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5592542 No.5592542 [Reply] [Original]

I have been accumulating LINK through the past few weeks after finding out some information that will not be publicly available until Q3 2018.

Now I have finished transferring all my Crypto into LINK I thought I'd post it on here to get my gains started early.

Q4 2018 LINK and Swift will announce that Swift will be taking full ownership of Chainlink and rebranding (I do not know the new name or if it has yet been chosen).

I think most people on here realise LINK will be a huge success long-term anyway, but this just shows the message of intent from the worlds leading financial messaging service.

Exciting times ahead for us stinky LINKies.

ama, bear in mind I do not have masses of information due to work around this being so fragmented currently.

>> No.5592633

Can swift change the tokens? Can they fucklinkies over? Bestimate plz

>> No.5592661

I can't wait for Linkies to figure out what are the implications of having SWIFT having to use the eth network.

>> No.5592764


What are the implications? That ETH will moon harder than LINK?

Or is it that ETH network is too weak for SWIFT?

Just want to know what youre assuming so I can explain why you're wrong ;).

>> No.5592794

You have awful good english for a shit-smelling Pajeet

>> No.5592812


>he thinks ChainLink middleware actually runs on the ethereum blockchain


>> No.5592827

Swift uses Hyperledger, which Chainlink is designed to work with.

>> No.5592854

Also this shilling is retarded. SWIFT is just one part of ChainLink.

>> No.5592946

as far as I am aware it will be a takeover of the current technology (i.e anyone owning 1LINK will get 1SWIFTIECRYPTOMONEY).

Thanks but not a pajeet. Bring back country flags.

I guess maybe SWIFT want to make it solely their own? I'm not sure about the plans of what the token will be used for other than the fact that there will be a takeover.

>> No.5593055

>SWIFT taking over CL
Is this in par with Sergey's philosphical principles? Just selling all that he built and believes in within such a short time frame, when he actually seems to be a long-term thinker?
That he would accept such a deal and become a buddhist in Nepal contemplating about the sanitation problem?

>> No.5593130


What exactly does it mean to take it over? It's an open source decentralized network of nodes. Why would SWIFT want or need to take it over? They'll probably announce their own private blockchain on which chainlink will run but that's far from SWIFT acquiring LINK. Wasn't the PoC run on a private ethereum based blockchain?

Anyways without any more proof there is literally zero reason to think you aren't larping. A chainlink insider posts on /biz/ every day and 99% of their calls end up being false.

>> No.5593453

>Q4 2018

why would i want to hold this coin now?

>> No.5593500

Why would you believe another random """insider""" posting another ridiculous claim on 4chan.

>> No.5593533


If you believe a word that anon says you're dumb as shit.

>> No.5593620

>taking over a decentralized oracle network/open source protocol

What does swift mean by this

>> No.5594126

Stinky Linkie LARP

>> No.5594156

Daily reminder on why we are all in LINK https://medium.com/@signal_capital/https-medium-com-signal-capital-our-investment-in-chainlink-15ab90ee9c02

>> No.5594978

Swift insider bro here. The plan is to reissue the genesis block and refund any existing holders if they have receipts at the original amount paid for it. There is no way we’ll reward existing holders, and we’re prepared to push CL through bankruptcy to do it

>> No.5595075


>genesis block


>> No.5595097

10-20 price target? Ken. More like 500

>> No.5595108

Daily reminder that this article is a larp written by a dude in a basement.

>> No.5595131

You fucking idiots.