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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 259x259, bnty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5591992 No.5591992 [Reply] [Original]

Expect more panic selling when the americans all wake up to this bleeding.

We could see 10 cents again by the end of the day

>> No.5592011

that or buying the dip

>> No.5592299

If this doesn't moon I'm putting a bounty on all the faggots that shilled this memecoin

>> No.5592378

Doubt it. It found its floor at 0.00022. There is only upside from here. Its about the break out of the descending wedge. See you at 0.00060

>> No.5592388


im debating on buying the dip now or see if it dips even lower when they wake up

>> No.5592437

Easier to get in now. this is either gonna go up or now. its real low right now compared to yesterdays high of .27

>> No.5592448

>forget about it for a week or two
>don't even witness any dips and corrections
>check blockfolio 2 weeks from now
>oh I just made 500% and didn't have to live through FUD and retardation of /biz/ after every little dip a good product has

live happily on

>> No.5592457

I was right! We're going up boys GET IN!

>> No.5592476

>little dip
It went down 35% overnight

>> No.5592495
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>> No.5592524

bought 20k @ $0.11. Buying more now, this is minimum 100m market cap

>> No.5592543
File: 8 KB, 236x400, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's trying to keep it up with tiny buys lol

>> No.5592549

you must be new here

>> No.5592559

it went 4x in 2 days

>> No.5592565

It went up 500% in 3 days

>> No.5592582

like last night before it hit a ATH

>> No.5592581
File: 436 KB, 989x1000, 1514460041975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a Pajeet shill coin?

>> No.5592589

they call him shaky fingered frank...biggest yellow-bellied snake north of the mississipi

>> No.5592594

This is exactly what I meant by retardation of /biz/, why did I even come back to this thread. I'm out.

>> No.5592596

So we can expect this to dip a lot further then?

>> No.5592600

yes but a good one

>> No.5592630

Its not going lower than $0.17. Next stop is $0.40

>> No.5592708

Strong possibility of hitting .00001.
If it dips below that hold onto your butts.

>> No.5592808

ground level on stochrsi, hit old support and the sellwall up to 1500 is really thin, so i think we'll see fomo rather than panicselling

>> No.5592813

I'll buy back in at 12 cents people

>> No.5592822

This is my conclusion as well. Support at 0.00022 has been tested twice on the 30m chart. Panic selling could blow through it but it's unlikely.

I wanted to sell to increase my stack but it's too risky now. I'll just hold.

>> No.5592862

I'm bagholding now.

If it dips a good bit I'll buy some more to even things out a bit.

>> No.5592890


Nigga we are up still watching this shit bleed out.

>> No.5592905

I swear biz can't hold a coin for more than 24h and if it dips slightly the pink wojaks are spammed. You will never make it with those weak hands baka

>> No.5592909

It is.

>> No.5592931


this nigger knows whats going on

>> No.5592963

...after it 500%+'d in 2-3 days

>> No.5593082

Woah that was crazy. Did someone market sell all their eth?

>> No.5593146

It’s over. I cashed out of this sinking ship yesterday. Still hold some but suggest you all get out now for the next Kucoin moon missions starting in a few hours.

>> No.5593157

meant to say bnty

>> No.5593203

>go to sleep
>ATH happens and wake up to loss

>> No.5593261


Debating if i should sell my bnty with $1000 loss and MAYBE break even with new possible moon mission

>> No.5593304


>> No.5593321

Rofl what. Have some fucking patience you mong. Do you think it'll stay on this mcap for long?

>> No.5593322

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.5593340

Are you literally retarded? Why would you take a loss of 1 grand on a coin that started trading like 2 days ago and has so much upside... Jesus you faggots really like losing money. No patience whatsoever, what are you doing in crypto?

>> No.5593369

nigga just wait like a couple days its gonna be 3x from here at least

>> No.5593422

I’m new to this shit and /biz is making me freak the fuck out. Yes, i’m a retard but maybe one day i’ll learn. And thanks for the tips.

>> No.5593425

do it faggot, no risk no win

>> No.5593870

Going further south than I expected. Below 10c today seems imminent now.

>> No.5594331

Dumb fags, don't tell someone else to stay in a sinking ship if you aren't sure about it.
You fucks just want more support so you don't get extra fucked, what if he pulled out with a loss. Hopped on next moon and cut even or profitted a bunch while you guys rot?

With that being said DBC is gonna moon tomorrow, jump over or be a bounty fag.

>> No.5594396


>> No.5595056
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Americans woke up?

>> No.5595103

let them panic sell lol

>> No.5595241

It's amazing how weak so many kids here are. I can see the average age here is pretty low and everyone is really scared their $170 savings from their summer job and birthday is down a bit, so that everyone would rather take losses when the coin launched literally this week....

Wow. This whole market is fucked up. Excuse me while I sell at $1 in a few weeks when it gets on Binance...

>> No.5595949
File: 39 KB, 600x350, f8cfd4c0-4b1b-4a6a-ba56-372f6618e514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seat on 2000bnty comfy as fuck sir.

>> No.5595979

what was ico price in ETH?

>> No.5596001

153k sitting here, see you on Jupiter

>> No.5596064
File: 126 KB, 533x363, 1514505342291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The HODL meme is strong

>> No.5596077

They are pathetic. Selling at a loss when the coin has been on the exchange for two days. What these retards are doing in crypto I don't know...

>> No.5596178

How come blockfolio shows this at .148 cents while kucoin shows this at .19 cents?

>> No.5596220


>> No.5596251

literally no sell walls yet. weak hands can neck themselves next week

>> No.5596257
File: 1.07 MB, 312x213, inputContent_1514368496889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We 20cent again

Next stop 50cent

>> No.5596380

Use Delta instead och blockfolio, it's more in sync with real time price changes

>> No.5596420
File: 18 KB, 480x360, IMG_8083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go boys, ready for offblast?

>> No.5596501

anons, should i sell my DBC at a loss for this BNTYmoonmission?

>> No.5596527


>> No.5596569

Sell low buy high anon

>> No.5596572

No, have 50/50 portfolio and you win. Like me.

DBC is gonna moon also, but in next week or so.

Just close eyes and enjoy gains.

>> No.5597001

DBC sadly is not going to "moon". The supply is insanely high.

>> No.5597125

low tier fud. literally back up to .20 now. KYS, pussies.

>> No.5597158

Gordon just shilled QLINK in his twitter.

>> No.5597186

who the fuck is gordon, and why would i give a shit about what some asshole likes and doesn't like?

>> No.5597195


Sorry, but you are wrong. DBC is going to be 50c before you'll even have the chance to buy it again.

I believe you speak out of your ass, if you price something by it's MAX supply and not Circulating supply.

This is a multi billion project, even if it reaches 10 billion supply, I believe THE FIRST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BLOCKCHAIN, WHICH IS IOTA ON STEROIDS basically, will reach at least 50c in near future, if not 1$ by the end of January. This is the easiest money you will eve get.

10bn MarketCap is almost out of question, which surpasses IOTA.

Currently XRB, IOTA and DBC will fight in top 10 CMC.

>> No.5597235

Do you choose to be like this or are you actually retarded?


>> No.5597239

Possibly stupid question.

What is the connection?

>> No.5597277

you mean like....when i could buy it for .07 cents....right now, or.....?

>> No.5597300

BNTY moon mission is done for the moment, that is probably the next one. Doesn't mean bnty won't still go up, but the gains will be bigger in other coins.

>> No.5597320

gordon freeman

>> No.5597344

>I believe you speak out of your ass
street shitting pajeet grammar

>> No.5597368

Damn, that's my entire portfolio right now. 30k split up between those 3. W-will I make it?

>> No.5597383
File: 103 KB, 938x456, Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 13.53.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at all of you. Do you realise how inexperienced this team is?

>> No.5597444

yeah because his age clearly already says that its a terrible project, said no one ever

>> No.5597454


>clinging onto one metaphorical sentence to define my nationality and not onto the content and logic I point out

I think we all know you are the deaf pajeet here missing out on the most obvious moon mission.

Not to mention Chinks love AI and DBC is coming to Huobi on 1st January.

>> No.5597488

Oh look, the BNTY crew is crying. What a total fucking surprise, really didn't see that one coming

>> No.5597491

Yet, he has done more and has a working product and unique idea than most 100m$ CMC projects out here have.

This kid had an idea and delivered it more than any praised Sergey on /biz/ ever will.

And he actually responds to FUD on Telegram on hourly basis.

>> No.5597510

What are you talking about?

>> No.5597577


>> No.5597614

>Do you realise how inexperienced this team is?

Is today casual Friday?

>> No.5597762

and vitalik is 22 :DD

>> No.5598083

this desu senpai, like 18 and 22 are any different

>> No.5598233

He was 19 when ETH was created

>> No.5598357

Here we go faggots, we survived the correction and this dip where pajeets panic sold and ICO investors also hopefully.

50c next stop, iron hands.

>> No.5598390

is kucoin fucking up for anyone. I cannot login wont let me submit my verify code only has the button.

>> No.5598410


>> No.5598480

pls no
i bought this at 16 cents and didnt sell at ath. fml

>> No.5598566

Kucoin not being able to handle stress does the most damage. god damn

>> No.5598875

>new to crypto
>shit at knowing when to buy/sell
>bought this with my meager christmas money
pls moon. Thanks for the gains so far bros

>> No.5599282

going to finally go to sleep. I hope I wake up to something good.