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File: 35 KB, 517x528, Andrew-Henderson-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55897066 No.55897066 [Reply] [Original]

So if the US is going downhill and will collapse where the fuck do I move to?
All these recommended up and coming meme countries are even more shit. Malaysia, UAE, Mexico, seriously?
Literally every part of the world has worse metrics than the US, Europe has worse taxes, worse laws, also flooded with niggers.
Latin America is a hell hole, South East Asia stinks and is isolated, the Middle East is a fucking desert filled with terrorists, Australia and New Zealand are even worse nanny states than the US with even worse mass immigration.
Canada is worse than the US, the UK is worse, don't know much about Ireland but it's probably worse. Maybe the only country I can think of that might be better is Japan, but it's literally impossible to integrate into let alone get residency there.
So I'm left to conclude: America, FUCK YEAH!!1

>> No.55897076

If the US collapses, it becomes a good place to stay. Access to firearms is nice to have. The rest of the world will be shit without US protection. Most of the EU, Korea, Japan, etc. will get fucked hard.

>> No.55897117

You can't move anywhere, OP.
Capitalism has developed into a global economic system from which there is no escape. The collapse of the US would result in the collapse of the entire global economic system of capitalism. Famine, Pestilence, Death; It would be like a mad max style apocalypse. Good news though the US is a far way from full collapse. This will be a serious internal economic down turn that will recover like it has historically always done.

>> No.55897204

Your only hope is to make billions, then fund a self sufficient space habitat which is secretly actually a generation ship that will take you and your people to another solar system.

>> No.55897213

is it a good idea to illegally emigrate to The USA as a Canadian?

>> No.55897215

You can move to Cuba or Venezuela lmao

>> No.55897217

The US is huge and effectively a continent in its own right, there are tons of areas within it to move to

>> No.55897234

I live in both SEA and LatAm. They all have their problems of course, but anything is better than Canada. Especially if you have some money or financial assets from the west, or if you can get a remote job where you earn a western salary in western currency.

>> No.55897242

I hate to inform you, or, rather educate you, but Cuba and Venezuela also practice a form of capitalism not that some one as low iq as to define capitalism by idealistic means would ever be able to comprehend why.

>> No.55897244
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For fuck's sake, one of my primary reasons for loathing life in America is all of the God damn Hispanics.
Last thing I want to do is live anywhere near more of them.

>> No.55897258
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Europe was a slave continent, they decided the whole world needed to be inducted in their system. The age of exploration and everything that followed after was such. Whites dont know freedon which is why americans obssess over it, its an epigenetoic fear of being back under serfdom like their peasant ancestors. Fate never changes. Misery loves company so smile faggot.

>> No.55897269

I watched a few of his videos... then he recommended people to move to Mexico and Colombia. Literally not the worst places to move, but far from safe for Americans. I stopped watching at that very moment.

>> No.55897271
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>> No.55897280
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>> No.55897302
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this pic got deleted immediately after being posted. Andrew must have paid jannies off:

>> No.55897308

New Zealand, Iceland, Norway...

>> No.55897315

For me, its either the Balkans or Southeast Asia. Been to both regions and I love them both for different reasons.

>> No.55897325

Malaysia is unironically very comfy. Don't be so quick to judge. Spend some time in Kuala Lumpur and Penang. They're probably far more developed then what you're imagining.

>> No.55897336

Kek nomad capitalist is a newfag

>> No.55897346

I like how he promotes moving to third world countries and then immediately resorts to running off to western court systems. No third world court would take a slander case like that seriously. Truly as Jewish as it gets.

>> No.55897362

stay in your country and fix it you retard, don't you say the same to third worlders who are looking to make it in the us?

>> No.55897370

Unironically the US is fine. There's nothing to 'stay and fight for'. There's a lot of benefits to maintaining a us citizenship. If you can afford it, it's a lot of fun to live overseas in a beautiful area. Anywhere on the Andaman Sea is going to be far more beautiful then anywhere in the west for example.

>> No.55897378

do the benefits include paying double taxes lmao?

>> No.55897385

The whole double taxation thing is always way over exaggerated. Most countries have mutual tax treaties. They aren't explicitly additive like people seem to think.

>> No.55897502

Every time I meet Americans abroad they whine about how they can't get their favorite goyslop or how everyone is racist or whatever. Stay home

>> No.55897942

SEA is great - warm weather all year round, nice people, dirt cheap and the best beaches in the world.

>> No.55897993

Protection from what? The us is the main destabilization force in the EU. It's 50% responsible for the ukie war by not encouraging ukraine to stay neutral

>> No.55898010

Move to the heckin based $150k CBI nigger-ridden isolated islands!

>> No.55898046

Air quality is shit though. And can you even check the levels of chemicals in your food? I bet it's high

>> No.55898051

>I like how he promotes moving to third world countries and then immediately resorts to running off to western court systems
Yeah that's really pathetic

>> No.55898083

When it comes to food sanitation, the standards are higher in Malaysia then the rest of SEA (not counting Singapore). Really Malaysia is just the discount version of Singapore, and I mean that in a good way. Book a ticket there and see for yourself anon. A lot has changed in the past 10 years.

>> No.55898088
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If the global economy crashes, you want to stay in the US. Most importantly, is to get the fuck out of the Liberal Shitholes.
American cities, by and large, are already lawless. What do you think it will be like if things get economically out of control?
Small towns in deepest red states is where you want to be. When you get there, realize that voting Democrat is the very definition of failure and leave your garbage politics behind. Many liberals have already realized that they want to be as far away from the places that they've ruined through their failed policies and are moving to red areas.
New Yorkers/New Jersey scum are all over North Carolina and Kalifornistinians are inundating Idaho after ruining Colorado.
A blue city in a blue state, I'm looking at you Minneapolis, are already essentially GTA.

>> No.55898113

The irony of this post is so delicious.
The reason for the Ukrainian war is the guy you idiots wanted because you hated our orange man.
All day every day you fucking shitlords howled that you wanted orange man gone, but the black man before was what initially destabilized Ukraine, and the sleepy man literally bombed the gas pipeline to your continent and you cowards KNOW he did it, and you haven't done shit about it.
You want to talk about the US destabilizing Europe? Look no further than leftists and the Democrat party.

>> No.55898119

>South East Asia stinks and is isolated
isolation is good. very good.

>> No.55898129

Penang used to be really 3rd world about 15 years ago, but they cleaned it up massively. KL is still smoggy and shit traffic but theyve started building a lot of mass transit. my last trip to KL i didnt drive into the city from petaling jaya
its not really anywhere near singapore but singapore is special
t. penang born malaysian living in singapore

>> No.55898300

Just move to PR. Simple way to avoid taxes. Wait till after SHTF then come back and buy all the wreckage for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.55898314

>standards are higher in Malaysia then the rest of SEA
how do you know? how can you test the level of pesticides, heavy metals and microplastics in your food? i bet they dont even have standards or check/trace anything

>> No.55898393


Malaysia is ranked highest in SEA (excl Singapore) in terms of the Global Food Security Index. The ranking includes measurements of how safe the food is. I can also tell you anecdotally as someone who has traveled across many SEA countries, you can see how much cleaner the food preparation is here.

You could also say, how can you trust this ranking. And yes, you would be right. But how can you be sure you are getting 'safe' food in the west too?

>> No.55898413

>Protection from what?
Protection from the new age of iron and blood that will start if the US collapses. You won't be able to have a decadent lifestyle.

>> No.55898436
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>i'm going to move to based PUERTO RICO to avoid taxes on my $74k crypto portfolio

>> No.55898780

Anywhere cold desu. Scandinavia, Canada (not now but in a shtf scenario), northern USA will all be good places to be.
I kind of wish I could live and integrate into a scandi country now. The us is demonic.

>> No.55898804

>living in a cold miserable shithole is for BASED WHITE PEOPLE
don't @ me nigger, i guarantee that i'm blonder and pastier than you.

>> No.55898842

>The us is demonic.
>Names off even more cucked shitholes.
Please move to Canada or whatever gay shithole immediately.

>> No.55898861

If America actually collapsed the whole global economy would be completely and utterly fucked in the short-term and more than likely the long-term too, there's not really anywhere to "escape" to in that scenario.

>> No.55898896

Yes. Just keep your head down for a year I think and you can apply for something.

>> No.55898912

I swim in ice water, you are niggers to me. I am the cold winter of death for the unvaccinated.
Enjoy Puerto Rico, tax free! And reggaeton and tacos!
>muh tacos
>muh deep red

>> No.55898925

No it won't you faggot lol if capitalism were to collapse it would affect probably a few countries who have relied on it only slightly but for the most part it would benefit much of the working class
No mad max bullshit lol you fucking retard kill yourself

>> No.55898943
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I'm team stay put.>>55897076

>> No.55899083

PR is great if you have even a modest amount of money. Got my wife and my mistress there.

>> No.55899092

having spent 6 months working in a warehouse with a bunch of puerto rican retards, i find that hard to believe.

>> No.55899122
File: 150 KB, 690x690, om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, this is free.

>> No.55899135

i bet japan will do fine

>> No.55899430

food safety depends on what you measure. do the authorities track all the micropollutants in food/air/water? due to big corruption and lower standards i wouldnt trust the malaysian government to effectively protect the citizens against big polluting companies with inadequate waste disposal and sewage treatment.

>> No.55899441


Who the fuck is saying this. That shithole was a crime ridden country when the US was a good country. If the US goes down it'll be even worse

>> No.55899446

>n-not real communism!

>> No.55899460

Especially beans. I grew up around South Americans (Brazilian, Argentinian, Columbian) and even Puerto Ricans and Cubans, and they find but Mexicans are just shitty people

>> No.55899499

all the billionaires are going to New Zealand and building bunkers there

I wonder what's up with that, its probably nothing worth looking into.

>> No.55899527

>New Zealand, Iceland, Norway...
Maybe NZ is better than Australia, but it's not better than the US.
Iceland and Norway may at best, be marginally better than comparable US states. But not nearly enough to justify the higher taxes, higher cost of living, loss of self defense rights, cucking to Muslims etc...

>Balkans or Southeast Asia
These places have a lower cost of living I'll give you that, but this is because the quality of life is lower and the amenities are lower. Maybe it makes sense if you have a WFH wagecuck and you're growing your poorfolio. I don't know much about the Balkans, so I will check it out, a lot of grifters in the nomad consulting space shill Serbia, which I admit seems interesting. But I suspect it won't be better than fucking Tennessee or something. I doubt Serbia is better than Czechia, Poland or Hungary, all in the EU.

>Malaysia is unironically very comfy.
I've been to KL (also explored another state called Nigger Sembilan, it was a dump).
Filthy open sewers everywhere, nasty looking SEA monkey women, even if they have a lot of chink rape DNA. Ugly Muslim society like Dubai, yet it's supposed to be the best SEA has to offer. Gay accent.

>Unironically the US is fine
It's not just fine, it's the greatest country in the world objectively. I wish I knew of a better country.

>SEA is great - warm weather all year round, nice people, dirt cheap and the best beaches in the world.
For me I wouldn't call the weather warm, I'd call it hot and sticky. I think they're just nice to you because you're a foreigner, and/or they're coping with living in a shithole.

>Scandinavia, Canada (not now but in a shtf scenario), northern USA will all be good places to be.
North west USA would be far superior to Scandi or Canada in SHTF.

PR is a shit hole. There's a reason why they have to offer massive tax breaks to move there.

>> No.55899531

The fact that you are hearing about it on the news with action being taken, and research is being actively done, is what sets it apart from the rest of SEA. If you think the corruption in Malaysia is bad, you should witness the things that get swept under the rug and hidden from public view in Thailand, the Philippines, or Vietnam. God forbid what happens in Cambodia, laos, or Indonesia. Also I hate to break it to you, but pollutants and microplastics are prevalent in America as well. Also hormones are more commonly used in food production in America as well.

>> No.55899766

anon people who go overseas don't care about the metrics because they're rich they live the same lifestyle everywhere

>> No.55899787

yes i believe it's better in malaysia than in all those countries. also this incident is just in one industrial town, not all malaysia is like that. the government seems serious to tackle pollution. and you can just install a good filter in your home.
>but pollutants and microplastics are prevalent in America as well.
yes it's everywhere. it's a hard problem to tackle

>> No.55899907

US is better than NZ?
Moslims in Iceland and Norway?
Are you living under a stone?
If shtf US is #1 county to avoid, except Alaska.
Im talking about civilized countries, not some shitholes like Cambodja or Costa Rica.
In case of MadMax scenario NZ or Iceland are ideal countries. Norway or North of Canada are second best options.

>> No.55899930

>The rest of the world will be shit without US protection

Your country is run by jews who are destroying all of humanity

>> No.55899935

Haha, I'm just not gonna tell you where the SHTF refuges are in the US, glowie.

>> No.55900231

>it's the greatest country in the world objectively
this is true, it's just the best territory on earth. it's just a shame you have so many obese women and ugly towns

>> No.55900317

As part of China.

>> No.55900416

kill yourself faggot

>> No.55900754

>If America actually collapsed the whole global economy would be completely and utterly fucked
only those carrying large debt to gdp ratios without a robust manufacturing base.

>> No.55900772

So all?

>> No.55900796

That robust manufacturing base in other countries is extremely heavily reliant on using American as a destination for those manufactured goods anon, and every country would pretty much instantly go into a massive depression just based off of the financial collapse that would occur, driving the demand for manufactured goods way the fuck down in those countries too. There isn't a market segment alive that would be OK if America collapsed, the entire system would upend because a fucking quarter of global GDP and a third of its total wealth would vanish overnight.

>> No.55900844

I'd be more worried about china collapsing than the US. The US as a country has bounced back from some pretty terrible things. Founded on a war against the world superpower, a literal civil war against ourselves, ww1, ww2, countless wars, economic crash after crash, our sitting presidents being assassinated, terrorists attacks taking out our world trade center, etc.