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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55858211 No.55858211 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>How To Buy Bed Bath & Beyond Stock 2023 (BBBY vs BBBYQ)
don't do this

>Recent Findings
>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders
baggie delusions
>The BLIND bid IPO
baggie delusions
>311 million shares × 3 = THE END
baggie delusions
>Teddy Update
baggie delusions
>Lambos Or Food Stamps
baggie delusions
>Very Specific Mentioning Of A Sale Of BuyBuyBaby In Docket 345
baggie delusions
>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming
baggie delusions
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
baggie delusions
>Potential Bidders: Ryan Cohen
baggie delusions

>> No.55858237

>he baked
kek dumbfuck bake baggies

>> No.55858281

threadbaggies where we at

>> No.55858314

Where my bagbaggies?

>> No.55858334

Lol, PP has switched to just GME and says he doesn’t want to talk about bbby anymore

>> No.55858360

Show the proofs you oxygenbaggie

>> No.55858390

I thought there would be a meltdown when (not if) they finalize the liquidation and announce no compensation for the holders, but to think that it would be the sight of their own DD writer that would finally make them snap. Looks like BBBY is still full of surprises.

>> No.55858408

The worm has officially turned lmfao
Im dying this has been the best wasted day on 4chinz in years

>> No.55858422
File: 41 KB, 759x342, OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dios mio

>> No.55858481
File: 73 KB, 650x450, rick-grimes-walking-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say, you wither die a shill or live long enough to become the baggie.
Choose your cope to be prepared for the big day, three sleeps until 8/19
>I knew it was a gamble, I didn't need the money
>I had a $0.045 average, so I still made a _x
>here is how BBBYQ can still win
>we would have won if not for crime/judge/hedgies
>I'm joining the class action suit against Ryan Cohen/PPseeds to get my money back
>the shares have a par value of $0.01, so I technically didn't lose everything
>at least the bondholders didn't get anything either
>I can write the loss off on my taxes, NOL ftw (why didn't anyone want to pay billions for these?)
>filtered, thanks
>actually YOU'RE the baggie!
Finally, kek PridefulAnon

>> No.55858523

I thought overstock took over

>> No.55858587

Overstock brought the IP (brand, mailing list) for 21 million
BBBYQ is the bankrupt shell formerly known as Bed Bath and Beyond.

>> No.55858590
File: 149 KB, 1200x675, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Threadbaggies,
My name is BBBaggie, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fatbaggie, retardedbaggie, no-lifebaggies who spend every second of their day lookbagging at stupid ass BBBY threads. You are everything badgie in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any MOASS? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of indian DD apes in court because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerkbagging off to pictures of the $BBBYQ 12 months stock chart.
Don't be a strangerbaggie. Just hit me with your best DD. I'm pretty much WAGMI. I am mod of the PP Show reddit, head beggar for Pulte's twitter giveaways, and currently hiding under Carl Icahn's floorboards. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to redditor-submitted court dockets"? I also get straight upvotes, and have a banging hot senpai (He just pumped and dumped me; Shit was SO bag). You are all shillies who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for being listeningbaggies.
Pic Related: It's me and my Senpai

>> No.55858608


>> No.55858614
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>He just pumped and dumped me; Shit was SO bag

>> No.55858629

holy fuck lol

where's my boy pyjCnA8f at???

>> No.55858741

He kysd himself

>> No.55858770

Hilarious how fast they fill threads to split. Definitely just a coincidence the 40pbtID spamming stopped once they made their own thread

>> No.55858797

Anyway, that was a bizarre thread. Some highlights for the latecomers:

>baggot finds RC guilty of market manipulation because he was NOT holding BBBY after publicly selling all his shares

>reddit's top DD writer reveals himself to the world; turns out to be a retarded pajeet

>baggot finally snaps

>> No.55858830

>reddit's top DD writer reveals himself to the world; turns out to be a retarded pajeet
Forgetting the top 2 DD writer >>55858422

>> No.55858834
File: 336 KB, 468x320, loses their minds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k somehow goes full schizo mode and he gets his own thread. Baggie goes full schizo mode and pretends to be a Korean anti-imperialist propogandist and everyone loses their minds.

>> No.55858964
File: 996 KB, 1745x4468, EpicApeMeltdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won...

>> No.55859008

kek how much time was spent making that collage

>> No.55859029

Hi Daniel, cute scrapbook

>> No.55859036

You are an inorganic poster and you should kys yourself but I will allow your post because my posts are in the collage.

>> No.55859064
File: 1.26 MB, 1752x5377, EpicApeMeltdown2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 15-20 minutes probably
nice try
what's more organic and right at home than going on 4chan to make fun of other users?

Here's another one with an epilogue
Godspeed apes, I will see you tomorrow :)

>> No.55859076

>what's more organic and right at home than going on 4chan to make fun of other users?
Knowing that fact doesn't hide your outsider status one but.
>he doesn't know

>> No.55859145
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The last two threads have actually made me feel bad. I genuinely hope that guy is okay. It's just money at the end of the day.

>> No.55859177

Hey honkey - I’m still here. That’s not my thread.

>> No.55859179
File: 236 KB, 1148x1176, 1679414271508905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills tongue my anus, fudders cope. Kek fudbaggies. Kek shorties. Kek kekkies. French my grundle after leg day.

>> No.55859189

Beautiful. Post this in every thread please.

>> No.55859200

Holy fuck lol

>> No.55859325

I just want to say, the OP is a work of art. Well done.

>> No.55859344

KEK. Jake2b is our boy, docket autist anon, from these very threads.

>> No.55859352

>#2 DD guy can't even use the search function properly
The absolute state.

>> No.55859370

And don’t forget that the face of the bbby investors, Kais, is begging for money to support his family.

>> No.55859425

Pretty awesome the witness the evening that baggies finally realized this whole play was a big pump and dump scam.

>> No.55859497
File: 152 KB, 379x376, IMG_2754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn only points shills can argue are emotionally driven nonsense. Watching these threads it appears that the shills follow the specifics more than holders hmmmm, the specifics that don’t really change the fact that prime brokers are about to be liquidated if their not backstopped by the fed once they start buying my shares after RC/Icahn step in. They are creating a short reality tv dynamic to convince outsiders we are nuts and to convince as many as they can to sell. It’s so painfully obvious given the events of the last 3 years that WAGMI.

>> No.55859531

>saving memes on your iPhone

>> No.55859548

Folks maybe if we just start drinking our own cum, it will recycle our cosmic life energy back into our bodies and give us the ability to manifest a pump on BBBY.

>> No.55859718

Between Neelay and Jake I am convinced that BBBYQ enjoyers are unironically mentally deficient.

>> No.55860398

I'm ruined

>> No.55860490

I believe “they are/they’re” or “their” would work here. Good catch though, as I think they’re would be more fluid.

>> No.55860561

Hey frens I’ve been out of the loop for a couple weeks, can I get a QRD of the current status? Is Ryan still planning on doing a reverse triple axle merger?

>> No.55860593

If Larry’s out , I’m out

That is literally rc mouth piece saying they are not involved

GameStop is down a lot, get your bbby bags and out it into gme to get your money back for when teddy happens

>> No.55860608

You forgot that all the Reddit figureheads are secretly shills planted to make baggies, sorry APES, look bad.

>> No.55860867

>Is Ryan still planning on doing a reverse triple axle merge
That's the only baggie cope left I think

>> No.55860871

so true, bestie

>> No.55861069

I'm still waiting, by the way. Surely there is 1 (one) vidya in this world that is more fun than these threads. Remember: I will be gone for a while if you deliver, which means that threadbaggies will be down one man and it will be much easier for the true believers to help RC destroy the hedgies and trigger the MOASS. It is in your own best financial interest to suggest something. Also, keep in mind that at least one of your fellow baggots automatically filters posts such as mine, and thus squanders this golden opportunity to save your BBBags. He is NOT a team player, and is not to be trusted. If this post goes without a satisfactory reply, then you know who to blame.

>> No.55861121


Real thread up, let the downies have this one to talk to themselves in

>> No.55861529

His meltdown is caused by his inability to accept or even consider the possibility of him being wrong. Best thing that could happen to him is a complete ego death. What's currently inside his head isn't worth helping.

>> No.55862331


>> No.55862443

kek dumbfuck narrative controllies threadbumpies

>> No.55862808
File: 619 KB, 1440x1168, IMG_8763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Farts in your split thread*

>> No.55862880

>my bbbyq is going to zero
>my dollar is going to zero
I’ve never felt emotional about my dollar in my bank. Why should I be suddenly convinced to be emotional about bbbyq now?

>> No.55863603

Kek dead shill thread

>> No.55863934
File: 267 KB, 1080x2340, IMG_8945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill sisters not like this

>> No.55865821
