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55910124 No.55910124 [Reply] [Original]

Is going back to college in my late 30s to get a degree in computer science a good move in this economy?

>> No.55910152

Good bait lol

>> No.55910163
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just transmaxx

>> No.55910171

Why is it bait? The economy is going to complete shit and I'm going to need some way to ride out the recession, so it seems like spending that time getting a valuable degree would set up my up nicely for when the recover begins like 4 years from now.

>> No.55910183

Lol. Lmao even

>> No.55910189

your direct competitor is a poo working for 5 usd/day

>> No.55910202
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>> No.55910208

unless you already have ample knowledge and experience in the field, absolutely no. if you're coming from nothing, at that age, you need to just get a CDL and maybe eventually start your own business.

>> No.55910213

This is the recession I'm talking about. It already started for the tech industry last year and the rest of the economy is shortly going to follow. But every recession has an eventual recovery and I want to set myself up in a good position for when that comes.

>> No.55910236

computer science is one of the few thing you can do without a degree. If you're good enough, they'll hire you. "You're full of shit" No, I've seen it first hand.

>> No.55910238

>start your own business
What kind of retarded advice is this? Starting your own business is like 1000x more difficult than getting a job. Also I've been programming since I was a kid but I never learned how to do it on a professional level. And why does age matter? There's no age limit for being accepted into college as far as I know.

>> No.55910263

Most employers are just looking for 2/3

>> No.55910285

The return to mean for the tech industry is that bump at the very far left >>55910202
Now realize we were at one point about 2.5x away from that
Many of them still have jobs, those positions were filled. Those people do NOT want to give up their position.
Essentially, there's still more to fall, it's quite possible we could hit a point where there are simply none to few job listings for SWE in all 50 states.
I'm in tech. I'm not leaving, and I have been busting my ass to maintain this spot. You best believe I stay up all night with problems now, off the clock. It's a fucking bloodbath out there. You do what you gotta do.

>> No.55910301

You can learn computer science at home, build something, and get a job. If you think spending money on a degree is worth it in 2023 I can tell you that you will get canned 3 months after being hired for some shit job, replaced by either a Jeetson or AI.

>> No.55910343

Yes, you can meet a load of 18-21 year old girls with cute feet...any anons who tell you no are just jealous. Get yourself an Asian cutie who gives good toe jobs and you'll have three years of fun.

>> No.55910585

if you were good enough to do it you would have done it by now. I'm also in my late 30's and even I recognize it's over. there is no starting over this late in the game unless you want to be a door greeter at walmart into your late 70's

>> No.55910717

If there's no way to improve your life anymore after 30 then why doesn't everyone just kill themselves when they reach that age?

>> No.55910736

fuck that demoralization fed. he's just mad at the world because him and his troon looking wife have been going to marriage counseling for years and she still thinks about divorcing his ass every single day.

>> No.55910744

It's not even a good idea in your early 20s, it's a terrible idea now. Pick something less oversaturated

>> No.55911074

because not everyone finds themselves in the same position? maybe they hold on to hope they'll "make it" with crypto/lotto/inheritance/etc. We both know they wont.

Not married, stop projecting your fat ugly wife on to me. Advising this anon basically waste thousands to pursue a career he has not shot in and is on its way down is pure evil anon.

>> No.55911268

kill yourself faggot. i didn't promote cs, i promoted improving your life no matter what age.

>> No.55911544
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>on its way down
That's not what the bureau of labor statistics says. Nearly half a million new jobs by 2031.

>> No.55911603

So that's 411k jobs over a 10-year period, which comes out to about 41k jobs per year. There are more than 50k people graduating with CS degrees every year. There is no shortage of workers in the industry now

>> No.55911772

going into cooding when AI can can code better than 95% of programmers RIGHT NOW.
and layoffs in tech with no end in sight with saturated market.

this is the equivalent of quiting walmart in ur 40s to get in debt for animation degree

coding is dead go learn to be a barber or some other trade u will also make 2-3 times more than cooder

>> No.55911857


This anon is correct. OP just learn a trade at this point. College is pumping out too many people and not enough jobs. Plus the younger generation are too lazy to get their hands dirty doing hand on jobs.. They can't even changed a tire of a car. lol lmfao.

>> No.55911994

Yes, don't listen to these retards. Most anons here will work in their 60s, possibly their 70s. Learning a skill that'll allow you to get a higher salary is what everyone tries doing. And Don't go the blue collar route. You're too old for that.

>> No.55912028

ahh the duality of /biz/

>> No.55912069

Yes definitely.

>> No.55912079

>What kind of retarded advice is this?
It's the kind of advice people give when they don't really know what they're talking about but need to talk to fill the void.

>> No.55912087

You guys give literally the worst career advice I have ever seen.

>> No.55912091

Nigga you're late 30s which means you've been a piece of shit a long time. Go get a fucking CDL A and do LTL work. You can stabilize your life just doing that. Then transition into management you don't even need a degree just need to show up on time and handle stress well. There that's a $150-$200K annual career in your 40s with fairly little work.
You won't do it though because you're a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.55912097

Because 4chan is full of losers who gave up at 25 and realized at 30 they'd have to leg it to get themselves a driver's license, car, enough savings to last a year of rent and move to a city where they can get a job that pays the bills after they neeted for a decade out of highschool.

>> No.55912103

so what's your answer for Latarian McGenius Dantrell Jackson (OP) who thinks he's gonna "make it in software" when there are literal children out there right now that have been coding since they've been in diapers and will compete with him in the upcoming job market?

>> No.55912123

Why would a soon to be 40 y.o. start working a trade? Most people do the opposite cause trades are hard on the body

>> No.55912135

Age related cognitive decline, put simply, you were sharper at 18 and your brain more plastic. But if you have grit and/or adderall, do whatever you want.

>> No.55912140

not all of us anon. I attended a top tier school in CA, not the best of the best but decent. On track for med school then I ran out of money and ended up having to take care of a sick parent which completely obliterated my career prospects. It's too late for OP just as it's too late for me to "get back on track". His best hope is to try and land any job that pays decently right now. Not some pipe dream about becoming an autist coder.

>> No.55912145

only if you're an obese fucking nigger.

>> No.55912152

Trades are hard on the body mostly because people are dumbasses who don't take the work seriously and who aren't planning to move into management. I told him to do CDL A LTL work for example. It's very hard on the body BUT within 3-5 years he could easily be a shop manager making the same amount behind a desk and within 10 be the transportation manager making 2x his starting pay running the whole fleet. His worst body problems would be straining his back going to get his next cup of coffee. 3-5 years of hard labor for a life of comfort is an easy trade off and if you AREN'T a fat body piece of shit shouldn't ruin you for life.

>> No.55912216

You assume I'm a low iq retard or something and that I should go work at a job meant for people like that, but I already know how to code, I'm good at analytical thinking and problem solving and enjoy learning complex things. Why would I waste all of that on some shitty manual labor job that a monkey can be trained to do?

>> No.55912285

If you are so smart why are you poor, 38 and asking a Federal honeypot site for life advice? Imagine being a useless piece of shit such as yourself and thinking you have the room to look down on anyone. You're barely one step above the crackheads on the street get your shit together faggot.
I can tell from your entitled attitude you aren't going to make it into a CS position or even doing "monkey labor" because I can tell through this screen you're a bitch. The personality screenings/many interviews will keep you out of any good CS position. I'd tell you good luck but you need so much more.

>> No.55912338

I don't know what kind of retarded shit you're talking about but I'm pretty someone with a computer science degree is objectively more valuable to society than someone with a fucking truck driving license. Most truck drivers I've seen are dumb niggers and hillbillies.

>> No.55912367

No you don't understand. YOU with a CS degree aren't worth shit. Because YOU are a piece of shit. YOU will get filtered. For someone with a high IQ you don't seem to be able to catch on.

>> No.55912427

What's your work background?

>> No.55912523

im in the same boat as you. i started last year though. got a grant and fasfa and saved all my money so im going to school full time. I am taking networking and working towards cybersecurity though. Every networking class i have taken is FULL of people in the same boat as me, older people changing career or needing a degree to get a promotion at work. every class has tons of scholarships (for minorities but they give them to anyone) also tons of internships and jobs. The classes are pretty easy too, for networking at least.

>> No.55912677

You need to get into something recession proof, like accounting. Tech will be in the shitter for at least the next decade.

>> No.55912697

US or Asia? Fuck no.
Europe/Latin America? Maybe.

>> No.55912727
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man it's actually a terrible move. seriously. I've been looking for a job for 6 months now and there's fucking nothing out there. after covid opened the door to jeet chat gpt dev its impossible to compete with millions of gpt powered jeets I swear. they only ever hire eachother too. no matter how much leet code and react and typescript you study its just impossible to get in the door if you're a white male. I have a fucking decade of web dev experience and projects and I seem to always make it to round 3 of the interview after the technical. Thats the other thing that fucking blows. Why is there so many fucking rounds of interviews? Maybe things will improve, but the industry looks fucking bleak as fuck right now. I don't see it getting better, do you guys?

>> No.55912746

That's the price you pay for being American. In the EU the software market is much more relaxed at the cost of only paying a small fraction of what Americans earn.

>> No.55913106

24 here, how much *time* would you say I still have

>> No.55913147

>You best believe I stay up all night with problems now, off the clock
that means your doing more work than you get paid for. lowering your wage to not be worth it

>> No.55913228

>your direct competitor is a poo working for 5 usd/day
And they have a fake degree and don't know how to copy+paste much less anything other than spout some verbiage they googled before the interview.

>> No.55913254

where are you from? In the UK the market is abysmal

>> No.55913291

start now

>> No.55913349

what >>55913291 said.

You only have so long before you are literally unemployable. Imagine thinking you can start a career that takes upwards of 12 to 15 years before you even start making shit money at 40+?

>> No.55913393
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Terrible idea. The era of low hanging fruit is gone for software dev. All the basic code monkey jobs will go to cheap Indians and the advanced stuff requires a PhD in the subject and both those are over saturated.

>> No.55913395

Jesus began his ministry on Earth at 33 years old and you're fucking going back to school for some meme degree. Its never too late to get yourself together.

>> No.55913413
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not worth taking 2-4 yrs off fulltime to study and not working while racking up student debt. maybe if you got huge nest egg sure but if you do try working fulltime and study part time it'll take so long you'll prolly find something else to do/change your mind. just find a trade that's not shilled by joos, so you can be your own boss and piss them off by charging $300 to spend 20 mins replacing $20 part.

>bureau of labor statistics
nice data. shalom.

>> No.55913482

I went back to college in my late 30s. Granted it was more of. Certificate program since I already had bachelor's degree. It definitely helped with me getting a promotion. I left my decent paying job for a lower paying job with less responsibilities while I studied.

>> No.55913530

You can easily make +100k driving on a CDL, so its a solid way to make good chunks towards having capital to make new moves. Not every business is super complex. If youre not a complete nigger with your money, you can probably manage to run something lowkey that pays the bills.

>> No.55913551

>You can easily make +100k driving on a CDL

The good paying ones have a wait list of a few years

>> No.55913583


Somehow I think trucking food around is more important than apps lol

>> No.55913600

Are you suggesting he start a religion?

>> No.55913678

I have a comp sci degree and it hasn't helped me get any job at all, it's all connections. Every new job listing has 300 applies instantly most from scamjeets. I think I should probably get my CDL A.

Is OTR Trucking any fun? I don't give a fuck about coming home honestly. I kinda wanna go out and see different things instead of being trapped in an office. Do OTR truckers get micromanaged to shit? I just wanna get a job, speak to someone like once and g2g.

>> No.55913687

Waitlists are typically only for the cream of the crop driver jobs that are easy and well paid at the same time. And because its nice to get paid well for an easy job, the position almost never needs to be filled because the person never quits. Its the iceberg of the truckermarket of jobs, but there are still tons of jobs that pay well and are easy to get into fast.

>> No.55913712

I know like the UPS one. You can go to Pepsi or Coca Cola or 7Up but their starting pay ranges from $20-$27

>> No.55913739

CDL is now a meme like comp sci. they tighten regs on licenses so now forced to go to schools (vs on job training) realize they can jacked up price (used to be ~5k in '19) + overall inflation + shit beginner pay + plenty of financial traps via your job + price of trucks went up 2x (half mil lol) + everyone running to it thinking it'll save them + shit work life balance makes great demoralized wagie work.
Do OTR truckers get micromanaged to shit?
you already know the answer to the question, dont be dumb. Even OO have to bend knee to get loads and thatll cost half mil for new truck. Imagine when you are new and work for mega corp.

but be a good joo boi and keep telling everyone to do it

>> No.55913793

Hey OP, I'm 39 and back in school taking some prerequisite classes to transfer to a physical therapy program. Can't tell you if CS is a good idea or not but I can tell you that going back to school at this age is easy peasy, you'll crush the kids with your drive and experience.
Tbqh I'm not even sure I wan't to do PT, I just don't really know what else to do with myself. I've got about $650k in my portfolio, live alone rent free in a family property, and haven't worked in nearly five years. Part of me wants to buy some land, build a house, get some animals and a garden and orchard going, then just get some part time minimum wage gig in a nearby small town to stay busy. I also enjoyed programming as a hobby when I was younger and even took a year of CS classes when I got my first degree just because it was fun, easy A grades for me, but I never wanted to turn it into a profession. Anyway, I'm rambling. Best of luck to both of us.

>> No.55913815


>> No.55913828

No kids, just got out of a four year LTR. Nice girl but she wasn't the one.

>> No.55913843

Ive heard both good and bad about OTR. It depends. Sometimes truckers wait 3-4 hours or maybe even more just waiting to get unloaded/loaded. Youre only making money, when the wheels are rolling. I do local at an hourly rate. I think most truckers would prefer to be paid in hours and not miles. Some do a kind of combination.

Micromanagement is a big problem in many carriers

Thats without overtime benefits etc. I cant imagine those guys make less than 80k a year.

If you say so chief

>> No.55913852

there's nothing wrong with this function, it accounts for the possibilities that int was overloaded with inconsistent inequality operators and/or operand order-dependent equality operators elsewhere in the program and ensures only the most strictly equal values in all contexts will pass, unlike you as a woman

>> No.55913861

>Thats without overtime benefits etc. I cant imagine those guys make less than 80k a year.

Yeah. That's the pay. IDK how much benefits they get since varies from location to location

>> No.55913875

Yeah but see now I'm questioning when people say

>I have a CS degree

From where? A real school? With real in person classes? If the answer is no then your CS degree is worth considerably less than even someone who got their CS degree from West Virginia University

>> No.55913923

>Micromanagement is a big problem in many carriers
That's a shame, what can they really micromanage while you are on the road?

>> No.55913927
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Howdy y’all!

Gunnnnna let y’all know about CDL’s out here in the oilfield. Drivers out here easily clearing $100k annually. On top of that most companies provide housing as well. SOME even meals. It’s great if your a single guy who doesn’t have a family to miss.

With that being said, it’s extremely tough and very dangerous. Plus your stuck out here in West Texas. But yeah the pay is great, but the work is tough and dangerous. Very limited social interactions so would be great with y’all with the autism.

Can’t speak much on ORT trucking, but we get a lot of fellas applying who did ORT.

>> No.55913942
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imagine doing all of this programming bullshit, having to keep up with every new language, do 10000 leetcode problems in a volatile industry that ebbs and flows where you can get laid off on any recession, having to compete and have colleagues with indians and chinks that have studied for 16hrs/day 7 days a week for 8 years straight, make 100 github projects, contribute to 100 open source programs, go to every slightly relevant college club, work 5 unpaid internships just to make 100k/year starting in san francisco/ny (a.k.a. 60-70k in real dollars)

>> No.55914015

Why would you go to college for comp sci when it's on the verge of extinction due to AI? You'll have 1 senior dev overseeing the project and the rest will be done by AI.

Rather go into business or finance and learn how money works.

>> No.55914029

A camera facing the driver for example. The employer telling you when to sleep and when to drive etc.

>> No.55914037

>Rather go into business

Dude's gonna get an MBA to manage a Walmart

>> No.55914041

What about jacking off in the truck? Is that just not allowed? Is there a random camera or mic in the back sleeper area for surveillance?

>> No.55914063

Yeah, if he's a fucking retard; that's on him then.
Looking objectively they're the most important degrees in today's world because they teach you about money, how to control it and how it flows.
If he's still interested in coding afterwards he can learn it at home, make a game and then market and shape it into a product that people will buy because he gained that knowledge from business/finance.

>> No.55914159

There's a glut of business and finance grads. Unless he's getting it from a T20 school he'll just be another manager in some shit job with shitty employees

>> No.55914173

Well it's either that or coding, and I wouldn't bet on coding lasting another 5 years. So there's that.

>> No.55914196

I would do side projects or go to a bootcamp and apply to smaller shops that wouldn't turn an eye to someone not having a degree. Your soft skills will get you hired not your technical expertise so I hope by now you can hold a conversation and seem at least somewhat competent you can get shit done.

>I wouldn't bet on coding lasting another 5 years
fucking retard

>> No.55914235

Calling people retards won't stop the inevitable anon.

>> No.55914285

I back this. Accounting is one of the most flexible degrees out there and is 100% guaranteed employment. The pathway isn't complicated either. Go to school, get internships, work in public for a couple of years, pursue a certification/niche, and then make 6-figs+.

>> No.55914315

Their wages are abysmal and their COL is outrageous. Their avg is 40-50K USD. Everything there is more expensive as they pay a bigger portion of their monthly income on things like groceries, housing, and heating.

>> No.55914323

Well you know they don't have to worry about healthcare, which is a few hundred to thousands a month for a family, and they get like 6 weeks off a year

>> No.55914369
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I have plenty of friends in industry and even had my own share of white collar logistic jobs lil retard but enjoy your joo kool aid. u seem to like it

>> No.55914376

unless its your lifes passion where you live and breathe it, you will be doing low level work competeing against pajeets

>> No.55914452
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Doesn’t matter when the boss thinks like this

>> No.55914472

If you don’t make good money now then probably. However many studies have shown that American workers generally over-value a college educations impact on their life time earnings and overpay, most people would be better off not going. People do it because they’re afraid to put elbow grease in

>> No.55914566

don't waste your time learning to code, as AI will be doing the bulk of actual codemonkey work in short order
what you want to focus on is systems architecture, IE building an interlinking system of systems, something which requires little actual coding but lots of high order problem solving skills that AI is several generations away from being capable of solving
in short, you won't be needed to bang out thousands of lines of code, but you will be needed to figure out how to get the machines in the factory to communicate with the warehouse to have them automatically order replacements when the stock gets low
study networking, not coding

>> No.55914577

Everyone looks at UPS wages and thinks they want to work there but the reality is that most of you faggots wouldn't last a day at that place. There's a reason they unionized a long time ago, it's a miserable shithole and working there sucks.
t. former UPS employee

>> No.55914587

You can learn it better without going to school. The only reason to do the school route is to pay someone to discipline you. You can pocket all that money by developing some self discipline.

>> No.55914590

How bad are the schools?
I was thinking about becoming a pilot when I heard there was a shortage but getting all your certifications and flight hours will literally run you over $100k and then you're lucky to get a job flying at a regional for $40k a year. Everyone talks big online about how they're making it but then you look into things and it seems like everything blows.

>> No.55914598

>Dude's gonna get an MBA to manage a Walmart
What's wrong with that? I would do that. Being king of the Walmart in a small town clearing 100k, sounds comfy.

>> No.55914611

Fire lazy people to hire people who will be grateful for an opportunity? Seems to make sense to me

>> No.55914619


You don't need an MBA for it. It's a job you stay at and ass kiss the management to the point they give you a recommendation to corporate

>> No.55914636

>get an MBA and go straight into management
>start as a cashier and spend 25 years "working your way up" only to hit the glass ceiling anyways because no degree
hmm let me think

>> No.55914652


>> No.55914654

They're not hiring managers with no retail management experience. He might get assistant manager for a few days until he shows he competent

>> No.55914709

College shill thread. Straight answer no. College, university and co are scams. They are struggling more and more to find paying customer willing to go into debt to pay for the worthless lecturers and administrators meals. Stay the fuck away from colleges and universities for the next 2 decades

>> No.55914737

> when the recovery begins like 4 years from now
First of all, not every recovery guarantees a particular field being reborn. Also, why would you go for a field that has already been proven to be extremely recession-prone? So when another recession happens after said recovery, what are you going to do?

Also, CS is nowhere near what it once was. You missed the renaissance a couple years ago. Sorry, but YouTube and TikTok oversaturated all of tech to oblivion. Tough luck, research and find something else if you're interested in a prosperous future.

>> No.55914756

These anons are correct, a prospective employer will want to look at your GitHub repository and interview you to see if you actually know your shit, getting a degree in programming doesn't mean shit, in fact it might mean you learned the wrong stuff and will take more effort to deprogram, any 6-12 month coding academy will get you in the door if you are smart and actually into technology as a hobby, no amount of schooling will help you if you are not

The biggest hurdle you face is not being a female (actually female, as the men who are in charge are male feminists, meaning they want to create a harem of breeding age women, they have no interest in trannies so you are shit out of luck, maybe if they are desperate for help they will hire you if they cannot find a female)

>> No.55914762

uh is being a lawyer still viable, my bro is going back to college and has creds

>> No.55914802

>Starting your own business is like 1000x more difficult than getting a job
unless you go to a top school and are in a field that isn't saturated, it really isn't. starting a business is the same difficulty as making good money in CS in 2023

>> No.55914832

OP's actual unironic problem is this
>check linkedin posts
>"head lifeguard, 21 dollars an hour"- 0 applicants
>"software engineer, 70k starting"- 32 applicants
The lifeguard job was paying like 14 dollars an hour in 2018 or something, the SWE job has more or less stagnated in terms of pay. There are too many cooders, but if OP wants to place bets he can go to college and get a few certs like CDL if he thinks that won't pan out.

The fact of the system is that in this order
-there are too many educated people flooding high paying jobs
-businesses have raised pay for lower paying jobs but not by enough
-the middle tier of skilled working class tradesman jobs can pay garbage or decently depending on your time, but also require a monetary investment in certs to get them

So there's little opportunity now that's easy and a lot of tradeoffs that can fuck you over.

Probably the optimal move is
>back to college with all the other 30-somethings
>work as a lifeguard 21 an hour since it just requires a 300 dollar lifeguard cert/CPR cert
>make money while living on campus because this country is terrible and doesn't pay people to be students/get retrained lol
>when the market collapses and rebuilds itself in 5 years maybe you can land that software consultant office job, if not then maybe you can be IT for a lifeguarding company or some shit

It's all up in the air but probably being a trade of all jacks kind of guy is the best possible bet right now.

In your case for med school, 70% of med school students are women now they don't want you if you have a penis. Unfortunately for you, also, since it would have been great to run your cock through all the horny nurse sluts and chick doctors and secretaries and shit.

>> No.55914873

You all fail to see that the demographic situation isn't to just get turned around tomorrow or in 20 years. The failures of the last 2 centuries of great planners that turned to be just scamming failures is going to take a good 100 years to be fixed. Academia is going to go back to what it was, poor fags with a passion living in shacks and freaking about stuff nobody cares
If you want an education, trades, learn to lay bricks, security is likely going to be a field that is going to grow in impotance while public security goes the way of third world countries today

>> No.55914874

Because 4chan is hilarious amounts of bullshitters and fags that's why.

The most important thing to understand is that there's no easy cheap way to making it in this country anymore, but we're seeing rapid inflation in wages in jobs like Warehouse Wagie which require no certificates or degrees to get in because jobs like Electrician or Electrical engineer are flooded with applicants with certs and degrees desperate for work.

The solution to most of these problems would actually be Donald Trump's proposal to hire fucktons of guys as construction workers while deporting illegals, bringing down housing costs by building homes explicitly for young people and families instead of foreign corporations and moving labor pools to places like West Virginia, Alaska and Wyoming away from the 'traditional' cities, putting a lot of money in the hands of men willing to work while undercutting all those retarded makework jobs for women. Women would follow to the 'new' improved rural cities and towns like Fargo and Burlington, prices would fall across the country.

This won't happen though because proposals which do not help prop up the housing prices for 75 year old boomer landlords in places like New York Shitty are magically voted down by old folks homes.

>> No.55914878

All jobs are viable if you know how to pay off the loans.

>> No.55914888

>as the men who are in charge are male feminists, meaning they want to create a harem of breeding age women
That's a weird way of saying sad 55yo gen xers and 70yo boomers trying to relive their youth.

>> No.55914889

>Building real estate
>That nobody needs
Sounds like what china did, and look where they are

>> No.55914891


>> No.55914911

We constantly have threads on how houses in rural areas aren't available. The USA flourished when it had jobs programs in places like Tennessee supporting factories in small towns, retarded boomer faggots like you are pointing at shit that worked for 50 years and saying "muh china" when china is fucked specifically because those ghost towns are apartments that cost a million chinkbucks which exist purely to try and force young chinese men who can't afford shit to pay them- which is exactly the problem we have now with old boomers owning fucktons of shitty apartments in places like New York, which is exactly why they would be zoned for the young and families to spread people out and bring down housing to end rentseeking and parasitism on a basic human need.

>> No.55914943
File: 100 KB, 960x880, 20230821_033642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVERYONE RECOMMENDING DRIVING TRUCK, GETTING A CDL OR CLASS 1, IS A RETARD. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. TRUCK DRIVERS ARE SCUM, THEIR LIFESTYLE IS SCUMMY, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF COPE. IGNORE THEM. Sincerely, oil and gas operator who has to deal with these parasitic fucks on occasion. I'm going back to school for comp sci. A degree is a passport. It opens more opportunity than any other thing in thus modern world. Don't be 60 and telling someone "I almost went to school for..."

>> No.55914953

>The answer is more socialism
>Trust me comrades
I prefer the deflationary deathspiral

>> No.55915005

Schools arent bad depending on teachers. Takes about 2 months, full-time, during working hours lol. Not bad if ur in a big city and can drive to it but if you gotta get a hotel/motel expect tuition to be like a 2yr degree. Mix between getting a nigger that dgaf anything and you dont learn or get ol bubba who'd rather talk about (insert local football team) than teach and learn a lil. Most will learn on road w/mentor and even then you still may not learn shit from them.
>Everyone talks big online about how they're making it but then you look into things and it seems like everything blows.
Basically this bud. Time to get in, buy a truck, be an OO and get your hazmat was prior to everyone wanting to do it, like with markets and anything else.
>The solution to most of these problems would actually be Donald Trump's proposal to hire fucktons of guys as construction workers while deporting illegals
Which is basically what FDR did w/his 5 yr plan and infrastructure shit which Biden and dems claimed to do (again Obama did same shtick for 3rd bailout, post 08 crash) and instead we washing all our money to ukraine.

>> No.55915066

go to school to become a male nurse instead. you'll never be out of job

>> No.55915067

>>55915005 second greentext >>55914874

>> No.55915073

>Truck drivers are scum
>Sincerely, oil and gas operator
lulz are you serious? Isn't it mandatory to be a felon and be addicted to meth to get one of those operator jobs?

>> No.55915087

>Basically this bud. Time to get in, buy a truck, be an OO and get your hazmat was prior to everyone wanting to do it, like with markets and anything else.
It's too late for me I fell for the college meme and owe $65k in loans so I'm done with education and certs, I was just curious about the industry.

>> No.55915107

Sure, if you think the largest oil companies in the world hire Power Engineers who are felons and meth addicts to run their operations. Then sure. Fucking truck drivers man case and point

>> No.55915116

>power engineers
whatever the fuck that is. Didn't you just say you're an operator?

>> No.55915123

Power engineer = steam ticket = process engineer = operator. Fucking truck drivers

>> No.55915168

You definitely don't work in oil and gas if you think a process engineer is an operator lmao

>> No.55915190

Okay bud, power engineer and process "operator". You won today! I definitely don't work in oil and gas as I make 65 an hour to school you

>> No.55915201

college is a waste of money for computer related work, degrees are worthless, experience trumps all else. i'd recommend a coding bootcamp or something, it's a good way to meet others and get job placement quickly, much lower cost than college, and they're fairly successful. even if you don't want to code, it's a good way to learn SDLC and maybe get into devops, or pivot elsewhere. once you have experience, it becomes a lot easier to pivot. you really do gotta love it and go all-in though

>> No.55915208

"Degree's are worthless" says 4chan

>> No.55915222

"I definitely don't work" says reddit

>> No.55915227

I daydream long the idea of just me a dog and the open road just riding around the US but the thought that I'd have a camera watch/listen to my whole life while someone micro manages my every minute and decision from sleeping to showering to if I can run A/c or not. I actually had opportunity to run teams around '17 but turned it down cause of some dumb bitch.

>> No.55915315

>Unfortunately for you, also, since it would have been great to run your cock through all the horny nurse sluts and chick doctors and secretaries and shit.

Maybe in another life anon :(

>> No.55915317

Yeah that's very disturbing imagine cruising down route 66 listening to ACDC hell's bells and the HR goblina calls you to say that's problematic and it's corporate policy that you have to listen to Lil Pump for at least 6 hours of your trip in order to promote diversity and inclusivity.

>> No.55915320

>i'd recommend a coding bootcamp

Boot camps ARE colleges

>> No.55915344

yes but you will be working with old people and obese peoples bodily fluids...

>> No.55915448
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commission someone to write songs about killing and murdering the HR goblina roastie. Make sure they use her full legal name and address in the song. Listen to it (as well as others you've commissioned) 24/7 while they spy on you.

>> No.55915513

With whatever power they have they want to feel important and wise, and be around women they can fantasize about (they are either married to some frumpy thing or divorced but they don't seem to try to fuck these women, just ogle them on Zoom) also as leftist cucks it is important to them that they can say their team is diverse unlike Musk's team (the symbol of all that is bad in tech)

>> No.55915539

Tech sector is a complete shit show. Trannies and bluehaired bitches are ruining it plus all jobs are being shipped over to india since they can fill seats no problem for cheap. Learn a trade become an electrician or work on hvac etc they learn alot about the principles of electricity/electronics if you get good enough at that shit start your own business or make enough to go back to school to become an electrical engineer, work on electric cars. You wont find women or trannies in trade work though because women and trannies hate actually working.

>> No.55915603

CS isn't exactly a bad degree to have, but your career is going to have to go off the beaten path because you're late to the game both in terms of experience relative to age as well as the job market.

Understand that by the time you complete your degree and have some non-fulltime working experience that would qualify you for a serious job, you're going to be in your mid-40s, so be prepared for that.

Are you going to have the time and energy to commit to this, especially as you move into in your late 40s/50s? Do you have a family to support? These are things to consider.

I'm creeping into my mid-30s and I'm finding myself burning out just a little bit. Don't have nearly the same energy to pour into CS projects or work as I did in my teens or twenties.

>> No.55915642

>but they don't seem to try to fuck these women, just ogle them on Zoom)
That's how chronic masturbators have sex

>> No.55915711
File: 84 KB, 694x1024, 3C55A5D5-B84F-4232-A26B-CD7C615B4DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes H1B workers; save millions on wages to lose billions on corporate espionage

>> No.55915799

How the fuck do they even get those jobs? I struggled finding one for months and settled for a shitty one

>> No.55915839

You can't be the type of person who ever goes on 4chan, to start.

>> No.55915850

>Not on 4chan

>> No.55915919

Shutup you little pussy. Act like this in real life and i'd break your fucking tiny chin. I can smell the desperation behind the screen. Keyboard warrior scrawny motherfucker. Come find me bitch. Where do you live?

>> No.55916052

I'd say we'll over 50% of the welders, pipe fitters, electricians, millwrights, diesel mechs, you name I've come across are men well into their 50s and looking to retire soon. The other half 30 something jail birs who went to trade school when they got out and now blow 120k/year on cigs and lotto tickets, or blow.

>> No.55916115

>Where do you live?
you gonna find him and kiss him real hard? on the lips?

>> No.55916358

fell for the retire early meme.
unironically u have higher chance to retire early as tradesman, crypto flipper, or stock trader.

cooding gonna be like
you learn 2-3 years cooding
you realize u are still worse than cooders who cooded since 12 nonstop but it doesn't matter anyway cuz even they can't get a job and every linkdin position 250 applicents

cost sink fallacy kicks in so u go 6 months hardcore NEETCODE maxing algorithems u are actually good cooder now
but then it kicks in that nobody ever even call u for an interview in the first place.
> minimum requirements 3 years MUST, perfectly possible in a market where 40% are lay offs competing with you

you get mad not only u spent 6 months neetcoding and 3 years getting degree but now u also have 6 months gap in resume and 3.5 years in non coding related jobs.
you start falling for get rich quick schems online and lose more money

finally u realize u only needed to lie, you completely lie about everything, faking expereince, etc and get a job interview, you pass 6 interviews over the course of 5 months due to your NEETCODE skills.
> you are 32 now

AI as caught up so much they fire 30% devs
you somehow survive!

AI gets better they fire 40%
you are so lucky that u surive again

you worked there for 7 years then you reach 40.
you instantly get fired. for younger dev cuz nobody need 40 years dev

at this point u will have hard time getting hired by walmart and you realize that while they fired everybody, you had no power to ask to raise or anything. in fact you to accept lower pay
you had shit money that you could have made as starbucks veteran

this is the best case but you will probably get fired after 1 month or not even get hired

do what you want I chose to not listen 2 year ago when asked the same and now I am suffering. today it's looking 10 times worse than it did 2 years ago. there wasn't even AI

take the tradepill or you will regret it forever

>> No.55916373

I imagine it's mostly SWEs making these pro-blue collar replies

>> No.55916718

50k CS grads a year lol. Only 30k are employable. A good chunk of the rest get employed anyway out of desperation for asses in chairs. Frequently this just produces more work from shit code.
Even "good" CS schools produce piles of very low quality workers. It's really a massive scam.

>> No.55917877

should we just die or some shit

>> No.55919177

This is a terrible thread. Trades are not for everyone. If you think you can network and get good at programming, a CS degree isn't a horrible idea. There will always be CS-related jobs, and the autistic life-long coders will be applying at places above your pay grade anyways.
Whether you do CS or not, you should definitely make a move to improve your career (job hop, certs, degree, whatever)

>> No.55919234

Even software devs in their late 20s and early 30s start to experience age discrimination. Going into the field in your early 40s may not be advisable unless you already have a shitload of software dev experience to back up the degree. Might be better to pursue an engineering degree and try to get a job in the government or with a defense contractor.

>> No.55920095

This guy is a swe who's gatekeeping the professsion