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File: 10 KB, 445x203, 12314251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5591780 No.5591780 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, this shit happens too often. I love it.

Pic related.

>> No.5591909
File: 46 KB, 600x632, keksimus maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5591953 [DELETED] 

Do you even know what you're looking at?

>> No.5591993

I just throw funny memes randomly without understanding what's going on. It's what everyone do here, right?

>> No.5591995


someone just bought a coin 999999% over value

That guy killed himself probably

>> No.5592013

no sir pls explain

>> No.5592072

This is the kind of shit that I hate in crypto. There should be a basic "are you sure" safeguard when it sees someone is going to do something completely insane. On every exchange there are a lot of dormant buy/sell orders that are set up only to profit from these kinds of mistakes. If you do enough trades, you're bound to make a mistake at some point.

>> No.5592085

lol he hasn't been shown how etherdelta scams you... sad

>> No.5592090

Why does this happen on Etherdelta specifically? (never used myself)

>> No.5592137

Visual interface can be confusing for newfags due to the lack of information in the sell/buy orders menu

>> No.5592142

This can happen on any exchange but seems to happen particularly often on EtherDelta, which is one of the reason that I haven't used it yet. There should be a safeguard that asks you to make sure if you're placing an order to sell 50% above or even below market price or whatever.

>> No.5592144

Kucoin and the other exchanges give you a warning if you are buying a coin at a ridiculous price

etherdelta is where all the shitcoins get pumped and has no interface

>> No.5592169

Your millennial ass actually has to research something and learn about it before throwing money at it

thats why I'm making a killing off biz because everyone gets the news mid pump

>> No.5592181

There's no excuse for not having it, the smart contract is separate from the gui

>> No.5592188

How the fuck do you make new buy/sell orders?

There's no submit button

On my phone btw

>> No.5592199


>> No.5592205

>On my phone btw

>> No.5592217

I feel bad now

>> No.5592220

what if those mistakes is part of the reason why the crypto market is so lucrative?

>> No.5592233
File: 4 KB, 250x320, buy_ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone interface sucks

>> No.5592254

You're calling me out for not wanting to use a tool some people make costly mistakes with before I understand it fully? Ok then.

>> No.5592268

He bought 0.002 for 1642 when he wanted to buy 1642 for 0.002

>> No.5592277

There are fair 'mistakes' and bad trades, but this is just shitty.

>> No.5592297

Yeah I realized that as well. I just thought of them as bugs or glitches because ED is a clusterfuck but oh man. Looks like you're right and he done goofed kek

>> No.5592359

Ooh damn

>> No.5592544
File: 6 KB, 290x148, chrome_2017-12-29_10-30-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time using etherdelta, i just put a buy order in for hawala today, I didn't know the price I should put so I just put the one on top of trades. How long is this gnna take to buy?

>> No.5592656

Put a 1 on the last decimal allowed and your priority will go up

>> No.5592947

does it works for all exchanges?

>> No.5593066

I don't know, but it's common sense, I mean, the sell / buy order books show the highest buy offer and the lowest sell offer, when you put a 1 instead of a 0 in the last decimal you are paying slightly more than the rest. But people don't take into consideration that Ethereum allows 18 decimals...

>> No.5593096

Ops, that >>5593066 post was for you

>> No.5593158
File: 94 KB, 500x500, areyoudumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how come sometimes I see buy order for let's say .0005 that went through, even though people are selling/buying in the order book around .0003? Did that person just really want to buy the token more expensive than what's available?

desu this is why I trade on ED, because this shit happens way too often

>> No.5593176

thanks, will try

>> No.5593202

The best thing about etherdelta is using token contract addresses to buy tokens for cheap before they're available anywhere else. Got a token I have done absolutely no research on for half the ico price and I still have no idea why anyone was selling it so cheap.

>> No.5593292

Wtf is hawala, is it going to make me money?

>> No.5593335

It does have safeguard, there's a warning that says you're crossing the order book

You'll never profit from these mistakes anyway, too many people are running bots that monitor the order books and pay huge gas prices to grab them straight away

>> No.5593342

you'd be buying at ath

>> No.5593406

>Kucoin rules.

You'll get 10$ free crypto if you register using this bonus code on Kucoin.
The code is: 1cbtc

Don't shill the shitty exchanges

>> No.5593485

How do you know the token address of an unlisted token you did no research on?

>> No.5593605

Somebody shilled it somewhere and I googled the contract address and ico price so I guess that's a little research.