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55917292 No.55917292 [Reply] [Original]

Expensive housing and rent is the death of the middle class. How can people call themselves pro private property ownership while celebrating the zoning laws, mass immigration, "green" policy, and unlimited degenerate QE that is keeping the housing ponzi afloat? Boomers worked for a few years in entry level jobs and fully paid off massive houses.

What is the logic behind celebrating the number going up? We're entering a landed aristocracy

>> No.55917310

Alright I'm a land chad and drunk, so I'll spill some beans

Because rentoids are typically anti Semitic, and landlords are mostly from jewish backgrounds. Judeo-landlordism gets a lot of hate from nazis on here for their success and our fiscal high intelligence. We're also not "pro private property" we're pro ourselves having property, and you scum working for us. Of course we realized you antisemite cumskins demand higher quality of life, so we opened the borders up to get better tenants (yes ALL landlords are left wing and pro mass immigration). More immigrants = less supply and more demand. Land chads in the UK and Canada have this down to a science, but you amerigoys have higher population, so land chads wiping our whites in the US is taking a bit longer

That's why landlords will continue voting Biden and keeping xenophobes out of office. Voting blue in 2024

>> No.55917320

OK. Sounds like you need meds and have a lot of hate in your heart

>> No.55917357

>4chan users are losers with the Fox and the sour grape attitude.
Losers in high-school, losers as adults.
>Everyone should suffer because I said so.
Avoid them like the plague when they out themselves IRL.

>> No.55917363

He's not Jewish, doesn't matter, people will leave the west when it's too expensive.

>> No.55917371

Because it's the one asset I've bought and still have that I'm up considerably on.

>> No.55917407

It really makes zero sense how hyperinflation is celebrated here. The middle class is already pretty much dead and anyone who doesn't own anything now is priced the fuck out. People here genuinely are filled with huge amounts of spite to celebrate private property ownership getting a bullet to the back of the head.
It's unfortunate that we live in a world where housing is a number being watched going up for dopamine hits, rather than a thing people live in and start families in

>> No.55917458

Well I live in it and have a wife and a kid too, just in the context of being on the line go up board it's a cope.

>> No.55917465

look its gonna take a decade to completely demolish the middle class then itll be like generation or two for the retarded greedy fuckers today to die off and the future rich (grand kids) realize they need a healthy middle class to well, be actually rich and we get are super bull again.

>> No.55917544

Congrats on having a kid man. That's all I want for myself and everyone. I wish all your other assets would moon 6 gorillion X (while housing drops by 99%), but markets tend to move in ways that's painful to most people.
The one silver lining is also the competency crisis we're heading into, adding to your point. They made the number go up with cheap slave labor and cheap dollars, but our infrastructure gets more fucked by the year. The electricity grid is already on life support

>> No.55918813

what about all the people in the east who will be priced out by all the fleeing westers