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File: 60 KB, 1037x656, xrpdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55867991 No.55867991 [Reply] [Original]

A new generation of bagholders was born

>> No.55868037

I think its actually over. Ive held for literally years and have NEVER been this demoralized. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I think my life is over.

>> No.55868054


>> No.55868078
File: 108 KB, 1000x562, JedMcDonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thats a good thing, garlicbread needs more paypigs!
Donut buy donut, its a scam!

>> No.55868098

XRP's true value is around 36 cents, and with only around half XRP's supply in circulation, it will stay around that price until inevitably all of crypto becomes obsolete.

>> No.55868365

you were warned about the jews a million times on 4chan but you chose to help them by investing in their scam. hope you get rekt faggot.

>> No.55868426

Go to the XRP general and roleplay as mentally ill, that's what your fellow baggies do to cope.

>> No.55868675
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i've never been so happy with getting out of crypto, jesus fucking christus wtf is this shit

>> No.55868699

are you retarded?
xrp replaces every jewish financial middleman with an open trustless permissionless ledger which anyone can open up a wallet and get complete access to every tool a bank has now
you really think jews want to give up every single position of power in the financial system and give every single tool they use away for free?
why do you think the SEC is fighting so hard against it you stupid mongoloid

>> No.55868736

the only retard here is you disgusting subhuman.
the main coder of XRP is a giga jew called david schwartz who confessed to be a glowie working for NSA on bitcoin forum.
kill yourself immediately hook nosed rat.

>> No.55868784

rsibros? give me some hopium.

>> No.55868812

lmao if you understood politics you'd wonder why the cia and media went so hard after the NSA (military intelligence) through snowden an actual glowie faggot who only released info that hurt the NSA and no other 3 letter agency
(it's because the kikes don't have control over it)

>> No.55868922
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>if you understood politics
yeah you sure understand it retarded gullible faggot

>> No.55868960

yeah trump is a jewish kike shill who did nothing for 4 years
what does that have to do with what I mentioned
what are your alternatives you invest in? you a cia fork bitcoin maxxi? what's your alternative offered and maybe explain why jews want to replace themselves as financial middlemen with something that factually has no controlling party?

>> No.55869031

this low IQ swine gives stupidity a whole new meaning.

>> No.55869053

no argument again it looks like
I accent your concession

>> No.55869080

you are already broke after many of bag holding for jews. hope you become homeless and kill yourself under a bridge in a cold winter night. that is the fate of traitors.

>> No.55869114

what bags do you hold retard nigger
it isn't the one that's going to replace every jewish financial institution we know that much

>> No.55869138

There are good Jews and neutral Jews

>> No.55869161

XRP holders were shown by stanford to be the richest and highest educated along with cardano of all things, kek.

>> No.55869187

>jewish institute
>shows dumbest motherfuckers on earth who give their life savings to a jewish scam as the smartest

>> No.55869236
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where are you now you smug faggot? show your face retard, get fucked

>> No.55869284

6 posts, 6 deflections. le cringe!

>> No.55869320

lmao hope he killed himself by now

>> No.55869670
File: 255 KB, 720x1600, 1691653439977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got completely liquidated bros lost 10,000$ aud I don't feel so good..

>> No.55870396

Go hump a kangaroo you Vegemite eating faggot.

>> No.55870442

dang this kike literally won't give a counter he just keeps on going

>> No.55870522

>believed leftist hysteria that Trump was literally Hitler
>butthurt that it wasn't true

>> No.55870745

We won! Duuummp. Ha ha ha. This is the most demoralizing chart I've ever seen in crypto.

>> No.55870763


>> No.55870779

The cope, the sheeeeer copper of it all
Stop wasting your money ona. Dead coin, buddy

>> No.55870848

>(it's because the kikes don't have control over it)
I might be holding on to my xrps, but im not this retarded

>> No.55870986

whales are accumulating

>> No.55871419


>> No.55871430

XRP/BTC never even reached 2022 highs, this shitcoin is dead.

>> No.55871461

xrp is literally centralized they use proof of trust or some shit equally as stupid

>> No.55871701


when tether dies, it all dies. and i will laugh

>> No.55871714

my brother, today i was struck by literal brain lasers being projected either by my internet router using my phone as a WiFi signal booster, or the 5G tower down the block. i experienced this as a ringing sound in my ear and a sudden disorientation and inability to focus, followed by an intense desire to lay down and close my eyes

>> No.55871774

unironitally, that's what the big ass dumps are. ripple selling with institutions buying.

>> No.55871845


>> No.55871901

Elon caused this by selling all the Bitcoin. Has nothing to do with XRP at all.

If you think about it Elon selling all the Bitcoin is bullish for XRP.

>> No.55871903

shut the fuck up you dumb retard XRP literally dumped below SEC levels

>> No.55871909
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>> No.55871915

Sorry, all the embarrassing shitcoins have to dump to keep btc stable.
Please understand

>> No.55871923


>> No.55871981

XRP fags will still tell you this is a good investment after six years of shitty price action, kek. ANY DAY NOW, BAGGIES

>> No.55871995

>Has nothing to do with XRP at all.

kek so why does it dump the hardest

>> No.55872006

>under 50c again
Wow, all that hype of banks waiting for muh clarity evaporated.
No one is waiting, no one is coming.

>> No.55872025

i slurp up all the blood and gore off these degenerate streets, call me the gutter rat

>> No.55872136

It has financial apps and is actually decentralized, especially if the lido problem gets solved

>> No.55872522

yeah the financial institutions are going to pay $15 fees to move money around

>> No.55872773

The fees really are insidious. People with money think the fees are not a problem but for the average user it makes transactions inconvenient.

>> No.55873123

They will make their own centralized eth l2 that has 0 fees. Xrp baggies so behind they still think eth fees matter

>> No.55873152

Calling everyone "stupid mongoloid" while being 100% in RIPple.
Thanks for being so gullible, goyim.

>> No.55873169

>he doesnt know what XRP is planning on doing

holy newfag

>> No.55873276

Buy signal

>> No.55873363

Newfag life cant be over. We just need to have a better understanding of the market. Sold mine when it pumped 70% after the court verdict to get some Flifs and Seekers which are assets in the Futurverse partnering with XRPL.

>> No.55873391

>tfw didn't sell at $0.90 because I thought Ripple was gonna go well above $1 or even $10

>> No.55873418
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>mfw only managed to sell 5k above 85c because price was only up there for half a day
was planning to cash out 25k up there but it never went back up, so fucking trash. fuck this fucking giga manipulated price action

>> No.55873959
File: 107 KB, 856x829, XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did XRP drop so much more than everything else?

>> No.55873999

really makes you think

>> No.55874419


>> No.55875154

I'm also accumulating XRP alongside RIO, NXRA and AZERO because I know that this will be the last price dump before the pump

>> No.55875387

the cripplefag cope is almost palpable here, LMAO 100% pump retrace within a couple of weeks. Some legal clarity you've got there, baggies

>> No.55875398

kys jeet

>> No.55875480

You got it wrong when you listened to the Jews, I'm good at following my instinct and now GLW and Floki are on my mind.

>> No.55875618
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No QANX? Ngmi. Don't see anytime better than now for everyone to load their bags before the private blockchain launch.

>> No.55875666

You have a nice list of alts especially seeing NXRA in it, its DEX will be a game changer in DeFi

>> No.55875687
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I'd prefer to earn more while having fun as Galactic war games has become the biggest FPS NFTs game with AAA-Standard based on Unreal Engine 5

>> No.55875694
File: 64 KB, 414x662, E0ED4635-4309-4876-BB2D-067E3D141420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55875713

Nice picks anon, I'm bagging NXRA and pushing positively towards GLW now that it's been launched on MEXC.

>> No.55875784

Do you even understand how Ripple works? Did you read the whitepaper?

>> No.55876178

this is a top notch cope lmao, cripples are really delusional

>> No.55876261

Because it is intentionally being attacked by the same powers that are attacking Trump and destroying the USA while lining their pockets with Chinese laundered money.

>> No.55876272

Thats a Bingo.

>> No.55876280

you must be retarded to think that it has something to do with politics. XRP is just a crap coin and you are all stupid for buying it lmao

>> No.55876319
File: 98 KB, 1218x619, 197775113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you have to invest in the superior X token

>> No.55876329

ay lmaooo i'm about to die from laughter

>> No.55876470

Don't give up

>> No.55876724

Do a flip, faggot.

>> No.55878016

another retard with vague non-arguments cause he's too stupid to formulate any real retort
what's in the white paper that concerns you, monkey? it's clear you haven't read it nor do you understand anything about the xrp ledger cause the xrpl is not called ripple

>> No.55878545

Well it sucks to be a baggie anon. Moving in on alts with innovation are based and I'm slurping the tokenized Tesla's from Eloop which enables holders earn from daily revenue.

>> No.55878871

Same thing happens to me when I land on my opponent's Water Works. Rub some dirt on it and get back in the game.