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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55919570 No.55919570 [Reply] [Original]

Given the recent push of Covid in the media again, are Pfizer/ Moderna calls a good idea?

>> No.55919604

Guess the whole Ukraine thing isn't going all that great, time to change the narrative again. You do remember how the covid bullshit completely disappeared the moment the Ukraine bullshit started, how Putin literally cured the whole world overnight. Oh yeah, and we had a rerun of the Suez canal blockage today too. Back to the old bag of tricks it is.

>> No.55919612

I also remember how in my country Covid ended the day the government said it was over. Funny that.

>> No.55919636

you should be investing in rope and guillotines

>> No.55919645


they're running out of boogey men
Alien invasion is soon

>> No.55919646

Guillotine ticker pls?

>> No.55919648
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>> No.55919650

It always is for your own good, they just want to make sure you support the current thing, you would not want to be left behind, would you?

>> No.55919658

tried that already and it fizzled out the very same day

>> No.55919696

So are the calls a good idea or what? If they go full Covid mode again think they’ll hit their previous ATH?

>> No.55919745
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Too obvious. Nothinburguer PSYOPS.

>> No.55919784

The vaxxrate was 80%
And is going to be 90% next time.

Stop anthropomorphising goylems.
They will NEVER go against the kikes.
They are the sword and the shield of the Jew, and their genocide will heal the world.

Behaviour is 100% genetic, you cannot educate, inform, "open their eyes" their goylemhood away.

>> No.55919785

Wasn't "WE WERE RIGHT" just trending on twitter like last week BTFOing mainstream disinfo?

>> No.55919786
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Negative. Your generation is dead. Target 2050.

>> No.55919812

Nah this is the shitty echo bubble to what covid was
This is the pharma/cia op equivalent of when the gold commercials come out to sell metals to boomers after every major happening

>> No.55919817
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Favela macaques don't matter.

>> No.55919832

It's going to be both hilarious as fuck and totally blackpilling at the same time when they roll out their most ridiculous attempt at staging an alien invasion, and normalfags still buy it.

>> No.55919840

"Load ze Suez FUD"

>> No.55919874
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in case you've missed it

>> No.55919884

go back to pol bitch, were talking money moves.

>> No.55919896
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They own us already. This will be done by robots plus AIs.

>> No.55919901

ah shit, here we go again

>> No.55919906

these fucking kikes just never stop

>> No.55919919
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>Load the variant FUD... again!

Jesus Christ, they're literally intellectually bankrupt aren't they?
Or do (((they))) actually think society is THAT stupid.
Oh wait, they might be right. Covid proved it.

>> No.55919923
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>DoD bot

>> No.55919943
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>> No.55919949

These scumbags are going to lock us down again aren’t they

>> No.55919958

They are right and the goyim will comply again

>> No.55919967
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kys kikes' bootlicker

>> No.55919977

My job is just now making us go back to the office 3 days a week, so if this blows up I will unironically be happy as fuck. Going right back to full WFH just in time.

>> No.55919981

The European Journal of Heart Failure, a reputable peer reviewed journal of top flight scientists and doctors found the Moderna booster damages hearts at a rate of 1/35 people. Idk if that will go viral as it seems people really gave in to the "if you disagree you are an antivaxxer nut" propaganda but if it does then your calls are shit.

>> No.55919984
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Twelve years cycles. Two generations. It's not you they're after.

>> No.55920001

Got a link to that? Want to dunk on normies.

>> No.55920009
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>> No.55920039

Was a study in the UK.

>> No.55920072
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3% distraction.

>> No.55920099

Long HD.

>> No.55920109

How does this even happen? Those fuckers are so big.

>> No.55920119

Mysterious covid reemergence -> mysterious mail-in ballots

>> No.55920137
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>> No.55920151

As an MSFS sperg I find it extremely suspicious these fucks were able to pull this off after training in single engine Cessnas.
>inb4 the planes fly themselves
Yeah and you have to set them up to do so dumbass.

>> No.55920172

Go back.

>> No.55920175

I thought I heard they put in some time on Flight Sim too.

>> No.55920185
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Facts inexist. Narratives insist.

>> No.55920186
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Ips habbenuuuung

>> No.55920195

Already priced in.

>> No.55920205
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>MSFS 98

>> No.55920212

Stop reading right wing tabloid magazines.
Not everything the media says or does is for the purpose of manipulation. I haven't even read about a new covid variant in any of the major news sources. Only in the daily mail, a right wing magazine, was it ever mentioned.

>> No.55920218

Fuck that looks comfy.

>> No.55920227
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>> No.55920232

It was very comfy.
>for me

>> No.55920241
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Thread's dead.

>> No.55920346

It's funny, growing up with 9/11 and its ramifications I never thought there would be a dumber time period. I was so naive, this is the dumbest shit of all time.

>> No.55920438

Here's what you need to know
>Stock up on tinned goods and rice, immediately
>Supply chains will be knocked out
>Police/emergency services will collapse in some areas
>Stores, bars, restaurants etc WILL be closed for months
>Organise: hair clippers, home gym equipment, masks, Vitamin C/D/Zinc, painkillers
The more you get sorted in the next week or so, the easier this will go for you.

>> No.55920453
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>elections coming up

>> No.55920531

>that pic
Normalfag entertainment is so fucking creepy

>> No.55920543

>Only in the daily mail, a right wing magazine, was it ever mentioned.
Yeah that makes sense. Leftoid propaganda rags are usually late to report the truth, if they ever do at all

>> No.55920817

I really want us to both be wrong, but I just can't take that chance. Shit sucks, I was just starting to get my life on track and improve mental health by exiting survival mode. I'm so tired of survival mode.

>> No.55920838

imagine believing this lol

>> No.55920872

Fuck off cuck

>> No.55920954

I'd be worried if it caused something scary like blood clots or heart attacks

>> No.55920990
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>> No.55921006

When you think 81 MILLIONS voted for Joe Biden you know they will try to do this again.
Wonder if the rest of mutts will comply or not.

>> No.55921019

>covid bullshit has nothing to do with the economy

>> No.55921027

We didn't think they'd be that batshit in-your-face irrational and tyrannical last time. We were wrong. We also didn't think they'd be foolish enough to print trillions of dollars after 08, who would be that crazy and destructive? We were wrong.

>> No.55921179

Beggars belief how any of you think this wouldn't happen - it's been on the cards since early 2022. You were given a reprieve, not a permanent fix.

>> No.55921360
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>> No.55921404

>Not everything the media says or does is for the purpose of manipulation.
holy shit, your mum raised a big faggot

probably a crack whore

>> No.55921407

These Jews know how to put on a good show!!

>> No.55921476

Just for Men probably makes half their money off Steven Seagal alone

>> No.55921478


>> No.55921492

What strike price did he buy?

>> No.55921512

Sure, if you can live with funding evil and selling out humanity.

>> No.55921609

Wow, it's almost like deadly viruses mutate and spawn endless variants when lazybones human beings totally give up trying to control them because they "need" to socialize and pitch a fucking fit over wearing a piece of cloth over their mouths.

I hope the mandates have some serious teeth this time. Zero exceptions and zero tolerance for crazy antivaxxers. You don't want to take the shot and rejoin society, you get a nice government tracking device installed on your doors to make sure you stay the fuck home. And the minute you step out illegally, Federal agents knock your ass down and stab you in the throat with a triple dose of Pfizer.

We could have fucking ended in this in 2021, but now, now the real pandemic is about to ramp up.

>> No.55921615

Did you copy and paste this from reddit?

>> No.55921684

>but it doesn't spread during anti racism protests
Your argument is invalid

>> No.55921753

You have manic hysterical roastie tier autism. GET A LIFE LOSER.

>> No.55922127

I can. Don’t try to moralfag me.

>> No.55922348
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hahahahah good one

>> No.55922421

Especially guillotines. Long carpenters and long blacksmiths. We're going back to our roots!

>> No.55923203

Imagine putting your money into an evil organization for material "gains" that are high risk anyway.

>> No.55923229

How exactly are they more evil than any other corporation, dipshit?
And I'd like an answer that isn't surrounded with low IQ conspiracytard cope

>> No.55923278

Fuck off, viruses get weaker over time, this has all the danger of a fucking cold.

>> No.55923351

>what is long covid

>> No.55923369

What is long covid?
Asking as an unvaxxed man with cancer who's had covid 2x and including likely now..

Explain to me what is long covid and give me sources to your information including peer reviewed scientific data.

I'll make it easy there isn't any.

>> No.55923432

An urban lengend

>> No.55923460

poor detected

>> No.55923471

>Explain to me what is long covid and give me sources to your information including peer reviewed scientific data.


>> No.55923487
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>I'll make it easy there isn't any.


>> No.55923502

>Asking as an unvaxxed man with cancer who's had covid 2x and including likely now..

>i've had covid twice and i didn't get long covid BUT I ALSO HAVE CANCER therefore long covid doesn't exist

how retarded are you?

show me your portfolio so i know what to sell

>> No.55923519

This nigga really linked to a website called covid.com lmao what is that like a covid fan club? Are those the people I see driving in their cars with the masks on, they're in the covid fan club? Lmao

>> No.55923533

woo a real life facist dictator everyone... this is the guy that is on league or worse than stalin and hitler. he just admited he's willing to murder people by forcing them out of society and forced murder injections just to get his idea of society. deranged murder mentality everyone

>> No.55923540

it's nih.gov which is National Institutes of Health

aka a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

only the primary federal agency conducting and supporting medical research in the United States, nothing major

>> No.55923554

Okay I'm sorry I was just joking fuck

>> No.55923567

Covid reduces T-cell count temporarily first few infections.
Vaccinated it is not temporary you need constant boosters over time for protection.
Vaccinated now have ADE towards Covid which is basically AIDS.

>> No.55923723

I noticed Moderna and other pharmaceutical companies are speed building more manufacturing facilities
They aren't gonna build those and let them sit idle

>> No.55923746

You think anyone who resisted the vaxx bullshit over the last few years is going to just suddenly capitulate? Everyone I know who didn't get it will never get it.

>> No.55923778


>> No.55923992

See me after class

>> No.55924107
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Where in this article does it link to any peer reviewed information?
This is all hypothetical picrelated in your own bullshit.

>> No.55924136

My question was a trap, as someone who's quite familiar with the medical industry because of my disease I know it takes decades to review something and get conclusions correct.

We haven't had any proper scientific timing since the start of covid so anyone answering otherwise is a factual NPC.

Load MGS2 AI Echo chamber video.

>> No.55924148

More like RETCON-19

>> No.55924303

>My question was a trap, as someone who's quite familiar with the medical industry because of my disease I know it takes decades to review something and get conclusions correct.
it's a good thing that whether long covid is real or not does not depend on whether peer reviewed studies deem it real

i guess post-viral illness after covid is just made up, lmao

>> No.55924326

I figured you had a smart ass answer when you yourself didn't even look at the shit you linked, literally proving multiple things on my account.

Next time if you wanna seem smart maybe read shit you're linking to not a fucking web page asking people to volunteer for a long term study, fucking idiot.

Take it here autists there are mostly parasites lurking and posting on this board now.

>> No.55924344

>I figured you had a smart ass answer when you yourself didn't even look at the shit you linked, literally proving multiple things on my account.
there are literally 16,625 results when you search for long covid on nature.com

help yourself

"no peer reviewed studies therefore long covid isn't real" is a retarded argument

>> No.55924348

I assume you're either a paid shill or are wishing to claim disability for a fake illness because you yourself aren't unhealthy but have nothing to use besides more propaganda and trying to push a narrative, do you know hard it is for me to treat proper treatments since covid?
Faggots like you unironically have killed people like myself in the name of 500 dollars a week UBI

>> No.55924358

>do you know hard it is for me to treat proper treatments since covid?
what does any of this have to do with long covid being real, you stupid fuck?
>Faggots like you unironically have killed people like myself in the name of 500 dollars a week UBI
good. stupid fucks like you deserve to die to improve the gene pool.

>> No.55924362

Oh Nature dot com?
Thanks sure glad Nature dot com is now the pinnacle of viral research.

>> No.55924374

Right death cult as I said this entire website is compromised with government agenda pushing agents of a death cult, same NAFO faggots who make discord rugpulls here constantly are also the same people rushing to file for disability to continue further degrading society, this is literally exact same shit Hideo spoke of 22 years ago.

>> No.55924391

>Thanks sure glad Nature dot com is now the pinnacle of viral research.
ok have a pubmed article too:

>> No.55924401

okay schizo

>> No.55924411

You had one attempt not 19 faggot shill now kill yourself and put your money where your transhumanism mouth is.

>> No.55924435

why do i only get one attempt at it?

>> No.55924446

Because you should have been aborted and now we have to suffer shit eating faggots like yourself daily, here's a link to your homepage website showing over 50% of people claimining "long covid" infact never had covid to even begin with, it's a hypochondriacs disease.
Aka a faggots disease like yourself who's trying to get money by abusing the system because the only thing you know how to do is lie for gain.

I get as many as I want because I'm the one proposing the questions you fucking using wad of drunken spewed potassium.

>> No.55924456
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>> No.55924490

>asks for peer reviewed article to prove long covid is real
>gets one
>provides r/WayOfTheBern article with 5 upvotes to prove that long covid isn't real

the fact that you even know that subreddit exists means you've already lost

>> No.55924507


>> No.55924511


covid changes the immune system because people believe that it does, lmao

>> No.55924515


>> No.55924527

>giga faggot keeps posting jewish lugenpresse garbage as if he's making some kind of point
The only thing you're doing is proving everyone else's point.

>> No.55924558

What did he say?

>> No.55924590


>> No.55924597

>Not everything the media says or does is for the purpose of manipulation.
Peak midwit. That is literally all it is for.

>> No.55924619

Yes. The reason a propaganda apparatus even exists is to spread propaganda. What, does he think it only spreads propaganda sometimes and then the rest of the time it flips a switch that says, "Be unbiased and 100% truthful?"

>> No.55924719


>> No.55924807

>studies and research proving long covid causes actual damage to immune system

how retarded are you

>> No.55924872

Put on the damn mask and get the booster you antisocial right wing schizo.

>> No.55924920

You mean the faggots who invented covid for use in biowarfare like the conflict we're all currently involved in?

>> No.55925086

does the fact that they invented covid mean that long covid isn't real, dumbfuck?

>> No.55925544
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No its real. Its a result of your experimental genetic therapy and dna modification. Keep it up, its working.

>> No.55925563
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Wasted digits on posting gay cringe.

>> No.55925570
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Get fucked with a rusty pipe.

>> No.55925575

alright vaxxies, roll up your sleeves. it's time for round 5

>> No.55925586
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And we're also on track to mimic the 2020 fuckery.
Remember, the WuFlu was originally discovered in fall 2019, and became a mainstream media talking point by early 2020.
At this rate, they're going to push the lockdowns and other assorted dubmfuckery in the coming months, then push George Floyd 2.0 just in time for safe and secure elections.

>> No.55925595
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>> No.55925978

Lies and knowing them can't generate money? What?
>They dundu nothing wrong everrrrr
ah yes more peaceful and civil demonstrations burning down entire districts, right?

>> No.55926029
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Double vaxxed, tipple boosted Chad here.
* yawn *

>> No.55926151

you sound so peaceful, tolerant, and measured. this is a healthy, stable mind, saying healthy, stable things. youre still a big gay boy though, faggot. tell you what, you can have my boosters cause youre so scared

>> No.55926178

>im here from the government and im here to help you
you people deserve it

>> No.55926211

Wait they just did a rerun of what happened two years ago LMAO

>> No.55926235

>remember how the covid bullshit completely disappeared the moment the Ukraine bullshit started
You only see what you wanna see to reinforce the narrative you've been spoon fed in your echo chamber.
People like talk about "sheep" all the time.
You wanna see a sheep, look in the mirror.

>> No.55926288
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Covid is a bioweapon designed to destroy your brain. China keeps releasing new variants and each time it infects you it does a little more permanent brain damage.

>> No.55926294

Are you literally this stupid? Putin waited until Covid was over otherwise his soldiers would have to remain 6ft apart and you can't wage a war like this. Causation != Correlation

>> No.55926339

the sentence you quoted from him is objectively true, easy to see then and easy to see now
you're projecting, mr midwit

>> No.55926340

How many variants and how many infections
until a person ends up with schizophrenia ?
How does one profit from this potential downward spiral towards permanent brain damage?

>> No.55926350

in the span of a single week no media was talking about covid anymore

>> No.55926451

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.55926464


The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems

>> No.55926534


>> No.55926539

Schizophrenic poisoning the well with a stupid conspiracy. >>55926464
How about you talk about the proven heart damage caused by the vax instead schizoanon

>> No.55926643

You wont do shit. You'll take another shot when your boss demands it.

>> No.55927239

See me after class
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.


>wikipedia editing

>JIDF shill recruitment video

>jew shill operation center



Explore more esoteric political topics:
1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek own everything ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007) ]

>> No.55927270

election season is here das rite

>> No.55927278

invested in a pacemaker company when I heard the vax news years ago

>> No.55927466
File: 1.38 MB, 3978x1879, 20230721_064752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ironic thing is that a Cessna demands actual stick and rudder airmanship skills, anything with a flight director doesn't.. it's like flying a video game or augmented drone.

You are talking about aircraft with yaw/pitch dampening, a suite of abstract control laws and FADEC. If flying from point to point is your only objective and you don't need to know how to land, then anyone can be instructed to use the flight director in a few minutes of in flight training.

All they need to do is disconnect the auto pilot moments before impact (or not)

It's actually very easy to fly this type using the flight director.. the ATP earns their pay when shit goes south and an expert is needed to take over.

Waypoint navigation using a sectional chart is within the expertise of a stage 1 student, even if they don't know how to properly program waypoints, they could simply navigate to them manually.

That being said, 9/11 was an inside job and I'm not entirely convinced that anyone was aboard those jets, or if they even had jets involved. Clearly this was some massive power grab of the state, with all the resources of the state involved.


>> No.55927534
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One roll per day?!!

>Amerilards dropping bowl cracking gigantic meaty stools several times daily due to their fifth McDonald's double quarter pounder.

I have three people in my house and we do a roll per week maximum. You must be 1200lbs and shove the entire roll up your anus to stem the flow of oleans unstoppable ass grease.

>> No.55927539

I'm 6'4 210lbs amerishart and I use maybe 1 roll a week.

>> No.55927544

And half of it's for shit like cleaning my toilet seat or other messes around the house barely any of it touches my asshole.

>> No.55928021
File: 676 KB, 1080x1041, 1687159033953151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>behaviour is 100% genetic
>be man with top-tier homo sapiens genes
>I take 1 gallon of PCP
>smash everything and everybody around you
>heh guess those genes weren't so great
>My behaviour is genetic

>> No.55928099


>> No.55928172
File: 35 KB, 604x407, 1668581385706498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.55928211

Lol, clown timeline stuck on loop. We live in a simulation.

>> No.55928504
File: 6 KB, 220x229, IMG_8426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I’m just not going to

>> No.55928586

How long until I’m dead. Can you give me something concrete? I just want to go to sleep

>> No.55928590

But to some degree he's right.
Their genes are alresdy damaged and/or unfit for surviving in this poisonous environment. It's unfortunate but natural selection never stops. And believe me, once (if) the kikes are done with goyim they won't survive either thanks to their Neanderthal DNA. They'll go the same way, incestuously accumulating disease and literally eating each other until their DNA is so damaged after hundreds of generations that they become sterile.

>> No.55928684

Go suck a nigger dick the covid vax also protects from AIDS I read it in the huff post

>> No.55929565

What determines propensity to take drugs ?
What determines susceptibility to social pressure ( to take drugs ) ?
What determines the severity of the psychoactive aspect of the drug ?
What determines the availability of the drug ( behaviour of vendor, behaviour of supplier, behaviour of law enforcement, behaviour or producer, behaviour of local authorities, etc... ) ?

Everything is either caused by the environment or by behaviour.
Behaviour is 100% genetic.
The environment is the result of the behaviour of groups and individual.
The environment is 100% genetic.

Everything is 100% genetic.
Which is why vaccinating is the most eucivilisational thing you can do, filthy goylem cattle.

>> No.55929606
File: 210 KB, 880x738, baz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they still keep lettin' em in..... unbelievable baz.

>> No.55930225

It's probably going to be closer to 70% next time. Considering mass media propaganda, 20% noncompliance is actually really bad.

There was a legalistic minority who accepted the first jab then got silenced when they had side effects, so they have been positioning themselves to not be in positions where they have to take it.
Only thing that would change this is if the new Covid bioweapon hit's black death levels, people are just going to turn a blind eye to it otherwise.

>> No.55930273
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Headed by pic related.

>> No.55930419

All Redditors need to be raped.

>> No.55930471

I saw an article on HuffPost and it was just woman needing attention bs, almost like post-partem. Too lazy to give you a link, Google it faggot.
>BPD is not long-covid, CUNTS!

>> No.55930502

If you look up "long cock up your mother's ass" on that gay website, there's at least 3 journals all written about how I enjoyable it was to buttfuck her.

>> No.55930522


>> No.55930562

Wanna see also.
>for science

>> No.55930589

I'm still wondering how the fuck they made the common flu virus delete my entire sense of taste for four months.
Covid was a psyop but that part always got me.

>> No.55930632
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>> No.55930639

Occam's razor at work.

>> No.55930670

This. I implore anyone who’s interested to research project blue beam to see what’s next

>> No.55930695

>black death levels
And it never will because malnutrition was probably the reason it was so bad. Same with Spanish flu. Improving sanitation is likely what has been responsible for eradicating many of the diseases we no longer see in the 1st world.

>> No.55930708

still trying to find out how the fake china virus killed my girlfriend, but whatever "deepstate narratives" I guess.

>> No.55930715

anon your girlfriend was a fatty.

>> No.55931216
File: 1.37 MB, 352x450, 1688236266123201.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed pasta poster. Still gettin eem 3 years later.

>> No.55931229

What is it with pathetic alt right antivaxxers and black genitals?

>> No.55931239


>> No.55931243

Maybe if it was going up already and you wanted to catch the moment but it's literally dumping. People that invest in evil are going to get rekt.
Kind of surprised it isn't going up right now, even normies are over it
My own resolve not to be coerced into taking pharmaceutical products has never been stronger and I know I have my mind and god at my side and don't need anything else. They have no control over me because they can take nothing from me.
>get fucked pharma kikes

>> No.55931258

kys retard

>> No.55931481

so are we buying pfizer calls or not come on lads

>> No.55931539

us yes, you no

>> No.55932605

Not sure if you're larping but I'll bite
I knew two twins in highschool who were genetically identical at the point of conception - one of them was super cool and didn't afraid of anyone; and the other was a dork. They had totally different risk aversion profiles, and were almost polar opposites in terms of social character. Today, one is a do nothing stoner (the dork) and the other runs a company (the chad).
These differences were caused by environmental stimuli that produced different neurological pathways and therefore different behavioural patterns. Lots of behaviours are hormonally linked and therefore genetically based - maybe even most; but not all.
For example, my propensity to say the word NIGGER relies first and foremost on my abstract understanding of the word, it's social connotations, and the effect saying that word might have - given those social connotations. I also need to know the word. There might be a genetic element to my propensity to want to upset people, sure - but these genetic factors only go so far in terms of behavioural influence.
I don't suppose you're suggesting we might be able to differentiate people who do know the word NIGGER and who don't know the word NIGGER by their genetic sequence, are you?

>> No.55934100

Daily reminder that germ theory is fraud. What the scammer "isolate" is human ribosomal RNA.

>> No.55934109


>> No.55934110

in my country COVID comitted suicide when Joe Biden was inaugurated because it was a trump supporter and was depressed

>> No.55934126

I mean EMF toxicity.

>> No.55934658

Black death and Spanish flu were both fake just like covid.

>> No.55935248

I can't wait for that show. I wonder if it's the same blue from Blue Eisenhower November?

>> No.55935526
File: 365 KB, 905x1059, 1704967694769303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with all the lawsuits hanging over their heads. Pfizer's stock is down from its all-time high of $59.48 and falling. Nothing but payouts and litigation in the future.


>> No.55936075

Omg horrible disease that we all need to lock down for multiple years to prevent was found in asymptomatic man

>> No.55936118

What bothers me most about the medical industry is how far up their ass they are.
Everything that fat nurse is wearing has to be thrown away I to the trash.
And then they'll tell us that protesting George Floyd's death is fighting climate change.

>> No.55937511

Have to for the us elections so they can use mail in votes again

>> No.55937538

Retarded nonsense

>> No.55937544


>> No.55938348
File: 544 KB, 1940x1244, 2934082934823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suez canal blockage
kek based, you can't make this up

>> No.55938381

Its really not that difficult to steer an aircraft into a tall building like this. Actually tested it out in MSFS myself doing the same glidescope and speed of 500 knots. Pretty fucking easy

>> No.55938798
File: 71 KB, 1242x1235, 05F67CE3-5BBC-4941-ACF3-3EAA46FB1AC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. It must really suck ass to be the lowest rung on the genetic totem pole. Seethe more hysterical bio-leninist urbanite faggot.

>> No.55938880
File: 17 KB, 878x165, 1687919001652937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought they'd play a re-run of Muslim terrorism or maybe Dorner style ambushes on police like we had a few years back.

>> No.55938931

>And then they'll tell us that protesting George Floyd's death is fighting climate change.
I swear "climate change" is just a magic phrase to get the normgroids to do whatever their masters tell them to.

>> No.55939023

Wow, it's almost like deadly viruses mutate and spawn endless variants when lazybones human beings totally give up trying to control them because they "need" to socialize and pitch a fucking fit over wearing a piece of cloth over their mouths.

I hope the mandates have some serious teeth this time. Zero exceptions and zero tolerance for crazy antivaxxers. You don't want to take the shot and rejoin society, you get a nice government tracking device installed on your doors to make sure you stay the fuck home. And the minute you step out illegally, Federal agents knock your ass down and stab you in the throat with a triple dose of Pfizer.

We could have fucking ended in this in 2021, but now, now the real pandemic is about to ramp up.

>> No.55939070
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Like moving $113 US dollars to Ukraine.

>> No.55939227
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>> No.55939591

Either their just laughing at us or this is a simulation. I'm going with option 1, seems more likely.

>> No.55939968

No, that's pretty fuckin on point, especially for the EU

>> No.55939973
File: 33 KB, 622x350, 1661912166543478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, yeah, remember when they released a globohomo art style ad which featured a character who was almost literally the NPC wojak?
It's a humiliation ritual at this point.