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5586128 No.5586128 [Reply] [Original]

Hey team..

So i put my KCS in my MEW wallet and well im trying to send it to KuCoin incase I want to sell later but its saying for me to send 600 KCS ill have to pay $200 in GAS fees? ..wtf ? Please tell me im doing something wrong..

>> No.5586196
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you might wanna look up what ETH is, and wat and ETH tokens are, and how magnets fucking work and shit. Just an idea.

>> No.5586244

>ERC20 tokens.
lmao not even once.

>> No.5586294

did i fuck up? will i really have to pay this? :( fuck ill lose more than i made ..

>> No.5586816

can anyone help this all the money i have in crypto ..please

>> No.5586998

No one is gonna help a name fag

>> No.5587006

for fucks sake: you need ETH on your wallet to pay for the transaction fee. Got it? First read, READ FOR FUCKS SAKE, on how you can do this, and lower the fucking gas price, so it wont cost much at all. Still, you need to transfer some ETH to your wallet. Got it?

>> No.5587017

Why are you using so much gas?
When sending you need like 50k

>> No.5587166

I know how to withdraw tokens from MEW and i have $10 always to transfer.. but when i try to send it automatically sets the gas at 700k and says I have to pay $200


When I click "Generate Transaction" it automatically sets the GAS LIMIt and GAS PRICE..really high..

Any other coin its normal fees like $2 - $3

btw i really appreciate the help im sorry i suck :( im learning!

>> No.5587282

Well two things
Lower your gwei, you don't need it that high.
You can check this site for the current prices for a reasonable transaction time.

Right now all you need is 4 gwei.
Second, just change the gas limit to 50k

>> No.5587336

Also make sure you have the exact address the exchange requests you to send it to.

>> No.5587469

Check out this estimator