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55895131 No.55895131 [Reply] [Original]

What are you supposed to do if your small business becomes too big for you to manage?
I did not go to a business school, but I've found myself employing 50 people. I'm negotiating contracts or signing legal document and I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. If my lawyer and accountants nod their heads I just sign it. In addition to my in house accounting team I had to outsource to get a real HR and legal team.
The recent shitshow with Linus Tech Tips made me think I should probably get someone with actual business experience to run the show.
Do I just put up a job posting on indeed for a CEO position or what?
My greatest concern is that any CEO will start to do CEO shit and the quality of our services will go down to maximize profits. Or that they'll fuck over the employees to earn a fat bonus.
How do I prevent that from happening?

>> No.55895146

sounds like a good problem to have

>> No.55895243

I know it does, but I'm seriously burnt out right now.
I'm far to autaistic to be a business owner. When I was the only employee my job was only like 5% business related and 95% technical. Most of my day was spent on a command line and not microsoft office.
Now it's the other way around. I only get involved when shit really hits the fan.

>> No.55895258

Downsize and focus on quality, try to futureproof your business.

>> No.55895350

Honestly it's the other way around. Trying to focus on quality led me to hiring more and more people.
This all started when I got tired of walking retarded boomers through Microsoft Office.
I hated it so much I outsoured all of the helpdesk tickets to some other guy, making him employee number one. I was just giving him a cut of my pay and I didn't even see him as an employee.
Not having to waste my time on idiotic requests allowed me to focus more on technical manners. It also freed up more of my day so I found I could take on more clients.
Then I had too many Microsoft Exchange servers to manage. It was taking up too much of my day because I'm not versed in it, so I outsourced those issues to some other guy, making him employee number 2.
And it just kept snowballing from there.
The tenth guy I outsourced a task to said he would only agree to it if I "stopped running this operation out of my garage". So I pick up a copy of Starting and Running a Small Business For Dummies and talk to some lawyers and accounts and now I own a company.
Functionally nothing has really changed, but things have gotten more complicated for me.

I think if I just spent less time talking to people I would be okay, but I went into IT because I thought it was a good career path for someone who didn't enjoy talking to people.

>> No.55895382

>What are you supposed to do if your small business becomes too big for you to manage?
take the $100mm offer, oh wait

>> No.55895392

This seems to be the right angle. If you're really good at what you do, and what you do is desirable, you will be able to cultivate a limited clientele that will pay what your work is worth.

>> No.55895421

sell your business learn all the shit you need to and start over better a second time

>> No.55895435

No, the dude is right. You're taking on more clients by hiring people you have to manage in order to get good work. That's favoring throughput over quality. If you think you can handle the expansion, that's one thing. If you don't want to do that, though, the next step would be sitting down with your clients and getting a feel for what a price increase would mean to them. Maybe your business isn't sustainable with fewer clients and higher charges; if so, you might have to think about letting people go and going back to an earlier model. But if some are okay with it, and you feel like they won't suddenly drop you, it might be time to raise rates and drop clients.

>> No.55895439


This is like something out of a comedy sketch. Some autist trying to manage all of these employees and hold it together

>> No.55895452

>What are you supposed to do if your small business becomes too big for you to manage?

That's where middle managers come in and that's also where most people will agree that you lost your 'sovl'.

that's also the point where you have to stop caring what other people want.

>> No.55895455

>I think if I just spent less time talking to people I would be okay, but I went into IT because I thought it was a good career path for someone who didn't enjoy talking to people.
Hire people to talk to people and report back to you what they want. you can then make decisions on what is reported to you and if you want to go through documents to check everything out. But be wary, you can be completely cut out from what is really going on in that way.

>> No.55895492

that picture, that shit right there depicts the perfect modern man.
that motherfucker is making bank with every video he pumps, and as soon his life stumbles into a lil struggle he puts his little race mixer puppy eyes.
looks at the 6y old "i dropped my ice-cream" eyes hes making?
who on fucking earth takes that guy seriously? imagine for a sec you are in a meeting, you work for him, and he starts spewing ideas, how can you not laugh, im serious, fucking HOW?

anyway OP, you are clearly a faggot that somehow managed to get a hold of a company and employ 50 people, you are indeed just like Linus, i can see you puppy eyes through that reddit tier text.
but like others have suggested, downgrade and keep the big pay clients while improving quality.
And as always, kys faggot.

>> No.55895531

Why not just sell the business? sounds like you could get a good price for it.

>> No.55895543
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>What are you supposed to do if your small business becomes too big for you to manage?
SELL IT and retire early!

>> No.55895548

This is how the cancer of a sales team starts.
I really value the input of the technical people I outsource my tasks to, I outsourced to them for a reason. But people expect regular increases in their cuts. That guy I outsourced all of the helpdesk tickets to expected to be compensated properly for the 8 hours every day + occasional oncall he would have to spend talking retarded boomers through basic Microsoft Windows tasks and I don't really blame him for that.
I had to hire a second guy to sometimes take the on call duties because the guy I outsourced these tasks to was going fucking nuts having to deal with their nonesne at 7 PM on a Saturday. This guy was employee number three.
So I'm sort of forced to take on more clients because people always want a bigger cut, or they'll fuck off somewhere else. And they'll take all of the tricks they know with them, and then I have to start back again at square one, possibly sacrificing quality while they get up to speed.
Fucking boomers, I hate them so much

>> No.55895688
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>So I'm sort of forced to take on more clients because people always want a bigger cut, or they'll fuck off somewhere else.
Think of your company as a living organism that is growing and evolving. Every living organism wants to get bigger and to feed itself with more and more. and if you do not feed it, then it will die. And you are the one who is deciding if it will grow or die. You think bezos really likes managing Amazon ? Or gates Microsoft ? But they did not have a choice. Once investors come in, then it is all about growth. And you are not opening the company to venture capital (yet). That is a next step after hiring sales manager and manager for legal stuff. you are on a cusp of having investors asking if you are interested in selling parts of the company. you should think really hard what you want to do. you can sell right now if you want. or employ somebody to be CEO to manage everything. or you can run it and make it a success story. The question is what you want and what you want to make (create). for the root of all evils is the love of money.

>> No.55895724

Fuck hiring investors. That would just make my problem 100x worse because then they would expect returns on their investment.

>> No.55895755

Nobody is good at everything. OP sounds very well rounded for what sounds like a technical savant

>> No.55895758

Kys kike

>> No.55895787

I didn't mean it in a nasty way.

>> No.55895793
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>That would just make my problem 100x worse because then they would expect returns on their investment.
But from a venture capital point of view, your company is close to being interesting. Depending on number and possibility of expansion, it could be a good investment. Some investors have business proposals that are hard to decline. And after you are successful in expansion, you will start getting offers. I am warning you in advance. I understand your dilemma, but this is only the beginning of this process. That is a reason you need to think hard about what do you want

>> No.55895809

sell it and retire

>> No.55896382

Is there a way to sell a company without ripping off the employees? Am I just allowed to give them shares so they even if the next owner is a dickhead they at least come away with something?

>> No.55896389

>hiring investors

>> No.55896391
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I'm drunk

>> No.55896401
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>> No.55896430

Ok op you got me interested are you willling to hire someone from 4chan i know how microsoft teams work

>> No.55896453

>ripping off employees
You pay them a salary specifically so that if and when you sell the business, you get the king's share.

Think about it, if the company has record profits, everyone expects a raise. If the company has a shitty year, no one is willing to take a pay cut. Plus they'll keep their jobs since they'll be needed to keep up operations.

Sell it, retire, and enjoy surfing the kali yuga.

>> No.55896457

>are you willling to hire someone from 4chan
No, just because I want to be as anon as possible.
I don't have any problem hiring 4chan users though and 4chan is unblocked on our internet filter.

>> No.55896472

Ok anon i was just looking for a job if you are still willing to hire someone its han344@protonmail.com

>> No.55896479

Are you a Leaf? I'm based in Canada so I only hire Canadian citizens

>> No.55896494

just hire me and we will create a custom position
jakemalon590 gmail

>> No.55896501

I invented that email but i am australian

>> No.55896511
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Maybe if we accomplish Imperial Federation

>> No.55896560
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Running off with everything doesn't seem wholly moral to me. Yeah they get a salary but a big reason for our success is the work they put in.

>> No.55896572

This lmao
Someone comes in and wants to buy, fucking sell it KEK

>> No.55896577

Fuck no, liquidate. Pull the rug.

Take the best employees and start over.

>> No.55896588

Fuck. Them.

You did this for money, you're fucking up anon you'll fuck yourself too.

>> No.55896595

It's your company. Just letting you know that the reality is the second you give them a point it'll never be enough, they'll always believe they're deserving of more.

If you give them 0% they rationalize that you're a dick but in the end it was your company so they accept it and get back to work.

If you give them 1% they rationalize that you could've given them more since what's 1%, you could have at least done 5%. They get pissy so productivity goes down and ultimately lowers the value of your company costing you even more.

Do what you wanna do, but don't be surprised when acting in good faith fucks you over.

>> No.55896619

>If you give them 1% they rationalize that you could've given them more since what's 1%, you could have at least done 5%.
I can't really say I would blame them.
I was a worker before I started this business, I still remember what it feels like to get a 1% raise when your employer posts "record profits" each quarter.
I actually quit my first job out of college because of that.

>> No.55896631

you don't hire a CEO, you hire VPs

>> No.55896632

Highly recommend reading Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer.

>> No.55896671

it sounds like you got things under control and you're just making it out to be worse than it is in your head
you got a legal time, accountants and all that shit
you're good man
don't stress it

>> No.55896681

I have directors, is that close enough?
Sometimes I pretend I'm playing Crusader Kings and my directors are my councilors.

>> No.55896706

Is this you Elon? Buy your bitcoin back cunt

>> No.55897508

Hire a CEO, CFO and although I hate them, human resources people. You remain the CTO or equivalent. You also become the sole member of the board. In essence what you want to do is steer the overall direction of the company, retain day to day oversight of areas you are interested in and delegate the rest of the day to day work to others.

>> No.55897663

I'm retarded and can't help you, best of luck

>> No.55897734

Op the most important thing for a person is not money but their soul. Have pity on your own soul and obey God.

Employers have a moral obligation to pay their workers a living wage. This is close to impossible in the jewish masonic matrix we live in.

Put your trust in God and ask yourself what is important to you about your company. Do you care how much money you are earning?