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55913716 No.55913716 [Reply] [Original]

Is layer 0 a complete joke, or is it a hidden narrative brewing in the shadows waiting to implode mid/long term?

>> No.55913737

Zenon will be layer 0.

>> No.55913745

CCIP ended layer 0

>> No.55913750

Just grab a bag of LayerZero + Pyth when they're available and you're good to go.

>> No.55913751

Wait until you hear about the Layer -1

>> No.55913766

imagine not operating on layer -3

>> No.55914045

Just more buzzwords to confuse Dunning Krugers enough to buy into a pump and dump scheme and part with their sats.

>> No.55914117


>> No.55914466

It's the best oracle in the market. Biz doesn't want you to hear about. It's a lot faster than Chainlink.

>> No.55916060

Do not redpill these fools, anons... They do not deserve it..

>> No.55916068

Because LINK has proven to be such a widely adopted, useful project.

>> No.55916075
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the only layer 0 project i've seen worth a shit is $pond (marlin protocol). it pretty much removes the need for cloud webhosting replacing it with secure, encrypted enclaves that operate from TEE's (or Trusted Execution Environments). this removes the need for traditional web infrastructure and makes things more secure and fast.

that's it though. l0 should be infrastructure and i haven't seen any other project besides marlin doing just that.

>> No.55916077

thanks for explaining what that is.

>> No.55916081
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The whole concept of layers *is* a complete joke, in my eyes. A retarded excuse to get retards to pick sides and shit. It's stupid. Just buy the thing that makes money, damn.

>> No.55916084


>> No.55916085
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delete this post right now bro nobody can know

>> No.55916086

ALL layers are a fucking joke. Buy a shit ton of BASE and WLD.

>> No.55916092
File: 382 KB, 1536x2048, EjgI37HVkAEEkO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds based but not many are wiling to share their money in the form of fees etc. Ask LINK and their ICCP partners lol. Hard for this kind of thing to pop off I think

Also this...

>> No.55916093


>> No.55916101

These two practically demostrate that layer 0 is not a joke nor vaporware, it's just very fucking hard to create stuff this technical and complex and hence your average rug scammer is not interested at all. Not to mention hard to market to the dumb, unwashed masses.

>> No.55916107

Oracles are not sneeded anymore.