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55875644 No.55875644 [Reply] [Original]

what happens if millions of people stop paying their student debt?

>> No.55875688

Why you even would go into higher education in 2023? Three months of learning JS will provide you with more money than five years in uni.

>> No.55875690

they will garnish the wages of millions of people and tank the credit score of millions of people. Pretty simple

>> No.55875695

>Three months of learning JS will provide you with more money than five years in uni.
why are chuds so disconnected with reality

>> No.55875703

>Three months of learning JS will provide you with more money than five years in uni.
kek maybe three years ago.
now all the js developers are being laid off and replaced with AI.
Better go get a real job, tech fags.

>> No.55875706

just learn JS and lie on your resume about experiance retard, they don't check credentials, and if they do, all you do is apply at another job and get hired to get real experiance.

they don't put you on some sort of blacklist for lieing,

>> No.55875717

Learn ai instead, kek.

>> No.55875719

he's not wrong. just say

"I was building websites from a young age and had to make the choice between making good money or going to college, I chose to make money and gain experience"

and then you add this bullshit cumshot:

"one day I do want to go and get proper computer science education, because I have to work so hard to keep up with the classically schooled"

>> No.55875730

you are living in a different time, there aren't any jobs and jeets took all the low level jobs, you will not get anything without a degree and even then it will take you a while to find a job in this dogshit job market.

>> No.55875745

You don't even need to get a job or lie in resume. You can work on freelance. It's ~50% less money but also ~50% less of headache. And why would you lie on resume if you can just create a 5-10 good projects and that's count as an experience by any HR.

>> No.55875817

student loan payments have been paused for three years so a live experiment in this has been running

>> No.55875825

Absolute cope. How long are you in IT? Probably year at max and you're a codemonkey. Market is thriving and there's plenty of jobs. Yes, shitty jobs for the ones who can't think and can only copy answers from Stack Overflow are took by jeets and that age is over. So what? That was always a dirty work for people with IQ less than hundred. And nearly nobody cares about degree in industry if you're valuable. If people asking you for degree means only that you're on a codemonkey level and they cannot rely on your experience.

>> No.55875838

Codeniggers deserve everything they get.

>> No.55875945

>js developers
>being laid off and replaced with AI
JS developers wasn't repalced and can't be replaced because AI can't do anything aside from simpliest logic. You can't create any anyhow complex algorithm with AI.

Who was replaced - is the codemonkeys. Yes, no more bananas for you.

JS developers are one of the most valuable in the industry, and one of the most high payed. JS is the language with very high demand, maybe with the highest.

>> No.55876152

Millions of people stop paying their student debt

>> No.55876184

They’ll probably use it as a justification to limit your “freedoms” and turn them into “privileges” after that

>> No.55876195

they already haven’t been paying them for several years

>> No.55876200

little lad, I've been working in this Industry for seven years. hiring people for about half of those. it is YOU who is living in
>a different time
(you) are living in a mental prison, a future you have created for yourself made of cope and seethe, any excuse to not do work is good enough for you.

>> No.55876226
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the big banks and communist training facilities need that fucking money and if they have to, they'll repossess your CHILDREN
