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55881989 No.55881989 [Reply] [Original]

How does Canada expect to survive if their young skilled workers are moving to the US?
I work in the Canadian tech industry and I know 6 people who moved to the US this year already. Last year I knew 7 people who moved to the US.
Everyone who's moving to the US is under 30 years old and works in tech or engineering. A lot of us are in an absurd situation where despite making 6 figures we still live with our parents or are forced to spend half of our salary in rent.

>> No.55882001

Bring more refugees and immigrants but don't give them a proper support system like affordable housing, education, or work. Let them live in encampments in downtown Toronto.

>> No.55882003

read the 4th industrial revolution and you'll see what trudeau is doing.

>> No.55882012

The Canadian government and the bank of Canada are clueless.
Incompetent beyond belief.

>> No.55882136
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Don't worry, our leaders are fixing everything.

>> No.55882171

they don't want young skilled workers, that's a challenge to the power of the useless Laurentian Elite
They want to cement citizens into a permanent underclass that they can rule over with impunity

>> No.55882172

What do you mean by survive? A stratified shithole with wealthy boomers that do nothing and a brown slave underclass can exist in basically perpetuity.

>> No.55882176

Import a billion Indians of course

>> No.55882177

How? There is nothing high tech about any of this

>> No.55882192
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America's in a government created bubble to try and keep Libs in power. Once Republicans are in office, they'll let a recession happen to regain control the next term. 2024-2028 lots of Canadians will come back home to drink maple syrup and suck each other off or whatever it is they do in the arctic up there

>> No.55882225

Canada is essentially a state of America. We have no independence. If we ever began developing a military and utilizing our resources, we would be invaded by the usa instantly. Canada serves usa as a way to vet immigrants. The outstanding go from Canada to usa while the rest are stuck here working 3 minimum wage jobs.

>> No.55882244

all they have to do is loosen up a bit on the extreme authoritarianism anyone remember when that bitch calmly explained they are shutting off peoples bank accounts for protesting and striking. I would do anything to live in a place like canada (extremely harsh and cold climate) because muslims and jeets hate it. its actually astounding they were even able to convince jeets to migrate there. I bet they literally are cold to their core 24/7 and it just makes me grin.

>> No.55882248

Our government's only plan is to import Indians to keep the housing bubble afloat and keep consumer demand high. Hopefully Canadians will do something before more are homeless and/or starving but it seems like there is still a decent percentage who can ride out the storm for some time and Canadians won't do anything as long as they have their bare minimum; even if it costs them all they have to get it.

>> No.55882278

there are millions of muslims and browns in canada and sweden so thats not neccesarily true. if theres no money to be found they'll probably leave though

>> No.55882289


>> No.55882291

a lot of muslims in moscow now too iirc

>> No.55882292

Yeah and where do they think the new immigrants will live? Dig a hole and hibernate during winter like a groundhog?

>> No.55882304

those climates will always filter them right back out. youll see. even if it takes total infrastructure collapse from all the brownoids running 4x more energy for heat per capita

>> No.55882311

the Indians are to replace boomers who are all about to retire/die
the biggest problem is the pace. our housing and medical infrastructure can't handle 3% increase in adult population every year

only hope is the immigration and death curves meet up and they start levelling things out
(also we need way more residency slots for doctors since that's a retarded bottleneck that's fucking us over for no reason)

>> No.55882326

ok Ranjesh. yes indians are coming to save us. their civilization is a shithole and as more of them stream in ours becoming more like theirs is a total coincidence, right? j j j just look at these statistics that prove indians are saving white men...actually indians ARE white...yea thats it

>> No.55882351

>be a doctor in some country outside Canada for 50 years
>come to Canada
>YoU dOnT hAvE a CaNaDiAn ExPeRiEnCe
>ends up becoming a janitor that has better surgical skill than fucker mcfuckface in a Trillium hospital.

Canada is fucked.

>> No.55882386

>he would trust a half literate jeet from a country where more than half the patients in ICU develop sepsis to perform surgery on him
holy retard

>> No.55882398

Lmao look at this dumbass default to jeets. They do that to EVERYBODY even doctors from your white country.

>> No.55882409

You think the absolute corrupt psychopaths pushing this traitorous shit give a damn?

>> No.55882421

They fucking don't and even though I'm here in 4chan acting like a misanthrope, I do feel bad for them. Nobody deserves to be used like a cum rug like that especially not by the government. Especially without consent.

>> No.55882437

I'm not saying it will be an improvement
Countries are not great because of their magic soil

most countries have terrible schools and hospitals. if they can't pass the tests to get accredited they are not that smart or knowledgeable and would just hurt people

>> No.55882454

Why would any white immigrants want to come to Canada?

>> No.55882472

The government also completely lies in ads they put up in places like India and wherever else. People come and are shocked at how shitty and expensive it actually is.

>> No.55882623

I dunno, ask my American friend who immigrated here and that guys was from the SOUTH like pasty skin white southern American.

>> No.55882789

12 pajeets are going to rent a 1 bedroom condo in Mississauga, among them they'll split $3500 a month of rent and get all of their food from the food bank.

>> No.55882876
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Canada will either be full of Latinos or boomers eventually
either one of the 2 will make me right with my strategy:
don't do shit, I've been working from home for 3 years and already have too much saved in CHIKUN, a little more and I can consider buying a car