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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5592660 No.5592660 [Reply] [Original]

someone shilled it to me at .32 and i didnt buy... not making that mistake again... biz tell me your next XRB and why

>> No.5592695

XRB again

>> No.5592710


>> No.5592715


>> No.5592722

XRB is the next Raiblocks. Expect a price of 1k by the end of the year

>> No.5592724


yea xrb not stopping for a good while, i just threw another eth at it

>> No.5592735


>> No.5592750

what did you use to exchange for raiblocks? can't find it anywhere..

>> No.5592763

this anon

as XRB is the new IOTA

INTS is the new Monero

>> No.5592788

Intensecoin and Desire

>> No.5592791
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LUX, check it out

>> No.5592792
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ENG, it's my gut again.

>> No.5592883
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>> No.5592906

Even if you mean 2018 EOY, 1k is too high. It has a supply of 133mil.

>> No.5592932

Uhm no. Intensecoin is based on Monero but its purpose is entirely different. It's a direct competitor to Skycoin.

Definitely seconding IntenseCoin (ITNS) though.

>> No.5593001
File: 209 KB, 1242x784, 3D6E866A-173F-4C65-A631-C039B911F3F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crypto currency market cap is estimated to go to 1.8 trillion dollars by eoy 2018. That means XRB would have to be about 1/15th of the total crypto currency market cap which is possible given the current growth.

>> No.5593072

this guy fucks

>> No.5593133


though it is reaching $2 already across all traders in a few hours now. Was 0,24 a month ago

>> No.5593190

Fair enough. Right now, Bitcoin Cash has 1/15th of the market cap. I don't know if Raiblocks can reach that position in 1 year.

Right now, Raiblocks has 1/286th of the market cap. If it remained at exactly this position, it will be priced at almost 50$. So probably 100-200$ is a very realistic target. I'm still skeptical for 700-1000$.

By all means, I would welcome that because I would be rich. But I just don't see it happening in 1 year. In 2 years it's very possible though.

>> No.5593288

Either way we win big. Hope the normies eat this up when it becomes mainstream like Ripple is now.

>> No.5593391

Yeah, it has so much upside left.

I'm just unsure about what will happen when it boards a big exchange. I certainly don't want to sell for good but I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to increase my stack if it dumps heavily.

>> No.5593426
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Research Byteball man

>> No.5593435

Anyone know when it's supposed to hit a big exchange?

>> No.5593448

Jibrel Network

>> No.5593502

That mooned a longggg time ago

>> No.5593514

COLX, still on shit exchanges.

>> No.5593523

This, keep it. its not over for a long time.

>> No.5593547

Second that. It‘s been shilled in a comfy way here and there for some weeks and the marketcap is still tiny because it‘s on a shit exchange. The possible gains are enormous.

>> No.5593808


>> No.5593810

XRB unironically will be a 100B market cap coin in 2 months.

>> No.5593824


>> No.5593889

It's literally still Raiblocks. Free and instant. Any other p2p coin forces you to pay for inferior service.

>> No.5593907


This guy is going to make it

>> No.5593909

and it is still getting updated, dev is active. It will moon again, especially with the attention that DAG are getting now

>> No.5593959

XRB is gonna hit 10B market cap easy. It's the best coin out there right now. Get in boys!

>> No.5594118

Where to get XRB? Only n the bitgrail?

>> No.5594142

This, it'll moon again with the attention XRB is getting.

>> No.5594219

If you want to get in before Kucoin, buy from Bitgrail

>> No.5594308

One friendly, lovely, anon shilled me ITNS two weeks ago and I have quadrupled my money because of him. I stop by every thread where ITNS is mentioned to wish him a merry christmas, and to thank him for shilling me his shitcoin.

Thanks, anon. You made me money :^)

>> No.5594662

why the fuck did I sell this shit at 6 usd

>> No.5594954

It already mooned, faggot

>> No.5595068

When is xrb going to dip again? I want to buy back in

>> No.5595109

LA Token

>> No.5595186


Is it too late for ITNS now?

4x seems bad for my FOMOing.

I just need 2x from current price and I'll be happy. Need a new PC.

>> No.5595215

It will dip from 30 to 25, no worries

>> No.5595499

Thats like asking in 2011, "what is the next Bitcoin" after it reached $11 from $0.01 same year.

Its still Bitcoin.
And from 2018 onwards, it will be RaiBlocks.
Then RaiBlocks.
And more RaiBlocks.

RaiBlocks is what Bitcoin was supposed to be - not miner-controlled hell (both Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin), instant, pay-for-your-own-transactions (close to zero fee).

Say Hi to your new King.

>> No.5595540

it's like raiblocks

on a shit exchange

you only really need to worry about buying the pump if it's on a big exchange

>> No.5595634

Utrust. About to go live on kucoin. Disregard the fudding obviously, just look at their fucking portfolio (Swiss) and the idea behind the project. It's bound to x10-x50 eventually

>> No.5595663

Shitcoin. Nothing REQ can't do

>> No.5595726

Why RaiBlocks, though?

What's so special about it?

The hype it's seen on /biz/, reddit, and twitter worries me.

>> No.5595821

No fees
No mining
Actually working

What else do you want?

>> No.5595912

The next xrb is bridgecoin. I told you suckers to buy when it still was at 5 mil market cap. You can still get in for x3 or something.
Lux coin is another one that will moon hard. Remember when they shilled lux coin here when it was 3-4$. You should've bought it than. Market cap is still low, circulating supply is low. This coin wil go freaking parabolic

>> No.5595975

shilled raiblocks here at around 10 cents nobody gave a shit.

i also try to shill PASC PascalCoin for the last three weeks and also nobody gives a shit xD

>Infinite Scaling because of new tech called "SafeBox" (no blockchain bloat because the chain only needs last 100 blocks to work)
>0 confirmation transactions (instant send)
>they will implement ZCashs privacy in a future update
>new wallet soon

also this:
>Even provided Bitcoin’s current node storage, PascalCoin could have a block size of 5.4 GB and achieve 72,000 transactions per second.

its trading on poloniex. when i started shilling it it was at 40 cents.

devs spreadsheet for exchange listings:


imho could go as high as monero in the next time. the only thing that sucks is that the branding is not the best - pascalcoin just sounds not good and the icon looks bad. but thats why its overlooked.

i will shill this until its in the top100 - hope at least some guys see the potential of this.

>> No.5596041

I might throw $100 into it

>> No.5596069

Damn, it's actually pretty good

>> No.5596152


Do I need verification to trade and withdraw from Polo?

>> No.5596190

what's your opinion on AGRS?

>> No.5596192

Zilliqa, team of phd computer geniuses creating a coin quicker than any before.

>> No.5596210

> quicker than any before
how do you go faster than instant?

>> No.5596211

yes. unfortunately. hard to get. but im sure they will get added to other exchanges soon. its a unique project like RaiBlocks. overlooked because its on an exchange you cant easily buy.

>> No.5596221

Pajeet bux or sheckle coin. I just cant decide yet.. can you?

>> No.5596267

i think its a good project i hold some. same with SkyCoin if you dont know.

>> No.5596283


Some exchanges takes a load of time with verification. I think I'll wait until it goes to Binance or Kucoin.

I'm still waiting for cex.io to verify me and it has been a month.

>> No.5596339


AltCommunity low supply Market Cap: 700k usd
sub1x low supply Market Cap: 200k

1up low supply Market Cap: 200k

thank me later

>> No.5596443


When you understand what it is, you would be hyping it too.

IOTA is shit, actual literal stinky pile of shit, from concept to implementation it sucks, they have not even showed in whitepaper that the Tangle ever converges, ie, they dont have a consensus algorithm beyond a central database called Coordinator. At best IOTA is a Ponzi by a narcissist claiming to have invented "full proof of stake" Nxt, while actually Peercoin was first in that.

Byteball has novel consensus design, yet its implementation can only do 20tps, and consensus algorithm requires social consensus on agreeing who the 12 witnesses are to be. Yet the witnesses dont have more power than to destroy the currency by stopping the network.

RaiBlocks, well son, XRB is a new design which is shown to work, both in concept and first implementation.

RaiBlocks shares nothing with Byteball or IOTA when it comes to consensus algorithm.

These fucking retards who scream "DAG COIN" dont see where their nose is on their face.

"DAGCOIN" is like screaming "all cryptocurrencies are SOFTWARE; fucking software". Its just a data-structure - without the algorihtm to reach global consensus - its meaningless.

RaiBlocks has a damn good algorithm, as good algorithm as bitcoin pow+difficulty+hashed-linked-list was in 2009.

>> No.5596647
File: 689 KB, 1042x744, What is Nuls?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuls in my opinion...have 10000.

>> No.5596879


In a world where possession is 9/10'/ of the law and computer records are easily manipulated, blockchain records of ownership are going to be vital.

>> No.5597122

gotta agree with this. Already 60% up this week and hasnt even got a little mainstream attention. When this gets to normies they will be going all in.