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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55898033 No.55898033 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have the Sigma male mindset for money making /biz/?

>> No.55898037

Just call it what it is; lone wolf. I'll have to shake some hands and putt some greens sometime.

>> No.55898053

imagine telling your girlfriend anything about your finances
now the whole world knows

>> No.55898062

Bro is going to end up part of the plumbing in Sardinia

>> No.55898064


>> No.55898104

>gf gets you mafiad

>> No.55898123

Why would she be complaining? 1 euro sounds about right for her net worth.

>> No.55898138

imagine getting your shit rocked and house robbed because your retarded gf wanted to brag about how rich her boyfriend is on tik tok

>> No.55898142

Restaurants also serve you 1 euro pasta they sell at 20 euros

>> No.55899172

is crypto twitter just normies larping as 4chan users? I scrolled through her feed and the bitch sounds like a incel edgelord holy shit

>> No.55899269

>he doesnt know about milady twitter
ur the normie

>> No.55899275

your feed is cringe and you'll never fit in

>> No.55899297
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Pedo cultists rofl

>> No.55899305


Yeah rule number one about being rich is to never brag about being rich because it just puts a target on your back to get robbed. It also encourages random leeches to come ask you for money because you brag about having money online.

Absolutely fucking stupid woman.

>> No.55899340

It's actually over for this guy now. All because his woman couldnt help but flex on social media. Wont be long before the mafia boys come around sniffing

>> No.55899356
File: 19 KB, 390x195, Better-Call-Saul-Gene-at-Cinnabon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the newfags of the internet. We get shit on by oldoldfags that shit talk about bbs and early 90s computers. 4chan is part of the late 90s early 2000s forumfag era Twitter is the newer group. Eventually the TikTokers will be shitting on 10s social mediafags. It's funny seeing boomers adopting YouTube in 2020s.

>> No.55899359

your just a broke boi hater!! right frens?

>> No.55899547

I BANK $7 every time I EAT a panini

>> No.55899556

Eh a lot of simple carbs, but what's the problem here?

>> No.55899558


Panini anon link us your video again!!!

>> No.55899646

does sigma mean incredibly based? because that dude is incredibly based

>noooo you need to pay $10 for goyslop especially if youre already a millionaire!

i would do the same if i'd ever be rich. Hell i'd buy 10 sets of the same pants and tshirts because i know what I like

>> No.55899692

That pasta looks like shit, I wouldn’t eat like that even if I was poor. Also his bimbo gf is lying

>> No.55899699

>prepare food yourself
>control ingredients and cleanliness
>buy food from resort
>cook touches his balls before he dumps seed oils into pasta

It's not just a monetary benefit.

>> No.55899770

bro is just testing his abilities

>> No.55899847

Being an oldfag implies skill with a computer.
It's not any longer, but 4chan used to be a hacker website.
Social media junkies on twitter and tiktok by default can never be oldfags, they are "screen fiends" hopeless digital addicts.
There is zero similarity between old 4chan and twitter or tiktok because the users have no power or knowledge besides meaningless social media "clout" which is pure bullshit.
You have to screen people you let into your life to not be using social media.
It's dangerous for someone with a lot of money to have screen fiends in their inner circle.
Zoomers think crime doesn't exist because of surveillance but modern criminals have adapted and they will still run up on your house if they know you've got big money.

>> No.55899943

>because that dude is incredibly based

He's a fag like you. He bragged about his wealth to get this girl that treats him like a zoo animal for the world to see on social media. He fails to expand the economy by cooking his own meals and bringing them to the beach. That money will go to a state employee instead via taxes. He eats pasta without any real nutritios food. The equivalent to a Chinese who only eats rice. This will add to his healthcare bill in the long run. And so does the lack of social interaction by being a miser.

>> No.55899995

he did not brag about his wealth, he seems to be doing the opposite

>> No.55900007

This is why everyone hates landlords. They hoard all the money from poor folks and not spend any of it when they go outside. At least buy something and maybe tip? I bet $10 this guy is never busy, I mean he has the time to cook his pasta instead of just buying time and just eating out.

>> No.55900181

> You have to screen people you let into your life to not be using social media.

Is there even such a thing as a woman that doesn’t use social media besides Amish and 3rd world poors? All women are addicted to it these days

>> No.55900239

There are, hard to find but they are. My current girl hates being on the phone all the time and sometimes even takes too long to resond that it annoys me. Doesnt seem to be online at all so no she isnt ignoring me. But the new younger generation 18yr girls they dont like smartphones and I also know people age 30 who seem to be using phones less and less.

>> No.55900245

I don't know but this reminds me of the latest psyop related to the corporate transparency act. tptb want to eliminate anonymous business ownership and liability protection and they've been pumping out "grassroots" media about how renters can't get justice from their landlords because the landlords are anonymous.

So predictably, the latest communist talking point is "the evils of privacy".

>> No.55900255

Land Value Tax when?

>> No.55900338

>*my boyfriend's family owns 5 apartments in Rome and 2 houses in Sardinia

>> No.55900415

The best thing was retarded poors in the replies needing to justify their poverty by saying he became a millionaire by not spending the extra $10 in a restaurant
I'm well aware of it as a twitter user but they are all cringe zoomer retards who merely adopted the culture and larp as a bunch of unhinged schizos and incels
By your poorfag retard logic every single house in any rich neighbourhood is gonna get robbed. I mean obvously everyone knows where the fuck rich people live it's not like they dwell in bunkers or live in a fucking studio apartment as a disguise?

>> No.55900441

>every single house in any rich neighbourhood is gonna get robbed
She just announced he has 1 million in liquid assets. Prime for a kidnapping.

>> No.55900447

these women just lie he's probably just some retarded trust fund kid

>> No.55900487

>I mean obvously everyone knows where the fuck rich people live it's not like they dwell in bunkers or live in a fucking studio apartment as a disguise?
>anon doesn't know what gated communities are.
You must be young. The rich live in fortress like communities with private security. That or they are connected with criminal organizations or the police and and no one fucks with them for fear of retribution.

>> No.55900548

nope I just live in an almost 100% white country

>> No.55900565

>I would do
But you will never be rich because you are normie cattle congratulating yourself on things you have no oppurtunity to even do.

>> No.55901854
File: 124 KB, 1215x625, Projected XWETH buy 1808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sigma mindset for money making
Yeah dude it's called stop wasting money on doordash and start reading analysis, get moving pal chop chop

>> No.55902098

Your gambling retard lines will never make you money. You get a lucky guess and lose it all in the next trade

>> No.55902134

you're an idiot

>> No.55902144
File: 520 KB, 631x596, disgusted mordecai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold tupperware pasta at the beach

>> No.55902255

You know what the problem with 4chan is?
The problem with 4chan is that this site is the last major clearnet website in the entire world that still allows for totally unfiltered free speech.
And you all waste it "shit posting" and promoting the most vile filth you can think of "for lulz".
The day is quickly approaching where you will resent everything you said here while you had the freedom to say it.
"The System" grows stronger everyday, and you all grow weaker and more sinful.
How can you hope to survive or escape the true "System" that is coming, one even more evolved and even more heartless than Chinas?

You hold precious gems in your hands. Gems to say whatever needs to be said.
And you spend it playing morons.
A fool and his money if ever there was one.

>> No.55902280

has it occured to her that maybe his millionaire status is just a larp?

>> No.55902290


mob cares that much about a rando with a few matchbook rentals and a pasta house?

>> No.55902335
File: 43 KB, 640x640, bloat_thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs and quality posts by anon. I'm glad there are still some reasonable people left on this board. Keep posting. Love you (no homo)

>> No.55902671

>fortress like gated communities
You just need to use the magic words "black lives matter" and they'll let you in. All the residents will do is wave their guns around pathetically while not using them for fear of the colored mob's retribution
Ok, do something faggot. I'm doing things, all you're doing is shitposting. You've made 100% more posts than me in this thread, what's the plan big guy

>> No.55902720

Stuffing yourself with pasta is not sigma behaviour

>> No.55902811

Based intp.
What do you hold ?
I’m in LINK, XMR and HBAR for comparison

>don’t cry because they cleaned the web, smile because you had good memes

>> No.55902829

One of the things most guys have to come to terms with is that women are always going to have a knife at your throat. They are always going to be your weakest link. The price you pay for the companionship is that just like bacteria tagging along in your body, should you ever sick, should you ever become weak, those harmless tag alongs will devour and destroy you. Women are great in relationships when you have the power and will to subjugate them entirely and without mercy. If you should give them the slightest leeway, the slightest allowance to displease you, they will exploit it and you will suffer for it. This is only more so the case as you build wealth and you become the bank vault everyone is trying to blow open. Take this quoted exchange and burn it into your mind because it applies to your girlfriend, her friends, her dumb fuck family, everyone around you that isn't on your level:
>And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer.
>No. We just...
>No. Precisely. We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes move over the things you want?
Don't be a sucker.

>> No.55902845

>allows for totally unfiltered free speech.
HHAHAHAHAHHA go back to Redddit oldfag wannabe

>> No.55902909

Forget sigma male, try being an alpha chad with blackswan

Their phase 4 tg bot is dropping in a few days

>> No.55902967


>> No.55902999

All that humblemaxxing just so your dumb cunt girlfriend can blow your cover baka

>> No.55903001

This, many women are retarded enough to be off by a factor of a million and think everything is normal

>> No.55903014

Act broke to stay rich, some people don't get it ig

>> No.55903038

Is it not common sense that buying food at tourist traps are a waste of money?

>> No.55903055

Pure autism

>> No.55903167


>> No.55903209
File: 90 KB, 1080x810, ofrt87b019h31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a psychologist or study it but I think there is some weird gap between age groups and interaction with computer technology. I'm old enough to remember using pre smartphone/tablet internet and I think it effected my social skills negatively towards being more introverted/social awkwardness. I'm guessing in a decade the tiktok youth of today will be effected negatively in some other way, hypersocial adults that don't try to make a deeper conversation with someone? 4chan and forums were more about building a topic to discuss where new technology is about attention reaction? I'm sure there was talk about how the telephone changed things back then.

>> No.55903260

She's not posting that shit out without his consent.