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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55871016 No.55871016 [Reply] [Original]

2k a month doesn't even cover rent in a Canada. Forget food, forget car and insurance, forget any other bills or any other to spend on anything. Just rent and 2k is gone already.

>> No.55871025

stop being Canadian

>> No.55871038

>nigger does not know he must live in his car and stack sats with his meager wage


>> No.55871087

kek yeah this country is going downhill fast, I'd probably move back in with my parents if I was renovicted and had to pay market rate rent, can't imagine how fucked it must be for people trying to start their life now. I'm planning to move to a 3rd world country once I get about 600k in investments because I could safely live off $2k/month and it should be pretty comfy living in somewhere like Mexico or Thailand. I'll take 3rd world living and a retirement in my 30s, over buying a house and waging another 20 years. Especially when these motherfuckers started cracking down on WFH, fuck them.

>> No.55871176

don't rent, buy a house outside the city, the cost is 1500$/month and you get an entire house usually 3 bed 2 bath, and you can work from home to get the money

>> No.55871200
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Canada is the first failed state of the West, they don't realize it yet.

>> No.55871236
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Absolutely, I plan on moving to Japan soon myself. Houses in urural areas are dirt cheap, compared to paying $200,000 in America.
Truly, take a second to imagine that. $200,000. I could live frugally for 5-7 years off that, giving up that money just for some McMansion whereas instead I could move to Japan for practically free.

>> No.55871408

Ratehub shows lowest rate at 5.24% for 5 years.
With a 5.24% rate, paying $1500/mo you can get a $275k mortgage. Assuming you save a 20% downpayment that brings your affordability up to 344k.
Cheapest I can find is a 1bedroom/1bath on a tiny parcel of land a 45 minute drive from my work in the middle of nowhere going for 350k.
Thanks but I'll just take an early retirement somewhere else instead.
Japan seems cool but the visa seems like a lot of hurdles, and I feel like people moving there makes it less Japanese and I don't want to be part of the problem.
Once I get my financials in order I intend to spend a year just traveling through a list of potential countries and seeing what living there is like before settling somewhere. Or maybe just stay a tourist forever and just travel every 3 months.