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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 590x475, DISCREEET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55857526 No.55857526 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a drill. Discreet is actually launching.
It's selling a final run of 2 million coins, burning 12M coins, meaning starting circ. supply will be 12,873,000.

>deals with 3 top 10 CEXs for mainnet launch
>launches in Q4 2023, most likely listings in Q1 2024
>10% airdrop on all buys from now on

Are we finally gonna make it distbros?



>> No.55857539


some dude just bought 35000 DIST (17.5k USD) worth right as this got announced, fuck he must be happy.

>> No.55857575

Holy shit, my puny 850 doesnt even stack up anywhere close

am I a stacklet?
should I have used eth? I heard it's cheaper

>> No.55857587

Thanks for the tip, unironically

>> No.55857591

Yeah, it's called an insider who is planning to dump on you. My god, what happened to biz? Is this what it's devolved into?

>> No.55857640

So you think an insider bought 17.5k worth of DIST?

>> No.55857656

>buy now so we can dilute your buy later

>> No.55857678
File: 52 KB, 657x718, 1690231445600668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has no idea how an airdrop works
uhhhh is your IQ like normal?

>> No.55857699

Whats a make-it stack of Discreet? Been reading up on it the entire day

>> No.55857813

So cutoff is
1:00 PM, Aug 17 (EDT)

>> No.55857907


>> No.55857949


Basically now until they end it (Q4). So there's 10% extra on everything.

>> No.55858179

>project actually telling people outright to buy because price going up
kek nice jeetcoin

>> No.55858349

Pic rel says cutoff is aug17 1pm edt, unless I'm a retard and interpreting that wrong

>> No.55858476

>buying a presale during bear market

>> No.55858504

They sound desperate. those +10% will prob be worth nothing because the price will go -99%

>> No.55858640

>yes goy its a juicy 10%, you just have to hold until after close
>no goy, close does not mean after we finish dumping our tokens on the large swaths of retail retards
>stop asking questions, don't you want to get that scrumptious 10% extra, goy?

i hope these people are skinned alive IRL

>> No.55859354

Retarded scams you Anons fall for.
>>MUH bitch coin just dropped to zero, why?
Because SBF is one of (((them)))
How would you be scammed with physical Metals in your possession like silver and gold?
You can't be scammed, you own it!

>> No.55860006

Are you schizo?

Holy fuck bullish

greater community is better for the coin in the long run anyways, this is just Kaspa on roids

10k, minimum

>> No.55860095

I knew I shouldn't have listened to this retarded board.
How much is a make-it stack?

>> No.55860335


Holy fuck they burnt 85% of their initial circ. supply? DISTors must be cooming right now

Whats a good stack of DIST?

>> No.55860351

How many times will you spam this scam?

>> No.55860352


>> No.55860404

Anywhere between 10k-40k is honestly make-it territory

>> No.55860426

>doxxed dev
>detailed technical paper
>cex listings
>legal friendly
Imagine not owing any lmao keep buying scammy shitcoins you stinky jeets

>> No.55860447

>legal friendly

>> No.55860498
File: 431 KB, 1141x982, 1669685398592517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck


ah yes, the classic "build a L1 using modern privacy research" jeet scam. Honestly you're so fucking retarded that I hope you commit to your suicide pledge. Meanwhile, I picked up another small baggie of DIST.

>> No.55860510

Wow one single c# "backend polyglot" 20yo dev count me in

>> No.55860513

Lmao 26 page white paper filled with algorithms

>> No.55860516

Ok my bad I scrolled to quickly didn't see the Devs at the top

>> No.55860708
File: 80 KB, 736x736, d2e05628cd6b8150e70747a2a4c9af92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have Monero devs working, I dont think their teams page is updated, this is literally the most bullish project biz has seen in years, I wish had more eth right now

I hold merely 550 DIST kms

>> No.55860713

Now that's a blatant lie. Zero monero devs are working on this shit. It's Fredrik's amateur hour operation 100%. Period.

>> No.55860745
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me 1 (one) good reason not to dump 30k EUR (60k DIST) into this right now.

Not kidding.

>> No.55860778

you will be a stacklet with anything under 100k (50k USD)

captcha: 4KSWHT

>> No.55860979

20k enough? what is the potential price of this in say june 2024?

>> No.55861019


>> No.55861082

20k is plenty, 10-30k is comfy and will be enough for validator i think

>> No.55861094

Kinda fuked up they arent airdropping to people who bought earlier. I've been holding a year and I get nothing...

>> No.55861098

You wouldve gotten the P1 airdrop then? Ive held since P1 and I got an airdrop, I just bought again

>> No.55861110


I just checked your wallet faggot lol you have like 3k discreets. Fuck off lying retard.

>> No.55861127
File: 158 KB, 1613x900, 1689998777740911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>850 stack buys more
>stop the presses! its a TG shill group

dude theres a very public tg, it's @discreet
you can literally join it, midcurve IQ

>> No.55861146

He said he had a stack of 850, if you look at the wallet it has 3k. He is some random shill who posted some random tx and didn't even have the sense to check the amount in the actual wallet. He is a liar and therefore a SHILL.

>> No.55861232

And you just said you hold DIST and now you're fudding it, can people not buy on behalf of others you retard?

>> No.55861263

Fudding doesn't matter in a fixed price presale. I just don't want people being hyped into a risky purchase, which it is.

>> No.55861265

So circulating supply is fuck all 12M but 270M total supply to be mined over 10 years? so this means this is pretty much a guaranteed moon with no VC poison?

Holy fuck

>> No.55861352

yep, 10-20k is safe zone for validator. best of luck brother. 2024 will be the year of DIST.

literally the zk/DAG meta

Based burn

>> No.55861400

when I post looking for actual financial advice about rent contracts, investments, sales margins and ways to improve passive income etc I get shitcanned but obvious shill threads like this get bumped? This is the worst board on 4chan besides k

>> No.55861664

This is literally the most based alpha, but yeah, people like you will fade it. How often do you see a L1 with exhcange listings being shilled thats not a fork? It's a guaranteed 10x at least

>> No.55861692

Wow, it MUST be valuable if they GIVING it away!

>> No.55861791

I will just fork it myself for biz if this isn't a failed project at launch. We will bond liquidity and then nothing you say will matter.

>> No.55861802

*bond liquidity between the two chains

>> No.55861870

wait a minute:

The wallets selling the coins in this presale are senting all the BNB to a Binance hotwallet account. Maybe binance took over this sale as part of their agreement for listing?

check transactions:

A normal presale transaction:

Da36 bought the coin
7A43 is the contract selling it. Received 2,2186 BNB and in the same transaction sent it to 6667

Upon receiving the funds, 6667 sends all BNB to 74f2 (https://bscscan.com/address/0x5f560214435792c6d671dfbd5aac6fc4d4b074f2))

74f2 then send it all to Binance: Hot Wallet 6

I dont think this is a Discreet dev fund, this is a wallet directly under binance administration right?


>> No.55861875

Why the fuck didnt mods nuke this thread

>> No.55861931

Interesting find anon.

>> No.55861971

people on telegram said its probably the team's wallet, but I never deposited directly into a binance hot wallet account... They always gave me a new wallet

>> No.55862264
File: 78 KB, 596x1188, 1664251643637191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how a serious project tweets? They're about to exit scam and are looking to get as much money as possible beforehand. Don't get sucked in by these retarded shill threads.

>> No.55862342
File: 83 KB, 820x1024, 1669771387738270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the project is literally ready and has a testnet up, is ready to get listed on MEXC, Kucoin and most likely Binance (>>55861870).

And you're sperging out about their presale ending? literally kys

>> No.55862373

le >>55861791

>> No.55862381

The binance transaction is them cashing out you fucking room temperature jeet. And imagine bragging you MEXC (lmao) and Kucoin, the shittiest exchanges possible.

>> No.55862395

>The binance transaction is them cashing out

and even regardless, how are you gonna fud a working network? here, fud this:

>> No.55862415

I can spin up a working network with no fucking transactions in an hour, as can any half-competent developer. If you cannot see the DESPERATION they are showing on twitter, begging people to buy the presale before they scam, then you deserve to lose all of you rmoney.

>> No.55862584

>I can spin up a working network with no fucking transactions in an hour

please do that, i will actually give you 20000$ even if you can just fork this and make it look semi-realistic like you made it. I have been in DIST since early-2022

>> No.55862637

Bought 20k worth of this. Comfy so far.

>> No.55862853

man I wish I could

>> No.55862867

If anyone is interested I have a limit order on 1inch for 0.15c IDO is currently 0.5c I need the money its a family emergency. 76k DIST up for sale.



DIS address: 0x153ab47326A18209Cd24bBCDA4c5933714549e5E

its going fast posted on the other DIS threads. 43k remaining.

>> No.55862929

rot in hell you fucking scammer

this is the old DIS contract

>> No.55863008

What? He knows this place is full of gullible retards he's just taking advantage kinda like your daddy freddy

>> No.55863068

what's a make-it-stack?

>> No.55863095


>> No.55863272

10-15k to become a validator.

>> No.55863475

sauce? looking into a stack

>> No.55863927
File: 1.93 MB, 1275x1936, Distchannee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their TG

>OG distchan

>> No.55864004

And we're so fucking back

>> No.55864343


>> No.55864398

Legit thought it was a scam in 2022
just picked up a 360 DIST bag

>> No.55864404

holy fuck you have to be a retard to fall for this jeet shilling
>shitcoins official twitter account doing twitter raffles for shilling their scamcoin
>bsc token presale for an "privacy coin" LOL
>"buy now and get a 10% bonus goy!" "last chance to fomo sheep!"
>jeets itt actually think burning tokens that are out of circulation actually means something
god damn this is pathetic

>> No.55864672

>bsc token for a privacy coin
read literally 1 thing on their website and you know the BSC/ETH token is an IOU for a mainnet coin launching in 2024, absolute bottomfeeder IQ.

Bullish signals, retards dont get it

>> No.55865117

got a small bag of 181, good enough?

>> No.55865153

nah, 1500 at least

>> No.55865254

That's gonna make give you a nice 3 months rent in a mid-range apartment if it 60x's on launch.

>> No.55865348

good enough for me. I'm just playing some smoller tokens right now. Have safe investments somewhere else. So let's see how this goes :)

>> No.55865391

Did you pay using ETH or BNB? can't decide which one to go with

>> No.55865506


>> No.55865646

Heard you get more for ETH if you're buying 10K+ amounts, but bigger min buy

>> No.55865857

When is it launching?

>> No.55866397

Q4 2023. Get in now and if not dont complain later

"b-b-but biz said it was a scam!!!"

>> No.55866603

This remains the only based project on biz since Kaspa.

>> No.55866640

you're quite smug for presale nigger project. We will see if this empty bags fabric sort out.

>> No.55866717

you're quite smug for someone who believes in a PoW blockDAG, and not the superior PoS chDAG

>> No.55866896

From other thread, Discreets consensus is Aurem, and its based as fuck:

Aurem is a confidential proof-of-stake ("CPoS") mechanism that builds on the work of Aleph Zero's AlephBFT and Dusk Network's PoBB mechanism. It DAG-based aBFT consensus that ensures three vital parameters in digital currencies.

- Complete privacy of your bid (stake) making sure no network participant can see how much currency was staked.
- Instant finality in a round, ensuring fast, reliable, confirmation of a transaction.
- Unpermissioned committees, allowing anyone to become a validator through Aleph's randomness beacon with the head minter selected based on their bid.

Aurem also enforces ring-member selection enforcement at the consensus layer, guaranteeing transaction uniformity to the distribution, selected by the decoy selection algorithm ("DSA"), and provides stronger guarantees that all clients conform to the specification. This greatly mitigates the effects of dusting/flooding attacks for the network, and helps increase privacy for older unspent UTXOs.

>> No.55866909

does this exist in any project?

>> No.55866920

No, Discreet is uniquely based.

>> No.55867060

holy mega based.

>> No.55867396

This convinced me to put in 2k.

>> No.55867471


>> No.55867600

gonna do the same. fuck it.

>> No.55867660

Where did you find this? Is there a paper on their consensus?

>> No.55868062

Literally never been so comfy in any asset. bear market can go fuck itself, DIST is launching in 2024 privacy bull market.

>> No.55868157
File: 90 KB, 929x1175, 1668496480979807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIST chads always win.

>> No.55868463
File: 43 KB, 489x675, 1670442558451123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to survive crypto winter like a chad: wait for 20x gains in December

>> No.55868506

When is the pre-sale ending? I've got around $3k usd staked in some project until the 20th but i'll happily throw 1k into this for shits and giggles.

>> No.55868547

In 48 hours as far as I understand

>> No.55868841

48 hours from when?

>> No.55868996

48 hours from yesterday.

>> No.55869270

They burnt 50M+ coins? How is this not the most based launch then?

>> No.55869657

>100k in sales in 1 day
>its a scam
pick 1 biz

t. bought 10k today

>> No.55869831

ok, 6k discreet here. poorfag

>> No.55869860

>6k DIST
you need 10k to be a validator, why not just get the last 4k-6k to ensure you can make gains? lmfao

>> No.55870000

Agree. It would be retarded to spend 3k USD and then not get the full 10k DIST to become a validator and earn like 100$/day on launch from consensus

>> No.55870253

50M+ burn, that's fucking amazing for token holders

>> No.55870267

How many days left to buy aprox?

>> No.55870345

Why the fuck would I pay .50 cents for the "pre-sale" when other people participating in the "pre-sale" got theirs for .10 cents? I'm not paying 5x what others paid. On launch it's going to dump immediately as those that got for .10 cents sell their 5x. Jeet retard. Go suck start a shotgun Ranjeet.

>> No.55870371


>“ By participating in the Token Sale, the User agrees to the T&C and in particular, they represent and warrant that they:
are authorized and have full power to acquire DIST token according to the laws that apply in their jurisdiction of domicile;
are not a U.S. citizen, resident or entity (a “U.S. Person”) nor are they purchasing DIST token or signing on behalf of a U.S. Person;
are not a Chinese resident nor are they purchasing DIST token or signing on behalf of a Chinese resident;
are not a South Korean resident nor are they purchasing DIST token or signing on behalf of a South Korean resident;”

Lmfao the fuck is this shit. Sketch af. Holy shit yhis board has

>> No.55870450
File: 1.04 MB, 853x619, 1687906418430572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you on about lol, read Binances ToS, if you think this is schizo you haven't been in crypto very long

Nobody bought at .1, earliest people got in was .3 and that was for 20 days

>> No.55870472

Discreet jeet shits on the street

>> No.55870893

>biz self-fuds to squeeze mcap so they can shill after CEX launch

>> No.55870930

>has a sensible ToS
"wow this is sketchy"
You really shouldn't be in crypto. Probably had an FTX account?

Anyone else here planning to start validator nodes from day 1?

>> No.55872112

Do you know what the word "after" means?