the investment that got paid with loans, the real money creation? What then mouth breather

>> No.55934285

Chill man the market just like goes up. Just get that HeLoC bag and falsify some employee credits, not hard lol

>> No.55934297

Marketing doesn't create demand. That is a lesson you worthless pieces of meat are going to learn the hard way

>> No.55934660


so why the hell is the housing market not crashing?

>> No.55934677

The same desperate mechanic applied by opec, manipulation of production, but same as with opec and oil that only goes so far as demand doesn't crash too fast.

>> No.55934688


alright it make sense.

>> No.55934821

Makes sense with how much of the American economy predicated on housing. If it tanks, everything is fucked (and it will be.) But you can't make the signals that obvious.

>> No.55935195

7.5% iirc for a 30 year mortgage. Who is going to buy at the prices to not make the collateral scam crash? Lary again? Who is he going to sell to? The states, the feds? How are they going to pay lary? Dumping more debt on the public giving him notes? Who is he going to sell the debt? The fed? Sounds like a circular economic pyramid scheme that is bound to collapse.

Wait, that is what happened since 2008

>> No.55936103
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>> No.55937739

When shrimp farms you