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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55881952 No.55881952 [Reply] [Original]

It appears my superiority has caused some controversy.

There's still 1.8M DIST and a few weeks left.


>> No.55881965

Few more resources than OP provided

>API docs
>Testnet live explorer

>inb4 XMR fud

Project launching in Q4 - no set date.

>Exchange listed:
Kucoin (Confirmed)
MEXC (Confirmed)
Binance (Confirmed)

>> No.55881999
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Way ahead of you. 6k stackchad.

>WEBM related.
And yeah XMR people will FUD this project, like they have since it began development

>> No.55882006
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Based trips. Purple ID. Blessed post.
Posting this from other thread:

My thesis here:
>Frederick said they were going to the Alibaba Cloud event in China in September
>This means they will probably host their own archival nodes, network will be fast
>Consensus will be fast
>Validation entry will probably be somewhere between 10-25k (15k is my realistic guess).
>There are about 58 wallets with over 25,000 EDIS or BDIS
>The committees on staking/validating are 20-50 in size.
>On genesis, there will probably only be 10-20 stakers.

If you start staking early, the make it back, to be guaranteed making hundreds of $'s (assuming this moons), and that they don't list on CEXs the EXACT same day that mainnet launches, you can easily make another 5-10k DIST from validating between mainnet launch and CEX listings.

>TL;DR: buy 15-25k DIST to validate early and money farm.

>> No.55882030

so what makes this different from xmr, exactly?

>> No.55882061
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>normie explanation: monero + discreet
>uses triptych and bulletproofs+ so block sizes are tiny so it wont be a centralized shitcoin
>a consensus they built (aurem) hides staked amounts, block minter, minter payouts and is fairly waged
>transactions are confirmed with certainty within 5 seconds
>blocks are adjustable size so zero bloat
>PEXOS/discript their programming language runs as circuits on your PC so you only have to submit proof of computation so no bloat on chain like with ETH
>sidechain that supports a zk EVM
>better tokenomics than any other project, check the price of AVAX right now, and how many there are in cic supply, and then consider it'll take 7 years for DIST to get that amount of circ supply, so marketcap will be low = gainz
>chain comms are encrypted, fed proof
>legitimate use as a currency
>most likely on Kucoin, Binance and MEXC so even though privacy, supported throughout the world even on VISA cards lol

>> No.55882131
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Whats a sui stack?

>> No.55882140
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>> No.55882170
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35k if you want to retire.

>> No.55882198

Contemplating putting 17k more euro into this

>> No.55882227

Do it.

>> No.55882256

Looking forward to the inevitable dump and the endless crybaby posts on /biz/ of the idiots who got scammed. Good riddance.

>> No.55882269

Looking forward to you coping and crying when it pumps and stagnates and then pumps again in cycles and you chose to listen to biz

>> No.55882318

Looking forward to you TG fucks getting dumped on so you'll finally piss off after years of this shit

>> No.55882367

"TG fucks"?

>> No.55882461

Telegram, you need to go back there.

>> No.55883732

Gotta say the standard of English used in DIST threads has been high, by recent /biz/ standards. Actual information being put forth. I'm somewhat impressed.

>> No.55883768
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There won't be a dump, it's a scam project, there won't be any token or exchange listings.

>people really thought a 2 year presale shill was legit
Only scammers shill a presale, you're supposed to shill AFTER the sale to dump your bags.

>> No.55883889
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Seraphis will be implemented before mainnet launch (as per their development update posted a few days ago). Their modus operandi is to support various tx types, so Seraphis will be used for bridges/swaps where multi-sig is required, I think they worked with Sarang on the Triptych paper to address the multi-sig issue, because it's active right now, and I looked over "Discreet Core" (their C++ cryptolib) and it's a modified one of the initial PoC that was published.

The reason I'm bullish and decided to bunch a dump of BNB into this is because it's so fucking rare to see a team actually work towards something useful. I think you have a point that 86k tx/s is not gonna mean automatic adoption, but when Discript comes out, with their grants they have talked about, then it's very obviously likely to attract ADA developers that got treated as exit liquidity by IOHK.

If AZERO (which Aurem, their confidential proof of stake protocol) is anything to go off of, fees will be really slow because hotseat comittee + inexpensive hardware to validate blocks = cheap fees while still being manageable for validator node operators.

I'm in, I don't care if it goes nowhere, I'm happy to hear they got the CEX listing, we need more privacy coins regardless, and for once I'm happy in 6 years of browsing /biz/ that there's a coin that's not poopoo. I'm in the testnet group right now, and it's filled with (non-team) developers trying to build shit, so that's a good sign. An earlier thread I read had an API setup that was public-facing and there's talks of independent web/mobile wallets.

Community is good, discussion about a project is good, especially if it can catch the eyeballs of other developers for that ecosystem. Once IOHK goes the way of Enron, that's gonna be... exciting. I will post this every thread out of spite for the anon that wrote it.


>> No.55883915

Can anyone explain if it's only possible to buy dist via importing bnb into metamask? Or could I buy eth via moonbay and then buy dist in metamask with eth?

>> No.55883919
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Because it's fucking holders putting them together now, not poo in the loo fudders.

Buy DIST or suffer when your poor misguided soul inevitably ends up buying Harypottershibainu1000 which crumbles beneath you in 2024, while DIST is 30xing.


You can buy DIST via Metamask BNB/ETH doesn't matter.

>> No.55883921

Yeah I got myself a poorbag. If and when I see this thing trade on the open market I'll go harder.

>> No.55883922



>> No.55883926

Jannies hold DIST just to spite you.

>> No.55883927

I bought around 100 BDIS. What am I in for?

>> No.55883934

>blocks are adjustable size so zero bloat
this is wrong
>sidechain that supports a zk EVM
literally gadget, useless
> better tokenomics because mass inflation ahead
what did he mean by this
> fed proof
ok glad I have your certification
> legitimate use as currency
okay lmao, that really got me

Did I miss anything?

>> No.55883947

>it's so fucking rare to see a team actually work towards something useful
And some niggers were shilling useful, modern projects like Exorde yet biz ignored it entierely (great tech, actual clients, tokenomics good).
Why is this getting attention? Except for jannies proppin it up. There doesn't seem to be any use case, industry demand...

>> No.55883964
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Eternal regret that you're a poorfag who can only afford 100 DIST I suppose, doesn't matter if it's EDIS or BDIS. You still failed at size.