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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55863328 No.55863328 [Reply] [Original]

Linkbros.... what were we thinking?

>> No.55863345

Pretty comfy fully staked. Busy with my own life. What about you?

>> No.55863373

sounds like some grad A copium u been huffin. might wanna share some with your fellow link marine brethren :}

>> No.55863387

Why are you not filled with the most bitter regrets for not selling at $40 like the rest of us?

>> No.55863401

I knew this comment was going to get instant seethe.

>> No.55863432

newfags like you bought at around $20, he bought at 20 cents. that's the difference

>> No.55863460

that makes his painful regret and shame oh so much worse :}

>> No.55863505

>fuddies begin seething uncontrollably because they cant imagine a situation in which they actually bought low
>their only argument is that everyone else they speak to must have bought high as well

>> No.55863519

buying low means nothing when u dont sell and the worthless coin dumps back to near zero :}

>> No.55863528

Makes sense, the only people who should feel bad about buying link are people who bought above 20 cents.

>> No.55863531
File: 44 KB, 680x865, 1627661382977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this garbage have a MC of 3.6 billion dollars?

You fuckers have so much lower to go, it's not even funny.

>> No.55863820

my comment triggered more seethe and the kekfuddie just gives itself away
"almost zero" = up 50x up from buy in apparently
sounds a lot more like something that someone would say if they went all in at $50 and had to sell at a loss later desu

>> No.55864203

These type of comments confirm to me that its gonna dump to $1-$2 to shake you faggots out. Screencap this

>> No.55864477

Insane cope. You lost millions because youre in a cult

>> No.55864505

You can tell how bad it hurts you though. If you truly didnt care you wouldnt be here running throught control. Its bothering you immensely, rightfully so. Nevertheless a good learning experience on way you dont get emotional about investments.

>> No.55864532

Oh the irony

>> No.55864548

oh the irony

>> No.55864575

oh the irony :}

>> No.55864612

>crabbing for 2 years
>somehow this has to surprise me

>> No.55864641

You honestly think anyone will sell if they have been holding for 6 years?

>> No.55865610

irony, oh the

>> No.55865641


>> No.55865657


$4 bill


>> No.55865671

>You can tell how bad it hurts you though. If you truly didnt care you wouldnt be here running throught control.
holy projection my brown little friend
i just find it funny to drop in and antagonize third worlders that I know will always be here seething all day every day because this is the only way they can earn a wage while i cashed out a tiny portion of my stack so that i could sit on my ass making more music for the next 8 years regardless
meanwhile sitting on biz angrily making shit up is your life. you got nothing on any og holders lmao

>> No.55865687

Oh no if that happens I'll definitely sell!
Oh wait, I can't! It's all staked!

>> No.55865710

>i'm l-livin the dream j-just makin music bro
lol it's probably trash :} just like the investment known as chainlink

>> No.55865735

> :}

>> No.55865755

I use it because it triggers you stinkies :} which is exactly what you deserve. to be triggered, night and day.

>> No.55865757

lol idiot, they're all locked in and if it gets cheaper, more will be bought. There's literally nothing you can do about it but seethepost.

>> No.55865781


>maxed out staking for my wallet
>earned four months of rent for free
>been grinding and setting up the paperwork to start my own business in the mean time
I'm gonna be so fucking set for life. I can't wait.

>> No.55865807

must be pretty cheap rent, stinkie :}
enjoy the popsicle stand business. i hope it does well :}

>> No.55865819

It's mainly cheap because I live in the hood, but all you have to do is hand out a free cig every now and then, and they don't really fuck with you.
>popsicle stand
You joke, but I'm entering the security sector out here and it's a fucking gold mine.

>> No.55865853

>an investment which allowed me to follow whatever i want for almost an entire decade while i wait for the rest of it to free you from wageslaving forever is bad
wow bro i definitely got scammed, just 2 more weeks till it goes to 0 - sold my entire stack!
and yeah my music isn't as great as the artists i admire but im kind of new at it relatively speaking so ill get there if i keep putting the time in
do YOU do anything with your life besides spending it all fudding on a dead finance board? id bet that i could go run some errands and come back and youd still be here glued to your screen in a few hours lmao

>> No.55865875

to free me forever*

>> No.55865889

Ahh fuck em anon. If you're financially secure, keeping yourself busy with work and also have the time to pursue an interest, I'd say you're doing fine.

>> No.55865947

yeah i know
i just come back to see what anons are discussing every now and then and the only constant are these angry fud assclowns so might as well remind em of what they are lol
hope youre doing well for yourself too, friend

>> No.55867497

Nobody on /biz is “busy” with life

>> No.55867565

Well at 50 cents I was just desperate
It's worked out pretty good