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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55853391 No.55853391 [Reply] [Original]

Got bored and decided to look up former classmates
>VP of emerging markets
>Legal Controller
>Equity Analyst
>Data Scientist
>Merchant Growth Analyst
>Regional Operations Manager
>Technical Investigator
>Marketing Director
>Tax Manager

Meanwhile, I sell milk. Honest God, I sell milk, & I have to try to convince store managers to give us shelf space, like it's milk.

>> No.55853407

Oh no...

>> No.55853427

Should've paid attention in school, huh OP?
Well better luck in the next life.

>> No.55853436

Its the other way around

>> No.55853448

And you are NEET who invest in memecoins for a living lmao

>> No.55853450


They probably want to rope at night.

As long as you are happy it doesn't mean shit

>> No.55853485

I'm sure the guy who sells milk and deals with retail people is happier than the guy who makes twice as much and doesn't have to deal with retail people

>> No.55853519


You can't understand the level of stress of high white collar jobs. Some can't even sleep correctly at night.

Selling milk in a grocery is like peace next to that

>> No.55853520
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>he sells milk
>he sells one greatest products on earth
>a gift from god that helps babies and puppies grow
>great source of protein and calcium for bones and teeth
>one of the great indo-european attainments of domesticating animals for their milk
>he's on the shoulder of giants or like Nature called it "The MILK REVOLUTION!": When a single genetic mutation first let ancient Europeans drink milk, it set the stage for a continental upheaval.
>that one ingredients that makes everything better
absolutely based

>> No.55853656
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>I sell milk

>> No.55853693

you don't just apply for a job as "Director" or "VP" - it's called working your way up. What have you been doing the past 10 years since school ended while they were doing jobs that were "associate" and "junior level" ? Masturbating?

>> No.55853713

>updated copypasta from pepsi to milk
at least milk is based, thank you anon

>> No.55853753

and your closest friends are mentally unstable anonymous frog posters on a poorly moderated hentai forum

>> No.55853779

>former school's student of the generation became an arthoe, is in an acting troop, never married, doesn't have a dime of savings and asks for places to crash on facebook at the tender young age of 35

I barely finished college and make twice the national average kek

>> No.55853914

>Higher paying jobs comes with more responsibility and stress.

Thanks for the lesson

>> No.55853936
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>tfw you sell milk

>> No.55853950

What do you work on

>> No.55853957

I guess if my life went wrong somewhere and I had to choose between selling milk or selling soda, I'd choose milk

>> No.55853962

Mom I posted it again


>> No.55854045

Just call yourself business manager or some shit

>> No.55854111

Other than data science everything you listed is a useless job. People need milk, not marketing and legal bureaucracy.

>> No.55854173


>Tax Manager
>Legal Controller

>> No.55854571


>> No.55855136

This man knows.
Dont fall for weird shit like almond """Milk"""

>> No.55855253

He is right though. If you don’t want to be a rat on a treadmill you don’t want jobs that kill your /calm/

>> No.55855301

Im drinking milk right now while not using anything associated with those peoples jobs. You the real MVP anon. I make indie games and Im well aware that my job is, in functional terms, useless compared to the man who makes cabinets.

>> No.55855352


>Retail sales

Yeah no, retail is hell

>> No.55855466
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>Not even a single doctor friend
Kek, imagine being lower class

>> No.55855571

Finance & techbros make more money now

>> No.55855572

>All of OPs classmates are idiots who lucked/extroverted their way into bullshit jobs
This doesn't reflect on you, OP. You had a crap education and just happened to be the guy whose spin landed on "Bankrupt." Could be worse. All my classmates have Master's degrees and PhDs and senior technical positions, I'm unemployed.

>> No.55855673

Could be worse; you could be selling illegal drugs.

Your goal should be to work up to being milk sales manager, and then milk VP.

>> No.55855763
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n-no you cant get a community college degree and make 6 figures. you have to study for 10 years and take on 300k in student loans

>> No.55855983


>> No.55856230

>sells milk
Regional Retail Sales Director - Nutritional Division
step your game up fagit

>> No.55856298
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Bro I wanna be a milk truck driver. You hiring? Do I get to squeeze milkers all day to make it? That job sounds great.

>> No.55856303
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the status economy is real.

>> No.55857176

No shit. People end up being friends/marrying someone within their socioeconomic class

>> No.55857762

OP, you are doing the work of angels. I wish I had a source of RAW MILK near me. Especially sheep's milk.

Do not be ashamed. Your children will be tall, while officelets become malnourished if they do not consume your milk. Which they don't, since they've been sold the lie of s*ymilk.

>> No.55858506

Do you also sell breastmilk? Or boymilk?

>> No.55858517

You work for Berkeley Farms or something?

>> No.55858538

People who make more money and do not have to detail with the braindead general public will always be happier. Anything else is a cope. I've worked in both retail and not retail in my life, and almost all of them involved dealing with the general public. Thus, /ropefuel/.

>> No.55858544
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>I wish I had a source of RAW MILK near me.
Stick with pasteurized - you'll vomit less.

>> No.55858808

Now you're just being stupid. People treat retail workers different than an accountant or engineer

>> No.55859747
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>Meanwhile, I sell milk
but that's absolutely based

>> No.55859851

Software dev. But literally anything beats studying to be a modern vagrant.

>> No.55860345

you pasteurize it yourself in a double-layered pot with space to pour water in
million times better than that watery bullshit you buy from the store

>> No.55860380

Anon if it makes you feel any better, they're just as miserable if not more being office wagies. No a slightly bettet car doesnt make them happier.

>> No.55860388

Comparison is the enemy of contentment. Someone will always mog you anon. Live to your own standards or be miserable.

>> No.55860483

point is everyone mogs him, not just the elite 1% kek

>> No.55860578

>the virgin meme title
>the chad milkman

>> No.55860626

>I sell milk

I buy milk... thank you!

>> No.55860662

You understand people actually study this shit, right? Happiness peaks at around 6figs, then tapers off into deeper levels of depression the more you make after that.

It's the opposite of the midwit curve, with poor and richfags being the most depressed, with ~$100k being the happy apex

>> No.55860687
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First you sell milk, then you produce it, then you outcompete the others for selling the best milk, then you control the market of milk, and after that you buy the what's left of your broken state, like pepsi cola did by acquiring the soviet union dismissed military equipment.

>> No.55860705


>> No.55860761


>> No.55860942
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Well I'm glad other people are successful.
Hey, could be worse.

>> No.55860993

Don't worry. None of them are going to be looking up you.

>> No.55861029

Milkchads are based though

>> No.55861068

>i sell milk waa woe is me
your safe. your secure. sure you're unhappy but man I see on the news these other countries that are in total chaos. at least you don't live there aye. im talking total shithole.

>> No.55861108

All soul destroying desk jockey titles. Why are you jealous? Because they have a trendy new shitbox in some overcrowded city? Of all my friends, the most miserable ones, including myself, took the corpo-pill

>> No.55861125

why does that cows udder have literal dicks

>> No.55861138

Ez test. Does your job serve the goys or the chosen? It checks out

>> No.55861574

>You understand people actually study this shit, right? Happiness peaks at around 6figs, then tapers off into deeper levels of depression the more you make after that.

How much do you think retail sales reps make? Hint: not a lot

>> No.55861582

muy basado