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55868853 No.55868853 [Reply] [Original]

I owe $3000 to a debt collector for breaking my apartment lease early. My landlord didn't even communicate and sold it after accidentally deleting it. How do you deal with debt collectors to avoid paying and avoid having it ruin your credit? Can I just buy a house in full cash with this on my report or is that a no go?

>> No.55868995

>Ahhhhhh jeez dood, $3000?????
>l hurt my leg bro! They got me on these pills!

>> No.55869091

Based vnderstander

>> No.55869108

>accidentally deleting the house some dumb frog posting rentie lives in
based lord

>> No.55869128

Unironically follow the advice in this video


>> No.55869144

>I owe $3000 to a debt collector
lol no you dont

>> No.55869388

Based. My friends said I could get into legal trouble for saying such which is why I wasn't sure if I could just lie about being injured and unable to pay.
Thanks anon I'll be watching this thoroughly.
Ah yes a simple "I don't owe this. You got the wrong person" and gaslighting them into thinking I don't owe it.

>> No.55869477

Your friend sounds like a beta faggot who likes living in the rat race. There are literally no consequences for not paying them.

>> No.55869534

Well the only issues is I won't be able to rent again to a landchad or get a car on debt but I figured I could just pay cash. Or just live with mom and dad for 7 years while it falls off.

>> No.55870084

Had this happen with like 60 dollars worth of state taxes that some debt collector bought. I guess they waited til it got up to over a 1000 dollars because of interest or something before they decided to call me about it. I laughed at them and told them I didnt owe them shit. and then you just dont pay. every time they call you they start asking a bunch of questions right off the bat. cut through the bullshit, repeatedly ask who they are until they say what organization they represent, then you promptly hang up on them. They stopped calling me pretty quick. Its really easy, its so easy you practically do nothing. The moment you stop worrying about shit like that and start laughing at it, life instantly becomes more fun.

>> No.55870114

Sounds like it would have been easier to change your number

>> No.55870152

I owe 8grand to myself plz gibs.

>> No.55870208

Not gonna happen. I have jeet telemarketers that call me like 30 times a day. Its been going on for like 3 years now, at first I was like wtf, and then I got angry, and then it got funny, and then it made me mad again, now I just ignore it. most of the time. Every now and then I'll fuck with one of the telemarketers to show them I still got it. But one of these days... Im going to make a youtube channel of me fucking with telemarketers, and Im going to normalize antagonizing telemarketers and take down the whole nation of india single handedly. the day india got online was a worse day than 9/11. But Im going to fix this bros I swear it. If I had a third of the recordings of me fucking with them I would be a very very rich man. sometimes at work I'll randomly fuck with one infront of my coworkers for epic lulz. I've said some of the most belligerent, outlandish, racist, offensive shit I can say to these people and their automated system keeps calling me. I think I'm just permanently in their system. As much as I'd like to stop getting these calls, I think I'm gonna stick this one out

>> No.55870274

Kek I was coming in this thread to post that video. This is the way

>> No.55870284

Its hilarious you gotta see it, the jeet motherfucker says in his thick indian accent, "Hello, my name is patrick with senior benefits how are you doing today?" and I'm all like, "Your names not really Patrick and I'm not really 69 you stupid street shitter" and then they hang up. sometimes they yell and cuss at me if I keep them on the line for a long time with my old man act. I think I broke a tv service sailsman the other day. normally they hang up when I start talking shit but this one just sat there and took it. he asked me what streaming service I had and I told him the one that lets me watch his mom naked. I was like, watch that shit every night my guy, that is some TOP NOTCH entertainment. you should watch it too. you might see your dad you fucking faggot and I hung up. normally it says "you have been kicked from the conference" if they hang up on me but this one was just silence. Im proud of that one. I think he probably took his headset off for a minute after I got through with him

>> No.55870305

Is this pasta?

>> No.55870309

They gave it to a debt collector because they knew you weren't gonna pay. They paid pennies on the dollar hoping you'll answer them.

>> No.55870326

Sounds like it would have taken less time to change your number than it would to write out half a novel worth of shit i'm not going to read

>> No.55870329

no lol its all original. typed up with my own 2 hands just now.

>> No.55870340

your loss

>> No.55870439

when does Pakistan finally nuke India

>> No.55870506

Harsh. I wish they had talked to me but they made no attempt and just sold it. I'll just do the Sam Hyde act and hope I can just get a cheap payment plan while I get raises over the years to eventually pay it off.

>> No.55870521

>I'll just do the Sam Hyde act and hope I can just get a cheap payment plan while I get raises over the years to eventually pay it off

Fuck that. They already destroyed your credit

>> No.55870577

Just tell them that you will pay them like $5 so they STFU, then sort it out in a couple years with the credit reporting agency.

Or pay it in full if you can afford it.

>> No.55870600
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Don't pay him shit, in fact, take that money and drop it into POND or some funny shit KEK

>> No.55870601

Remember that a debt collector is just a lowlife piece of shit who buys debt for pennies on the dollar hoping to make money on it by annoying the fuck out of people. You don't owe them a goddam thing.

>> No.55870614

He should definitely not follow this advice kek

>> No.55870617

He can always pay some homeless retard to beat the living fuck off of the tax collector

>> No.55870620

my fucking sides

>> No.55870624

>Buy my bags
Verification not needed

>> No.55870723

Damn. I don't think it's on my report yet but maybe it's not updated. But I also doubt they'd be courteous and let me pay before posting it on my credit report.

My friend did say he'd house me as long as we don't report to the IRS and I pay $500 cash a month for a room at his sick house. Then I'd tell the debt collectors I'm homeless