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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 848x1280, 35CA1B3C-699C-4630-8060-57BF9B845CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55863547 No.55863547 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do people like this spend per month?

>> No.55863556

Look like tow trust fund babies that have never worked a day in their life

>> No.55863585


>> No.55863598

You'd be surprised how many of these idiots go bankrupt. Not earning your money has the effect of making you a total financial noob.

>> No.55863601

Probably $20k+ plus a month of their parents money. They live lives of leisure and do whatever they want

>> No.55863605

how can i look like this?

>> No.55863613
File: 86 KB, 639x722, 1691456717765769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I looked like that guy

>> No.55863623

what a med chad dang

>> No.55863625

I imagine she spends $0.00 of her own money

>> No.55863630

is this hayden christensen?

>> No.55863649

also why is this guy is a fucking greek god but this bitch is just average white woman just with expensive make up. why rich young boys always look like their faces were sculpted by the god himself, while rich bitches are just like meh?

>> No.55863713

they look like brits to me
you know, those types who sell houses
one tier above but not rich tier

>> No.55863731

Look at the license plates in the background. They're not British (UK has yellow rear plates) but they are definitely European. I'm guessing French since both of the cars in the background look like Citroens or Renaults.

>> No.55863743

the guy looks german or maybe dutch

>> No.55863749

nothing they are wearing is above what middle class can afford. also hes much better looking than her. dump- that- bitch-

>> No.55863762

this, but the girl

>> No.55863895

they could be in france on a vacation but i'm doubtful they'd be french. neither of them looks close genetically (dude: skull shape, eyes, overall body proportions. girl: undereyes, nose). i'll grant you there's enough mutts to make the definition of french shaky, but the fashion doesn't check out either. dark polo shirt + dark shorts + white running shoes is typically an anglo thing. likewise with that kind of collared top + high waisted pants and especially the earrings on the girl
i wrote this before checking then did a reverse image search. looks like they're dutch. so we were both wrong and >>55863743 landed it

>> No.55863913

Anakin and Padme?

>> No.55863937


>> No.55864006
File: 34 KB, 400x245, main-qimg-610a406076b916b3a4d772b6a8c8bcbf-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't spend it all, i got the high ground

>> No.55864062

they make me think of my brother and his gf. all included they make together after tax something like 100k

>> No.55864160

>ITT people who don't recognize Italians.

>> No.55864226

Since he has a roastie with him I'd say he spends everything.

>> No.55864478

poorfags detected.

>> No.55864553

He probably only spends about $800 a month. You just KNOW shes dropping $30k a month on stupid shit though. Every rich man ive known has been extremely frugal but the females act like it just comes from nowhere.

>> No.55864660

Probably like $1000 on avocado toasts alone.

>> No.55864693

you'd be surprised how far some juicing and a tan can go

>> No.55864820

This, you can tell from the background they’re in Italy or some med country. The girls dress and hairstyle looks very Italian as well

>> No.55864833

I was going to guess right around $18k/mo total expenses. That's right around the cap for frivolous retard spending without going full nightclub degen.

>> No.55864839

Easy come easy go my friend

>> No.55864864
File: 77 KB, 854x854, 79D03805-F86A-487C-8670-0A72D51E0F0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do Italian DYEL manlets still pull better girls than that guy effortlessly

>> No.55864871

this girl flexes her ass on Instagram in a funny fashion. can't remember her name, but my wife like her videos. she has a labradoodle I think. dutch indeed

>> No.55865376

Why do they always carry water? Nigga, you're not going to die if you don't sip on water every 15 minutes.

>> No.55865404

it's because you're gay

>> No.55865424

She pays her way

>> No.55865663

Knowing how to dress and doing a minimum of upper body workouts will go a long way.

>> No.55865664

no curves, rejected

>> No.55865731

Most people get married. It's just they marry within their league and within their socioeconomic class. Most of /biz are uggos with shit jobs who think they deserve a 10/10

>> No.55865890

The guy looks like a soft fag, maybe that's why you like him

>> No.55865911

The guy in OP dresses like a fucking slob and he still looks good.

>> No.55865972

italian guys are funny and notoriously horny they gain swagger through practice

>> No.55866615

they're not depressed as much
live laugh love faggots
attracts soulless roasties

>> No.55866799

It has nothing to do with them being better or anything. It’s two very simple reasons:
>1. There are pretty women to go around in places like Italy.
>2. It’s legal to flirt with women in Italy and they have a much less neurotic rule following cuck culture.

If you have never traveled you don’t understand what a torture chamber anglo shitholes are for men.