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55882869 No.55882869 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow truckers out there? Just made 6 months with my first real gig out of trucking school netting about a thousand per week. Looking into buying a home soon, feels good

>> No.55882882

OP vidrelated
Enjoy the bump and by bump i mean the pilonidal cyst from driving.

>> No.55882887

>wants to buy a house

americans are funny

>> No.55882901

>he will never rail his gf while on the clock docked at a customer
Sucks to suck
>europoor can’t conceive affordable housing
There’s plenty of housing options in my area where the mortgage would be similar to what I currently pay in rent. Seethe harder

>> No.55882902

I‘ve been dealing with one of those for over a decade. anytime someone mentions free healthcare, just remember that it’s only for pregnant women and minorities. actual canadians get no medical help. I stopped trying to get help years ago. these days they would probably just ask me if I want to kill myself and then deny me healthcare

>> No.55882912

>wants to buy a cardboard house for 700k
>calls me europoor

LMAO even

>> No.55882913
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Had to get surgery on mine had to lie to get healthcare.
Try it might work.
That was the pink slime coming out of my body for years.

>> No.55882942

>wants to buy a cardboard house for 700k
That’s the thing, In my area I’m looking at duplexes to raise both a family with my non-vaxed trad gf in one unit while housing my mother and little brothers in the other unit for ~250k(1500-1800 per month). I know, the euro brain can hardly fathom such a possibility. I don’t blame you, I blame your father.

>> No.55882947

I own a duplex I got in 2016 for 86k on a 15 year note.

>> No.55882955

Congratulations, I was 16 then trying to convince my mom to do exactly that. She’s retarded with money so now I have to baby a 42 year old.

>> No.55882959

>can hardly fathom the possibility of getting in debt for 700k cardboard house

Yeah,we don't do that here. Got me there. We use steel and concrete for half the price.

>> No.55882966

Unironically I was convincing my mom NOT to buy this house and her childlike brain did it anyway, good on her was a good call.

>> No.55882989

God you're young, treat her patiently you both got a lot of life left, my dad had me at 51.

>> No.55883018

>we use steel and concrete for half the price
>his price range is 3x mine
I’ve come to the understanding that my mom (and women in general) are good for certain things and finances are not one of them. I love my mom, she was also redpilling me on Jews, vaccines, and how school is a scam when I was 16-17, and she’s always been the most supportive loving mother one could ask for. That being said, at those same ages I was dealing with shit like buying food for the house and getting the electric turned back on, so there’s a plus and a minus to everything I guess.

>> No.55883024

Women aren't suppose to be smart, they need a certain mans guidance, not saying fuck your mom or be her husband
>some of my brothers got this mentality and it's weird.

Just be firm but patient.

>> No.55883125

>not saying be her husband
Funny you say that, at one point I literally said sometimes I feel more like her husband than her son. We used to argue a lot, but it’s calmed down alot since I’ve gotten into trucking. Partly because I’m not home alot of the time, but much more so because the extra income. People who say money doesn’t buy happiness usually don’t know what they’re talking about. Sure it can’t buy genuine innate joy, but 95% of people would be more happy with a bit of the stress of living taken off their backs. That being said, I’ve come to understand you’re right in what you said about women. Men playing roles as good providers to women who play roles as good nurturers is peak human condition, as I’ve come to find out with my current gf.