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55869547 No.55869547 [Reply] [Original]

This new team copypasta'd a bridge with their 1000IQ

>> No.55869600

actually the only shitcoin i have that's not bleeding

>> No.55869784

AVI is going strong right now while the market takes a shit. People know when you have a golden ticket. But dumbfucks here still want to FUD it. Enough said.

>> No.55869800

I bought Toad and I got fucking rugged for 10k

>> No.55869809

>Possibly the ONLY dev team in the entire market not blatantly attempting to scam
Wagmi I can feel it bros

>> No.55869825

Toad didn't rug tho
Regardless I am laughing at you for holding a scam

>> No.55869837

Tried to warn ya

>> No.55869845

I lost 5k on that scam.

>> No.55869880
File: 47 KB, 976x850, 1673487620143936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swapped to avi right before the toad shitstorm. What am I in for?

>> No.55869884

Its not to late to buy anon, if you want me to be honest with you the bullflag on the chart takes us 30x on the next leg
Dont be the guy who missed out on the most obvious play in this market in quite a while

>> No.55869898

Actual transparency. If you go to the TG and ask the devs in there about any transaction in the project wallets, you will get a straight answer.

>> No.55869927

Yeah, I'll probably swap to AVI soon desu

>> No.55869993

You sound like paid shills. How do we know you’re not?

>> No.55870061

I've been in both threads that went to bump limit, and the first shill threads, and not once did I get that vibe.
Maybe you've never experienced a comfy hold yet
Avi just has that vibe my dude

>> No.55870076
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whats a make it stack?
i almost have my bags filled but i want this shit to dump again just one more time.

also, did anyone vote in the new burn proposal?

>> No.55870142

Like I said, go in the TG and ask. They will tell you exactly which shills they paid for. I'm just trying to help biz because a long time ago biz helped me.

>> No.55870402

paid shills would be more aggressive and there would be 5 bot comments for each one of them. avi actually has organic discussion at this point in time which means we're early

>> No.55870436
File: 62 KB, 604x590, 1688703640825384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avi is 100% jeet through and through. Notice they paid jeet shills for their jeet scam, you can tell because jeets always try to shill by talking about cocks because jeets are faggot cocksuckers.

>> No.55870475
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>actually the only shitcoin i have that's not bleeding
>down 53 percent from ath
>not bleeding
shut the fuck up shill nigger

>> No.55870502

Up 8x from when I first shilled it.
Stay poor.

>> No.55870556
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>Up 8x from when I first shilled it.

Yes. We know you've profited from your pump and dump scam Ramesh

Totally organic scam thread you have going on here

>> No.55870690

Why is your “team of 18” even worried about toad? The big wig shib nigs aren’t even thinking about this gay ass piece of digital dogshit.

>> No.55870741

are you the same retard that posted about a group loading up on avi? if so this is cringe behaviour from you

>> No.55870744

its somewhat relevant on biz, easy to make fun of, and also has some form of shib narrative going on.
i doubt the avi team cares much, but its getting annoying how talks about one usually means the other will get brought up without fail now

>> No.55872191

What’s more annoying is the 3 same people that keep calling it a “jeet scam” in every AVI thread. It’s probably salty toad baggies and honestly it’s one of the funniest rivalries I’ve seen in awhile. They probably own some AVI but not enough to make it when it moons. It’s alright, anyone can see that their posts offer nothing of substance, it seems desperate at this point.

>> No.55872208

Comfy hold. Only thing keeping me up right now despite the huge market crash, and devs are very straightforward in the tg. Praying to God we reach a quarter because I'll be set. The jeet accusations are annoying, but WAGMI bros

>> No.55872267

>It’s probably salty toad baggies
>They probably own some AVI
likely true
i was swinging between toad and avi myself for a while and made decent profit, but i saw a few others do the same, get absolutely assfucked, and start having complete meltdowns.
i was retarded enough to still be holding a big toad bag through the crash so i got a taste of their insanity, and i cant even blame them for being mindbroken after that

>> No.55872276

I can’t even imagine a quarter let alone 1 cent with as much as I have. This is the first one I got in early and it’s going nuclear soon.

>> No.55872288

Right? I've really had to actively try and temper my expectations in case things don't go well, but the more I learn about the team the more confident I feel. This team + good product + a bull run would be the ultimate (good) storm for my bank account

>> No.55872372
File: 361 KB, 961x720, Picsart_23-08-17_23-13-53-193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret is selling TOAD at 3m

>> No.55872400

how can you buy aviator on MetaMask

>> No.55872414

Or just the best way to buy on phone in general

>> No.55872508

Don't you just press the swap button, choose eth then choose avi in the second column. Decrease the slippage to 1% and violà or at least that's how I remember doing it.